The Devil Wore Sneakers

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The Devil Wore Sneakers Page 19

by Nora LeDuc

  “What gun? I don’t want anything that’s used to shoot people.” At least not his. Who knew how the police would use that fact, since he claimed not to own weapons? Luckily for him, they hadn’t found the Magnum during the search.

  “My weapon is in the register. The money drawer looks like it’s one piece. It’s really two. The No Sale key opens the tray. There’s a credit card inside. Run the card through, and the lower compartment will pop out. It’s a gun and cash safe. The Magnum is in there.” He stood up and left without another word. His footsteps echoed in the hall.

  Her stomach ached. What was wrong with her? It hurt because Liam was in pain, but she had to go on. She was strong, and she would be strong for him.

  At the front window, Target growled and whined. She crossed the floor and glanced outside. Clarissa marched by the Mad Moose.

  Target pawed Lucy’s leg, and she bent and patted his head. “It’s okay, boy.” She hoped she lied better to a dog than she did to herself.

  * * *

  A Mixology Night banner hung below Morse. The disk jockey set up near the fireplace, where he took requests from the thirty-plus guests already partying. The atmosphere had the uncomfortable mood of a goodbye gathering.

  Lucy wove through the crowd, searching for Liam. Soon, she found herself stopping to thank people for the bio company and moral support. Everyone asked about Ryan’s case and expressed sympathy. A few hugged her. Others told her they’d heard about the new website and couldn’t wait to see the finished product.

  In each face and voice, she recognized worry, concern, and hope. They weren’t strangers looking for gossip, but friends, neighbors, and fellow townspeople. These people waved to her on the street because she was one of them. Tonight, she felt like she’d come home. No, this wasn’t home. Strike that idea.

  She approached Hank serving a customer. When he finished, he moved to the end of the counter to greet her.

  “Good turnout, Hank. Are you drumming up votes for your drink?”

  “Sadie stops in every once in a while and talks me up to voters. Don’t tell Liam.”

  “I’m sorry you and Sadie didn’t work out.”

  He shifted his feet and seemed uncomfortable. “Didn’t know she told you. Bad timing, for me. I hope she meets someone else soon.”

  Really? Had he given up on dating, too? Maybe Hank wasn’t into Sadie. Who understood chemistry?

  A song played and drowned out conversations. She wouldn’t have to fret about making small talk tonight. The DJ, wearing shades and a deerskin vest over a black shirt, swayed at his machine.

  She leaned against the bar top and shouted. “Where’s Liam?”

  “Kitchen.” Hank jerked a thumb toward the room. “Hey, tell him that we’re ready for the rules.”

  “I will. I put my camera under the counter this afternoon. Can I keep it there?”

  “No problem.”

  Lucy raised a hand in thanks. She found Sadie filling platters of appetizers in the kitchen. “Looks like a wedding.”

  “The boss told me to do it up big. Cool music, huh? The DJ is a friend of my sister Sissie. Hope he’ll get a few other gigs out of tonight.”

  “Did you try the Moose cookies?” Chip walked forward, nibbling on an antler. “Sadie baked them for us.”

  “Great idea. Have you guys seen Liam?”

  “He was talking to the disk jockey about his playlist.”

  That would be a good trick, considering the noise level. “He’s not with him. I’ll find him.” Maybe he’d stepped out to hear himself think.

  “When you run into him, tell him I saved him a cookie,” Sadie yelled to her. “Don’t forget to eat one.”

  In the hall, she ran into the local security guard. “Have you seen Liam?”

  “He’s by his truck. Want me to walk you?” He swung the door wide.

  Cool air enveloped her. The outside light blinked on. Scanning the parking lot, she spotted Liam leaning against his pickup. “Thanks, I see him right there.”

  She hesitated. Would he be annoyed that she was interrupting his moment alone? She might as well speak to him.

  The door shut behind her, and Liam turned to her as she approached. “I’ve been looking for you.”

  “No fights inside, I hope. I’m not feeling the bouncer energy.”

  “Everyone’s in party mode.” She settled next to him against the truck. Conscious of the foot between them, she longed to soak up every second with him. “You better go in soon. Hank is ready to start, and Sadie is talking up his drink to your customers. You need equal time.”

  “What’s important is that everyone’s having fun.”

  “Are you?”

  “I am. I’m looking at the stars.”

  She raised her head to the sky as he settled his leather jacket over her shoulders. His action surprised her and gave her more courage. She sidled closer to him. Overhead, the canopy of twinkling lights stretched as far as she could see. “Beautiful. When I was little, I imagined flying up and catching a star to hang from my bedroom ceiling.” She smiled at the recollection.

  “Sometimes I forget how unspoiled the North Country is and how lucky I am to be part of life in Barley.”

  She inhaled the fresh, damp air and let her mind wander. “I remember in the summer when we used to sit on Gramps’s steps, trying to be the first to spot the Big Dipper.” The memory expanded in her thoughts. She and Liam had shared kisses, laughter, and words of love under the night sky.

  “How about how your grandfather always found an excuse to follow us?”

  “That’s because he wanted to make sure I arrived at my destination in one piece. He called you a speed demon in that ten-year-old rattletrap you drove.”

  “And you wonder why I said he didn’t approve of me.”

  “He used to tell me stories about his life before dating my grandmother. He was a wild man. Gramps once told me you were just like him.”

  “Those were the days,” Liam agreed.

  A sudden sense of loss overcame her. Pushing away from the truck, she removed his jacket and handed it to him. “I thought over what you said about going to Hawick Falls. Thanks for pointing out what I should do to protect myself.”

  “You’ll always be important to me, no matter where you are.” His voice had finality in it.

  “That’s good, because I didn’t change my mind. I’ll be right here.”

  “What? No.” He shook his head.

  “Yup. I’m not a young girl anymore tagging after a boy. I came to see Ryan’s killer arrested, and I’m staying until they catch him. You’re also my friend. That means I stand by you. My boss agreed to give me an additional week off.”

  He grinned.

  “Why are you sm— Never mind. I know the answer. I remind you of the old Lucy.”

  “And the old Lucy should prompt me to get the party started. You’re coming?” He held out his hand to her.

  She hesitated and then gave in to what she wanted. “For a while.”

  He slipped his fingers through hers, and they walked together inside, like a couple. Her pulse pounded in her ears.

  The noise in the bar had increased, and talking at a normal level was impossible until Liam approached the DJ and spoke in his ear.

  The music stopped, and Liam ran through the contest rules. The crowd cheered while Sadie’s two sisters brought out more food and joked with their friends. Samples from the trays were scooped up along with the ballots. Body heat warmed the room. The dance floor filled. Lucy grabbed the camera and snapped away, capturing the evening.

  After an hour, the team counting the votes approached the mic. The DJ played a drum roll, and the spokesperson announced the final tally. “Our first Ryan Award goes to Liam McAllister.”

  The swarm of people whooped and surrounded him.

  Appropriate, Lucy thought. With a bittersweet feeling, she slipped into the hall and climbed the stairs to the apartment.

  Muffled sounds from the bar kept her company as
she uploaded Mixology Night pictures and chose the best for the website.

  Fifteen minutes later, a rap on her door startled her. “Who is it?”


  The sound of his voice added a spring to her step. She smoothed her hair before opening. “Why aren’t you downstairs enjoying your win?”

  “I missed you. I want to be with you, Luce, no one else.”

  Her heart thundered in her ears. “But people expect you to stay. Won’t they be upset?”

  “That’s my Luce. Okay, listen for a second.” He held up a finger. “What did you hear?”

  “Music. Voices. Laughter.”

  “Exactly. The party goes on without me.”

  “I’m not sure how to take that, Liam.”

  “I’ll tell you.” He took her hands. “Lucy Watson, when I lost you, I lost my guide, my conscience, my—”

  His words triggered feelings she couldn’t hide or control. She kissed him with a hunger that had been lurking deep inside. For a moment, she forgot worries and fears. Then she moved away from him. Hadn’t she been the one discouraging their relationship? Her cheeks burned.

  His hand came around her waist, and the familiar glint lit his eyes. “I want us to spend tonight together.” He searched her face.

  Hope whirled and rose higher.

  “What do you say, Luce?” His voice was low, husky. “One night?”

  Her last chance with him was now. “Yes.”

  He smiled, bent to kiss her, and stepped back. “Hold on.” He walked to the window.

  What was he doing? He’d changed his mind? Already? “I thought…”

  “We’re done with Matt Hastings’s psycho games.” Liam pulled the shade, blocking out the streetlights and the Moose’s security beam. He switched on the soft light by the couch.

  “What about tomorrow?”

  “We’ll figure it out.”

  She stepped into his arms.

  “You’re sure?” His questioning gaze skimmed over her features, searching for an answer.

  “Yes.” She met his stare. The odors of beer and pine lingered around him. His arms went around her waist. She closed her eyes, memorizing the feel of his long legs and broad chest against her.

  His tongue traced her lips and then plunged into her mouth. The kiss sent the pit of her stomach into a wild swirl. He took her hand and led her to the bedroom. Stopping beside the bed, he brushed a kiss across her forehead, her cheek, the hollow of her throat, leaving her senses spinning.

  His hand skimmed over her breast to the buttons on her blouse and began unbuttoning them. She worked to free him of his shirt while he unfastened her jeans.

  “Hurry. Hurry.” Had she spoken aloud?

  He didn’t give her time to ask. He kissed her again, his tongue sending shivers racing through her while one hand slid down her stomach and over her hips.

  Lifting her into his arms, he sank onto the mattress. His body covered hers. His skin was hot. He touched her everywhere, sending jolts of pleasure through her. Their arms and legs tangled in their need to be close.

  Then, they came together without words of love or promise, driven by the raw passion brought by years apart.

  When she could think again, he rolled away from her. She felt a chill pass over her. Now he’d leave. An instant of fear attacked her before his arm went over her. He pulled her to his side. Her alarm subsided.

  If only his feelings for her weren’t just for the moment, for tonight. If only she trusted her own.

  Chapter 37

  Lucy awoke before the sun had risen above the mountains. She threw on Liam’s shirt, snuck out into the front room, and left him sleeping in the bedroom. Outside, the streetlights struggled to kick off. She wished her thoughts would shut off. Each second from last night replayed in her thoughts. Her lips and skin still burned from their lovemaking.

  She tugged the edges of her top together, hugging the memory of his words to herself. The cautious part of her whispered, Remember, live one day at a time.

  “Mind if I join you?” Not waiting for an answer, Liam walked barefoot into the room. He’d pulled on his jeans. His bare chest and rumpled hair added to his appeal.

  Nerves fluttered in her belly. She inclined her head toward the window. “I enjoyed the sunrise.”

  He kissed her. “I like my shirt on you.”

  Doubt disappeared. She slipped her arms around his shoulders, and the heat of his body warmed her. This must be part of their “one more.”

  He pulled away. “I’ll cook breakfast.”

  “Eggs and bacon?” she asked to hide her disappointment.

  “Am I not a McAllister?”

  Her phone buzzed from the kitchen table where she’d left it. News of Ali? Who else would call at this time?

  Liam threw her a questioning look.

  She grabbed the cell. “Hello.”

  “I thought I’d be leaving a message.” Sullivan’s gruff voice sounded in her ear. “I didn’t expect you to answer this early, but I wanted to catch you.”

  “What’s happening?”

  “I received a report last night that you should see ASAP. Don’t bring McAllister with you.” His tone was firm, as though she were his officer. “I’ll hold a separate interview with him. Trust me.”

  “Okay, what about Ali?”

  “I’ll fill you in. Since you’re awake, how about we meet at the station?”

  “But did you find her?”

  “No, Miss Watson. The girl is still missing. I’ll send a cruiser to pick you up in fifteen minutes.” He clicked off his phone.

  She held the phone to her ear for a second longer. Her mind buzzed with questions about his order to come alone.

  “Are you okay?” Liam asked.

  She turned to him, forcing concern from her expression. “Yeah, Sullivan has a new report to share.”

  “When are you meeting?”

  “In a few minutes. He wants to talk to me by myself. I’m not sure what he has in mind.” But I’m sure it’s bad news.

  Liam’s strong arms came around her for a quick hug. “We’ll shower and I’ll cook breakfast. We’ll be ready for him.”

  “You’re off the hook. Sullivan assigned an officer to drive me. I better get ready. Can’t keep the chief waiting.” She tried for a teasing tone and knew it fell flat from the skepticism on his face.

  Liam blew out a breath of frustration. “Sullivan’s shutting me out because of one of his harebrained theories.”

  “I’ll fill you in when I return.”

  Liam was inches from her. She couldn’t think when he was too close, and her stomach was tying into knots as she tried to hide her fears from him. “I’ve got to get ready.”

  “Eat before you go, and when you’re finished with Sullivan, call me. I’ll pick you up.”

  “Rain check on breakfast. I’ll grab a mug of coffee after my five-minute shower. If I need a ride, I’ll text you.”

  “Okay, I’ll hold you to it.” He gave her a doubtful look. “Are you positive you don’t want me with you to keep Sullivan in line?”

  “It’s more like a battle line between you two. Besides, I’m a big girl and will be all right. Now I better change, or I’ll have to go talk to Sullivan in your shirt.” She inched toward the bedroom.

  He grabbed the edges of the fabric and pulled her to him. His gaze locked on hers. “Come right back.”

  Her heart turned over until she recalled the chief’s ominous words. Don’t bring McAllister with you. Trust me.

  Chapter 38

  The cruiser arrived on time. As Lucy took her seat across from Sullivan, she wondered how many hours he’d spent in his office. His clothes were rumpled, his short hair overgrown, and dark shadows ringed his eyes. The aroma of coffee floated from his mug.

  “We’ve finally gotten a couple of breaks. The prints from Matt Hastings matched the ones found in the vehicle in your brother’s garage.”

  She nodded. “Confirmation is helpful.”

; “Next, an officer arrested Tate Johnson, Ali Smith’s ex-boyfriend, for DWI and discovered a controlled substance in his possession. The bad news for Tate is he’s eighteen and not a juvenile in New Hampshire.”

  “He’s out on bail. The arrest was a few days ago. His parents have kept it hushed up.”

  “Did he tell you where to find Ali?” The girl was alive. That was why Sullivan wanted to meet. Relief lifted Lucy’s spirits.

  “Tate doesn’t know where she is.”

  “Oh.” More bad news ahead.

  “The arresting officer fingerprinted Johnson, and we’ve been able to confirm that his print was found on the coins at your brother’s house.”

  “The word CHEAT created with pennies?” Tate Johnson went to Ryan’s?

  “After a few hours of questioning, the kid folded and admitted his guilt. He also hacked the funeral picture and uploaded it to your brother’s webpage.”

  Tate must have believed the gossip about Ryan and his ex-girlfriend. “What will happen to him?”

  “The decision belongs to the DA.”

  “He might have killed my brother because he was jealous?”

  Sullivan folded his hands together on top of his closed tablet. “Johnson has a solid alibi for the night of the homicide. He was at an away high school basketball game and spent the night at a hotel with friends and chaperones who will confirm he was with them when Ryan died.”

  “We hit another dead end. What about Ali?”

  “I showed the black glove you found to Ali’s parents. They confirmed Ali had the exact pair and size. Matt Hastings could have taken her to your brother’s when he traded vehicles. We’ve no other news on her case. The glove is at the lab for final confirmation.”

  Matt had left something that belonged to the missing girl to let them know he’d abducted her and had been in Ryan’s home.

  Sullivan cleared his throat to regain her attention. “As I informed you, Liam McAllister is a suspect in your brother’s death.”

  The knot in her stomach tightened.

  “Since we learned about the argument between McAllister and Ryan, we’ve been investigating both men’s finances.”


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