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Stripped Page 10

by Stoke, Christina

  “No,” I wail. No, he’s trying to lead the light away from me. He can’t do that. He can’t! I swear I can run faster than he can. “No, Captain, please! Please!”

  A humming sound starts. Ominous. Frightening! Getting louder and louder until it’s piercing my eardrums. Then in the next second, a flash and rumbling sound reverberates around me. Out of nowhere, my body is thrown into a spindly bush by something. It’s as if I was picked up and dropped flat. I scream, but it's cut short as I struggle to catch a hard breath. But I can’t.

  Run, Ry, run damn it, I think as I crouch, duck, and then I roll to the right, trying to avoid the impact of the laser type shot. It misses me, but still the impact rolls my body fifty feet beyond any humanly possible roll. That’s okay with me as long as nothing. is broken. It’s not, but then I hear Tallie scream, and my gut clenches like a ball of lead just dropped into it.

  “Damn it! I told her to run,” I growl savagely as I leap to my feet and see the light is sweeping to the west of either of us now. I don’t know what the hell those things are, but I can hear by the sound, that incredibly, they seem to be moving away. A thousand reasons for this skitter through my mind as I crouch down again and move forward intent on finding Tallie.

  Automated? They could be automated or perhaps the Wasp sensors didn’t really pick us up? Perhaps, it was our motion they swept after. Lousy sensors if that’s all they could pick up. Yet, none of our military has ever fought the aliens on the ground. It’s all been in space or in the skies around planets.

  Hell, I wish I could follow them and take a closer look. We need information like this. Yet, that's not my mission, not why I’m here. Tallie. My evasive thinking has only kept my thoughts away from her for under a minute. Damn, she shouldn’t be here. She wasn’t made for this.

  “Tallie,” I utter harshly, dropping to my knees. Tallie is sprawled face down in one of the spindly scrub bushes. If she is dead, I’m going to fucking kill them.

  “Uh,” she groans. “Did you call me, Tallie?”

  “Hold still,” I order. God I’m shaking.

  “Oh, Captain, it hurts,” she moans. “B-But I think I’m okay, really.”

  “Hell, are you crying?”

  “N-No,” she sniffles. “I-I wouldn’t do that. B-But you tried to kill yourself to save m-me.”

  Hell, she is crying. “Jesus, Tallie.” I pull her upward, turning her into my arms. This is highly, as in totally, inappropriate. Yet, it’s too late. I just walked over the line.

  “A-Are you h-hugging me, sir?”

  “Shut up, Tallie.”

  “Yes, s-sir.” She hugs me back tightly, still weeping softly and tearing my guts apart.

  Wouldn’t you know it; she fits me like a glove. She is soft and plump in all the right places. I’m a goner, sure as hell. Only now, we have one big problem, because I only like my women in a certain way. It's a true bone-deep fetish, I suppose. But I’m dominating, and I can be a bit rough, especially with womb-born females. My ex-wife enjoyed the small glimpses that I showed her. That wasn’t our problem. And, I’ve got the intuition that Tallie would too. If I have enough time. But the sorry truth is, I don’t think we are going to make it off this rock. Oh, I do believe weeks from now, we will be able to set the MAXI. But we will never make it to the two specified rendezvous, we are just too far off target. What the hell, looks as though fate has just handed me a heavy fling before I finally check out.

  I catch Tallie under her thighs and lift to stand. She catches my neck tightly. “I should try and walk, sir.” She sniffles.


  “But I . . . ,”

  I interrupt. “I can walk all day like this, Tallie.” I pause significantly. “I’m a Variant, remember.”

  She huffs in surprise and embarrassment. “You called me, Tallie, again.”


  She puffs some air again. “Well, what does it mean?”

  I can tell the darkness or the near death experiences are making her braver. She would normally be to shy for this. “It means that I am stronger than any womb-born males and I really could go six times, if I put my mind to it.”

  She gasps a startled breath, but then . . . “Oh,” she whimpers.

  “What is it?” I stop walking.

  “I . . . ,”

  “Damn it, Tallie!”

  “I-I’m all right, really. It just hurt for a second. I d-did fall flat on my face, pretty hard, sir.”

  “Hold me closer,” I mutter, and then I start walking again.

  Tallie feels really good as she leans into me, while I pick my way through the rocks and scrub brush. My mind drifts over the fact of how much power I have over her in this situation. I am her commander and the only thing that will keep her alive, for as long as I can. I’m smiling a little. The fact is, I never really smile all the way, but I’ve never had a woman in this situation before. It’s a bit heady, now that I’ve let myself go.

  And she’s attracted to me, that much I can tell, but how much I don’t know. Yet, even a little is enough to work with. The idea that excites me is I don't believe Tallie likes me because I’m a Variant male. Some womb-born females are like that, after any Variant male in pants and after them in secret of course. They sneak around trying to find big Variant dicks, hoping they won’t get caught.

  Now Tallie, she’s pretty shy, but given the right situation she would stand up and declare she was jumping my bones for anyone to hear. She has a fierce protectiveness in her for those she cares about. I’ve seen her use it with the Shadows. Hell. I stop walking and look down at her. It’s getting light out and her eyes look dark and luminous. The other day, when she put those tow jerks down because of me . . . that was very protective.

  “What’s happening?” she whispers, trying to hold my gaze, but losing the battle as her gaze drops to my chin.

  I know I look very fierce at the moment. I don’t blame her hesitation and I’m looking forward to her shyness. When you must work hard for something, it is so much better than having it fall into your lap.

  “I believe, Tallie Rousseau, that I am claiming my woman.”

  Tallie’s arms jerk then, and tighten around my neck. I lower my mouth to her ear as her face ducks deeper into the crook of my neck, “You need to think about that, baby,” I whisper against her ear as I feel her heartbeat fluttering wildly against my chest. Then, I start walking again. We need to find a safe place to bunker down, before full daylight.

  Chapter Six

  I am totally blown away. Baby? Captain Boa called me, “Baby” with his deep tenor voice. I’m shaking, my palms are sweating, and my chest is humming with excitement as I try to hold back my leaping hopes, afraid I’ve missed something, or read the situation wrong. Yet, he couldn’t be more specific. I’m claiming my woman! Oh God, it’s such a switch. I’m tottering on confusion. One minute I’m Private Rousseau and the next I’m Tallie.

  Get a grip. You’re not a kid anymore.

  Yes that helps, I can breathe again. It’s simple . . . Captain Boa wants to get laid, and here we are where no one will know. That's it. He’s just taking an opportunity and I’m really, really lucky. Claiming my woman. It sounds so primal. I don’t know anything about him, not personally. He could do this kind of thing all the time. Even though, he’s always appeared to be a loner to me. If he preferred privacy, no one would ever know differently.

  What’s really blowing me away, and making it hard for me to believe, or even to know what to do is the fact he’s picked me. I mean me! I’m just ...well; it’s so hard to believe. I have hoped, but never held out any hope. I’m just too shy, and there are so many beautiful women. I’ve always lived with this lesser complex. It is the shyness, and I know that. It makes me believe somehow I’m not worthy and that I could not possibly attract a man like Captain Boa.

  Yet the problem is ... it appears that I have! Jesus, I’m way out of my league. I know I don’t have the guts, if he really means it. Of course he does, he said he does. I ha
ve to get myself together. This is what I wanted from the first moment I saw him. This is what I’ve dreamed about. Ah hell, what am I going to do now?

  “We’ll bunker down here for the day,” Captain Boa says, and I unglue my face from his neck to see some alien rock structures that look like green sandstone with several entrances to what must be caves. The light around us is an eerie gray. “We will check your injuries and make some plans,” he says as he sets me down on a smoothly sloping green rock. “Stay here while I reconnoiter the caves, Tallie.”

  Abruptly, I grab his wrist as he turns away. I could never hold him, but he allows me to, and he turns back to me. “What happened to the others?” I ask, looking back and forth across his face, looking for the truth.

  “We will talk about it,” he answers tightly. “But they got scattered. You probably don’t remember the explosion. The cargo Skitter was destroyed.”

  “The one we came here on?” I whisper, dropping his wrist.

  “Yes,” he answers turning away.

  Silently, I watch Captain Boa as he cautiously enters the first cave in a crouch with his weapon, a Mac-pistol, pointed out before him. We are stuck here ... he’s not going to tell me, but I know. That’s why he's changed, because we don’t have any way to get out of here.

  I know a little or a lot about these things. I’m just too curious, too much down time spent alone I guess, and I cannot help but surfing the networks. The military ones. So I know for a fact on a ground drop there will be only two attempts made to pick us up. The first, and then one back up at the same time and the same place, one week later. No radios, obviously for a covert mission, especially since the aliens can intercept our transmissions. I’d never have guessed the aliens had the capability, if they hadn’t asked for the MAXI.

  Wow, I would have been saving many lives. I should be proud. Possibly, we can still do that part. Just get me to any type of alien communication system and I’ll make it work. You know, I’m not very important, but Captain Boa, surely they wouldn’t want to lose him. Maybe they’ll try harder. Try for more than just two attempts?

  “Tallie, are you all right?”

  I’m hugging myself and I didn’t realize it, and he’s back. “Yes, sir, I mean, Captain.”

  “Ry.” Captain Boa picks me up again and I grab his shoulders. “Call me, Ry.”

  “Oh, I always wondered,” I mumble without realizing, and then I blush and turn my gaze to his neck again.

  “Good,” he murmurs. “Right about now, I’m glad you wondered.”

  Glib women ... sexy and secure women would know what to do with a statement like that. They’d probably purr really seductively and say a sexy come back. Me, damn it, I hug Ry tighter and sigh on any words I could ever say.

  In the cave Ry chooses, I notice he’s setup a solar lantern and unrolled an inflatable bag from the pack all Air Space Rangers carry on their backs. He kneels down on the air bag, and I let go of his firm shoulders as he rocks back on his heels. One side of his face is chiseled in the lanterns light, the other is in shadows. He looks tough, hard, and very masculine.

  “Where do you hurt?” Ry pins me with his gaze. His blue eyes are dark and intense. My eyes drop to his mouth, of course, as I lift my hand to my left side, by my lower rib cage, beneath my breast.

  “Just here really. I think I got poked really hard by a branch when I fell,” I mumble.

  “Let’s take your pack off and have a look.”

  My eyes dart up to him, then down again, but he’s already helping me take the small pack off. That twisting of my body, to get the straps off my shoulders, makes me wince. “Drop your flight suit and lay back, Tallie. I’ll get the lantern.”

  Ry is already moving, while I'm immobile as I watch his spine, when he reaches for the lantern. I never expected this. Never. “I don’t have a bra on,” I hiss miserably, embarrassed beyond belief. I should be embracing this moment with all the female that's in me. We are going to . . . I know that he and I are going to, but...

  “All right.” Ry is back with the lantern, setting it beside me. “You tell me why, and I will figure something out.”

  I can only hope or pray. “M-My breasts wouldn’t fit in the flight suit. They don’t make them for, well, um ...”

  “What size?” he asks quietly.

  “Thirty-eight d-d,” I stutter.


  “No!” I exclaim forgetting not to look at him and getting caught in his intense gaze. He looks, he looks like...

  “God, baby, you’re making my mouth water.” My eyes pop open wider as I stare at him transfixed. He’s aroused, b-by me? Ry sits down on one hip beside me, leaning closer over me. “Take it off for me, Tallie. Unzip it slowly and pull it down off your shoulders. Close your eyes if you have to, baby.”

  Ohmygod. Baby. The dropped tenor in his voice when he says ‘baby’ is melting me. I clench my eyes and I’m breathing harshly as I reach for the zipper. I want to do this. I want to do this so bad. Yet, to bare my breasts for him, just so he can look at them. God, I’ve never done anything like this in my entire life. The zipper whispers as I pull it down to my navel. My breasts nearly burst out on their own against the release of the tight material, but the edges of the flight suit catch them.

  I hear Ry’s breath hiss. “I’m not going to give you much choice, Tallie. I know that you thought I would, but from this moment on you are mine.”

  “Oh God,” I gasp.

  “Now, take it down for me. Show me your breasts.” Ry’s command is softly spoken and irreversible. My hands are trembling as I pull the edges down off my shoulders, over my nipples and the flight suit catches on my inner elbows. Cold air washes over my shy breasts as I hold my breath. “There, Tallie. Leave it there. Christ, I couldn't help but imagine your big breasts. But my imagination did not do them any justice. Lift them up to me by arching your back, baby.”

  “I don’t know. I-I ...,”

  “Do it for me.” Ry’s warm breath is on my ear. “Lean back ... That’s it. Now arch your back and lift them up to me, baby.” His breath is intimate and coaxing on my earlobe. I can feel the intense heat of my blush staining my neck as Ry’s commands move me, despite my hesitations. “You're posing for me,” he murmurs. “And my cock is hard, like a spike, looking at you. Like a long hot spike.”

  “Oh God,” I moan roughly. Never in a million years could I imagine this.

  Captain Boa is a highly sexual man!

  Chapter Seven

  Christ, I’m awed. Tallie’s nipples are fat and pink. A light blush pink, baby soft looking, except for where the spears in the middle are tight and rosy. Thrusting up at me, poking outward and showing everything. Thirty-eight d’s, damn they are white melons, firm and tantalizing. I feel as though I've never been this hard before. Looking at Tallie’s arched back with her creamy colored skin against the black flight suit. She is posed . . . like an offering to me. Shame-shame on me. I cannot wait, but in the end, there will be no shame between us. I am glad to see only a slight bruise under her left breast.

  “Tallie,” I whisper sharply, as I move in front of her, and then I come down to kneel with my knees on either side of her hips. I’m over her as though I would hold her down as she’s poised with her breasts arched upward toward my chest. Her eyelashes flutter and I know she’s peeking at me as her breath puffs in little pants out of her curved lips.

  “I won’t wait,” I utter. “It’s been too, long.”

  Her eyes pop open now. They are chestnut brown and beautifully filled with surprise, hesitancy, and a deep-shadowed longing. Priceless. She cannot hold my fierce gaze for long and her gaze drops to my chest as I undo the Velcro over the crotch of my flight suit.

  “B-But ...,” she whispers.

  “No,” I rasp. “I’m not going to fuck you yet, baby. But I am going to jack off over your fat tits and your pink nipples.”

  She hisses. Her breath is so sharp and her gaze drops to where I'm releasing my ten-inch engorged cock. “Oh
mygod,” she pants.

  There are going to be a lot of, “oh god’s,” in our future if I cannot even hold back after looking at just her breasts. Yeah, that’s all right with me. I have a fondness for kinky. Tallie’s tongue circles her lips nervously as I grasp the column of my heavy dick and I begin to pump. Tallie’s gaze darts up and down a few times, unsure where to land, while my gaze fills with her big white tits. Hell, someday I am going to fuck between those two beautiful and supple balls of titty.

  “I’ve been fisting off to dreams of you for months now.” I pick up the speed on my dick, to a fast pumping motion, stroking from the cum-soaked head to my balls. Stroke. Tightening my grip around the rigidly swollen shaft.

  “You have?” she whispers, as hope and pleasure show in her eyes. She licks her lips again nervously. “You are so big,” she blurts.

  “Ah, baby,” I grunt. My balls are drawing up tight as my breathing gets heavy and sweat beads between my shoulder blades. “Lay down, baby.” My voice is a strained voice. “Open your flight suit more. Let me see your panties.”

  Bless my Tallie, she falls backward and bounces her big tits like creamy-filled balloons. Her gaze is on my jutting cock with my hand fisting it hard. She likes my big dong. It awes her and scares her, but she wants it. Her slender hands fumble, pulling the zipper downward, until finally I see a scrap of lavender lace. Jesus, sexy feminine panties. Nothing serviceable, like cotton. The lace is embroidered, but I can see Tallie’s coffee colored pubic curls beneath. “I-Is this all right, Ry?” she whispers hesitantly. “I-I’m not very good at ...,”


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