Amber Nights - The Esquire Girls Series - Amber's Story (Books 1, 2, 3 & 4) - Box Set

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Amber Nights - The Esquire Girls Series - Amber's Story (Books 1, 2, 3 & 4) - Box Set Page 15

by Cassie-Ann L. Miller

  “Thanks, Ms. Harvey. Which conference room?” I ask.

  “He’s in the waiting area. Mr. Moretti wants to see you in his office first,” she says with a slight cock of her eyebrow. If I didn’t know any better, I would think that Mr. Moretti’s assistant is trying to relay some sort of cryptic message to me by telekinesis. Her behavior is terribly odd right now. Usually, she would just give me a quick call to tell me that a client is here and then I would meet the client and the other lawyers on the file in one of the conference rooms. But this time, here she is with that strange look on her face and now my skin is prickling nervously.

  “Is everything alright, Ms. Harvey?” I whisper to her clutching the large white envelope in my hands as my steps fall in line with hers. She gives me a nervous glance that is enough to clench my insides into a tight knot. She slides back into her cubicle, leaving me standing apprehensively outside of Mr. Moretti’s heavy wooden office door. She nods towards the door with her chin, motioning for me to enter.

  I run my tongue along my bottom lip and pull in a sharp breath just before yanking the door open and stepping inside. “Good morning.”

  Mr. Moretti looks up at me from behind his massive desk. “Have a seat, Ms. Roberts,” he says gesturing to the pair of dark leather armchairs positioned in front of his desk. As I move slowly to the chair, I catch a movement out of the corner of my eye. That’s when I notice Matt lurking in the corner of the room, leaning against the wall-to-wall bookcase.


  This is starting to feel like an ambush.

  I feel a bead of perspiration run down my back underneath my light pink satin blouse although the air conditioner is on full-blast in Mr. Moretti’s office.

  Mr. Moretti clears his throat and adjusts the handles of his glasses. He eases to his feet, pressing his palms firmly into his tabletop. He leans forward, looking me straight in the eyes. “Ms. Roberts, it has been drawn to my attention that you’ve been conducting a personal relationship with Mr. Harrison. I need to know if that’s true.”

  Chapter 10

  I feel like I’ve been hit by a freight train going 400 miles an hour.

  I crouch forward and cough violently. “E-excuse me,” I stammer.

  “Ms. Roberts…” Mr. Moretti says with a calm but unrelenting need to know the truth.

  I can’t speak. I just clasp my hands to my chest. I feel as though all the blood has drained from my face. I just want to get up and run out of this office.

  Matt’s voice pierces through my paralysis. “Amber, are you fucking Spencer Harrison? Answer the question.”

  “Matteo!” his father warns sternly.

  Tears rise into my eyes and spill over my eyelids. My bottom lip quivers.

  Mr. Moretti exhales deeply and shrugs his shoulders before he eases back into his chair. “Look Amber—“ I note that this is the first time Mr. Moretti’s has ever called me that, “—I’m not asking this to pry or to invade your privacy. But your relationship with our client is a real source of potential liability for this firm – I know you understand that.”

  All of the many exciting moments that I’ve experienced during my short stint here at Cartwright flash through my mind – that moment when Mr. Moretti assigned me to the DisSpence Developments Group file – the night of the meet and greet dinner with the senior lawyers – my lunches in the stairwell with the Esquire Girls – the night we saw the Broadway musical – it’s all over now. This is the end.

  Mr. Moretti’s chilling tone breaks me away from my daze. “Amber, I could well fire you right now. Legally, I have every right to – you breached the terms of your employment contract…But there are reasons for keeping you around. Very compelling reasons – one being that you’re brilliant – you have a promising future here…So, instead, of kicking you out the door, I’ll ask you to sign this instead…So that you can keep your job.” He slides a document across his desk to me.

  Indemnification Agreement, it reads.

  My eyes scan the page feverishly.

  The Associate and the Client acknowledge that the Law Firm is well-founded in its desire to protect itself against any liability, claim, damage or legal action to arise from the relationship between the Associate and the Client.


  In the event of any action, claim or legal proceeding brought by the Client against the Law Firm in connection with the relationship between the Associate and the Client, the Associate shall assume all costs associated with the defense against such action, claim or legal proceeding.


  The Law Firm shall be entitled to the reimbursement from the Associate of any and all costs incurred as a result of any action, claim or legal proceeding arising from the relationship between the Associate and the Client.


  The Associate and the Client agree to cooperate and provide all information as required by the Law Firm for the evaluation of any and all risks associated with or related to the relationship between the Associate and the Client.

  I’m just a summer associate for Christ’s sake – What the fuck does all this mean?

  “Sign it, Amber,” Mr. Moretti presses shoving his ornate solid gold pen in my direction. I pick up the pen in my quivering hand.

  Just then, the office door swings open. “Sign what?”

  My neck whips around and I see Spencer standing in the frame of the office door.

  Chapter 11

  Spencer’s hand clenches the doorknob. He stands in the doorframe midstride, his chest peacocked in the air, his shoulder’s back and that sexy, authoritative ‘don’t fuck with me’ look on his face.

  “What’s going on in here?” he demands, his eyes darting from Matt perched pompously against the bookshelf to Mr. Moretti sitting erect behind his desk to me on the verge of tears, pen in hand, ready to sign Mr. Moretti’s indemnification agreement. Spencer marches over to me and snatches the papers out of my hand. He gives it a quick once over. “What the fuck is this?” He waves the document in the air, his eyes darting back and forth between Mr. Moretti and his son.

  Mr. Moretti stands and rounds his desk. “Mr. Harrison, it has come to my attention that you’ve been conducting an inappropriate relationship with Ms. Roberts which is strictly prohibited by our firm’s human resources policies.”

  Spencer spits out a bitter laugh. He marches up to Matt. “Are you fucking kidding me? You piece of shit! Are you kidding me?”

  I sense that Spencer is about to beat Matt to a pulp. I spring to my feet and shove my way between the two men. “Spencer. Please. Don’t”

  “Amber, stay out of this.” His voice is low and controlled as he edges around me, getting even closer to Spencer.

  “Mr. Harrison, I’m going to have to call security up here if you don’t back away,” Mr. Moretti warns.

  Spencer ignores him, inching closer to Matt’s face. “You worthless piece of shit, Matteo Moretti. You piece of shit. I warned you to let this issue rest. But you had to be the weak, hypocritical piece of shit that you are. That’s why you will always be in your father’s shadow. Because you…are…weak.” Spencer jabs his finger into Matt’s chest as he emphasizes each word.

  Matt says nothing.

  Spencer turns to Mr. Moretti. “Two million three hundred and sixty-two thousand – That’s how much DisSpence spent in legal fees last year. That’s how much I put in your pocket last year – I’m going to need you to pack up my files and send them over to my office this afternoon. This firm no longer represents me. You’ll be receiving a letter to that effect from my new counsel very shortly.”

  “Mr. Harrison, I’m sure we can work this misunderstanding out,” Mr. Moretti pleads in a tone that is both formal and desperate at once.

  “There’s been no misunderstanding, Moretti. I leave, Amber stays – If you even think about firing her, I will destroy your son with a swiftness. I have more ammunition than you know to make that happen. So don’t you dare try and make that move. Amber keeps her job for as long as she wants it.
” Then, he turns to me, “Amber, you will not sign anything.”

  With that, Spencer reaches towards me, snatches the white envelope from my hands and marches out the door.

  Chapter 12

  I struggle to keep up with the up-beat tempo of the Shakira song that booms from the sound system. I’m panting and out of breath and watching Ruthie jump and prance and shake her perfect ass effortlessly only further irritates me.

  Zumba is Hailey’s fitness fad of the week and we find ourselves in a spacious dance studio a few blocks away from Penn Station.

  I can’t say that I’m thrilled to be here but it beats sitting alone in my apartment anxiously relieving the horrendous confrontation between Spencer and my boss this morning.

  Ugh, Spencer.

  Spencer Harrison, the man I love. The man who brings me so much pleasure while effortless sending my whole world careening into a tailspin.

  I can hardly believe what happened at Cartwright today. Him strolling into my workplace and telling off my boss before firing the firm all while demanding that I retain my lowly summer internship.

  It was all so overwhelming. I barely made it through the rest of the workday.

  And to make things worse, Spencer was on a plane before we even got a chance to talk.

  I’m so overwhelmed right now.

  That’s why I need to feel the burn. I need to dance until my limbs go weak, until I’m so exhausted that I the pain in my body overshadows the panic in my mind. The sounds of my friends’ laughter and the thuds of their feet against the polished plywood floor mix with the music to create a vibrant energy attempting to pierce through me.

  I catch a glimpse of myself in the full-length wall-to-wall mirrors. My pale skin is slick and glistening with sweat. My inky black bangs are matted to my forehead. My dark eyes are hollow and muted.

  I am a shadow.

  Even in my bright yellow, baggy cargo pants and light blue sports bra, moving out of sync with the samba tune.

  I’ll be a shadow until I’m near Spencer again.

  Chapter 13

  “I miss you so much,” I say pulling my laptop snuggly into my lap as I settle into my bed.

  “I miss you too, beautiful,” Spencer says reaching his fingers towards his computer screen. I bring my fingers to his but a whole world separates us and our closeness is merely an illusion.

  The shirt he wore the last time he was in my bed is crumpled up into a ball in my fists. I bring it to my nose and my eyes immediately flutter shut as I am intoxicated by his scent.

  “When are you coming back?” I ask sounding just as needy as I feel.

  He sighs. “There’s been a change of plans. I can’t make it back to New York until Sunday night. There’s a new deal on the table. I want to check out the property myself before I agree to anything.”

  Disappointment rises within me. “Oh.” I peer over his shoulder and see the familiar furnishings of the room where he first made love to me on that business trip several weeks ago.

  “But I need you with me, Amber,” his voice is soft and pleading. I look into his face and offer a weak smile as I bring his shirt to my skin once again. “I’ll send my pilot out to get you. On Saturday morning. He’ll pick you up and I’ll have you with me.”

  My heart flutters. “Really? You’d do that?”

  He laughs softly. “Of course. I love you. I can’t wait to be near you again.”

  “Where will we be going?” I ask like an excited child.

  “I think I’ll leave that as a surprise.” His voice is playful.

  “C’mon Spencer. Tell me. I’ll go crazy guessing.” I’m not ashamed to beg.

  “I’ll give you a hint,” he says. “Make sure you bring those sexy gray shorts I like. The ones that show off your beautiful legs. It will be hot and sunny and beautiful.”

  I sigh at the possibilities. “I can’t wait,” I murmur. “I can’t wait to see you.”

  He’s silent for a moment. Then, he says, “I won’t let anyone keep us apart, you know?”

  I smile and nod, pulling the sheets up to my chest.

  “I mean it, Amber. Not Moretti. Not the firm. No one.”

  “I know,” I say meekly.

  “Everything will be alright…Don’t worry about your job.” His voice is reassuring.

  “I – I’m just so uncomfortable there now. With everything that’s going on. I’m not even sure that want to be there anymore – especially after today. The tension is unbearable,” I confess softly.

  He sighs audibly. “Whatever you want, I’ll make sure you get it. I’ll make sure that you’re perfectly happy in every way.”

  I close my eyes, leaning back into the bedframe as I snuggle his shirt against my cheek.

  He leans back in the fabric-covered armchair where he’s sitting. “I want to see you in that shirt. Let me see you in my shirt.” His voice is heavy with desire.

  I want to give him what he wants so I oblige.

  I slide the tank top that I’m wearing over my head and my breasts bounce free. I hear Spencer groan softly. I slip my arms into his shirt and shudder as I feel its soft fabric envelop me.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he whispers and I hear the distinct sound of the zipper of his trousers sliding down. “Amber, I love you.”

  “I love you, too, Spencer,” I moan as I watch him stroke his erection in a slow rhythm. I bring my hand to my chest and encircle my perky nipple with the pad of my index finger before giving it a firm squeeze.

  “You’re so beautiful, Amber,” he repeats breathlessly. “I’m so lucky that I found you.”

  Chapter 14

  Balmy air rushes to greet me as I step out of the air-conditioned haven of the private airport.

  Spencer is waiting for me. Leaning against the side of a sleek, black convertible sports car. And I’ve never seen a man look so good in a simple t-shirt and jeans, his hair pushed back out of his face.

  He glides over to me, tugs my overnight bag from my hands and pulls me into his arms. “Hi,” he murmurs against my lips as he runs his hands up and down the back of my exposed thighs.

  “Hi.” A wide grin tugs at the corners of my mouth.

  He pulls away from me. “So, any idea where in the world you are this morning, Ms. Roberts?” He places his palms firmly on my shoulders and spins me around to look at the surroundings.

  Everything in close proximity is lush, green and vibrant. But in the distance, I see tall, impressive steel and glass buildings. The sky is soft blue and the few clouds overhead look light and fluffy like whipped cream. “I have no idea,” I admit. “Georgia?”

  “Nope,” he says exaggeratedly shaking his head from left to right. “Guess again.”



  My eyes bulge out of my head. “Hollywood?”

  He laughs heartily. “I said closer, silly.” He taps the tip of my nose with his index finger.

  “I give up,” I concede shrugging my shoulders exaggeratedly.

  “Okay, I’ll give you a hint.” He reaches into the back seat of the car and pulls out a cap with two plastic mouse ears attached. He slips it on to my head.


  “Bingo!” he beams.

  “Oh my god,” I say trying to contain my excitement. “I’ve never been to Orlando.”

  “I figured,” Spencer says, pulling my bag from the ground and slipping it into the back seat. “And we have a jam-packed day,” He hops into the driver’s seat and I get into the passenger’s side next to him, pulling the seat belt around my body. “First, we’re gonna go visit our friends, Mickey and Minnie. Then, I have a business dinner tonight and you’re coming with me. Tomorrow morning, I’ll go see the building I plan to buy and you can have some spa time by yourself. And then, in the evening…” His voice trails off.”

  “In the evening?” I prompt.

  He turns to face me and holds my hands in his. “In the evening, I want you to meet my mother and sister.”
/>   I feel my heart tighten and my breath stall in my throat. “Your mother…and sister…?”

  “Yes, they live about 45 minutes from here…I’d love for you to meet them.” His eyes smile softly…hesitantly.

  “I’d love that, too.” I say.

  “That’s good. Good.” He leans over and pulls my lips into his mouth before sliding the key into the ignition and putting pedal to the metal.


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