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Amber Nights - The Esquire Girls Series - Amber's Story (Books 1, 2, 3 & 4) - Box Set

Page 8

by Cassie-Ann L. Miller


  I pull the towel from around my head and quickly attempt to plump up my hair before swinging the door open.

  “He accepted!” Spencer picks me up and spins me around in an excited flurry.

  “Gaston accepted your bid?” I shriek.

  “Yup! I’ve got all the paperwork right here!” Spencer proudly holds up signed copies of the purchase offer I had drafted before our trip.

  “Oh! I’m so happy for you, Spencer! Congratulations!” I’m bursting with glee for him.

  “Thank you, Amber,” he says earnestly, cupping my cheek in his palm. “I couldn’t have done it without you, beautiful.”

  As much as I would like to think that he’s referring to my world-class legal skills, my dominating prowess at the negotiation table or my impressive contract drafting abilities, I know that what he’s referring to is my spontaneous confessions about my former battles with substance abuse. When Spencer walked in unexpectedly as I was sharing my struggles at the Narcotics Anonymous meeting yesterday, it prompted him to share his own battles with prescription drug addiction and his plans to keep the rehab center open after buying it instead of tearing it down and converting it into condos. I know that that is what swayed Mr. Gaston in Spencer’s favor.

  Spencer hands me a royal blue gift bag with the word “Swarovski” etched in silver lettering across the front. My breath hitches in my throat. “Open it!” he prods, excitement all over his face.

  I eye him cautiously as I pull a rather large box from the bag and open it carefully. I gasp when I remove the white wrapping tissue to reveal the beautiful, crystal lion figurine in the box. “Like the one on your kitchen table,” I murmur.

  “Yes. That night when you had dinner at my apartment, I could see in your eyes how much you liked it…I had to get it for you…just to see that look on your face again.” He’s beaming. He’s beautiful.

  I set the figurine down on the dresser before throwing my arms around his neck and tangling my tongue around his. “Thank you so much, Spencer. I love it.”

  Spencer continues to shower me with praise for helping him seal this deal. I love that he’s acknowledging me, but my exhilaration is short-lived…Spencer and I need to have a serious conversation.

  I move out of his grip and sink into the edge of the bed. “Spencer, we need to talk about yesterday,” I say.

  A look of dread washes over his expression. “Yes?” he says warily.

  “What I shared yesterday, at the NA meeting, I’d like that to stay between us. It’s important. For my job.” My tone is cautious.

  “Of course, Amber. That goes without saying.” He sits next to me on the bed. “I expect the same from you,” he says referring to his own confessions.

  “Your secret’s safe with me,” I say softly as I take his hand in mine and give it a reassuring squeeze.

  He knows my darkest secret and I know his. And now we can hide out in each other.

  He wraps me in his arms and brings his lips to my temple. The spontaneous act of affection takes me off guard. Although his embrace feels so good, I have to pull myself away.

  “Spencer, we have to end this. Before we go back to New York,” I say softly but firmly.

  “Why?” His tone is combative. His eyebrow, cocked.

  I frown at him. “You know why,” I say dryly. He has nothing to lose. He can play with me until he’s ready to discard me and it would change nothing in his world. He’ll still be rich and powerful and devastatingly handsome when it’s all over and done with. And me? I’ll be ruined.

  “Come on, Amber. Moretti’s not serious about that stupid policy. I get that you work for him but the firm can’t tell you who you can and can’t have sex with.” He’s completely dismissive.

  “Spencer, these past few days with you have been wonderful, but I can’t risk my future for a few wild nights in the sack with some hot guy.”

  He winces. “Wow. That’s all it was for you?”

  I guess it was. I’d never considered whether it could be more.

  When I don’t answer, Spencer gets up, heading to the door. He looks hurt.

  “Please, Spencer. Don’t do this.” I spring up behind him. He turns around to face me. “You can’t tell me you didn’t know that this was just a fling.”

  His eyes are gloomy. Angry and hurt. “What gave you the impression that I wouldn’t want more?”

  My breath hitches. “Are you saying that you want more?” My facial expression probably betrays my shock.

  He expels a burst of frustration in a heavy sigh. “Amber, I’ve been pursuing you for weeks. You really thought that was just for sex? For a one-night stand?”

  Actually, I did. Why would I think he’d want more? He’s a young, rich, gorgeous bachelor and me? I’m just little old Bambi Roberts. Cute enough, but nothing all that special.

  Spencer takes a step towards me. “Amber, I can walk down to the lobby of this hotel and find five women interested in fucking me right this instant.” That’s an understatement, actually. That stunning chiseled face could probably incite half the people in this hotel to engage in some x-rated sex act or another right there in the lobby if he just says the word. “Sex isn’t what motivates me, Amber. I’ve told you before – I like you. I want to spend more time with you. Why can’t you get that?”

  “My job…” I say weakly.

  “We can find a way around that.” His eyes are pleading.

  I look away.

  “Amber…I want to be with you.” His hand reaches out and tugs on the sash of my robe. It slips open. I’m standing there exposed, completely naked underneath. I don’t move to cover myself. We just stand there for long moments staring at each other, desire filling the room.

  I’d never even considered that I could want him – that I could want him beyond a few nights in his bed…

  Or that he would want me.

  The thought is overwhelming. I swallow a huge lump in my throat while I try to process the idea.

  Spencer reaches out to me. His touch is tentative but his eyes are determined. His fingers trace a path from the crease of my pelvis to the bottom of my breast and I feel my skin light up under his touch. Goose bumps rise all along my arm and my nipples harden. My lips don’t say a word, but my eyes say yes. Spencer slips both hands inside of my robe. Fondling my ass, he pulls me into him. I instantly feel a gush between my legs.

  My bare skin glides along the fabric of his expensive suit. He leans his face down to mine and he kisses me. It’s the kind of kiss that makes a girl feel like she might just float away. I tug on the sides of his blazer to keep from loosing my balance.

  He tangles his fingers into my wet hair as I suckle his bottom lip.

  “I want to be with you, Amber.” Spencer’s voice is hazy with need.

  “Oh, Spencer…” I murmur as he pushes me backwards to the bed.

  “Amber, I said I need to be with you.” That husky voice is stirring my body, yanking at my heart.

  “Oh.” All I can do is moan.

  He eases me down to the bed, then he gently brings the soles of my feet to the mattress and parts my thighs. My body is completely on display for him as I lay looking up at him with my robe spread open and desire clouding my eyes.

  “I need to be with you,” he repeats as he shrugs out of his suit jacket and kneels on the carpet. He grabs my clit between his lips and sucks it once, hard and slow. My uncontrollable moan rips through the silence.

  He moves his mouth from my body. “Tell me you need me too, Amber.”

  I shake my head from left to right. He’s trying to break me. I won’t let him. “No,” I mutter, breathlessly.

  He runs his lips down my moist slit, a low hum vibrating against his lips. “Say it, Amber.”

  “No,” I say, this time a bit stronger than before. My job is more important than a hot fling with this charming stranger.

  He laps at me greedily, stretching my legs so far apart that my back arches off of the bed. I cling to the sheet
s as if for dear life. His tongue glides across my wet folds before plunging deep inside of me, stirring me from within.

  “Ahhh,” I moan, arching my back again and again.

  Now, the touch of his tongue on my clit is painfully light. “Do you want to be with me, Amber?”

  “No!” I cry out. He’s not going to win this fight.

  His mouth leaves my core. His lips running across the skin of my thighs. I’m so desperate for him.

  He knows it.

  But I won’t admit it.

  He’s torturing me.



  “Don’t lie to me, Amber. Tell me you want to be with me,” he whispers against my skin.

  A tear rolls down my face. I don’t know if it’s because he’s depriving me mercilessly, torturing me with his mouth or because I’m overwhelmed by the idea of being with Spencer in some real way.

  “Say it, Amber,” he prods me before flicking his tongue over my most sensitive spot. He’s so commanding. So merciless.

  The words burst out of my mouth. “I WANT YOU, SPENCER!”

  “Say you want to be with me.” He pulls my slick clit between his lips and sucks hard.

  “I want to be with you,” I whimper.

  “Say it again. Say it loud.” He commands.


  He rewards me by sucking on me hard and relentlessly tugging on my flesh with his plush lips. I cry out shamelessly as he literally pulls the orgasm from the depths of my body with his beautiful mouth. My whole body tenses violently before collapsing limp against the sheets.

  He peers up into my face. He seems satisfied. “Good girl,” he whispers. Now, he’s stroking me with his palm, soothing the lovely burn he’s ignited between my legs. He kisses the insides of my thighs as he continues to pet me, “Good girl.”

  After a long struggle, I’m finally able to get control of my breath and get my erratic heartbeat under control.

  He nuzzles his cheek against the inside of my thigh as he slides his fingers into me, one by one. I whimper, not yet ready for more pleasure. “Stop,” I mumble pushing his hand away weakly. He complies.

  I slither to the middle of the bed. He sits next to my naked body as I continue to recover from the pleasure. He’s looking tenderly into my face.

  “No one’s ever made me feel like this,” I mutter as he strokes my cheek. I close my eyes against the sensation of his fingertips on my flesh. I feel myself drifting off to sleep.

  Chapter 4

  Later that evening, I nuzzle my face into Spencer’s strong chest with my legs swung over his lap and sleep most of the flight back to New York.

  I stand in a haze, rubbing my eyes with my fists on the sidewalk outside of my five-story Brooklyn apartment building. Spencer’s driver tugs my small carry-on suitcase out of the trunk and wheels it up to the front door. As I thank him for his assistance, Spencer appears behind him, moving deftly around him. Spencer grabs my suitcase and pushes through the front door. I direct him up the stairs to apartment 302.

  I grip my purse awkwardly in my hands, bracing myself for the proverbial kiss goodnight on my doorstep. I feel his palms on my sides, caressing me tenderly. I push unto my tiptoes and bring my lips to his. The kiss turns deep and hard fast. I drop my purse and grip his bulky biceps to keep from falling. I’m winded by the time I wrestle my lips away from him. “Thanks for dropping me off, Spencer.”

  A raspy laugh rushes past his lips. “Dropping you off?” His mouth finds mine again. “I’m spending the night,” he announces, breathless. “I need to wake up next to you.” I want to protest but his sweet lips are on mine again.

  Finally, I break away. “You’re staying the night?” I pant.

  “Uh-huh,” he says through another hungry kiss.

  “My apartment’s probably a mess,” I whine. “My roommate’s a slob.” He pushes my back into the wall before burying my lips under his again. His hand slips up my skirt and my fingers push through his thick hair. I feel my bare ass rubbing against the wall as he grinds his pelvis into me. “And my bed is so small. You’ll never fit.” He steals my tongue into his mouth as his fingers slide inside of me. My throaty moan echoes throughout the hallway.

  “Anymore excuses, Amber?” he asks, a wicked grin pulling through our kiss. I shake my head no. “Then, open this door right now before I make you come right here in this hallway and embarrass you in front of all your neighbors.” His threat only excites me.

  I oblige, scooping up my purse, prying out my key and sliding it into the keyhole. Spencer’s warm hands are on my hips as I push the door open. He tugs my suitcase just inside the door before I hustle him past my roommate, Oksana’s, quiet bedroom.

  I pounce on him the second he shuts my bedroom door. My shoe thuds loudly against the wall as I eagerly attempt to wrap my legs around his waist. Spencer’s lips layer kisses across my chest and I sigh excitedly. Hee sets me down on my tiny bed and I slip out of my clothing as I watch him undress quickly. He digs into the pocket of his pants and pulls out a condom. He glides it on and lowers his body over mine.

  My metal-framed twin-sized bed squeaks loudly under the power of his rhythmic thrusts. The room is humid and the sheets cling to our bodies. I bite down on his broad shoulder when a deep moan threatens to tumble out of my mouth. He comes hard and fast as I hold on to his damp body. I whimper as my whole body tenses around him, a violent orgasm quaking through me.

  We curl into each other in my tiny corner of Brooklyn. Sleep takes me quickly as I listen to the beating of Spencer’s heart.

  Chapter 5

  A rush of exhilaration ripples through me as I hurry down the low pile carpet to conference room two the next morning.

  Spencer offered to let me break the good news to my colleagues; Gaston has accepted Spencer’s bid to purchase the Montreal property!

  Spencer has asked me not to reveal his intention to keep the rehab center going after the transaction is finalized. He’ll reveal that to the lawyers when the time is right, I guess.

  I feel like, being the one to announce that Spencer and Gaston have reached an agreement, is the perfect opportunity for me to step my game up and solidify my position as a real asset to the Cartwright team. Especially since I blatantly violated firm policy and started screwing one of our clients. If I don’t prove my worth fast, my ass will be grass the moment anyone finds out that I’m involved with Spencer.

  I push the conference room door open and step inside. Matt, Stella and Mr. Moretti are already there, huddled around the long glass conference table. Mr. Moretti is the first to greet me. “Ms. Roberts, good morning.”

  “Good morning,” I say with a nervous smile. “Am I late?”

  “No, we’re all early,” Stella says, her pregnancy glow radiating on her face.

  I offer her a smile before turning and offering a friendly nod to Matt. He only scowls in my direction. I guess he’s still butt-hurt that I’ve refused his sexual advances.

  “So, tell us about Montreal, Ms. Roberts,” Mr. Moretti coaxes, a hint of excitement in his voice.

  I beam. “Montreal was definitely a success. We finally got the seller to accept DisSpence’s bid!”

  “Good job, Ms. Roberts,” Mr. Moretti says jovially.

  Stella cheers. “Team Amber!”

  Matt? He scowls.

  The rest of the meeting flies by. Stella updates me as to what’s happened in the real estate department during my absence. Mr. Moretti asks me to follow up with Spencer to ensure that we have all his signatures for the Chelsea deal the firm has just closed for DisSpence. Matt? He keeps on scowling.

  Chapter 6

  I practically skip, clicking my heels on the way back to my cubicle. Excitement rolls through my stomach at the thought of having a legitimate excuse to call Spencer in the middle of the day. Even if I only get to speak to him for a minute, hearing his voice will instantly brighten my day.

  “Well, you look good,” Hailey rem
arks from the cubicle next to mine as I settle in to my office chair. “I’m guessing that Montreal went well.” She shovels a spoonful of chia pudding into her mouth.

  “Montreal was fantastic!” I can’t stop smiling.

  “Elaborate,” she demands excitedly. Nadia and Ruthie edge closer to my cubicle to listen in.

  I skip over the parts about all the time I spent pinned down underneath Spencer’s smokin’ hot body – Obviously. I tell them about the intense negotiations with Gaston and his last minute decision to sell the building to Spencer.


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