Summer on Main Street

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Summer on Main Street Page 40

by Crista McHugh

  “Too good,” he hissed when she got the suction strong again. His hips were moving faster now, so she followed his lead. Her fingers felt his testicles start to tighten. “If you don’t want me to come in your mouth, I’m tellin’ ya, you’d better stop now.”

  Something about him using the word “come” made the tightness between her thighs twist up another notch. She kept her mouth on him, kept their rhythm going. Then she felt his hands in her hair, gripping her head and holding her still as he took control, moving in and then retreating from her mouth. She held herself steady, allowing him to use her.

  “Laura Lei…” he begged. “Just…a little…more…a lit—oh, Christ! Oh, fuck!” He shoved his cock to the back of her throat and held it there, straining as he began to pulse. “Fucking A,” he moaned, and she did her best to swallow him down, relishing that his entire body was steeped in a shuddering climax.

  When his hands relaxed and his breathing decreased, his fingers started moving through her hair. Lolly lifted her head from Brooks' lap and struggled to sit up, finding every muscle had gone stiff. She wiped a hand across her mouth just before Brooks pulled her onto his lap, kissing her thoroughly. His hands moved over her now as if she were a precious and fragile object, touching her everywhere, gently and with reverence.

  “Lolly,” he whispered against her lips. He was breathing heavily. Talking around his breaths. “I have never lost control like that before. You do that to me. I knew you would. Now maybe you understand. I just don’t trust myself.”

  “Isn’t that the point?” she said, smiling and kissing him back. “To lose control?”

  “My language. The way I held your head.”

  “Frankly, I liked it. Both of those. If that’s you losing control, knock yourself out.”

  “But…” he said, breathing deep a few times. Finally, he squeezed his eyes shut and ran a hand over his face. “Okay. Good. But you’ll let me know. When I cross a line, you’ll let me know.”

  “Absolutely,” she teased.

  He eyed her seriously. She was sure he was about to say something else, but then he bit his lips and nodded. “Okay.” He reached past her and turned the key in the ignition. She slid off his lap and buckled her seat belt.

  “So you’re okay to drive now,” she said, smiling into the dark.

  “I’m okay to drive,” he agreed. “But I sure as hell am not in any shape to do much else.”


  Brooks knew his silence was creating tension between them during the drive home. But he was at a crossroads the likes of which he’d never thought he’d have to face. Not in a million years did he think he’d ever have to worry about losing control while making love to a woman. But when his hands had clamped down on Lolly’s head and he’d taken over that blow job she was so willingly treating him to, he knew his mind had snapped.

  He loved her with all his heart and soul, but when it came to his body? Whoa. His body wanted to own her.

  That night under the stars when he’d freaked her out? It’d freaked him out too, and that was just the beginning. Since then, his fantasies hung on the edge of the dark side, and he was now more convinced that being intimate with Lolly was an aphrodisiac so intense that at some point his body would go into auto-drive and do as he’d just done. Take control and use her for his own pleasure, exactly as he wanted.


  “Laura Leigh.”

  “You okay?”


  He noticed she let the silence lengthen. Let him stew. She didn’t continue to ask questions. She knew he’d talk when he was ready to talk. Damn! The woman was perfect in every possible way. She continued to understand him like no one else. Here he was being an ass and she allowed him that privilege.

  Well, he wasn’t letting her go, that’s for damn sure. He was going to be the selfish bastard for once, and he was going to keep her. He was going to suck this up and spell it out. Trust that she’d know how to handle him just like she always did. And if she ran scared, well, he’d just run after her.

  He pulled into his driveway, slowed to a stop, put the truck in park, and turned off the ignition. He was prepared to grab her hand if she started to leave the cab, but of course, she sat there and waited for him to speak. She always read him right.

  When he continued to sit there, she finally said, “Just don’t tell me you’ve changed your mind about taking me to bed.”

  He laughed then, and it felt good to break the tension. He turned to her with a genuine smile and shook his head. “Oh, I’m taking you to bed. That’s a done deal. In fact, if you start begging me to take you home instead, I’m not gonna do it. So you may as well resign yourself to helping me work this out. To come to some kind of understanding.”

  “Okay. Can we talk about this inside? Maybe open that bottle of champagne?”

  “Probably a good idea,” he agreed.

  He followed her inside, feeling better already. Just her voice, her manner soothed him. She was the fucking horse whisperer when it came to him. He downed a glass of champagne and poured himself another before following her over to the couch.

  He tried to sit, but he was too anxious. So he stood and started pacing. He thought she might be laughing at him a little and that was okay. He wished he could find it a laughing matter. Jesus, he needed to lighten up.

  “How ’bout I take a crack at it,” she offered.

  He shot her his best oh-really look. “You think you know what I’m about to say.”

  “I do,” she said, pulling her bare feet up and tucking them under her pretty red dress. Her dark hair hung in front of her shoulders as she hugged her knees. “Because you said it thirty minutes ago, and you haven’t said anything since. You’re afraid of being too aggressive with me.”

  That was it. Exactly. And she knew it too, because whatever look he had plastered over his dumb ass face apparently confirmed it.

  “I thought so,” she said. “But here’s the thing. And I want you to hear me when I say this, because that limb you’re afraid to step out on right now?” He nodded for her to go on. “I’m way, way out on it.”

  She took a deep breath. Looked away and then looked back. “I like the idea of your manhandling me. I like the idea of your being aggressive. The way you were with me that night under the stars was shocking, but I haven’t been able to think about anything else since. I liked it. I liked how you were with me in the truck just now. The language you used just made it that much hotter.” She began to uncurl her legs and move off the couch. “I like being the one who makes you lose control. I’m not afraid that you’ll hurt me. And I promise to tell you if you do.” She stood and came toward him slowly, stopping right in front of him. “We’re both athletic. We both enjoy physical activity. Our sex life is bound to reflect that. I haven’t had that much experience, but I never had anyone bring me to orgasm during a goodnight kiss either. You made that happen for me, Brooks. That’s what you do to me.”

  He wished he’d had the recorder on his phone going. He really did. Because after she said she liked the idea of being manhandled by him, his brain shut down and his dick took over. And from the strain against his pants, he figured his dick heard every word coming out of her talented little mouth and was poised and ready at the starting line of a long sex marathon.

  “Laura Leigh,” he said, holding his hand out to indicate the hallway. “Would you like me to show you the rest of the house?”

  Her smile grew slow and full as she tucked her hair behind her ears. She turned, picked up the little overnight bag she’d brought in from the truck, and followed him down the hall.

  “This is guest room number one,” he said, flipping the light on as she stuck her head inside the door. “There’s a bathroom that adjoins this bedroom to another farther down the hall.”

  He followed after her until she stopped at the threshold of his room. He stood behind her and tried to see it through her eyes. On top of his four-poster bed, the new comforter, shams, and throw pill
ows transformed the space from utilitarian to inviting. He sure was happy it looked inviting now.

  Lolly stepped inside and walked toward the master bathroom. He followed her in, watching her survey the green stone tiles, the Jacuzzi tub, and the separate shower stall with the rain water fixture. She put her bag down and walked to the green granite countertop housing two sinks. She ran her hand over it and then noticed a separate room with an opened door and the toilet just beyond. “Wow.”

  “That’s what gets the wow? I thought the Jacuzzi might get the wow.”

  “The wow is for the bathroom in its entirety,” she clarified. “After seeing your beautiful home and the Evans' place, I now realize how long my mother and I have lived in squalor.”

  “Your mother’s home is charming.”

  “Yes, but new is new,” she said, spinning around. “And I think I like new.”

  “I’m glad you like new. New is all I have to offer.”

  She put her hands on his chest and reached up on her tiptoes to kiss his lips. “You have charming to offer as well,” she assured him. “Now would you mind if I took a moment to put your beautiful bathroom to good use?”

  “Not at all. Just don’t take off your dress. I’ve been dying to untie you all night.”

  She grinned brightly. “You like the bow?”

  “I like the bow,” he said, backing out of the bathroom. “Very sexy bow.”

  Brooks closed the door to give her privacy and then continued to stare at it. What now? He looked around his room and saw the group of candles Darcy had sent with all the other foo-foo crap. His sister was a genius, he thought for the first time ever. He raced out of his room to gather the champagne bottle, their glasses, and the long lighter he used for the fireplace. He set the bottle and glasses on his bedside table and lit the candles before rolling down the shades. He turned off the lamp and smiled at the lighting. Fucking A. Darcy was brilliant.

  He undressed inside his walk-in closet, rolling his clothes in a ball and depositing them in the built-in hamper. Then he stepped into a pair of athletic shorts. His hard-on tented his shorts, making him look ridiculous. He figured a quick shower was not uncalled for, so he headed into the bathroom across the hall and doused himself with tepid water as he soaped up and shampooed his hair.

  Lolly was waiting for him when he returned, standing on the other side of the bed and drinking her champagne. She’d pulled down the comforter and laid it on the bench at the end of his bed. The sheets were turned down invitingly.

  He forced himself to speak around the lump in his throat. “If you had any idea how many times I’ve pictured you standing right there….”

  “If you had any idea how many times I’ve pictured you with your shirt off,” she countered.

  He laughed, his tension easing. “How ’bout that dress? You ready for me to untie you?”

  She turned, offering her back, holding her champagne and hair to the side.

  God, what a picture that made.

  Brooks moved in close and slid the wide satin ribbon between his fingers. One good tug and the bow unfolded. He leaned over and kissed her neck as his hands worked the rest of the ribbon loose. The bodice fell forward. Lolly ducked her head and shimmied the dress down her legs. He stepped back as she turned around.

  The candle light gave him the view he didn’t have that night under the stars. “Sweet Jesus,” he said, taking her in. He didn’t know what he’d expected, but red lacy boy shorts was not it. Those long, tan legs were bared to his gaze. Her small hips, flat tummy and perky white breasts had his shorts tenting fast.

  “You are beautiful,” he said, dragging his eyes up to hers. “You gonna finish that champagne?”

  She drank what was left in two dainty sips. He held out his hand for the glass, took it, and placed it on the bookshelf beside him. Then he stepped behind Lolly and ran his fingers through her hair, gathering it and pushing it over one shoulder.

  He leaned in to kiss her neck, his hands caressing her shoulders and sliding down her arms. He threaded his words between long, slow kisses. “For five years I have ached for you. To touch you like this.” His hands moved under her arms, skirting down her sides and then over her stomach. “Five years is a very long time,” he said against her ear, letting his chest press against the soft skin of her back. “No wonder I can’t control myself.”

  His hands separated. One moving north, the other south. One roamed over her breasts and the other dipped into red lace, easing his fingers through damp curls. His middle finger found her slick and slippery and so damn ready––the heady scent jacked him up harder. When Lolly jolted as he touched her hot spot, he gripped her tighter and stroked it again.

  He kissed her neck with his teeth, using both hands to push the boy shorts down past her ankles. He tossed them to the corner, planning for Lolly never to find them. He dropped his shorts and skated his hands up the curves of her legs, all the way to her tight little ass. He gripped both sides firmly, molding her with his hands. Fitting himself along the seam, he bent his knees and slid between her legs, along the hot, damp pool inside those feminine folds.

  Lolly responded, her pelvis canting backward and moving against his shaft.

  “God, I want you, Laura Leigh,” he whispered against her ear. “Just like this.” He slid himself through her wet heat again. “Stay right here. I’m going to get the condoms.”

  She grabbed on to his hand before he moved. “Unless you need to protect me from something other than pregnancy, I’ve got us covered.”

  “You what?”

  “I went to the doctor and got an IUD. 99.9 percent effective. I wanted to be prepared. For anything.”

  “Well, aren’t you the little Girl Scout?” he said, twirling her around and kissing her soundly.

  “All checked out for any of those unmentionable diseases as well. How ’bout you, Mr. Experience?”

  “Lolly, if you’re sure about the birth control then we can forgo the condoms,” he said, backing her around to the side of his bed. “Not that I’d have any problem knocking you up so I could drag your pretty little fanny to the altar. But beyond that, your health is safe in my hands.”

  “It’s not your hands I’m worried about,” she said as he spun her back around, sliding both palms up her back and over her shoulders.

  “Your health is safe from all my appendages then,” he said, pressing her upper body down to the bed. He splayed his hand possessively over the small of her back.

  The perfection of her long legs further aroused him. With her feet on the floor, even as he nudged her legs wider, her sweet curvy backside stayed higher than his mattress. The sight was so erotic it made him growl as he stepped up to slide his aching length against her damp feminine folds, coating his shaft and setting both their bodies on fire. He held himself back from entering her, but gripped her hips and watched as his thumbs caressed the smooth, pale skin of her derrière, watched himself slide between her legs over and over. “You gotta talk to me, Laura Leigh.”

  “Good,” she sighed. “Really good.”

  “We’ll do it the right way next time, baby, I promise,” he said, sliding forward and back, doing his best not to plunge himself inside her just yet.

  “Who says this isn’t the right way?”

  He groaned, fighting for control. “If I wasn’t in love already….”

  He started moving faster, and when he saw Lolly’s fingers clutch at the sheets he panted, “Are you getting off on this? Because I sure as hell am.” He leaned down, growling against her ear. “As soon as I feel you start to come, I’ll give us what we’ve both been wanting.”

  She groaned and he felt her pelvis tilt backward, and a new surge of moisture seeped over him as he was now hitting her hot spot every time he pumped forward. “Laura Leigh,” he coaxed, sweat starting to coat his skin. “I know how good this feels, baby. Let yourself go.”

  He felt her body tense, the first wave of orgasm gripping her. She called his name, but he was already positionin
g himself and sliding into home plate. He felt her internal muscles contracting around him as he pushed all the way in. It was tight. Damn, tight. And he wanted to stay just like that and enjoy the moment. But with Lolly still spasming around him, he wasn’t going to last long.

  He groaned as he struggled to pull out most of the way, and then grunted when he needed a little extra force to push in. Pulling out, he still felt her gripping him, and he knew he was going to lose it. So he started pumping, locking his hands around her hips and holding her in place. He felt his balls pull up. He felt Lolly coming around him. And then five years of tension exploded from his body.

  He held his breath as he erupted in wave after wave after wave of release. His hips were tight against her ass. Lolly’s body was bearing down around him and the pain and pleasure was so intense that he cried out, sucked in a breath, and cried out some more.

  The words ‘Holy Jesus’ seemed appropriate because he thought he was dying. Up on his toes, straining while the sensations continuing to rocket through his balls and cock were so intense he felt he was about to pass out. He moved his hands forward to the bed, hung his head over Lolly’s back, and rode the crest of the wave until it overturned, wracking his entire body in pulsing spasms.

  He went down to his elbows, his knees starting to buckle. Lolly crawled forward and he followed her down, landing on her back. His mouth was open against her shoulder blade, his breathing hard. He tried to speak, but he couldn’t drag in enough air. Finally he was able to roll to her side and then onto his back, his legs still hanging off of the bed, his intake of air limited to short, desperate breaths.

  He laid an arm over his eyes and felt the moisture. He had wanted to wail during his release. Hell, for all he knew he’d done exactly that. The longing he’d built up and stored had finally found release through every possible means. Through sex, through sound, through his pores, and even through his eyes.

  Goddamn this woman.


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