Hot Property (Kingston Bros.)

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Hot Property (Kingston Bros.) Page 5

by Tamara Larson

  "No, it's really not crazy. Don't you read the news? There's a whole world of freaks out there. And I haven't smoked anything since college. Besides, I really didn't like the way he was looking at Lacey."

  She stared blankly at him. "Lacey? I thought he was stalking me. Now he's stalking Lacey. Get your twisted story straight, Mark."

  "I said I didn't like the way he was staring at her. I didn't say he was stalking her. There was just something weird about it. Like he hated her or something."

  "Perhaps he was just disturbed at seeing her tongue wrapped around Jack's tonsils like that. I know I found it disturbing. And from the look on your face, you were a little traumatized by the sight as well."

  Despite the gravity of their discussion Mark grinned sheepishly and rubbed one hand over his bristly cheek. "Yeah. Who knew those two were such exhibitionists? Jack's always been so conservative. I don't think I ever saw him kiss his wife, and yet every time I see him and Lacey together I feel like I'm walking into a porno movie." He glanced over his shoulder where Jack and Lacey were standing close together and talking quietly, staring into each other's eyes. "But seriously, do you think that guy knows Lacey? Has a grudge against her or something?"

  "Lacey's a nurse who volunteers at the local animal shelter and faithfully recycles. I don't think there's a less offensive woman on the planet. So, no, I don't think Karl is harboring some kind of deep-seated grudge against her. But I'm kind of impressed at your imagination. Who knew Super-jock had such a creative streak?"

  Mark smiled inwardly. Serena occasionally called him Super-jock when she wanted to needle him about his past career. She thought he'd been awarded that particular nickname in high school because of his athletic prowess, but in actuality it had been earned by the size of his jockstrap. He didn't correct the misrepresentation because it amused him when she used the term. Unintentionally complimenting him on the size of his equipment took some of the sting out of her many insults.

  "Yeah. I'm full of surprises," he said dryly. "But I think we should at least have that guy checked out. Steve Benjamin from high school is a cop now. Maybe he can see what this joker has been up to." He pointed one finger in her face and shook it at her like she was a misbehaving puppy. "And you should avoid him until we know if he's a threat or not. I'm serious, Serena."

  Serena fought the urge to stamp her feet in frustration like a child. Instead she managed to stare at him coolly. "I'm not avoiding anyone. Your paranoid delusions do not dictate how I do my job, Mark. And I'll thank you to mind your own damn business."

  Mark stared back at her for a moment, eyes blazing like he wanted to give her a good shake. Instead, he just ran both hands through his long hair and crossed his arms again. "Fine. Don't listen to me. Let's see what Jack thinks then, shall we?" He turned away like the matter was settled and began to head back to the kitchen.

  "Mark. Don't you dare." Serena hissed. She reached out and yanked on his arm, intending to turn him back in her direction, but he barely moved. So, she grabbed him by the waistband of his jeans and pulled as hard as she could. She wasn't able move him much, but she was able to stop his forward momentum. She dug in her heals and leaned back, hoping she was treating him to the worst front wedgie of his life. He certainly deserved it, the domineering jerk. "If you tell Jack about your ridiculous theory, he's going to be baby-sitting me for the rest of my life. And I am way too old for a baby-sitter. I'm a real estate professional, for God's sake."

  Mark spun around, smoothly dislodged her hand from the back of his jeans, and before she knew what was happening, she was in the air. He had actually rushed her like the tailback he was, and was now lifting her gently until her back was against the brick staircase wall and he was pressing against her from chest to knees. Her feet dangled at least a foot off the floor as he held her with his hands in her armpits and his pelvis anchoring her in place.

  It had all happened so quickly she hadn't even had time to react. Now that she realized how effectively trapped she was between his solid frame and the wall, she pushed uselessly against his wide shoulders to dislodge him, but he wouldn't budge. She grunted in frustration when she discovered that kicking him in his bad knee wasn't even an option because her skirt was wedged between them. She wiggled as much as she could, but that was a big mistake. Make that a huge mistake. Wiggling was just bringing about a very predictable reaction in his body that could not be missed. She looked down between them and suddenly became very, very still.

  With some effort, Mark ignored his hardening cock and gave her a little shake. "You," he said through gritted teeth. "Need a babysitter. And a spanking. And possibly a distemper shot. I hope you realize that."

  "Put me down, you ass," Serena said, looking down at him with wide, panicked eyes. She wasn't scared of Mark. He was a brute, but he would never harm a woman, at least not physically. He was only capable of inflicting emotional damage on females. She knew this from first hand experience.

  Right now, with his warm breath fluttering against her chest and his thumbs pressing into the sides of her breasts, she felt her body come alive under his touch. If she didn't put some distance between them she wouldn't be able to resist her attraction to him for long. Even after his heartless rejection ten years ago, he still had the power to excite her beyond reason. It was all she could do not to slide her hands into his thick, silky hair and lick every inch of his ridiculously toned and sinewy body within reach. But no matter what, he could never know how much she still wanted him. Her pride simply wouldn't allow it.

  "If Jack sees you man-handling me like this, he will castrate you with a rusty spoon. After he busts your other knee." She looked over his shoulder meaningfully.

  She had an excellent point, but Mark couldn't seem to force himself to let her go. She'd touched him three times in the past few minutes. Not like she'd caress a man she wanted, but like an irritating family member. She was trying to reduce him to non-sexual relative status and he just couldn't take it. Impersonal contact from her was unacceptable. He was not one of her cousins.

  Originally, his intention had been to just dislodge her hand from between his butt cheeks when she'd grabbed the waistband of his jeans. Once he got his hands on her, his body had reacted on pure instinct. He needed to get close to her. See if her body was as soft and sweet as he remembered. So, he'd done the unthinkable and practically tackled her. If Jack wanted to turn him into a soprano for his boldness then so be it. Feeling her pressed up against him was totally worth it.

  He hadn't been this close to her since the night they'd danced together at Jack's wedding and his body was taking a slow and detailed inventory if all the changes in her figure. She was just as sleek and curvy as he remembered. Her breasts and hips were fuller, but not by much. That tiny, elegant waist and delicate rib cage were the same. And so were those long, long legs. More blood rushed to his groin as he thought about lifting her a little higher and somehow managing to wrap those silky thighs around his hips so he could feel the heat and softness between her legs.

  His thoughts must have been obvious on his face because Serena groaned and closed her eyes. "Mark, I know you think all women are aching to get their hands on your weed whacker, but I'm not one of them. Not anymore. If you don't put me down, I'm going to scream bloody murder and then laugh myself silly when Jack removes your head and uses it as a bowling ball."

  She was lying. He knew it. She could pretend to be physically indifferent to him all she wanted, but he knew she wanted him. Maybe she wouldn't admit it, but she did. She was practically panting, and the color was high in her pale cheeks. Her chest was just inches away from his mouth and he could see how her hard nipples were as they thrust toward him. If he leaned forward he would be able to suck at those sweet nubs through her thin blouse and lacey bra. The thought practically brought him to his knees. Reality disappeared as he thought about just taking her, right here and now. With Jack and Lacey in the next room and the front door unlocked. The thought excited him almost beyond his endurance. Th
e only thing stopping him was her hands.

  Her palms rested on his shoulders, unmoving. If she really felt threatened and wanted to escape she wouldn't hesitate to dig her thumbs into his eye sockets or yank his hair out by the roots. She obviously trusted him not to hurt her or he'd at least be sporting some deep furrows in his cheeks right now. She wasn't even pushing him away anymore.

  The problem was that she wasn't pulling him greedily towards her either and that was exactly what he so desperately desired from her. He wanted her writhing impatiently and demanding for him to pleasure her until they were both satisfied. Better yet, he wanted her to love and accept him despite his sordid history and past rejections. Pinning her to the wall like Gonad the Barbarian, however, was not the best route to his objective. He was going about this all wrong, and yet he couldn't let her go. Not yet.

  He let her slide down his body a few inches until his mouth was level with her throat and pressed forward to place an open-mouthed kiss against the pulse throbbing strongly along the side of her neck. He brushed her skin with his tongue and tasted the sweet salty tang of her sweat on his lips. Through the haze of his own arousal, he thought he felt one of her hands slide into his long hair, but then it was gone and her body tensed as she pushed against his shoulders, trying to dislodge him again.

  "Mark!" Lacey Ferguson cried from the hallway entrance. "What the hell are you doing? Are you trying to put yourself back in the hospital? Let her down and put some ice on your knee immediately." She pinched Mark's wide back and gave his butt a swat.

  "My knee is fine, Lace. Really." Mark sighed and backed up a few inches, allowing Serena to slide down his body until her feet touched the ground again. The friction was unbelievably erotic and he winced as she pushed away from him. Serena wouldn't look at him, but her cheeks were flaming red and he could see how unsteady she was on her feet. He reached out to support her, but she slapped his hands away and glared at Lacey.

  "Don't you have anything to say about this caveman holding me against my will?" Serena asked, jabbing a thumb in Mark's direction as she maneuvered around him.

  Lacey grinned and shrugged. "Looked like foreplay to me. Judging by your heavy breathing and flushed face, I'd say it was some pretty hot foreplay actually."

  "Argghh," Serena cried, stomping towards the kitchen. "You're just like Jack. You have sex on the brain. And this," she pointed at her fiery cheeks, "is what a woman looks like when she's pissed off. Not turned on. Aren't you a nurse? Shouldn't you know the difference?" With one last glare at both of them over her shoulder, she left Mark and Lacey in the hallway.

  Lacey rolled her eyes. "I'm a Home Care Nurse," she called to Serena's retreating back. "I primarily deal with wound care, so my patients aren't usually turned on. Since most of them are in their eighties, that's a good thing." She grinned hugely as Serena shot her the finger behind her back.

  Lacey directed a speculative glance at Mark. He was still facing the wall, with his head down and his hands on his slim hips. His long hair obscured most of his face, so she couldn't tell if he was in pain or angry or amused by Serena's behavior. "Mark?" She asked, placing one hand on his lower back. "Seriously, is your knee okay? Do you need help? Should I call Jack to give you a hand?"

  Mark gave her a gentle smile over his shoulder, but didn't turn toward her. "Nah, it's good. I just remembered, I left the plans for the gazebo out in the truck. Tell Jack I'll be back in a minute, will you?" He patted her on the shoulder as he passed, limping only slightly as he opened the front door and walked outside into the sunny, autumn afternoon.

  Lacey watched him leave, tempted to follow and find out exactly what was going on with him and Serena, but she was pretty sure Mark needed some alone time to calm down before facing Serena's overprotective cousin. His posture and discomfort made it pretty obvious that he was sporting his own rather prominent sign of arousal.

  Lacey rubbed her hands together in anticipation. Walking into the hall to find Mark and Serena in a serious clinch had been a bit of a shock at first, but now it seemed almost inevitable. These two lost souls obviously belonged together. Serena was just too stubborn and proud to admit it. And Mark was way too damaged to believe anyone could want him, despite his very obvious studly appeal.

  Jack had told Lacey a bit about his friend's past and she couldn't quite fathom how such a dysfunctional family situation could produce a man as generous and kind as Mark. He definitely drank too much, but otherwise had been a great friend to Jack since his return from the NFL. As an added bonus, he could actually handle Serena. And that was saying something. Initially Lacey herself had been intimidated by Jack's prickly cousin, but after knowing Serena for a year, Lacey was convinced that her tough exterior was just excellent camouflage for the sensitive and giving person beneath the somewhat bratty exterior.

  Lacey thought about the way Serena had schemed to bring her and Jack together last year. She'd actually been instrumental in helping them find each other again after their first meeting. Yup. It was time for some payback. She definitely owed Serena for some of her own personal happiness, and now she was going to get the opportunity to return the favor.

  Idly, she wondered how Jack was going to feel about this new development. How would he have reacted if he'd been the one to walk in on Serena and Mark? Oh, that was not a pretty picture. She was going to have to ease him into the idea. Or was it possible he already knew there was something brewing between the pair and was doing his own match-making? It did seem odd that he'd arranged to meet Mark at one of Serena's Open Houses. He usually avoided contact with the public as much as possible.

  You never knew with Jack. He was the epitome of the strong, silent type. She'd ask him later. In bed. He was always so chatty after sex. Thank God, he wasn't the roll over and snore type. He was typically the roll over and MORE type, she thought, smiling to herself. Even after a year with him, she shivered in anticipation at the thought of having him in her bed that night. She only hoped Mark and Serena would find the same deep joy and pleasure together. In and out of the boudoir.

  Outside, Mark leaned against the porch railing, took some deep breaths, and thought about what would have happened if Lacey hadn't walked into the hallway at that particular moment. Had he imagined that Serena was actually responding to him? Was it possible that she still had feelings for him? Or was it just good, old-fashioned lust? Or was his testosterone-addled brain just toying with him, deluding him into seeing exactly what he wanted most. Nope. He was pretty sure she'd allowed herself to open up and touch him. Just for a second. But it was enough. It gave him hope and that was all he needed.

  God. She had felt so good. Her fruity scent and the taste of her skin had been just as he'd imagined so many times. Everything about her, even her anger, excited him beyond measure. Even now, with his knee aching like it was on fire, he was so hard for her he felt like he was about to explode. He was thirty-four years old, yet he remembered feeling just like this as a horny teenager. He was out of control and desperate for some kind of relief from the tension thrumming through his body. He needed something to take the edge off and beer wasn't working anymore.

  What he needed was to get laid. Serena wasn't an option so he thought about the women he knew. There were several single, female home owners in this neighborhood who had expressed an interest in something fun and casual. Being a landscaper did have its perks. Unfortunately, none of the available women he'd met since his return held any real appeal for him. Mostly because meeting women on the job just reminded him unpleasantly of his past. Also, many of them had bought their homes through Serena, which made them strictly off limits.

  Getting involved with any of Kingston Bros., clients would be a big mistake. No matter how tempting it was to give into his lust and take what was offered, he needed to avoid doing anything that could reflect poorly on his friend's company. He owed Jack a lot. Using his business as a means to screw lonely women wouldn't be appreciated. Especially considering their family history. No matter what, he must not
follow in his dad's destructive footsteps and take his friend down with him. History could not be allowed to repeat itself. He'd leave town again before he'd let that happen.

  If professional ethics weren't enough to discourage Mark from pursuing some no-strings sex with one of the neighborhood vixens then Serena was the final kicker. She remained friendly with her clients, including many of the ladies who had propositioned him recently. If it got back to Serena that he was involved with any of them, he could forget about ever getting his hands on her again.

  It didn't really matter. He wasn't going to approach any of them anyway. He only wanted Serena. No one else would satisfy him at this point. If he was honest with himself, no one ever could be an adequate substitute for her. While playing professional ball, he'd certainly had his share of casual sex. He hadn't been a star player, or eve a great one, but he had been good enough to earn a certain amount of celebrity. Women had flocked to him and he hadn't denied himself, but it wasn't enough anymore. He wanted what Jack had with Lacey, and he wanted it with Serena. Looking back he realized he'd been fooling himself to think there ever could be anyone else. It had always been her and he was fairly certain it always would be.

  His body began to calm down, finally. His dick no longer felt like it was going to make an unexpected appearance through his zipper, but it stayed semi-hard despite his usual trick of thinking about the sickening crunch his knee had made when he'd busted it. That was usually all it took to turn wood into overcooked pasta, but it wasn't working today.

  As he was turning around to go back inside and face Serena, he noticed a dark blue Mercedes sedan, idling at the curb behind Serena's white convertible. Mark leaned down and was able to make out a blonde head behind the steering wheel before the driver put the vehicle into gear and swerved out into the street.

  Not a stalker, my ass, Mark thought to himself as he repeated the Mercedes license numbers to himself, memorizing the plate so he could pass the information onto his cop friend. Yup. That Karl guy was one creepy bastard. Who hangs out in front of an Open House for 20 minutes after closing? Serena's new client was up to something. Mark only hoped she had enough sense to avoid the prick. Prospective buyer or not, she needed to keep her distance and avoid encouraging him.


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