Bad Boy's Treat: The Possessed MC

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Bad Boy's Treat: The Possessed MC Page 29

by Amy Love

  Cock still in her mouth, Gryff patted her cheek and grinned, then pulled back. He was in better control of his breathing than she was, and they took a few moments to calm her before they left. Hand-in-hand. Beth’s head held high.

  Let’s see his mystery phone girl top that.

  Chapter 13

  “What are you doing?!”

  Beth dropped Gryff’s phone like it burned her, her cheeks prickling with white hot embarrassment to be caught doing something so incredibly juvenile as snooping on his phone.

  “I… I…” Her voice caught in her throat as he snatched it away and tossed it on his pile of clothing, one of her fluffy towels slung around his waist. He’d been in the shower, but she’d been so engrossed in what she’d been doing that she hadn’t even noticed the water shut off or the door open. Poor form, Beth, poor form.

  “Well?” he snapped, his hands in fists by his side.

  “I thought it was mine, so—”

  “Try again,” Gryff hissed, his voice low and dangerous. She opened her mouth, another lie on the tip of her tongue, then pressed her lips together firmly. He’d surely see through whatever lie she offered him; he was great at reading her, even if they’d been apart for almost two and a half weeks.

  “I have no excuse, Master,” she offered, dropping her gaze and softening her voice, hoping that the shift in her demeanor may work on him. However, when she peered up again, he was still glowering. “I was snooping.”

  “Why?” The word cut through the tense air between them, encouraging tears to spring to her eyes, but he remained unmoved. They’d had such an amazing scene together tonight too; her ass still hurt from how he’d spanked it, her sex pleasantly sore from how savagely he’d fucked her. Christmas and New Years had come and gone, and they hadn’t seen each other once over the holiday. Nor had he been very communicative through text, claiming he was visiting family for the holiday.

  Only she’d seen him. Downtown. Well, she’d seen his bike, but she could pick the damn thing out of a line-up at this point. He’d been lying to her. Distant. Unresponsive. After they’d finished tonight and she’d cleaned up, Beth couldn’t help herself. As soon as he shut himself up in the bathroom, she’d grabbed his phone and started looking through his message, fully expecting to find another girl on the line. It had been stupid. Pathetic. His most recent text message was from her, and the rest were clearly men based on the writing patterns. Innocent. In fact, it seemed he barely even used his phone, which made her feel even worse. All his calls were from her and a guy named Micky—who she’d creeped on Gryff’s Facebook app too. Totally normal looking. Had a family. Older gentleman.


  “I’m afraid your tears won’t work on me, slut,” he said sharply. The use of the word “slut” told her he was angry, but not real angry. It could have been worse. It would have been worse if he’d used her actual name. “What were you doing on my phone?”

  “I’m sorry,” Beth told him, her voice trembling and her breath starting to come out in shallow gasps. “It’s pathetic. I f-feel as if I’m in high school…I shouldn’t have—”

  “Calm yourself and tell me.”

  She swallowed hard and took a few deep breaths, unable to look at him until he instructed her to, which she found oddly comforting.

  “You’ve been distant lately,” she said, even though she knew it wasn’t an excuse for her despicable actions. “I thought…maybe there was another woman…”

  His heavy sigh silenced her, and she noticed some of the tension ease out of him. Settling on the coffee table, he threaded his hands together and stared at her, holding her gaze evenly.

  “I can’t do this with multiple women,” Gryff insisted. “This… thing that we do. It’s too tiring to do with multiple partners. Plus if I were sleeping with someone else, I would have gone back to using a condom.”

  They’d stopped using a condom after they were each tested shortly after their sexual relationship began, and Beth’s birth control was enough to cover them. She swallowed hard, her body shaking with a nervous excitement. “So…”

  “It’s only you, Beth,” he said softly, but he squashed the thrill of the moment when his voice hardened after his jaw clenched briefly. “But my personal business outside of our time together is none of your business. I ask that you respect my privacy.”

  “Of course.” She nodded emphatically. “Of course! I’m so sorry. I still don’t know what came over me.”

  “I’d almost expected something like this, actually,” Gryff mused, his lips quirking up somewhat. “You’re a little green when it comes to…well, this kind of stuff. I was waiting for you to show your colors sometime.”


  “But just because I expected something ridiculous like this to happen doesn’t mean I approve,” he continued, hard and angry again, his master-tone slipping back into play. “And it means you’ll be punished for your fucking insolence.”

  Her stomach swirled with both anxiety and excitement, that is, until he stood and crossed over into the kitchen, coming back to the loveseat with one of her wooden cooking spoons in hand. She grimaced at the sight. Usually he used his hands…what could he possibly have in mind with that?

  “Over the armrest,” he instructed. Her eyes darted down to his cock, hoping to see it erect and disappointed that it wasn’t. It would be by the end, but she hated herself for being wet at the thought of punishment. “Pants down and arch your ass up, slut.”

  Beth quickly did as she was told, not wanting to incite any more of his anger. Bare and exposed, she let out a startled squeal the first time he struck her.

  “I want you to count them out loud,” he said coolly, the fiery sting of the wood making her ass smart. “If I can’t hear you, we’ll start again. Twenty hits for such a bad slut.”

  Before she could say anything else, like how she deserved it but please not too hard, he struck her again, and she gave a pitiful cry before whimpering, “One…”

  Chapter 14

  “Are you sure everything’s okay at home?”

  Beth nodded, but she wasn’t able to meet her T.A.’s eye. “Yeah. Things are great.”

  “I know the last year is a really stressful experience for a lot of students, but your grades are really suffering.”

  “Thanks for meeting with me,” she said curtly, more fire in her voice than she intended. He studied her for a moment, this man who had worked with her from the start of the year until now, who had no doubt noticed the steady decline in her grades since she and Gryff took their relationship to the next level.

  “Beth. Is there anything I can do? Are you understanding the material?”

  “I’ve just been a little distracted,” she told him as she stood, waving him off with a smile and grabbing her bag. “I understand the material. It’s my own fault; I just need to study more.”

  “Yes,” her T.A. said with a frown. “You do.”

  She assured him not to worry, that she had things under control. Everyone got a little distracted when Christmas came up, anyway, and that was the excuse she planned to use if her professor went to her dad at any point. For now, she could only hope that her T.A. would keep this conversation between her and him and no one else. There was still time to improve her grades—a lot of time, in fact.

  As she left the cramped little office, the one all six of the teaching assistants for that particular class shared, her phone vibrated in her pocket. Gryff. Sure enough, his name flashed across the screen, and she couldn’t help but smile. Ear-to-ear it stretched, her happiness at just the sight of his name. Since her phone snooping incident, he’d been a little more attentive, usually visiting her at her apartment three times a week, then studying with her in the library.

  Prepare yourself for tonight. I have a new toy for naughty sluts.

  She shivered and put the phone away, knowing that not texting him back would make him punish her before they got the night started, and drifted to her next class in a dreamy haze, tot
ally unfocused and utterly excited.

  Chapter 15

  “On your knees, slut.”

  Beth shivered, the deep voice of her master shooting straight to her sex. She’d been so good lately, not touching herself unless they were together. She’d known they were meeting up today. Knowing that he would finally give her sweet release. All day she’d been distracted, unable to focus on her assignments, on her lectures, on her father’s nagging voice at the back of her head.

  “Close the door behind you,” Gryff ordered, and she did as she was told. Just as she reached for the lock, however, he tsked at her, making her stop and turn back to him, wide-eyed. “Don’t lock it.”

  “But…” She swallowed her protests, not wanting to displease him, but an unlocked classroom was risky—especially when the dean’s daughter had come to play with her master; her underwear were already wet with anticipation. The way he looked at her alone was enough to get her going, his eyes dark with lust yet his expression aloof, as if this didn’t have some effect on him at all. What she liked most about him in that moment was that she knew he was a storm inside, a hurricane of emotion, of want, but he kept it all hidden beneath an icy demeanor. Cold. Distant. His features like ice. Towering over her, Gryff was an impressive man in every sense of the word—just thinking about him, him as a person, was enough to send Beth into a tizzy.

  “On your knees,” he said sternly, ignoring her momentary disobedience. She hesitated, only a few seconds, before dropping to her knees. She’d worn tights just for this, so that she could feel the ache in her knees on the tile floor of the college classroom. Gryff had taught her how to feel. Pain. Pleasure. He encouraged her to revel in both, just as he did, and she loved him for it.

  “Yes, Master,” she offered, her voice soft and sweet, her gaze fixed to him. He studied her for a long moment, leaning back against the desk with his arms crossed, and then he snapped and pointed to the floor in front of him. Crawl to me. Licking her lips, Beth moved forward slowly because she knew he liked to watch. He liked to see the sway in her hip, the wince when her hands connected with the hard ground. He was a watcher, a man of study—and she was his favorite subject.

  “Take my cock out and worship it, slut,” he instructed once she was kneeling at his feet. Slut. The word said by anyone else was offensive, dirty, but he used it ironically with her. She’d been a virgin when they met, and he started calling her his slut, his whore, once this aspect of their sexual nature began. It was, to Beth, as endearing as any other pet name, but she refused to ever let anyone else use it against her.

  Eyes alight with joy, she surged up and unbuckled his belt, then dug his hard cock out from beneath his black jeans. All in black today. Stern. Dominant. Authoritative. She loved when he wore all black—he was her shadow then, always with her.

  He must have been as excited for the moment as she was, because the tip of his cock glistened with arousal, and she licked the bead off, savoring the salty taste briefly before taking him in her mouth. Once she had him, she placed her hands behind her back, knowing he preferred the feel of her mouth over the feel of her palms. And she did, too. This way was better. It made her wetter, taking him deep, her hands trapped by the invisible bonds of his gaze.

  “You’ve been such a good girl this last week,” he purred, his fingers threading through her hair, as he started to pump in and out of her mouth. “Maybe today I’ll even let you come…”

  She moaned at the thought, the vibrations of her voice undoubtedly making his thighs quiver. It seemed she was entirely in his power, given her current position, but Beth had more control in the situation than anyone would expect. She knew how to work him now, her gorgeous mystery man, and she thrilled in giving him pleasure almost as much as she enjoyed receiving it in turn.

  His hand tightened in her hair, hard, and she gagged when he pushed in deeper than usual, his pace fast and merciless. When they’d first started, she might have pushed him away, frightened by his strength, but now she concentrated on breathing, on watching him with watery eyes as he had his way with her.

  “Oh, fuck it,” he hissed, pulling out of her mouth suddenly so fast that she gasped, her teeth clattering together. “You’re too good today, slut. I had so many plans to torment you here. My paddle is in my bag. The gag. The ropes. But I think I’ll just fuck you.”

  “Thank you, Master,” she all but cried, trying to keep herself in check, as he hoisted her up and bent her over a nearby desk. Facing the door, she gripped the desk’s edge and bit her lip in an effort to stay quiet while he ripped her tights and yanked her underwear down. Sometimes he teased her, rubbing the head of his engorged cock along her wet slit, making her beg for him to fuck her. But not this time. No, he pushed into her with a grunt, filling her as she gave a heady cry.

  “Not too loud, my petulant slut,” he said with a chuckle, finding a harsh and fast rhythm as he took her, “or someone will come in and find the dean’s daughter bent over a desk being fucked by a dirty biker.”

  “Master!” she whimpered, arching up to take him in. Sweet release—it was all she craved. She’d been so good. So patient. “Please, please, please…”

  “What do you…?” He trailed off, stilling inside her when the doorknob across the room rattled. No one ought to be scheduled in the classroom, or so he hoped, especially if he’d initially planned to do a more elaborate scene with her. They both waited with bated breath, the silence suffocating, until whoever was about to enter thought better of it.

  Gryff wrapped a hand over her mouth and resumed his previous pace, slamming into her and bringing her closer and closer to the release she craved.

  “Maybe I should have gagged you,” he whispered in her ear. Although she couldn’t see it, she could picture the sinful curve of his lips, the devilish look in his eye. She whimpered again, and Gryff laughed as he continued to fuck her, tossing her over the edge of bliss and using her until they were both spent…

  Chapter 16

  She was in heaven. Beth had left her body and floated up to the clouds—and she never wanted to come down.


  All of her limbs were tied, one to each bedpost, her body spread taut. Helpless. It had taken her a little while to understand why someone would voluntarily be a sub in the relationship dynamic, but now she understood. While she couldn’t move, barely an inch anyway, she was totally in Gryff’s hands. Entirely in his control. It was a lot of faith to put in a person, a lot of power to give. He had a say in her pleasure, her pain, and he was always good about dolling out an equal amount of each.

  They’d tried ropes a few times in the past, though clearly not as often as Gryff would have liked. January crawled by, Beth weighed down by school and life and the fear of the future, and Gryff had gone back to being a little distant. Distracted. But at least now he always answered her text messages. So while he wasn’t always physically around when she wanted to see him, at least he had taken the hint and was better about being in touch.

  It had been almost a week since he’d been over, and when he pulled out the ropes and quirked an eyebrow, all she could do was shiver and nod. It had started off the same as always: fierce kisses, his hands roaming her body as if he owned it, and Beth on her knees to worship at the altar of Gryff. Then, just as he’d worked her into a frenzy, her body a quivering mess and her words incoherent whiny mumbles, Gryff hoisted her over his shoulder and carried her to the bedroom. Usually they played in the living room and kitchen areas, using all the counters and couch back and armrests and coffee table to their advantage. Gryff was always incredibly creative with how he took her, and it quickly became apparent that tonight would be no different.

  After depositing her gracelessly on the bed, tossing her like she was an irksome book bag, he instructed her to lay on her back and spread. She’d already been naked, her nipples at full attention and her thighs smeared with the wetness of her arousal, but the thought of spreading out for him brought heat to her skin, a lovely red blush trailing down her body.
When she hadn’t complied fast enough, he’d pinched her thigh then flicked her feet, the one pain she genuinely disliked, and did as she was told. Her submissive thrill rose through her when she saw the look of heated satisfaction cross his features.

  Normally, he just bound her hands. It was what she was comfortable with at that point, but tonight he’d tied her feet, too. The rope was tight—but not tight enough to stop circulation—around her ankles. The position had kept her spread for him, and once he had her securely in place, he explored her body, alternating between licking and nibbling as he saw fit, both making her twitch and moan and beg. When she wouldn’t keep quiet, he went to her underwear drawer and pulled out a clean pair, then stuffed it in her mouth, threatening to use the ones she’d been wearing, the ones covered in her own juices, if she couldn’t behave.

  When he’d been through tormenting her with his mouth, he finally gave in and had his way with her, cock buried deep inside her, hands griping her hips so hard she was sure he’d leave marks. Good. She loved looking over the faded marks of their play the following day, knowing he’d done it because he was pleasuring them both in the process.


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