Michigan (The Sevion Brotherhood)

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Michigan (The Sevion Brotherhood) Page 13

by Vicktor Alexander

  “So how are things between you and Lucas?” Carolina asked.

  Michigan turned and looked at his brother over his shoulder and shrugged before turning back to survey the board. “They’re fine. He’s having sessions with Doctor Laherie upstairs, twice a week now.”

  “The shrink?” Washington asked amazed.

  Michigan nodded. “He needs it. After what happened with Razvan and what happened with his parents? He’s having a hard time dealing with the whole being mated to a vampire thing. It’s helping though.” He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. “I mean. We haven’t made love again and he’s still uncomfortable with me biting his neck, but he lets me feed from his wrist and at least we’re giving each other blowjobs and jerking each other off.”

  Jersey made gagging noises and fell off his chair onto the floor holding onto his throat. “Oh yuck! Gross, man. I don’t want to hear about that. I think I’m going to die,” he teased.

  Michigan rolled his eyes and picked up a dry erase marker to toss at his brother’s head. “Shut up idiot as if you and I didn’t use to share men when we were younger? C’mon.”

  “Yeah, but this is different. This is your mate, your sufletul pereche. I mean, it’s like hearing about Mamă and Tată getting it on.”

  Michigan and his brothers all shuddered at the thought. “Jers, can you not talk about stuff like that? Please?”

  Washington dipped his head. “I agree. As far as I’m concerned they never had sex. Tată bites Mamă and she gets pregnant. That’s just how it happens.”

  “I’m cool with that thought,” Carolina said.

  “Me too,” Michigan and Jersey said simultaneously.

  Washington shook his head. “I hate it when you fuckers do that.”

  Michigan smirked. “Do what?”

  Washington scowled. “Talk at the same damn time.”

  Michigan looked over at Jersey. “Mhat way mis ay me hay malking tay mout bay?” he asked using their secret language they’d created as kids.

  “Oh fuck, not this shit again,” Carolina groaned.

  Jersey shrugged. “Ji ay jave hay jo nay jdea ay. Je hay just may je bay joing gay jrazy cay.”

  Washington shoved to his feet and flipped them both off. “I’m leaving, you fuckers.” He stomped to the door. Stopping at the doorway he looked at Michigan giving him a compassionate look. “I hope everything works out for you and Lucas, frate.”

  Michigan inclined his head. “Thanks, Wash.”

  Carolina stood with a groan and brushed off the back of his white lab coat. “Yeah, I better get back to my patients. See you assholes later.” He walked over to Michigan and patted him on the back. “Give Lucas my best.”

  “I will,” Michigan promised.

  He looked down on the floor where Jersey still lay with his hands behind his head and chuckled. “Aren’t you going to leave too?”

  Jersey huffed. “Why should I?”

  Michigan began to tick off the reasons on his fingers. “You’re a doctor and have patients. I’m a doctor and have patients. I’m sure by now Zona has noticed your absence and is looking for you. I need to get back to trying to figure out what is wrong with Scotty, and I have a mate that I’m going to need to pick up from his appointment in about an hour so I can go hang out with you tonight.”

  Jersey sighed and sat up. “Man, ever since you got married, you’ve gotten so boring.”

  Michigan laughed. He turned back to the board and heard Jersey getting to his feet behind him. He didn’t flinch when his brother’s large hand came down on his shoulder. “Don’t worry, frate, if Fate could see fit to reawaken your bond with Lucas, then I’m certain that she will make sure that he will be fine and you two will live happily ever after.”

  Michigan turned to look at his brother. “You believe in all of that romantic stuff?”

  “Sure, why not?” Jersey shrugged. “We’re vampires and doctors and we have to deal with death, sickness and the undead bullshit all day, every day, but love and true matings? That’s some supernatural, out of this world, forever kind of magic. I don’t think you could be who we are and see what we see without believing that love exists.”

  “Kind of like the whole you can’t believe in God without believing in the devil, thing?”

  Jersey grinned. “Exactly. One can’t exist without proving the existence of the other. And your bond with Lucas, dear brother is the proof that happily ever afters are real.”

  Michigan exhaled and reached out to hug his brother impulsively. They slapped each other on the back a couple of times before releasing each other from the embrace. Michigan cleared his throat and gestured back to the whiteboard. “Thanks, man. I guess I better get back to work.”

  Jersey grunted. “Yeah.” He walked towards the door. As he walked through the doorway he tossed over his shoulder, “By the way, your kid has progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy.”

  Michigan scoffed. Right. PML was an extremely rare disorder. What was the likelihood that Scotty had it, and that his brother, the cardiologist diagnosed it when he couldn’t? Slim to none. That’s what it was. Michigan rolled his eyes and looked at the board again, checking the symptoms and the medical history before letting out a loud curse.

  “Mother fucker!” His brother, the shit, was right. Walking over to his phone he pressed the intercom for his assistant. “Johanna? Get Doctor Tennessee Sevion and Doctor Kai Cho, the neurologist and have them meet me in Scotty Jones’s room.”

  “Right away, doctor.”

  Michigan released the button and cursed again as he headed out of the room.

  § § §

  Lucas’s sessions with his therapist had been going well. Very, very well. While he wouldn’t say he was “cured,” he was definitely better. So much better in fact that he’d decided to cook dinner for Michigan when they got home from the hospital. He was practically living with Michigan now, and more than once the vampire had brought up the idea of the two of them moving into “the big house,” aka Nimo’s parents’ home, with everyone else. Lucas had asked over and over again why it was so important to Michigan that they move in there but the man had always just kissed his nose and smiled without answering. In addition to finally trying to make love again tonight, Lucas was going to get some answers from his mate.

  As Lucas stood at the stove making chicken teriyaki, Michigan walked up behind him and looked over his shoulder. Lucas snorted and tried not to give away how much having the big vampire in close proximity to him made him shiver and ache with need. He had to keep it together at least until after dinner. He had a whole plan. Doctor Laherie and he had talked about his being able to prove that he had control in his life and in his dreams and what better way to do that than by not jumping Michigan every time the man stepped in the room?

  “Whatcha’ doin’?” Michigan teased.

  “I’m cooking,” Lucas said, rolling his eyes.

  “You’re always cooking,” Michigan whined.

  Lucas laughed. “I’m a chef. Of course I’m always cooking.”

  Michigan huffed and grabbed Lucas’s shoulder to spin him around. “Give me a blowjob, please?”

  Lucas spluttered in shock. “What?” Michigan had never asked before, usually they would be laying together on the couch, or kissing, and one thing would lead to another. He wondered what had brought this on? His eyes drifted down Michigan’s body to the sight of the sight of Michigan’s pants tented at the front from his erection. Ah. That’s what brought this on.

  Michigan stepped closer. “I’m just a boy, standing in front of another boy, asking him for a blowjob.”

  Lucas covered his mouth to stifle the giggle that tried to escape at Michigan’s naughty paraphrasing of one of Lucas’s favorite lines from his favorite movies and shook his head. “Bite me, fang boy.”

  Michigan’s eyes gleamed at Lucas’s words and he waggled his eyebrows. “Oohh can I?” Lucas’s heart sped up as lust and desire swirled together like a firestorm inside of his body,
pooling together in his groin. God, why the fuck was Michigan so goddamn gorgeous? Wait… what?

  Lucas looked at Michigan in confusion, forgetting what he’d even said. “Can you what?”

  Michigan leaned close to Lucas’s ear, licked the strip of skin right below it and blew across the damp flesh making him tremble. When Lucas whimpered and reached up to grab onto Michigan’s biceps. Michigan chuckled and leaned over to repeat the action to the other side of Lucas’s neck before he whispered into Lucas’s ear.

  “Can. I. Bite. You?”

  Lucas couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t think. He couldn’t even process anything. They had been having oral sex and Michigan had been receiving Lucas’s blood by biting his wrists for weeks. It seemed to have been working to keep Michigan fed since they’d had sex that one time, but Michigan was apparently asking for more. He was asking to take this to the next level. Lucas practically vibrated in his skin. He wondered if Doctor Laherie had told Michigan that Lucas was ready for them to try having a physical relationship, involving intercourse and “true” biting, again. Or maybe Michigan was just ready to ask? Whatever it was, Lucas suddenly found himself tongue tied, his words frozen in his throat as he tried to get himself to say yes to Michigan’s question.


  Lucas inhaled deeply, shoving away the fear and reminding himself that it was Michigan standing in front of him. Michigan would not hurt him and more than that, Lucas was not weak. He was not helpless. He had power. He had control. He was strong. He assented. “Y-yes.”

  Michigan exhaled and placed a kiss on Lucas’s temple. “Thank fuck,” he whispered.

  Lucas chuckled. “Been anxious?”

  “You have no idea,” Michigan said. Lucas lifted a hand and rubbed a lock of Michigan’s hair in between his fingers. I think I do have an idea.

  “Well then, get to it, fang boy. Bite me,” he said cheekily.

  “With pleasure, my love. With pleasure.”

  Lucas let out a sigh of pleasure as Michigan wrapped his arms around him, palming the globes of his ass and lifted him up onto the counter next to the stove. Sweat beaded on his forehead and his upper lip, though whether it was from the food or from his lover, he wasn’t exactly sure. He reached a hand over to the knobs and turn off the burners as Michigan kissed his way down Lucas’s neck.

  “Is everything off?” Michigan asked, his lips pressed against the side of Lucas’s clavicle. Lucas couldn’t speak, his brain effectively turned to mush as desire pulsed through him, so he bobbed his head. He squeaked as Michigan lifted him and turned to walk a few steps over to the island where he set Lucas back down. He slid his hands beneath the hem of Lucas’s shirt, the tips of his fingers leaving behind trails of fire as they skimmed up Lucas’s torso.

  Lucas trembled and let out a soft moan as Michigan lightly pinched his nipples before sliding his nails gently down the skin of his chest. His arms hung limply at his side as he let Michigan have his way with him, not because he was being passive, but because he wanted the other man to do whatever he wanted to do with him. When Michigan pulled his hands out from beneath Lucas’s shirt and then reached up to grab his collar and ripped the material into two halves, instead of being scared at the vampire’s display of strength, Lucas’s erection twitched in his jeans. His heart thundered as his breath stuttered, a gasping plea of Michigan’s name.

  Michigan froze and looked up at him and Lucas shook his head, lifting his hand and waving it. “Keep going,” he said, panting.

  Michigan acquiesced and leaned back over Lucas to lick at his nipples. He opened his mouth and sucked one into his mouth even as he twisted and pulled on the other. The dual sensations of pleasure and pain sent Lucas’s brain into a tailspin and he arched his back. “M-Mich,” he pleaded.

  “I’ve got you, love,” Michigan promised, as he switched his mouth from one nipple to the other, moving his free hand to play with the abandoned wet nub as his other hand moved up to grip Lucas’s hair. He tugged on it slightly and Lucas groaned. He loved Michigan tugging on his hair. The man usually only did it when he was on the verge of coming when Lucas was giving him a blowjob, but it was different this time. It was as if he were staking his claim, showing Lucas that he wasn’t going to let him go. The move should have frightened him, but it only made Lucas anxious for more.

  He finally decided to stop letting Michigan have all the fun and Lucas lifted his hands to bury them in Michigan’s hair, pressing his head closer to his chest. He lifted his hips, trying to get some friction on his aching cock, only to whimper in frustration when Michigan chuckled and stood back up.

  “Nuh-uh,” Michigan said, wagging his finger. “Stop being a bad boy. I’ll take care of you, but in my time.” With that, Michigan pulled off his shirt and tossed it to the side of the room. He put his hands the button of his slacks and released it from the hole, slowly sliding down the zipper, his hazel eyes locked on Lucas’s green ones. He pushed his pants down and stepped out of them before reaching up to Lucas’s waist and framing his erection in between his hands, his thumbs resting on either side of his groin. Lucas watched with bated breath as Michigan rubbed his thumbs up and down on either side of his groin, caressing his aching balls through his jeans, the friction delicious and making Lucas squirm.

  Michigan leaned forward then and mouthed Lucas’s rigid length that strained for release through the material making it wet. Lucas could see the outline of his erection displayed obscenely as Michigan made his way down to his testicles, licking and sucking at them through the jeans.

  “Please Michigan,” Lucas begged, wanting to pull off his pants but knowing that Michigan wanted to undress him.

  Don’t worry, love. I’ve got you.

  Hearing Michigan’s voice in his head while the man was now kneeling on the floor, pushing his legs back and licking at the crease of his ass, made Lucas’s orgasm come barreling towards him like a freight train. He clenched his fists and pounded them on top of the counter. Michigan looked up at him and growled.

  “Are you trying to come before my cock is inside of you, sufletul pereche?” Michigan asked, his voice hard and shaking. Lucas’s mind warned him to be afraid but instead of being scared at the fierceness that was so evident in his mate’s tone, Lucas recognized it for what it was, Michigan was barely holding on to his control.

  “I’m t-trying not to,” Lucas confessed.

  Michigan acknowledged him. “Well, we can’t have you shooting your load without me, can we?” Though Lucas knew the question was rhetorical he answered anyway, moving his head on top of the counter, his hair spread out around him.

  “No,” he panted out.

  Michigan shook his head. “No, we can’t.” He lifted a hand and showed Lucas his claws and before Lucas could ask him what he was planning to do with that he heard the sound of ripping and felt his hips jerk as Michigan sliced his jeans.

  Lucas looked down and his eyes widened. Michigan hadn’t cut his jeans from his body completely, only the most important parts were exposed. It was naughty, dirty, inappropriate and extremely erotic to see his jeans still wrapped around his waist and on his legs but to have his groin and ass completely bare. Lucas felt completely wanton and he loved it.

  Michigan nodded as if satisfied with his efforts and lifted his hand again to show Lucas that his claws had returned to normal before reaching over to open a drawer in the counter and yanking it open. Lucas looked on as Michigan pulled out a small bottle of lube and quirked an eyebrow.

  “Get a lot of action in the kitchen?” he asked.

  Michigan blushed and shrugged one shoulder. “After you practically moved in here with me, I was hopeful and took to stashing bottles of lube all over the place.”

  Lucas grinned. “Well get to it, fang boy.”

  Michigan flashed his fangs at Lucas, making him laugh. He leaned forward and spread the cheeks of Lucas’s ass wide open before licking a long trail up the crease. Lucas moaned loudly and arched his back pleasure sizzling through him. How
could he have gone this long without feeling Michigan touching him again? How could he have endured without this? Delicious frissons of heat permeated his body as Michigan licked and sucked at his pucker, pressing the tip of his tongue in and out of Lucas’s body.

  Lucas rubbed his hands over his stomach and up his torso to his nipples pinching them as Michigan continued to tongue his hole pressing his tongue in and out of the guardian muscle. He hissed and groaned as Michigan eased a thumb into his pucker alongside the slick muscle in his mouth. Lust swirled in and out of him, his mind flooded with thoughts and images of pleasure and care. His own and Michigan’s.

  Mine. All mine. I’m never letting him go.

  I can’t believe he’s doing this. Feels so good.

  God he tastes delicious. I could do this all day.


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