Courting Danger

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Courting Danger Page 20

by Kimberly Dean

  It would do.

  He touched a strand of her hair that was still drying from her shower. ‘You know why we can’t stay at your apartment, right?’

  She nodded, but pressed her lips together.

  Hamilton could be watching. The guy was in town. He’d sent them proof that he’d been stalking her. Darien wasn’t willing to put her into any more danger than she was in already. Until they had a better idea of Eddie’s whereabouts, her routine needed to be mixed up.

  He lifted her chin. ‘I know what it took for you to invite me there, and that meant something to me.’

  ‘It’s all right. I…’ Her lashes dipped. ‘I’d rather you weren’t my client when you stay over there anyway.’

  He pulled his head back in surprise. Now there was a loaded statement if he’d ever heard one. A challenge, a promise and a come-on, all at once.

  It made him hard.

  She smoothed her hands over his abdomen, but avoided eye contact. ‘Will you still be around then?’

  Around? He’d be banging on the front door, begging to be let in.

  ‘If you’ll have me.’ His hands tightened on her waist.

  He’d never thought about the future much. He’d always been a guy who lived in the present, but damned if being around her hadn’t made him start thinking about possibilities. He hadn’t seen her coming, but no way did he see himself going.

  She grinned softly. ‘We could think of this as a trial run.’

  He got the point fast. ‘I’ll find us some place settings.’

  She laughed, and he gave her another quick kiss before getting to work.

  He opened a cupboard and looked for plates. Sunlight was streaming through the windows and coffee was percolating. He even heard birds chirping outside. There was something nice about this, waking up with her like a normal couple.

  Or as normal as he’d ever get.

  ‘Did you sleep OK?’ he asked as he opened a drawer by her hip.

  She nodded.

  He knew he’d been out like a light. He’d slept harder than he was comfortable with. ‘No bad dreams?’

  ‘Not until I woke up and remembered why we’re here.’

  He ran his fingers across her cheek. ‘We’ll find the bastard as soon as he sticks his head out of his hidey-hole.’

  ‘I know.’ She sighed. ‘Waiting is just easier said than done.’

  The timer for the oven went off, and she swept up the pot holders. He gathered silverware, and soon she was placing a steaming casserole dish on a trivet in the centre of the table. The cheese was browned, and steam wafted upwards. The scent made his stomach growl. ‘Damn, that smells good.’

  ‘Erin has been taking cooking classes.’

  ‘I’m happy to be her guinea pig.’

  ‘Me too.’

  Rielle’s grin did funny things inside Darien’s chest. She’d been under pressure from the moment he’d met her. Wary and skittish. But seeing the warm, carefree side of her? With her long hair curling as it dried and her face scrubbed free of makeup, she looked fresh and innocent. It made him want to make everything better for her…to fight back the darkness that was dimming that pretty smile…

  He pulled back her chair for her and poured her some coffee and orange juice.

  They were only two bites in when they learned they needed the orange juice more. The casserole had a kick.

  ‘Wowza.’ Rielle fanned herself and took another cooling drink. ‘That’s spicy.’

  Darien dug in for another bite. ‘But it’s good.’

  ‘Mm hm.’ She took another smaller bite and looked at the recipe card that was propped up by the napkin holder. ‘Uh oh. I think I see the problem. She mistook crushed red pepper for chopped red peppers.’

  ‘That would do it.’ Darien’s eyes were watering. ‘Are you going to tell her?’

  ‘And burst her bubble?’ Rielle shook her head. ‘Not on your life.’

  ‘It’s a pact.’ He laughed and went to get them glasses of water and toast.

  The spicy casserole woke them up and got the day going. They were just starting to clean up when Rielle’s phone rang. One note into her ringtone, and the entire mood in the room changed. She cast him a nervous look as she dug her phone out of her purse, and her jaw was tight when she read the caller ID. ‘It’s the detective.’

  Darien looked over her shoulder. ‘Put him on speaker.’

  She set the phone on the table. ‘Hello?’

  ‘Rielle, it’s Josh Morgan from Metro PD.’

  ‘Morning, Detective,’ Darien said. He hooked an arm around Rielle’s waist. She’d gone stiff as a board.

  ‘Good. You’re both there.’ The detective was gruff. He either hadn’t had enough coffee or wasn’t a morning person. ‘Is this a good time? I have a few things I want to talk over with you two.’

  ‘It’s fine,’ Rielle said, her voice getting stronger.

  ‘OK, I don’t have much good news, so I’m just going to lay it out for you. We weren’t able to get any prints other than yours off the envelope or pictures.’

  Her head dipped. ‘He used gloves.’

  ‘Looks like it. We’re trying to see if there’s any way we can determine where the shots were developed, but I’m not banking on that lead panning out.’

  With digital photography, photo shops weren’t as common any more, but there were still too many to narrow down one by one. On top of that, some people had the ability to develop film at home.

  ‘Were you able to question Hamilton?’ Darien wanted to cut to the chase. There was nothing that pointed directly to Rielle’s ex as the culprit, but he trusted her gut.

  ‘I went to Baltimore yesterday afternoon to co-ordinate with the police department there, but Eddie wasn’t home when we swung by. His car was in his assigned spot, but neighbours say they haven’t seen him around. Then again, he doesn’t socialise much. They mainly see him getting takeout food deliveries.’

  So he could be closer. Baltimore was only an hour away by train. ‘What about his employer?’

  ‘I was just getting to that. Apparently, they haven’t noticed any change in his behaviour. He’s been getting his work in on time.’

  ‘But he works remotely,’ Rielle said. ‘All he needs is an internet connection. He could work from anywhere at any time.’

  ‘Shit.’ Darien cursed under his breath. So they didn’t have anything to go on. The package hadn’t been mailed. Instead, it had been dropped off by courier with Luxxor Security. He’d used his own resources to try to trace that lead, but it hadn’t led anywhere. Yet.

  ‘I did have one idea,’ the detective said. ‘But I’d need your help, Rielle.’

  She leaned forward. ‘What is it? I’ll do anything.’

  ‘I’d like to have a handwriting analysis conducted on the envelope. Whoever sent it addressed it by hand. Do you have any samples of Eddie’s handwriting lying around?’

  She deflated. ‘I don’t think so.’

  ‘Nothing? Not even a note or a signature somewhere? Even a cancelled cheque would help.’

  She ran a hand through her hair, feeling sick. She’d had the note from the drycleaner, but she’d torn it to little bits and thrown it away. She hadn’t been able to get rid of it fast enough. She’d never thought she’d need it. ‘I threw everything out when we broke up.’

  ‘What are your thoughts there, Morgan?’ Darien asked. ‘You don’t think the pictures are enough?’

  ‘We suspect he sent them, but there’s nothing connecting the photos to him. I have the restraining order Rielle filed against him a while ago. If I could add something more to that, I might be able to convince a judge to give me a search warrant.’

  Rielle held her hair in her fist. Her calmness was gone, and the muscles in her jaw were tight. ‘But you just said he hasn’t been home. How will that help?’

  Darien rubbed her side. ‘If the detective can get into Eddie’s checking account or credit records, he might be able to see where he’s been spending his tim
e and money.’

  ‘It’s just a way to zero in on his location,’ Morgan explained, ‘and to build a case against him.’

  The colour drained from her face. She hadn’t thought about that yet – what she might face after they stopped the calls and the photographs from coming in. Darien wished there was a way to prevent all that, but they needed to focus on the present first.

  ‘Was there any DNA on the envelope?’ he asked. ‘The seal or the –’

  Rielle flinched. ‘Wait. I might have something.’

  ‘What?’ The detective pounced from the other end of the call.

  ‘My students gave me a Valentine’s Day card the last year I worked as a teacher. I showed it to Eddie when we went out that night, and he signed it, too. The cheap…’

  From the way her hands fisted, Darien could see she hadn’t liked that at all, but it might be their lucky break.

  ‘Just a signature?’ he asked.

  ‘No, he wrote something else. Just a note. I don’t remember what it was, but I think I still have that card.’

  ‘Where is it?’ the detective demanded.

  Darien smirked. The guy was like a heat-seeking laser when he caught a lead. He liked that.

  ‘It’s at my apartment.’ Rielle’s gaze was steady and her expression was determined when she faced him. ‘I can get it for you.’

  ‘Oh, no, you can’t.’ Darien was all about being supportive, but that was where he drew the line. ‘We talked about this. If he’s figured out where you work, he’s probably figured out where you live. You’re not going home.’

  ‘It wouldn’t take but fifteen minutes,’ she argued. ‘I need to get my mail anyway.’

  Hell, he’d forgotten about her mail. There might be something in there they could use, too. Eddie had sent something to her work address. It only made sense that he’d send something to her private one, too. Hitting closer to home would make her feel more vulnerable. The bastard had already proved he couldn’t let go. There was no telling how frustrated he might be getting out there as he struggled to find her.

  ‘We need to put a hold order on that down at the post office, but what about family or friends?’ Darien said. ‘Can’t someone go pick things up for you?’

  ‘Nina is the only one who has a backup key.’

  ‘Nina?’ The detective jumped in fast. ‘No, she’s not going over there either. God, don’t let her hear you.’

  Rielle frowned. ‘I’m not at work.’

  ‘Nina gave her the day off,’ Darien said.

  ‘So she’s alone at Luxxor?’

  Rielle shot Darien an anxious look. She wanted to help the investigation badly. ‘Who can go?’

  He raked a hand through his hair. ‘I can,’ he volunteered.

  ‘No,’ she said bluntly. ‘It was your head he crossed out in that picture.’

  Hamilton didn’t like that another man had gotten close to her. Darien knew he was on the guy’s shit list. He’d have to figure out how to get into the apartment building undetected, just in case he was watching.

  Or, better yet, he could walk in under the full light of day and draw the son-of-a-bitch out. He wasn’t used to acting as bait, but it might be the best way to draw this thing to a rapid close.

  ‘I’ll do it,’ Morgan said, nixing that idea, ‘if you give me permission, Rielle. I’ll get the key from Nina. Hell, I’ll even take her with me.’

  Rielle’s eyes got big.

  ‘Eddie might have connected Nina to Rielle,’ Darien warned. ‘He’s probably seen them coming and going together.’

  ‘He’s obviously been watching the place. We don’t advertise.’ She winced when she realised she might have said too much, but she kept right on going. ‘Somehow he got our address.’

  ‘You leave Nina to me,’ the detective said. ‘I’ll make sure she’s safe.’


  ‘I’ll let you know when I have more.’

  The line went dead, and Darien looked at Rielle. ‘How’s that going to work out?’ he asked.

  She grimaced. ‘Not well.’

  He shrugged. ‘Or maybe better than we think.’

  The office was quiet as Nina sat working at her desk. Quiet, yet loud. She could hear the copier humming in the break room and the grandfather clock in the lobby ticking. The incessant ambient noise was driving her nuts.

  She put down her pen and rubbed her shoulders. It was the open space around her. The open, empty space.

  Rielle had become so much of a workhorse that Nina wasn’t used to being here alone. It took her back to the early days when she’d first started Luxxor. She’d had to learn how to walk through the minefield that was her industry then. She’d always known what her target market was, but she’d had to deal with some real perverts to get there.

  With a stalker out there now, things weren’t much better.

  Off in the distance, she heard the sound of the lobby door. She dropped her hands quickly, and began searching for her shoes with her feet.

  ‘Hello?’ she called.

  She quickly scanned her calendar. There were no appointments scheduled. The crazy loon wouldn’t just stride in like this, would he? Surely Security would have cut him off at the pass.

  She pushed back her chair and stood when she saw a shadow in the hall. She was pushing the emergency button under her desk when a big figure walked into her office.

  ‘Oh, damn.’ She braced both hands on her desk as relief poured through her.

  Detective Morgan crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the doorway. ‘What the hell are you doing here alone?’

  ‘I’m not alone.’ She picked up the phone and jabbed at the extension for Security. ‘Why didn’t you say something when I called out?’

  His brow lowered. ‘I didn’t hear you.’

  ‘Ms Lockwood,’ her Security man said in her ear. ‘We’re on our way. Is everything all right?’

  ‘I’m sorry. False alarm.’ Or was it? She narrowed her eyes at the detective. It would be so satisfying to have Security escort him out of here.

  ‘Are you sure?’ the guard pressed.

  But, knowing him, Morgan would probably alpha dog them into submission and put her in a jail cell overnight.

  ‘Betsy Ross,’ she said, giving the code word for the all-clear. It only irritated her more. Now she’d have to go through the process of choosing a new one.

  ‘Weird acoustics in this place,’ the detective said with a shrug.

  He entered and immediately consumed all the space that had felt so empty before. Nina held her ground behind her big desk. Her desk, her office, her company.

  ‘Why are you here, Detective, and why is it that you never call first?’

  ‘Rielle needs our help.’

  Nina flinched.

  ‘Why? What happened? Did he find her?’ Her ribcage cinched around her heart. ‘Is she all right? Where was Scott?’

  ‘Easy.’ Morgan held up his hands to stop her. ‘She’s fine, but we need to get something from her apartment. She said you had a key.’

  He was here for a key? Nina closed her eyes briefly and took a breath that managed to get all the way to the bottom of her lungs. The man could learn a thing or two about tact. ‘What does she need?’

  ‘A handwriting sample of Hamilton’s. She thinks she has something we can use.’

  Nina nodded. Finally, something she could do to help. She opened her desk drawer and grabbed her purse. She didn’t like her people being threatened. ‘I’ll go right now.’

  ‘Hold on there.’ Morgan caught her by the elbow as she tried to pass. ‘You’re not going alone. We’re doing this together – you and me.’

  She looked pointedly at where he touched her. Her elbow felt warm and energy was sizzling through her arm.

  He didn’t take the hint. Instead, he started guiding her to her own door.

  ‘I’m not one of your detainees,’ she said crisply.

  He gave her a questioning look, but then saw how he
was holding her. ‘Sorry about that. Habit.’

  The corner of her mouth twitched, but her spine went ramrod straight when he wrapped his arm around her waist instead.

  ‘Do you have a hat or sunglasses you could put on?’

  ‘A hat?’

  He rolled his eyes. ‘Not fashionable enough?’

  ‘Not since the 60s.’

  ‘All right. The point is I don’t want Hamilton spotting you. Maybe you can just give me the key, and I’ll go in myself. It shouldn’t take more than few minutes. You just guide me there and tell me where to go.’

  Nina lifted an eyebrow when he held out his hand. Oh, she’d tell him where to go. ‘I don’t have the key with me.’

  His brow furrowed. She’d just locked the door and was holding a set of keys that would make a janitor proud. ‘Where is it?’

  ‘At my home.’

  For the first time ever, she saw a smile spread onto the detective’s handsome face. It nearly made her topple off her heels. Damn, the man was a pain, but he was a sexy one.


  His arm settled around her waist again, and Nina wanted to curse. ‘You are not coming inside.’

  ‘All right. Whatever you say.’

  ‘You’re not.’


  She stood stiffly as they rode down the elevator together. Her Security team gave her the strangest look when she walked out with the man they’d identified as Company Enemy #2. She’d just hit the emergency button because of him, but she signalled to them to stand down as she left with him.

  By the time they made it to his car, her heart was beating fast and her jaw was aching from clenching her teeth so tight. He opened the passenger door to the unmarked police cruiser for her. It wasn’t quite the scene from her nightmares where he carted her off to jail, but it was close.

  She kept her breaths even and measured as she settled into the seat. The car was cleaner than she’d expected. All polished and orderly.

  ‘What?’ he demanded when he sat down behind the wheel.

  ‘No doughnuts or fast-food bags?’


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