Karina's Quest (The Adventures Of Pervikar Book 3)

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Karina's Quest (The Adventures Of Pervikar Book 3) Page 22

by John Evans

  "I know who he is," interrupted Cendri, with Gedda snickering in her hands.

  "Oh, then tell him what has happened," said Ivin. "He'll help us."

  Cendri looked up at the sun. "If we are where I think we are, I should be back by midday tomorrow." She stepped up into her saddle and took off down the road without another word.

  "Let's check on Nesbra and then see to these bodies," said Karina when Cendri was out of sight.

  "Go ahead," said Octavia. "We need to set up camp and move the wagons, too."

  Karina nodded and went over to Nesbra's litter. "What happened?" asked Nesbra in a weak voice. "I heard fighting and then Helga told me everything was okay."

  "A group of wagoneers attacked us," said Karina. "Do you know someone named Horgreth?"

  "Horgreth! Watch out for him!" cried out Nesbra. Karina shushed her back down so she would not get too excited. "He's a dirty, double-dealing smuggler who'd turn on his own mother, if he had one, for a profit. He agrees to smuggle in merchandise and if the buyer isn't sharp, Horgreth switches the quality goods for inferior goods. That way he gets added profits when he sells off the good stuff."

  "One of his teamsters recognized you. Horgreth said he wanted to pay you back for something you did to him."

  "Figures," muttered Nesbra, drained of her strength. "He was doing his usual underhanded swap. It was on an arms shipment that some rebels had ordered. That would have meant a lot of dead rebels, followed by government suppression, custom searches, and everything else that is bad for my business. I just nipped the plan in the bud. You have to watch out for him. He'll be back."

  "I don't think so," said Karina. "He's lying over there with a foot or so of steel stuck in his chest."

  Nesbra managed a weak smile. "Give my thanks to whoever killed him."

  "I did and you're welcome."

  Karina walked over to where Helga and Gedda were tugging at a large body trying to drag it off to the side. Karina reached down, grabbed the collar of the corpse, and dragged the body off to the treeline with very little effort. The two girls just stood there staring after her.

  "Is it my imagination or is she getting stronger?" asked Gedda.

  "She is and it's your fault for training her," said Helga as she disdainfully went over to move another body.

  They moved the bodies out of sight of the road and collected all the loose weapons and armor. Octavia drove the wagons off the road where the others unhitched the mules. Tents were pitched and everyone waited for Cendri's return. A couple of travelers passed by the campsite, but moved on when they were told that there was a sick woman there.

  The night and most of the morning passed by uneventfully. It was just before midday when Octavia sighted a dozen or so horsemen coming towards them. "That's Bargan in the red robes with Cendri behind him," she said. "I don't know who the others are."

  The column rode their horses up to where Karina and her companions were waiting. They quickly dismounted. Cendri, Bargan, and another man with a plumed helmet walked over to meet them.

  "I'm glad you returned safe and sound," said Karina to Cendri.

  "Baroness Karina, may I introduce High Priest Bargan and Captain Seke," said Cendri. "Captain Seke, Your Grace, this is Lady Karina."

  Bargan and Captain Seke both bowed formally to Karina, who bowed in return. Karina wondered why Cendri was being so formal, but decided to act the part. Captain Seke then took a step forward.

  "Milady, I understand that you were attacked," he said. "Please tell me what occurred."

  "A group of wagoneers with riders approached us yesterday around midday. We had stopped to rest and eat. I did not like their attitude or their inference that we could all have a good time together. I told their leader, Horgreth, to move on. He took offense and had his men attack us."

  "Horgreth!" exclaimed Captain Seke. "Large man? Scar on his cheek?"

  "He's in the treeline with the rest of his men, if you wish to look, Captain Seke," said Karina.

  "My apologies, milady. Horgreth is a thief, smuggler, and murderer. He is as slippery as an eel. We've come close to catching him several times, only to watch him get away. You've done us a service by disposing of him. I guess he attacked the wrong group this time."

  "What will happen now?" asked Karina.

  "I take it the three wagons were his, milady," said Captain Seke. "My men will load the bodies onto them and drive them to Cific. There, they will be searched and inventoried. I understand you have a sick woman with you that forces you to travel slowly. When you arrive in Cific, I would request that you stop by my barracks so that I can get a written account for my report. Do you know where you will be staying in Cific?"

  "They will be guests at the Temple of Adelpha," stated Bargan. "Baroness Karina will graciously honor your request and, as her advisor, will lay claim to all of Horgreth's possessions by right of combat."

  "Your Grace knows that we must first find out if Horgreth has any immediate family," said Captain Seke.

  "Of course, it is the law."

  "Quite so," said Captain Seke. "Milady, with your permission, we will load the wagons and be on our way."

  "May Chamis guide your feet on your travels," intoned Bargan. "Baroness, I would like to stay and travel with you back to Cific."

  "I would like that also, Your Grace."

  Captain Seke's men loaded the bodies of Horgreth and his men onto the wagons. The six horses were tied with tethers to the rear of one wagon and Captain Seke led his men back towards the city. Karina, Bargan, and the others watched them until they were out of sight.

  "That went well," said Bargan, matter-of-factly, as he turned to face Karina. "Two of my accountants will meet the wagons when they arrive at the city, so nothing is overlooked or misplaced."

  "You don't trust Captain Seke, Your Grace?" asked Karina.

  "Yes, I do trust him, but there are others with influence over Captain Seke. This will remove any temptation and will keep Seke from making a moral decision. Lady Karina, please call me Bargan."

  "Only if you call me Karina. What was my laying claim to Horgreth's possessions about?"

  "By law, you have the right to claim Horgreth's possessions since your group defeated him in battle. His immediate family, of which I believe there is none, would have first claim. You have second. If you do not claim his property, it all reverts to the crown. I did not think you were aware of this law, so I made the claim for you. I have met Cendri, Gedda, and the beautiful Octavia before. May I be introduced to the rest of your company?"

  "Yes," said Karina. "May I introduce Helga, my friend and confidante. This is High Priestess Ivin of the Temple of Adelpha in Tectin."

  "You are most fortunate to have this lovely woman for your friend," said Bargan, kissing Helga's hand. He faced towards Ivin. "Your Grace, you are different than I had pictured."

  "How so?" asked Ivin, "and please call me Ivin before we 'Grace' each other to death."

  "I am honored, Ivin, if you would call me Bargan. A half-ogre named Per painted a different picture of you to me."

  "Per!" exclaimed Karina. "When did you last see my son?"

  "Your son?" said Bargan, a little startled. He shook his head as if to straighten out his thoughts. "I think we both have stories to tell. I'm sorry, but I haven't seen Per for several months, not since Cendri, Gedda and Octavia were last in Cific." Bargan went on to explain how he met Per. It was the same story Octavia had told Karina before.

  "So you met him right after I did," said Ivin. "Did he tell you what happened in Tectin?"

  "The only thing he told me was that you were chastised by Adelpha," said Bargan. "He did not elaborate beyond that."

  "I was a vain, self-centered woman and he cured me," said Ivin, simply. "Did Adelpha tell you that we were coming?"

  "In a dream it was hinted that I should expect someone," said Bargan. "I also have a very large crate with dire warnings written all over it in the temple vault for Karina. One of my young apprentices tried a litt
le magic to see what was inside. Quite without my permission I might add." He chuckled to himself. "He ran out screaming from the vault and won't go back inside."

  "It's a ward my husband places on valuable items," said Karina. "Only his hand or mine can open whatever is warded."

  "Useful spell," commented Bargan. "My vault has never been safer since everyone in the temple is avoiding it like the plague. Even my accountants won't go near it and they don't believe in anything, but cold, hard cash. Now, can I hear your story, if you wish to tell me?"

  "How about over dinner, Your Grace?" asked Helga. "We only have campfire, though."

  "Bargan, please," he corrected. "I've eaten on the road more times than there are stars in the sky and been damned glad to have something to eat at times. Check my saddlebags. You'll find roast chicken, roast beef, fresh bread, fruit, and cheese."

  Dinner was better than they were used to and they were soon all in fine spirits. As they sat around the fire afterwards, Karina told Bargan about their travels and the quest they were on.

  "Let me see if I have this straight," said Bargan after Karina finished her story. "You, whose primary deity is Demare, are on a quest ordered by the ogre god of fertility, Ahhspah, to find every woman who has greatly influenced or made love to your son, Per. The culmination of this quest is a wild ogre orgy ritual, which elevates Per to being a neccar, or whatever. Also, my Goddess has sworn not to interfere directly in this quest, but here you are with a High Priest and Priestess of Adelpha."

  "Well, yes," said Karina as which point Bargan broke out into fits of rich laughter.

  "I'm sorry and I apologize if I offended anyone," chuckled Bargan when he could gain control of himself. "I have a love for the absurd, which is inappropriate at times."

  "If this isn't strange, I don't know what is," muttered Octavia.

  "Don't worry about it," said Karina to Bargan. "At times, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I think I'd rather laugh."

  "Still, it is your good fortune that we have met," said Bargan. "I did not hear you mention one name that Octavia should have remembered."

  Octavia looked at Bargan blankly as she wracked her brain trying to remember whom he was talking about. She finally shook her head.

  "Tessa," said Bargan.

  Octavia continued to stare at Bargan uncomprehendingly. She then inhaled sharply as her eyes widened in recognition of the name. At the same time, her face turned bright red, even in the campfire light.

  "Must be some name," Gedda stage-whispered to Cendri with a nudge.

  "It was the magic that was associated with that night that may have caused her lapse of memory," said Bargan. "Tessa made love to Per on that night and is one of the women you seek."

  "Is she still at the temple?" asked Karina hopefully.

  "Yes, she is," replied Bargan. "You will see her there late tomorrow evening."

  Chapter 13: Split Minds, Shared Bodies

  The sun had just set when Karina and her company approached Cific. Bargan used his badge of office to gain them easy access through the gates. Karina endured the ogling stares of the guards at the gate as she rode through. Since her padded armor had been sliced to ribbons in the last fight, Karina had to wear a divided riding skirt and white blouse. Her outfit, unlike her armor, enhanced instead of hid her mammoth breasts and slim waist. Her dagger was her only weapon since her short sword had also been broken. The whistles and catcalls from the guards stopped when Ivin and Octavia gave the guards steely-eyed looks, which was accompanied by the threat of a clinking flail and drawn longsword.

  Bargan led the group through the darkening streets of the city. Merchants and craftsmen were closing up their shops as the day ended and people went home or to the taverns for dinner. Bargan took them to the front of the Temple of Adelpha and took them around the side. The temple was a large stone building with several multi-story wings joined off of the central building. As they approached the wing entrance, the heavy oak double doors opened and seven servants came out to hold the horses. A busty young woman wearing a white gown came out after the servants.

  Karina estimated the woman to be around twenty years old and five foot-eleven inches tall. Her white dress had ties that crossed over her large breasts, pulling the fabric tight against them, and her with blond hair done up in braids on top of her head. The coolness of the springtime night air was immediately evident by the way the woman's nipples poked out the material. Karina looked up at the woman's blue eyes to see her making the same cursory assessment of her.

  "Good evening, Your Grace," said the woman as the servants helped the riders to dismount. Two servants handed over their horses to others and went inside. They came back out carrying a stretcher and transferred Nesbra onto it. They gently carried her inside.

  "Efficient as always, Tessa. May I introduce Lady Karina Devon and High Priestess Ivin? Octavia you already know, and, of course, Gedda and Cendri. This last lady is Helga, Lady Karina's friend and companion," said Bargan to the young woman as she led them inside where other servants took their stained cloaks and muddy boots. "I don't remember our staff being this large."

  "I am honored to meet you all," said Tessa as the servants produced slippers for everyone. "I hired extra help at your expense, Your Grace. Would you like dinner first or to bathe?"

  "Dinner," said Ivin so quickly that Karina was a little startled.

  "As you wish," said Tessa. "Please, follow me."

  "I'm sorry, Tessa, but I need to talk to His Grace about an important matter first," apologized Ivin. "Please take the others to dinner and we will join you in a few minutes."

  "What do you suppose that was all about?" Helga asked Karina as Tessa led them towards the dining room.

  "Probably some secret temple business that can't be discussed in front of us," replied Karina. "Nothing I'm going to lose sleep over."

  Tessa led them to a small, but beautifully furnished dining room. Candlelight glowed from the chandelier and wall mounts to sparkle off the china and silverware. The table was set for seven people and four servants stood near the buffet.

  "Uh," stammered Octavia, a little uncomfortable in the lavish surroundings.

  "I'm sorry, but the cook went overboard when fixing this dinner," said Tessa. "She always wants His Grace to live up to the status of his role. Please, sit down and eat before the food gets cold."

  Ivin came in just as everyone was getting settled. "Karina, Octavia, Bargan would appreciate a minute of your time," she said as she sat down.

  Karina and Octavia looked at each other, stood up, and walked out the door. Bargan was standing just a little ways up the hallway. As they approached him, he opened a door and led them into a nearby study.

  "I'm sorry to take you away from your dinner, but Ivin informed me of a problem," said Bargan, closing the door. "We observe the Rite of First Bath here. It is a rite that is more prevalent in a large city than at Ivin's temple, but they still follow it to certain degrees. Octavia, you and I had the rite the last time you were here. Basically, we honor the guests under our roof with the first bath. Bath attendants will wash you and then a companion, who has been selected for you, will go to bed with you. Ivin is afraid that Helga will see the companions and, possibly, the bath attendants as sexual slaves."

  "Are they slaves?" asked Karina.

  "We are all slaves one way or the other," said Bargan. "I am a slave to my oath of office and to my deity. You are a slave to your quest, but this is not the place to argue semantics. We do not own the companions. They compete for these positions and we pay them for their services."

  "Were you paid for your service with me?" asked Octavia.

  "Octavia, the Rite of First Bath is not for my benefit or for the other companions. It was designed solely for our guests, to relax them and ease their worries, to make them forget their cares for a while. You gave as much as you took and it was a rare and wonderful experience I'll remember to the end of my days. We are digressing, however. Helga is the problem according to I

  "Did Ivin tell you that Helga was used as a sexual favor and toy by her former master?" asked Karina. "She retreated into an emotionless shell for self-preservation and is now just coming out of it. Ivin may be right. I don't know how she'll react to being offered a companion for the night. I supposed Tessa has set up the rite already."

  "Yes, for everyone," replied Bargan.

  "Including you?" asked Karina.

  Bargan smiled. "No, I'm not a guest. Due to my position, I have to offer myself to the highest ranking or most senior lady present. I believe that would be you, Lady Karina."

  "Me!" she said in surprise.

  Yes, you."

  "But what if I was ugly or hideous or very, very old?" asked Karina. "How could you?"

  "Practice," replied Bargan. "Years of practice."

  "What if I did not want you?"

  "Anyone can refuse a companion or even select a different one," said Bargan. "The problem is we are bound to make the offer."

  "Wait a minute, I have an idea," interrupted Octavia, and quickly outlined her plan.

  "That would work," said Karina to Bargan. "Do you see a problem with it?"

  "No, I can't," he replied. "Come, I've kept you from your dinner. I'll inform Tessa of the change."

  As the three of them stepped out of the study into the hallway, a door banged open to their left. A naked woman ran out of the door laughing and the down the hallway away from them. She was chased after by a naked man. They both disappeared around a corner at the end of the hallway.

  "My apologies," said Bargan. "Many people come here to solve their sexual problems and sometimes it gets out of hand."

  "The only problem I saw was that we only saw him from behind," laughed Octavia.

  The three of them went back into the dining room. Trays of roast pork and beef ribs were passed around. Bowls of fresh spring vegetables dotted the table along with baskets of hot bread. Karina barely noticed the delicious food. When she had seen the naked man's ass, she had gone into sort of a daze and a fire was slowly begining to burn in her loins.


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