Splintered Courage

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Splintered Courage Page 9

by J. E. Sawyer

  It’s Friday and they guys are pumped about a bonfire tonight at Lake Tuck. I’m sure there’ll be plenty of booze and girls, hence the excitement. Me? Not so much. I’ve never been much of a drinker, but I might have to indulge in order to survive tonight. I can’t find it in me to be excited being around half the town that’s been pining for my boyfriend since who knows when. Also, I wonder if she is going to be there. Who am I kidding of course she is. She’ll probably spike my drink, knock Weston over the head and drag him away to have her way with him. That’s the only way she’ll get it. She won’t give up. She hasn’t confronted me since the day at Bea’s but I’m not stupid. I’ve seen her around. I’ve seen how she paws at Weston any chance she gets. He doesn’t know I see, but it hasn’t gone unnoticed that he doesn’t accept any of her advances. That makes me breathe a little easier. I don’t know what I would do if he did. Actually, scratch that, I do know. I’d leave, simple as that. I couldn’t stand to be here to witness it that is if I wasn’t locked up for murder.

  We all pile into Weston’s Hummer and head to the lake. Garret made us promise to call him if we need a ride home. He tried to act like he was glad to have the house to himself, but he wasn’t fooling anyone.

  With a kiss on the cheek I bid goodbye at the door, “See you later Dad, I love you.”

  Garret pulls Weston to the side before he makes it out the door. There was a bunch of tense talking on Garrets part and lot of nodding on Weston’s. I can figure what they were talking about. Garret was trying to be the intimidating father. His loyalties don’t stop at me though. Weston helps look over all of us. He is a born leader. His tense jaw tells me he understands. Other than Garret there’s no on I trust more.

  The lake is insane, I didn’t realize there were so many people in Taylorton. The party didn’t just extend to the younger generation, there are all kinds of people here. Weston and the guys are obviously well respected around here, people go out of their way to greet them, shake their hand, offer a drink. They’re almost like celebrities. I could do without half the female population practically throwing themselves at them. Have some class ladies, come on. Weston politely declines their advances and pulls me to his side. It’s sweet. Chandler and Jake break away to mingle and probably find someone to hook up with. Jason grabs a beer and makes his way to the fire and lowers himself in a chair ignoring those around him. With this eye on the fire, he exudes a ‘stay the fuck away’ vibe.

  There are trucks backed in a semi-circle around the party, one has a stereo cranked up with Starboy by The Weeknd flowing through the speakers. I grin at Weston and grab his hand I drag him to where there’s a makeshift dance floor. He shakes his head “no” at me. I let go of his hand and with a mischievous smile I walk backward to the dancing ground leaving him where he stands. I feel brave with his eyes on me. I raise my hands above my head and a move my hips to the rhythm. The cool night breeze feels good on my bare midsection. I turn my back to Weston as I let the music flow through me. It feels good to let loose for a minute. It doesn’t take long until I feel familiar strong arms wrap around me. His hips pressed up to the back of me we get lost together. Weston moves with a masculine grace that can’t be defined. He humors me through a couple more songs. I think he was just more bothered by the chance of anyone else looking at me. The girl in me feels like a fucking Queen.

  Weston bends down to whisper in my ear, “So how are you enjoying the party?”

  I respond on my tippy toes he shivers as I run tongue up the shell of his ear, “good so far, but it could be a lot better,” I give a knowing smile. A couple of guys I’ve haven’t seen before walk up to Weston.

  “What’s happenin’ Marks?” Asks the shorter of the two. They do that bro hug thing. You know the one, they fist bump, knock shoulders and a thump on the back.

  “Not much Trevor, how’s it goin’?” Weston replies. They must be buddies of his, he seems happy to see them. “Trevor, Niles, this is Gemma my girlfriend” he introduces us. He keeps a possessive arm around my waist. My heart flutters at the label. “Gemma, Trevor and Niles are from Watesboro just on the other side of town. We go way back.

  Niles snorts, “Yeah, the three of us were always stirring up some shit. I think the whole town was glad when we finally cooled our jets. Your boy Marks here used to be a wild one, let me tell you. We used to set the town on fire. Well figuratively, well except that one time.” He laughs.

  I gawk at Weston and playfully slap his chest. The tips of his cheeks turn pink. Its adorable. “Don’t listen to him, he’s the crazy one. He’s the one who rode in a flaming shopping cart into the lake.” Weston challenges.

  I just stare at the three of them with my mouth open not sure if I should take them seriously or not. They all bust out laughing.

  “Good times my man, good times,” Trevor carries on. They talk amongst themselves catching up. I let them be. They seem to enjoy the company.

  However, the few drinks I’ve had went to a pay phone and placed a collection call to mother nature. It’s time to foot the bill. I place a hand on Weston’s arm to get his attention. I motion for him to bend down so I don’t have to let the world know my business. I nod to the woods on the outskirts of the party and tell him I’m going to take care of business, that I’ll be right back. He’s reluctant to let me go by myself. I really don’t think I’d be able to pee if he was standing guard. We aren’t to that place in our relationship yet. I remind him even though I might not be a Texas cowgirl, I am however an Appalachian mountain girl. Peeing outside is a right of passage. He just chuckles and tells me to hurry and be careful. He doesn’t like me out of his sights, especially since I don’t really know anyone. I leave him with Trevor and Niles, they continue in their ‘bromance’. I’m just kidding, it’s nice to meet other people who Weston grew up with. I make my way to the woods as I keep checking over my shoulder. The farther I get away from the crowd the more I feel like I did at the park. Like there are eyes on me. I really, really don’t need eyes on me while I take a piss. That’s just disturbing and gross. The woods are almost pitch dark. There’s a faint ring of light that reaches in about 30 feet from the party. I trek through the underbrush to the edge where the light fades into the night. Come on Gemma, get in, get out, and back to Wes. I tell myself. I undo the top button on my jean shorts but I stop when I hear a twig snap. My head pops up and my eyes try to adjust to scan the area. Ok, so two things I haven’t told you about myself.

  First, the woods kind of freak me out, especially by myself. My imagination likes to play tricks on me and I’m almost certain my form of death will be being eaten by a mountain lion. No joke, it’s going to happen.

  Second, I am terrified of the dark. So, the woods at night, by myself? What was I thinking? Oh yeah, I know, if I didn’t relieve myself I was going to be known as the girl who pissed herself. Right now, it’s looking like that might happen anyway.

  I pause unsure if I should continue or just run back and get Weston. I’d say my hoo-ha has probably gone into shock and isn’t going to be tinkling anytime soon. Weston it is. I’m getting out of here. I don’t care if he has to stand over me and hold my hand while I pee, I am not getting eaten in these creepy ass woods. Just as I start to button my shorts back up I feel a presence at my back. I hold my breath, I don’t want to turn around. I catch a flash of red to my right in the distance, just like that day in the park. Then I swear I hear the distant sound of laughter, like wind chimes a few houses down just before a storm. I start to step forward but a crunch of leaves directly behind he makes me hesitate. Then I feel it. A body presses flush with the back of me.

  “Nuh uh uh, where do you think you’re going?” A gravely voice asks. It sounds like he’s had about two packs a day for too long. I gasp and a hand wraps around my mouth pulling me to him. The stranger keeps me pressed against him even though I continue to try to pull away, panic starting to set it. What’s going on? I chant to myself. Don’t give up, don’t stop fighting. I try to shake him. I stomp my foot
trying to make purchase. I’m on the verge of a scream when cold metal presses under my chin. My eyes widen, of course this prick would have a gun shoved under my chin on the day mine is at the house. Go figure. Otherwise we’d be finding out who’s balls are bigger.

  “Are you done?” He rasps. “This can go the easy way or the hard way,” he says. How cliché, really? If you haven’t noticed I try to distract myself with humor in stressful situations. It helps a little. Really all he is doing is pissing me off. Sure, there are things that scare me, emotions, love, rejection…normal things, don’t forget the woods and the dark. Then there’s the things that would scare most people. Things like fighting, guns, the need for speed, safety of those I love. If one of these things puts me in a position to be scared, well, I just get pissed off. I don’t know why, but I get angry when I should be scared. Oh geez, why can’t I be normal. Why does the mushy everyday human stuff have to terrify me and the nitty gritty stuff flip my bitch switch?

  I hear it again, that chime of laughter. I don’t think the man is working alone. I need to calm down and assess the situation. I don’t have anything to defend myself with. The dude has an arm wrapped around me pinning my arms to my sides. He’s got to be at least six foot three and built like a brick house. He smells like smoke and leather. His other hand is still wrapped over my mouth. At least he hasn’t blocked my nose so I don’t pass out.

  “Either way you choose, you are not going back to pathetic group of boys you’re latched to. So just forget it. You can continue to fight me, I lose my patience, and scatter your brains over the forest floor,” ok I really didn’t need that visual. I guess it worked though, he has my attention. “Or you can come quietly and Daddy dearest won’t be picking pieces of your skull out of the leaves. So, which is it?” He asks jostling me for an answer. I jerk my head to the side indicating we can leave. Daddy dearest? I have the feeling this isn’t a coincidence. We take a few steps then I feel something wet running down the side of my face and everything goes black.

  I come to in a semi dark room. My wrists are cuffed above my head and are connected to chain that extends to the edge of the ceiling. I can move my feet, but I can only pull about a foot away from the wall before my shoulders protest. I’m surprised he doesn’t have me gagged and/or blindfolded. I could scream for help but I know it wouldn’t do any good. Besides, the constant thumping in my head gives me suspicion that I probably have a concussion. I try to survey my surroundings, the room is large, dank and cold. I’m guessing a warehouse of sorts. Isn’t that where all the rough dudes refer to? Abandoned warehouses and shut down factories? I haven’t seen one around Taylorton, but I wasn’t looking for one either. I have no idea how long I was out for. Surely by now Weston realizes I’m missing. Will he be able to find me though? I don’t know where I am, or who took me. Please Weston…if this is it…. I have to tell you. I drop my chin to my chest and will my tears to stay at bay.


  “ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?” I bellow to Weston and the others. “What do you mean she’s gone?”

  Never flinching, with his jaw tight I see his muscles working as he grinds his teeth. “She didn’t just leave. You know that as well as I do. She’s not stupid. Besides, she didn’t even know anybody there.” He tries to convince himself more than me. The glassy look in his eyes tells me he’s had to repeat this to himself numerous times.

  “Ok, so you said she went to the woods to take a leak and just didn’t come back? How long did you give her before you realized she wasn’t coming back?” I ask. I’m really trying to keep my temper in check. I asked for one fucking favor. I asked him not to let her out of his sight. If he can’t do that one little thing, how can I ever fully trust him with her?

  “I don’t know. I was talking to Trevor and Niles, you know just shooting the shit. Then, Chandra comes over trying to rub up all over me. She just doesn’t give up. If I had to guess, I’d say probably twenty minutes,” he says defeated. I know the boy is torn up. I know how he feels about her. He drops to his knees and hangs his head. What he doesn’t know is the gravity of my past. He knows some, but not in depth.

  I throw my head back and roar “FUCK!!!”

  All four boys flinch, they haven’t seen this side of me. My breathing is getting out of control. I feel the heat taking over my chest. The ringing in my ears keeps getting louder and louder. I clench and unclench my fists.

  “We have to find her. We have to find her NOW!!” I take a breath. “I can’t let anything happen to her. I just got her. She went out on a limb trusting us to keep her safe and we have failed her.” I pinch the bridge of my nose, trying to get into recon mode from my younger days with the Tortured Rebels MC as ‘Road Captain’ and second in command. We didn’t have a vice president at the time so his responsibilities fell to me. “Ok, Chandler, I want you to pull any and every bit of surveillance footage you can and as fast as you can. I don’t think I need to remind each of you that time is of the essence. I don’t care what government agency you have to hack into, I need a tag number, car, face…something. Jake, I need you to hit the payment. I need you to look around without being seen. They couldn’t have gotten too awful far. Jason, we all know you can be one scary mother fucker. I need you to head to that drifter’s dive bar in Watesboro. I need you to be ears, let me know if you some across anything interesting. My gut is telling me this wasn’t a random act. We’ve all made enemies along the way, someone has been waiting for the perfect time. It couldn’t have played into their hands any easier. The second she is out of our sights they pounce. Weston you’re with me. Alright let’s go,” I dismiss everyone. This can’t be happening. I finally get the chance to be a father to her and she’s with me for three months and taken away. Her grandmother had the right idea. I guess the old lady wasn’t crazy after all. I can’t help but wonder if she wouldn’t have been better off if I had never came into her life. She might not have had the best life, but she was getting along ok.

  “No,” Weston says watching me. I swear that boy can read a person from a mile away. “You can’t think like that. She’s happy,” he throws his arm across his chest, his fist over his heart. “I damn well know she is happy here. We don’t know who has her, who is to say it wouldn’t have happened anyway. She would have been completely alone. No one. She had NO ONE. Do you understand that?” Weston starts breathing faster and faster. The sharp look on his face could cut glass. Maybe he loves her more deeply than even I realized. “Now, she has us. We ARE going to find her. And we ARE going to bring her home.” Taking a deep breath, he locks eyes with me and with more fight than I’ve ever seen from him he says, “Then I am going to put a ring on her finger because she is MINE. MINE. I am going to marry her. I LOVE HER! So, don’t go acting like I let her get away while screwing around. That shit didn’t happen. I’m sorry if she didn’t want me to hold her hand while she took a piss. DAMMIT.” He exhales.

  Chandler about mows Weston down when he comes barreling into the room. “Doc, what about the watch?” This kid really is a genius.


  I’m not sure how much time has passed. It feels like I’ve been hanging here forever. There is a guy who comes to check on me every so often. He’s medium build with light brown military hair. The sleazy looks he gives me makes my skin crawl. I don’t want to be left alone with him for any period of time. Especially while I’m tied up. I try not to give him any attention. I’m sticking with indifference for now. I watch him though. He comes in what I suspect is about every 15 minutes. If someone is sending him in that often, that tells me they are paranoid. I haven’t really talked to Dad much about his past, but I have a feeling that is where these leeches crawled from. From the leather cuts they wear, they are from some motorcycle club. I’ve heard of a few in passing, but I’ve never had to deal with anyone from one. What would they care about me? What did I do? Daddy Dearest replays over and over in my head. If the dicks really are from an MC I don’t doubt the guys who ate the crusher run gravel would have
blew my head off. He probably would have done it and smeared my blood all over is face or something deranged like that. When sleazy dude comes back I am going to try to see if I can read the patch on the back. He’s done a good job of keeping it faced away from me so far.

  I must have dozed off. I awake to someone patting my cheek. Squatted in front of me is a man roughly the same age as Garret. He’s surprisingly handsome. I expected a grease pit, pointed goatee, beady eyes…you get the idea. No, this guy is stacked, muscle on top of muscle. Sandy blonde hair in a buzz cut, square jaw, denim blue eyes. His thick thighs fill out his worn blue jeans.

  “Gemma, have a good nap?” He taunts in his gravel voice. So, this is the douche who grabbed me.

  “Would have been better, but I couldn’t get your boy toy to fluff my pillow,” I smart off. Shut up Gemma, just shut up. This dude could snap you in two with one hand. He just chuckles, shaking his head. He reaches forward and grabs my jaw, not roughly, but enough to get my attention.

  “I see so much of your mother in you, the smart pouty mouth,” he says as he absently rubs his thumb across my lower lip. “The curves that could bring any man to his knees. You know they nearly did. Your mother practically had me wrapped around her little finger.” He breaks contact looking off to the side as if to dispel something painful. “I see him too though. The hair, the eyes, the fire. Oh, but I can over look the fire. I kind of like the fire,” he says with hooded eyes. He licks his lips and flicks his eyes between my mouth and my eyes. A sound beyond the door breaks the moment. Thank goodness, I feel like I can breathe again.

  The door bursts open and in comes the creepy sleaze, “Boss, we have a problem” he panics. ‘Boss’ heaves a sigh and stands up following the other guy out. I lean my head back and take a deep breath. What in the hell is going on? Did this guy have a thing with my mother? It’s not like I can ask her, or like I could do anything about it. What am I, like a rage outlet from some old love triangle? Shiesh. I try not to let my thoughts wonder too far on that. I have to have faith that my guys will come. They have to. They just do. Garret is probably going out of his mind. I love them and I’m not going to give up. The door opens again and in walks the slimy little prick.


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