Alcatraz: A Definitive History of the Penitentiary Years

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Alcatraz: A Definitive History of the Penitentiary Years Page 23

by Michael Esslinger

  Young Arrives at Alcatraz

  Henri Young was considered one of the most incorrigible inmates ever to serve time at Alcatraz. His extensive conduct reports depict a volatile and hostile nature.

  Henri Young arrived on Alcatraz on June 1, 1935, as inmate AZ-244. Just one month later, Young would receive his first write-up for misconduct. Young and inmate Francis L. Keating were reprimanded for talking loudly during mealtime, which was strictly forbidden. His menacing attitude would only intensify under the strict regulations at Alcatraz. Young’s first trip to solitary confinement began on July 17, 1935, when he refused to shake out clothes during a work assignment in the laundry. He was also put on a restricted diet, which usually consisted of one full meal a day with two additional servings of bread and water.

  Young’s arrogant and belligerent attitude only grew worse during his imprisonment on Alcatraz. On January 21, 1936, Young was written up for the following violations:

  JOINING IN STRIKE, SUSPECTED OF SABATOGE, Having been reported by Jr. Officer Dixon as having dumped 400 lbs. of vegetables in the vegetable room of the kitchen basement, before walking out on the strike, he was immediately placed in open “D” Block, in a day or two later confessed dumping the vegetables.

  - C.J. Shuttleworth, Deputy Warden.

  Young would be identified as one of the leaders of the general work strike and three days later he was written up as “a noisemaker, insolent, and constantly trying to keep other prisoners from going to work.” Henri Young had solidified his reputation as a troublemaker and his antics were infuriating to the correctional staff. He would routinely yell threats, bang his tin cup against the cell bars, and throw items (including feces) from his cell.

  After spending almost four years on Alcatraz, Young joined in a failed escape attempt with fellow inmates Doc Barker, Dale Stamphill, William Martin and Rufus McCain, on January 13, 1939. Young acted as a lookout while Martin and McCain quickly cut through the bars – the same bars that had been termed tool-proof. The attempted escape resulted in significant injuries of Stamphill and the shooting death of Barker. Rumors began circulating through the prison that at the last moment, McCain had revealed that he couldn’t swim just when they made it to the water’s edge, and had begged to turn back as soon as they launched their makeshift raft in the rough bay waters.

  Young and the other conspirators were placed in the upper solitary cells in A Block. An entry in Young’s conduct report states that he was moved from A Block to D Block isolation cell #587 on January 27, 1939, with continued loss of all his privileges. An official hearing on the escape resulted in Young forfeiting all 2,400 days of his statutory good time. His record does indicate a brief period in which no disciplinary action was taken. This lasted until July 9, 1939, when he again incited a disturbance, which was described as follows: “Loud yelling, pounding, cursing and attempting to throw water upon an officer. This prisoner was yelling and pounding the front of his cell with the frame of his bed.”

  Henri Young’s cell in the Solitary Confinement Unit, located on the upper tier of A Block. This photograph was used during Young’s murder trial, in an attempt to illustrate the harsh confinement practices at Alcatraz.

  Contemporary photos showing the interior of the upper A-Block solitary confinement cells.

  Attorney James MacInnis is seen here on the upper tier of A Block, examining the closed-front solitary confinement cells.

  Rufus McCain, the Alcatraz inmate murdered by Henri Young.

  Rufus McCain

  Rufus Roy McCain was a thirty-seven-year-old offender who seemed to share many traits in common with Henri Young. McCain was the youngest of seven children. His mother died of an unknown illness when he was only five years old and his father remarried two years later, and moved the family to Broken Bow, Oklahoma. McCain’s Alcatraz records reflect that he didn’t get along with his stepmother, whom he later claimed had mistreated him, and that as a result he was constantly in conflict with his family. He left home at the age of eighteen and took a job in the oil fields as a driller. McCain claimed to have lived a normal life in a middle class household, working for the same company until he was thirty-two years of age. His file indicates that he drank liquor frequently, and that his only recreational activity was watching motion picture shows.

  McCain’s first brush with crime occurred in 1931, when he robbed some Indian gravesites, taking valuable relics including jewelry and ceremonial artifacts. For this crime he was sentenced to serve one year at the Oklahoma State Penitentiary. McCain’s prison time was served uneventfully and upon his release, he was unable to find employment. In late 1932, he robbed a bank, hoping to secure enough money to live comfortably until he could find work. He then committed another bank robbery in Oklahoma, and was quickly captured and sentenced to serve twelve years in the Arkansas Penitentiary. Rufus McCain was considered by the prison staff to be very resourceful, and he succeeded in making his escape in April of 1935. On May 14th he stole an automobile with accomplice Samuel Marion Day, and using firearms, they held up the Idabel National Bank in Oklahoma for $2,600 in cash. The two convicts kidnapped two bank cashiers as hostages and Sam Day was killed in a fierce gun battle following the robbery.

  McCain was committed to the Federal Penitentiary at Leavenworth on July 11, 1935. He was subsequently transferred to Alcatraz on October 26, 1935, as a result of his violent outbursts and classification as a high escape risk. McCain had lived a normal life into his thirties, but he had since developed into a violent prisoner. In May of 1938 he attacked inmate Ralph Sullivan with a knife fashioned out of brass. The knife was seven inches long, with edges resembling “a razor’s edge filed to a sharp point,” and the handles were wrapped with electrical tape. McCain was quickly spotted with the knife by correctional officer J.J. Lapsey, and he was stopped before he could inflict any injuries. He continued to build a record of violent acts and rebellion against his guards, and therefore he was no stranger to the solitary confinement cells in A and D Blocks. His conduct report would eventually begin to show similarities to Henri Young’s. The two reports show several identical date entries for offenses and misbehavior.

  There is no official documentation indicating a reason for the enmity that developed between Young and McCain. Rumors and subsequent trial testimony from other inmates would indicate that McCain had been making death threats toward Young following the failed escape. There were also the tales of McCain panicking during their escape attempt while in the water with Young, and begging to return to shore to reinforce their raft. Many would later state that Young directly blamed McCain for their capture and the death of Barker. Whatever the case may be, their animosity would result in a violent confrontation on August 29, 1939.

  McCain had earned back work privileges, and had been given a job assignment as an orderly in D Block. On that day, as McCain passed Henri during his noontime lunch break, Young pulled out a dagger and lunged at McCain. Officer Joe Steere witnessed the altercation, and quickly slammed the cell door closed before Young was able to inflict any serious injury on McCain. Young was placed in isolation in D Block, and then transferred to an isolation cell in A Block on September 15, 1939. Less than two months later, Young was written up for violating the silence rule. Associate Warden E.J. Miller revoked his yard privileges for one week after Officer Richard Dennison reported that there had been “continued talking even when I was known in the vicinity.” On December 15, 1939, prison officers conducted a search of Henri’s cell, and their findings would again place Henri into isolation. Officer M.A. Amende wrote in Young’s conduct report:

  CONTRABAND IN CELL. While searching this inmate’s cell at 2 P.M. this date, I found a brass dagger hidden in the mattress. This weapon was fashioned from a brass plunger used to flush toilet. Report #1898 by M.A. Amende, Jr. Officer. ACTION: Denied any knowledge of the weapon. To be placed in solitary confinement on restricted diet and to forfeit all privileges until further orders. E.J. Miller, Associate Warden.

  On Sept
ember 15, 1939, Young was transferred to A Block with a small group of other inmates, and here he was moved into improvised isolation quarters. Fourteen months later, Henri Young was released back into the general population and given an immediate work assignment as a janitor in the furniture factory, which was then located on the top floor of the Model Shop building.

  On December 3, 1940, the feud that had been smoldering between Henri and Rufus McCain finally turned deadly. Henri, now twenty-nine years of age, fatally stabbed McCain on the second floor of the Model Shop Building.

  Young later provided his own account of the slaying in trial testimony. He stated in part:

  That morning I went into breakfast. McCain was sitting across the room from me. He sneered at me and ran his finger across his throat. He meant he was going to cut my throat. I had a chill. It was like a cold, clammy snake had been put under my skin. When I went out, my head was burning. I went to my cell and got my coat and hat. At the foot of the steps I saw McCain. He made a filthy remark. I stopped and looked at him. Everything seemed to go blank. I went away.

  The events of McCain’s Murder are also described in several accounts given by correctional officers who filed reports on the incident:


  December 3, 1940

  To: J. A. Johnston, Warden

  From: E. J. Miller, Associate Warden

  Re: ATTACK OF YOUNG #244-Az on Mc Cain #267-Az 12-3-1940.

  Attached are copies of reports from the following officers relative to the attack by Young #244-Az on McCain #267-Az this date:

  Junior Officer R. F. Spencer

  Junior Officer Marshall G. Rose

  Senior Officer Frank W. Mach

  Paul M. Pone, Foreman Clothing Factory

  Junior Officer Wesley C. Hicks

  Lieutenant H. W. Weinhold.

  At approximately 10 a.m. this date Officer Ordway in the Captain’s Office received a telephone call from Officer Pringle, Model Roof Patrol, that there was trouble in the Tailor Shop. Officer Ordway relayed the message to the Associate Warden and then the Associate Warden sent Officer Ordway to the work area. Lieutenant Weinhold called from the Tailor Shop and stated to the Associated Warden that #267-McCain had been stabbed in the abdomen by another inmate, Young #244, who came down from the Model Shop.

  Lieutenant Weinhold stated that the wound was bad and immediately a truck was sent to the work area to take inmate McCain to the Hospital. In the meantime Dr. Ritchey and Dr. Green were notified that an inmate had been stabbed and McCain was checked into the Hospital about 10:05 A.M.

  The associate Warden tried to get a statement from McCain but could secure nothing of value.

  E. J. Miller

  Associate Warden


  Alcatraz, California

  December 3, 1940

  Mr. E. J. Miller, Associate Warden

  Subject: Inmate Young #244-Az Leaving Model Shop at 10:00 A. M.

  From: R. F. Spencer, Junior Officer

  At ten A.M this date I made my count as usual, and every man was at his particular job and accounted for.

  Immediately after making check I returned to stockroom where we were taking monthly inventory. Hardly, had I started working when upon hearing a whistle blast I stepped to a window to see what was wrong, I saw at first glance Officer Mach struggling with the above-named inmate on the landing in front of shoe factory.

  I went down and took charge of inmate Young and Mr. Mach returned to his shop. Within a few moments Officer Rose relieved me of my charge, taking him to the cell house, I returning to my post.

  Respectfully submitted,

  /S/ R.F. Spencer

  Junior Officer


  December 3, 1940

  Subject: Statement on inmate #244 (Young).

  To: Associate Warden E. J. Miller.


  This morning, while on duty as a Work Area Officer, I was making my rounds of the Work Area Shops. At 10:00 A.M. I was in the Mat Shop, when I heard a whistle blowing, I ran out of the shop to see what the trouble was. I saw Mr. F. Mach’s assistant, he told me that a stretcher was needed, as he thought he had an inmate dying in the Tailor Shop. I obtained the stretcher from the Work Area and I returned with it to the Tailor Shop.

  Lt. Weinhold who had arrived on scene, ordered me to take Young #244 to the cell house. This I did without further trouble from Young.


  /S/ Marshall G. Rose, J.O.


  November 3, 1940

  To the Associate Warden:

  I was on the third table sewing with my back to the Office. I heard a scuffle and a moan, turned around and saw McCain on the floor and Mr. Mach scuffling with Young and had an arm lock on him. At first I thought it was a fistfight, then I saw a knife in Young’s hand and Mr. Mach called my attention to it. I took the knife away from him and while Mr. Mach, Mr. Hicks took Young out with the assistance of Mr. Rose and Mr. Spencer. I called up the Hospital to send a Doctor or an ambulance to the Tailor Shop. Lieutenant Weinhold was in the shop, before Mr. Rose came, I turned the knife over to Mr. Mach. This happened approx. ten a.m.

  /S/ Paul M. Pone



  Alcatraz, California

  December 3, 1940

  To: E.J. Miller, Associate Warden

  From: W.C. Hicks, Jr. Officer

  Re: Stabbing of Rufus McCain #267

  At 9:55 A.M. I entered the Tailor Shop and reported to Mr. Mach. He was just about to take a count as he said he took it a little before the hour. After the count, Mr. Mach suggested he show mw around the Shop.

  We had just started (between 10:00 and 10:05 A.M.) and he was showing me some pattern when I heard someone shout “hey, Ruf.” Turning around, I saw Young #244 standing with a knife in his right hand and McCain fall to the floor.

  Mr. Mach immediately grabbed him and threw him against the wall and at the same time twisting his right with the knife down to his side. He then called to Mr. Pone and to myself to get his knife. Mr.Pone got the knife in his hand and I found another slipped under his belt in front.

  I ran out to the yard for help and while out on the stairs Mr. Mach brought out Young to the top of the stairs and Mr. Spencer (who had come up by this time) and I held him while the other officers were coming. The knife I found on Young I turned over to Mr. Mach.

  /S/ Wesley C. Hicks

  Alcatraz, California

  December 3, 1940

  To: E.J. Miller, Associate Warden

  From: W.C. Hicks, jr. Officer

  Re: Stabbing of Rufus McCain #267

  At 9:55 A.M. I entered the Tailor Shop and reported to Mr. Mach. He was just about to take a count as he said he took it a little before the hour. After the count, Mr. Mach suggested he show me around the Shop.

  We had just started (between 10:00 and 10:05 A.M.) and he was showing me some pattern when I heard someone shout “Hey, Ruf, Hey, Ruf.” Turning around, I saw Young #244 standing with a knife in his right hand and McCain fall to the floor. Mr. Mach immediately grabbed him and threw him against the wall and at the same time twisting his right with the knife down to his side. He then called to Mr. Pone and to myself to get his knife. Mr. Pone got the knife in his hand and I found another slipped under his belt in front.

  I ran out to the yard for help and while out on the stairs Mr. Mach brought out Young to the top of the stairs and Mr. Spencer (who had come up by this time) and I held him while the other officers were coming. The knife I found on Young I turned over to Mr. Mach.

  /S/ Wesley C. Hicks

  Memorandum to the Warden:

  Re: 267-Az, McCain, R.R.

  The above captioned Inmate was brought to the Hospital at about 10:00 today, on a stretcher. It was found that he was suffering from an extensive wound of the right side of the abdomen. This wound was about five inches in length and entirely through the abdominal wall. The omentum was exposed and partly protruding. There was considera
ble oozing of blood from several points on the omentum. He was suffering also from shock. He was given immediate treatment to combat the shock and steps were taken to stop the bleeding. In the meantime Passed Assistant Surgeon George H. Hunt was called from the U. S. Marine Hospital in San Francisco and he came at one to the Island and an anesthetic and the abdomen explored to determine the extent of the damage. It was found that no viscus was cut through but there were many bleeding points found in the region of the Hepatic flexure of the colon, in which neighborhood there was a hematome. All bleeding points found were ligated and the wound closed with drainage down to the peritoneum. The patient was returned to his room and shock treatment was continued with the administration of fluids and stimulants to support pulse.

  As this is written at 2:45 P.M. the patient is still in shock and has a great deal of pain. His pulse is small and slow but his color is fairly good and he complains of great tenderness over the abdomen. Stimulation and fluids will be continued and sufficient narcotic to control the pain. This injury was received at the hands of another inmate. This man is still in a very critical condition and the prognosis is extremely guarded.


  Romney M. Ritchey, Surgeon (R),

  Chief Medical Officer

  United States Public Health Service

  U. S. Penitentiary, Alcatraz, California

  November 4, 1940

  Memorandum to the Warden:

  Re: 267-Az., Mc Cain, Rufus (Deceased)

  The following statement is made to include the several verbal and written reports we made to you yesterday regarding the above captioned Inmate.

  At about 10:00 a.m. yesterday the above captioned former Inmate was brought to the Hospital on a stretcher. He was pale and his skin was moist and his shirt was bloody and he was holding with both hands a mass which was protruding from a large opening in the abdomen. He was placed on the table and a hypodermic was given for the pain. The wound was cleansed and inspected and he appeared to be in severe shock from the exposure of the abdominal contents. Bleeding points in the omentum were tied off and active shock treatment instituted. His general condition did not greatly improve but it was imperative that further investigation of the possible injury to intestines be undertaken. This was done by Passed Assistant Surgeon G. H. Hunt, USPHS, of U. S. Marine Hospital, San Francisco.


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