Pregnant & Lush: Sam (Pregnant & Lush Book 1)

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Pregnant & Lush: Sam (Pregnant & Lush Book 1) Page 3

by Jordan Silver

  “Look.” I looked at the screen that she held under my nose. She was all but hopping from foot to foot over a stroller. Women! I took a glance at the contraption. All I saw was pink and white and a price tag that was more than most people made in a month. “Oh that’s a beauty.” The fuck I know about strollers. But I read all the reviews and the right-ups giving a good impression of caring.

  As far as I’m concerned as long as the shit’s safe, it’s all good. “It says here it’s the best of its kind, top of the line. It has three purposes…” I read on giving her time to process. I knew as long as I showed an interest it would ease her guilt. Just a little more nudging and she’d be on board, guilt abated.

  “Well baby, here’s how I look at it. I made my money to spend on the people I love. Until I found you, that was my mom and sister. Now you and the baby come first. What’s the point in working so hard, if my loved ones can’t enjoy it? I might as well give it all up since you don’t seem to need it. I guess we can look at a smaller house while we’re at it.”

  I knew I had her there. She’d talked me into moving out of the city to a house in the suburbs. The one she fell in love with was big enough to hold three families, but once I saw her reaction I knew we had to have it. I threatened the realtor not to tell her shit about the price because by then I’d peeped her game.

  “What, no, what’s wrong with our house?”

  “Don’t cry baby. I’m just giving you what you want. If you think that the best is too good for you and the baby, I won’t argue with you. Personally I don’t think there’s anything too good for my girls, but I’ll leave that up to you.” I passed her back the phone and went back to my pots, leaving her to think that shit over.

  Out the corner of my eye I saw her running her finger over the damn screen and it was all I could do not to go out and buy the shit right then and there. But she needed to do this, if not now, when? Nothing I’ve done so far seems to work, and I’m sure it was all part of the same problem. She still thinks I only married her because of the baby, and so she acts like a squatter in my life. Except when we fuck, then she goes all in.

  By the time I plated our dinner and placed hers in front of her, she was giving me all the reasons why the stroller was a good buy. Progress. “There you go; we’ll go pick it up tomorrow.”

  “You’ll go with me?” So much excitement over such a small thing.

  “Yes, I’m in the mood to shop for my kid.” Surprisingly I was.

  We talked about our day, the conversation always circling back to the baby who has taken over our lives and she wasn’t even here yet. I already told her she’s gonna have to get used to less sex once the kid arrives and she gave me this serious look before announcing that we’ll just have to work out some sort of schedule. All while her face was ablaze. The girl does love to fuck.

  It’s not hard to figure out what’s going on in her head. Since we’re still in the getting to know you stage, we spend most evenings talking about our upbringing, our dreams; the usual. I’ve learned that the best way to draw her out is to let her talk while I listen. She usually works shit out on her own with just a little prodding, but sometimes she can be stubborn as hell.

  I was snookered by her sweet disposition in the beginning, but I have noticed that when it comes to some things she’s a mama bear. Funnily enough, if it’s to do with my protection, my happiness, she’s ready to lead the charge, but for herself she’s always willing to take low. Fuck that! I’m going to teach her-her own self worth if it kills me.

  This evening’s topic of conversation after we’d stacked the dishwasher and cleaned up the kitchen was her reaction to the flirt. I eased her into it gently but I meant to get the shit over and done with once and for all.

  “So, tell me, this big house we’re moving into next week. What do you think I should do with it once you’re gone?” Yeah, that’s my idea of gentle. The damn girl don’t listen for shit, so I figure a nice jolt to the system might work.

  “What do you mean?” We were sitting on the couch with the TV on low and her head on my shoulder. “Where am I going?”

  “I don’t know, you tell me.”

  “I don’t understand; are you kicking me out?” Her breathing grew short and choppy.

  “Calm down. I’m not throwing you out it’s just, you seem to think that you’re only here because of the baby. I keep telling you that that’s just not true, but I can’t seem to get through to you.”

  She played with her fingers and looked away from me. I knew it was hard for her to have this discussion, but as much as I like fucking her out of her funk whenever another female ruffles her feathers, I didn’t like the fact that it was even a thing.

  “I don’t mean to act that way, it’s just…it’s… well you have to admit that if I hadn’t been stupid enough to get pregnant two weeks after we met you probably would’ve moved on already.” And therein lies the problem.

  “Babe, who else was in the room with you when you got pregnant?”

  “You were, what kinda question is that?”

  “Well now, you keep saying that ‘you’ got pregnant and what I remember is that I was so hot for you I forgot the damn condom. So therefore, we bear the same responsibility for this baby. Do you feel trapped?” I already knew the answer but I wanted her to know it, wanted her to come to the same realization on her own.

  “Of course not, I love the baby, I love you.” She bit her lip after that little revelation. It wasn’t the first time she’d said it, but there’s a difference hearing the words when I wasn’t buried balls deep in her.

  “But you don’t believe that I can love you too is that it? Tell me again why that is?”

  “You know why. Look at you and look at me.”

  “Babe, I’m not gonna tell you this shit again. When you put yourself down like that, you’re not only belittling yourself, you’re also questioning my judgment. Do I seem stupid to you?”

  “No, you’re the smartest, handsomest…”

  “Yeah-yeah I know. So if I’m so smart, don’t you think I would know who or what is right for me? I understand that the baby wasn’t planned, but buttercup, in case you’ve missed it, I couldn’t be happier. You’re the first woman I ever ‘forgot’ to wear protection with. I didn’t plan it, but I’m happier than I can put into words that you’re carrying my child. You do realize there were other roads we could’ve taken. I could’ve paid you off, could’ve left you alone to have the baby and just pay child support. Why do you think I went so far as to browbeat you into getting married so quickly?”

  I let that sink in and hoped that this time she’d get it. It breaks my heart a little each time I watch her go through this shit. “So you’re saying that you love me?”

  “It’s not a secret Nessa, I’m sure I’ve said it before, you just weren’t listening. I hope you’re paying attention this time, because we’re not doing this again, look at me.”

  I took her hands in mine and turned her to face me. “I don’t want anyone else. I want you and little Mackenzie when she gets here. I want to have lots of little babies with you, only you. You’re the most beautiful, smart, sweet, loving, kind…” I punctuated each word with a kiss until she laughed and fell into my arms with hers around my neck. “Let’s go to bed.”

  “Yes ma’am, I live to serve.”


  I spent the next afternoon shopping for baby stuff and was ready to put one in my temple halfway through, but I was all smiles and gentlemanly behavior for my wife. She was so animated about everything it was hard not to catch the fever. I watched her try out her new status as wife and not temporary baby incubator or whatever the hell it is she thought she was to me.

  She’d pick something up, put it back and walk away after checking the price tag. It took a lot of control not to walk behind her and put everything into the cart but I wanted her to get over that hump on her own. I was very pleased when she went back and picked up the cute little frilly thing and put it in the basket. I could’ve to
ld her, since my sister was the one to recommend this place, that everything would be expensive.

  Of course she faltered but I accepted that she would have to work her way into it, couldn’t expect her to go full hog the first day. So instead I chose the things I caught her looking at and didn’t even glance at the tags. I give her six months before she was the same.

  I could give her-her own bank account, but I want her to first accept that everything I have, now belong to her as well; equally. Once she gets that into her head, then she can have as many back accounts as she please. After all I was the one who insisted that she give up her job at the bakery. I don’t know what she thought that meant. She sure is different to the other women in my past. If I’d let one of them loose in here with my card the shit would’ve been maxed out in an hour flat.

  “Don’t forget we have that dinner party at my parents this evening buttercup. I have to go into the office for a little while. Why don’t you go get your hair done or something to kill time instead of heading back to the apartment?”

  “Really?” She ran her hand through her hair. I know she loves that girly shit. “Yes, really, come I’ll drop you off.”

  “But I don’t have an appointment.”

  “Call them now and tell them you’re coming.” She still has no idea what her new last name means. I give mom and sis three more months to show her the ropes.

  That evening she had a special glow to her that had nothing to do with the pregnancy. She’d got her hair and nails done and even bought a new outfit for tonight. That combined with our conversation of the night before seems to have given her a much needed spark and it was beautiful to see. Or maybe it was the fact that I’d fucked her twice before we left the house.

  I knew what awaited us at my mother’s house. Her little get-togethers always seem to involve at least one of my past conquest. It wasn’t her fault; she didn’t have a clue about my debauched teenage years, or the fact that I’d bedded some of her friends, or their daughters. Some of those ladies can be a bit snobbish, and since this was Nessa’s first time meeting them I was just a little bit uneasy.

  I hadn’t known the guest list until mom gave me a call to remind us not to be late and I asked just in passing. Hearing that at least one of my old flames would be in attendance had sent me racing home to her. Though she’d done better today, it was still early days yet and this particular woman, Cecile can be a bitch. Our dalliance had only ended a few weeks before I met Vanessa, and though she had nothing to do with the breakup, I’m sure Cecile wouldn’t see things that way.

  I was tempted to cancel, but knew how much Nessa was looking forward to it. She was deftly afraid of upsetting my mother for some reason, and the old tyrant knew and took great advantage. For the first time since I was old enough to talk she’s found a way to stick her nose in my shit. All she has to do is go through my wife and I’m outnumbered. Since I wasn’t about to disappoint my wife for anything, there was no getting out of the evening. So I did the next best thing.

  She’d beaten me home by five minutes and was in our bedroom looking over the outfit she’d bought for tonight. “You’re home early.” Will I ever get used to that look that comes into her eyes at the sight of me? The way she drops everything when I walk into a room and sees only me?

  She walked over to me, her tummy leading the way. I placed both hands on either side of her mound and leaned in for a kiss. “I missed you buttercup. I like the hair.” She’d had it done in sassy fat curls that bounced around her shoulders and down her back. That one little kiss soon turned into me drawing her into my arms and pressing my growing cock into the split between her thighs.

  “Did you eat?” She nodded and swooped down on my mouth again.

  “Uh-huh. Roberto sent out for salads and pizza.” Lucky for her I knew who Roberto was. The pain in the ass stylist, who would skin me if he knew what I was about to do to his masterpiece.

  “The baby been quiet?” Another nod as I led her backwards towards the bed. I released her lips and helped her sit on the edge of the bed before kneeling in front of her. I slipped her shoes off and she leaned back, watching me as I rolled her leggings down and off her thighs. I lifted the maternity blouse over her round tummy and placed a kiss there before going back to the main course.

  I inhaled her sweet scent, which seems to change from day to day, always more intoxicating, before giving her my tongue. She was already wet and I was in a hurry to get inside her, so after just a few deep licks with my tongue I was climbing up her body. I fought with my belt and zipper, released my cock and eased it into her. I growled low and deep at the feel of her hot wet pussy closing around my cockhead and drawing me in.

  She was primed as if just hearing me come through the door was enough to get her juices going. What can be more arousing than that? Than having that kind of love from someone like her? “You missed me?” Ha, that was the first time she’d ever said something like that to me without first being prompted.

  “I always miss you.” I was still working my cock into her, past her tight folds. “Open up and let me in.” She was in a teasing mood, another first, but I liked it. I bit into her neck as she squealed, opening her legs and letting me get the last few inches of my cock inside. “That’s my girl.”

  “Sam don’t mark me, you bad boy. What will you mother think?” Like I gave a damn. I marked her neck and moved onto her chest right above her tit flesh. I hope she planned on wearing a turtleneck or everybody will know what we’ve been up to.

  “Lift your leg baby, that’s it.” I pulled her leg higher up on my thigh and twisted my hip so I could fuck deeper. With one hand on her tummy, where it always is when I’m fucking her like this, I planted the other beside her head and stroked hard and long. Her little pussy opened up and swallowed me to my nut sac, and she wonders why I’m obsessed with her. I fucked her hard to get the edge off, before taking her nice and slow. Then I had to drag her out of bed because her horny ass got lazy.

  Now we were on our way in the back of our chauffeur driven car, her hand held securely in mine and I was having second thoughts. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. Should I tell her that an old flame of mine was going to be in attendance? It’s not like Cecile and I had any kind of relationship, we fucked on and off for a couple of months, no strings attached. But she was one of those types who didn’t want a toy until the other kid liked it.

  Whatever. “You look amazing baby.” She did. Her pale yellow dress was a strong contrast to her jet black locks. And the way it fitted over her tummy, hugging her curves, showing her ripe body off to perfection. I could’ve gone for a little less cleavage but I guess there was nothing I could do about it now.

  I kept her hand in mine the whole way there as we both looked out our respective tinted windows at the passing scenery. Her hand squeezed mine bringing my attention back to her. “You okay?” I moved over closer and put my hand on her tummy. “Don’t be nervous love, they’re just people. I’m sure they’re all just excited to meet the woman who brought me down.” She gave me a scant, fleeting smile, not good enough.

  I closed the window screen between us and the driver and pulled her into my lap. “Do you know why I love you so much? Why you’ll always be the only woman for me? It’s not just because you’re beautiful and sweet. It’s the way you make me feel inside. The person I am when I’m with you. I was no angel before we met. I had my share of women… no don’t tense up.” She’s such a virgin.

  “As I was saying, I’ve had a lot of women starting from the time I was too young to know what the hell I was doing. But none of them, not one, comes close to you. I never wanted to wake up beside them every morning, to start every new day knowing that they would be there at the end of it waiting for me. I have that with you, that and so much more.” I wiped away the tears that escaped from her eyes. Now that I had her heart and head in the right place and we were coming up to my parents’ home, it was time to banish the tears.

  “ And besides all that, who else coul
d take me as well as you do? Who else has a pussy so deep it teases my cockhead until I think I’ll go insane?”

  “Sam stop it.” She laughed and looked towards the panel as if the driver could hear us.

  “I’m just saying.” I kissed her hand and held it in mine against my round pregnant belly. “I love you.”

  The car came to a stop and we waited to be let out. I kept my hand around her waist as I led her up the stairs and rang the bell. Mom nabbed her as soon as the door opened and I didn’t see her again for another ten minutes. I made the rounds seeing faces I hadn’t in months and was relieved to see that there were no undesirables here.

  “Looking for someone?” My nosy ass sister sidled up to me and whispered as we looked over the room.

  “Nope.” I took a sip of champagne.

  “She’s not coming. I went through mom’s guest list and did a purge.” I looked at her out the side of my eye.

  “What or who the hell are you talking about?”

  “You know damn good and well who, and you’re lucky I got ahold of it or you’d be knee deep in ex-slags.” She walked her nosy ass away and I exhaled. Annoying little sisters do have their uses after all.

  I went in search of my wife who I’d been so worried about and got a shock. I came up short in the doorway to the kitchen where she was standing way too close to some fuck in a cheap monkey suit. The sight was so unexpected that it took me a minute to process. “What the fuck!”

  “Oh, hi Sam, have you met Ryan?” Excuse me? Why the fuck was she laughing with this shill? I walked into the room and took my place beside my wife, giving the asshole the death glare. “Ryan is working his way through college, he spends his summers working for the catering company that’s here tonight.” Well la di fucking da. I barely nodded in his direction the smarmy fuck.


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