The Reckoning

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The Reckoning Page 9

by S. L. Morgan

  “Reece,” he called out, still following her.

  She stopped and turned.


  “I—” He exhaled and couldn’t find the words. His mind went blank as he stared into her fiery eyes.

  “Levi, I have tried…” Reece looked up, and Levi watched as tears pooled in her eyes. She looked directly at him and wiped a tear from her cheek. “I’ve done all that I could to withstand this.” She looked at him with determination. “Believe me, I have given it every ounce of strength I have. I want my husband back so desperately that it aches within every bone in my body, and I know now that he’s not coming back.” She sniffed as another tear rolled down her cheek. “You may resemble him in appearance, but you are not a fraction of the man he is. I had hoped he would come back to our child and me, but he hasn’t, and I’m sure now that he never will!”

  Levi’s stomach twisted in knots at the realization that she was carrying his child. How could he make this work?

  “Allow me another—“

  Reece held up her hand. “No! I’ve allowed you enough. I will no longer burden you with the relationship we once had, because the Levi that blessed me with this precious child,” she glared at him as she cradled her abdomen, “is not you. Find your love with Isabelle. Perhaps you can destroy that marriage too. Maybe then you can finally find peace with the loss of your memories. I, for one, will no longer try to make this work with you.”

  “It is not like that at all. I promise you.”

  “I don’t care what you think it’s like. Know this: I’m done helping you and being around you. You don’t love me, and you don’t trust me, and frankly, I am definitely feeling the same way about you at this point. You aren’t my husband. So, please,” she turned to leave, “just let me live my life on my own.”

  With that, she left Levi standing there numb and more confused than he’d ever been. Watching her leave was more than he could handle. He may have driven her away like he was warned he would do, but now he had to find a way to get her back.

  Chapter Five

  The carriage ride back to the palace was miserable, to say the least. Reece’s stomach was in knots as she began to fully accept the fact that the man she fell in love with no longer existed. It was over, and she wasn’t lying to Levi when she said that she was done trying. Questions of concern came from the ladies in the carriage regarding Reece’s despondent demeanor, and even though Reece believed she was successful in lying to everyone by justifying her current state as possible morning sickness because of the baby, Lady Allestaine’s expression showed that the wise woman didn’t believe her.

  “Are you confident that you are okay, my darling?” Lady Allestaine asked again. “You look pale and downright exhausted.”

  Angeline and Elizabeth remained quiet, but both ladies watched Reece and waited for her answer.

  Reece gripped her clammy forehead and closed her eyes. What am I supposed to say? I caught your son kissing Isabelle last night…are we almost home? I can’t do this right now.

  “Reece?” Allestaine questioned in a somber tone.

  Reece’s eyes snapped open. “I’m very sorry, but I really don’t want to talk about it,” she finally answered. “I’ll be fine. I just think that all of this time spent trying to work things out with Levi has finally taken a toll on me.”

  Allestaine said nothing in response, but she nodded in perfect understanding, and she immediately shifted the subject to the fabulous week of celebrations they had had for Harrison and Angeline. Reece was beyond grateful for the change of subject, but the palace couldn’t come into sight soon enough.

  After dozing off in the carriage, Reece was startled awake when the door to the carriage opened, and Levi stood before her with an offered hand. Nauseated, Reece took it so as to not cause a scene.

  “Reece?” he asked with concern in his voice. “Are you unwell?”

  Levi tried placing her hand on his arm, but Reece managed to smoothly remove her hand from his. “Right now, all I want to do is to get out of this dress and relax in my rooms.” She went to walk past him. “If you’ll kindly excuse me.”

  “Allow me to escort you to your rooms.”

  Reece turned. “There’s no need for that. I know where I’m going, and I’m sure you have other things you can be doing.”

  Without another word or glance at him, she promptly dismissed herself from the group and walked directly to her rooms. How do I leave this place without having to tell everyone about what happened between Levi and Isabelle? I can’t stay here with him around, she thought as she walked hurriedly through the palace corridors.

  To her great annoyance, she heard the shuffling of heavy feet behind her. Oh, now you want to follow me around? Why can’t he just leave me alone?

  At that moment Levi was at her side, softly gripping her elbow. Reece stopped and exhaled in frustration. “What?” she snapped. “Did you not understand what I said before? Please, leave me alone.”

  Levi’s apologetic expression fueled her rage.

  “Please, I beg of you to give me an opportunity to explain myself after—”

  Reece looked sharply into Levi’s eyes. “There is nothing you need to explain. You have made it perfectly clear that you have no intention of trying to move on with your life. You have made it abundantly obvious that there is no hope for our future together, and I am very aware that you have a lot of things to work on besides trying to work on things between us.”

  Levi’s expression didn’t change. “Nothing can excuse my behavior, but I give you my word—”

  “Your word?” Reece cut him off. “Let me give you my word for a change. I do not love you. The man I am in love with never woke up from a coma. I didn’t want to accept that, but now I have.”

  “You are carrying our child,” Levi returned. “You must know that I will continue to find a way to accept all of this for your sake and our child’s.”

  Reece closed her eyes. “Whatever.”

  “What are you trying to say? Will you give me an opportunity to try and make things right with us?”

  “I’ve given you months to do that, and now I’m done.” She turned to leave. “The best thing you can do for our child and me is to give me my space and stay away from me.”

  With that, she walked past Levi in hopes he would finally understand that she was finished with all of this.

  Once in her rooms, she searched out Jasmeen, who was unpacking her outfits from their trip. She walked into the large closet and exhaled.

  “You are going to hate me for this, but I need to pack some things to leave the palace for a while.”

  Jasmeen shot Reece an expression of concern, and Reece was grateful the young maiden didn’t question her. “Who do I need to talk to so that my carriage is arranged for me to leave as soon as you are done packing my stuff?”

  “I will take care of everything for you.” Jasmeen stood holding one of her dresses. “I must ask: how long will we be away from the palace?”

  “We?” Reece chuckled. “Jasmeen, take a vacation. I seriously need some time alone. I just need you to pack whatever I need to look presentable in public. I can manage everything else.”

  Jasmeen nodded as Reece turned to leave the dressing room.

  Once Jasmeen alerted Reece to the carriage that awaited her, Reece quickly penned a letter to Lady Allestaine, informing her of where she would be, and gave her a ridiculous excuse as to why she was leaving the palace the same day they had returned to it. She needed to get far away from the palace and everything that reminded her of the Levi she remembered. Her Levi was only a memory now. She lost him, and she knew she couldn’t hold out hope that she would ever encounter him again. Her heart was broken and hardened, all at the same time.

  As Reece walked out into the courtyard, she was stopped when Lizzy called out to her from behind.

  Reece closed her eyes. Great, she thought as she turned to find Elizabeth briskly walking toward her.

  “Yes, Lizzy?”

  “Please, tell me what has happened. Where are you going?”

  “Lizzy, it’s nothing.”

  “It is my brother, is it not? I know it must be. We all know.”

  “I need to leave for a while,” she said as she saw Lady Allestaine approaching.

  Lady Allestaine wore a stern, yet sympathetic expression when she walked up to Reece. “The last time I saw that grief-stricken expression on your face, you were bringing my son home unconscious from another galaxy.”

  Why are they here? Reece thought in frustration. “I know you are concerned, but please, I really need to be by myself.”

  Lady Allestaine smiled. “At any other time, I would agree, but not this time.” She wound her arm through Reece’s, encouraging her to walk back into the palace.

  Reece froze and wouldn’t move. “I can’t go back in that place. I am sorry, but I can’t see Levi again. Not right now.”

  Lady Allestaine leaned into Reece. “My darling, have no fear about that. If my son is in the palace, he should be the one frightened to encounter you with me at your side. I know he has said or done something to you, or you would not have this look on your face. Please, let us have some tea in my private sitting room, and you must tell me what my son has done.”

  “I can’t—I really don’t want to talk about it.”

  “That is why you must,” Lady Allestaine responded. “You look as though you could faint at any moment.” She cleared her throat. “You are not the only one who has watched Levi act so differently. It has been troubling Navarre and me greatly. He might be our son, but you are our daughter as well, and I cannot stand idly by and watch as he hurts you in such a manner.”

  Reece exhaled and looked past Lady Allestaine as she considered returning to the palace with her.

  “Reece,” Lady Allestaine spoke out, “If you need to leave the palace for a while, I will help make special arrangements for that after I am assured you are okay. As a matter of fact, before Lizzy resumes her studies, I believe a lovely getaway would be a delightful way for you both to have time alone together as sisters.”

  Reece smiled at Lady Allestaine’s promising expression, her anger slowly fading. “That sounds lovely.”

  Elizabeth smiled in return. “If it is agreeable, I can have my things ready for departure this afternoon.”

  Reece nodded and gazed purposefully into Lady Allestaine’s eyes. “If we do leave, will you promise that you will not tell Levi where we are?” She rubbed her forehead. “I know it sounds childish, but I don’t want to be around him at all.”

  Lady Allestaine resumed their walk to the palace. “You, my dear, have my word,” she said in a firm voice. “Now, let us go unwind your nerves a bit.”

  Harrison walked into the command center after escorting Angeline to their private rooms at the palace. His spirits remained high after the week of celebrating his and Angeline’s union with everyone.

  “Vincent!” Harrison called out. “Is anything new going on with our alien friends on Earth, any new information on Mordegrin?”

  “Nothing on Mordegrin, Commander. He appears to have vanished,” Harrison’s first in command answered as he followed Harrison into his office.

  “Mordegrin is playing games or plotting something. I am unsure as to why he has gone silent on us. Keep our men engaged with watching him. We will not be taken by surprise by that creature. Do I need to be aware of anything else?”

  “As for our guarding Earth against any alien species, it is the same as usual, sir; however, the Grytongs are enjoying playing games with our men. They continue to taunt the humans, and they are finding ways to stay ahead of us, preventing our capability of erasing an alien encounter from the Earthlings’ minds.”

  Harrison smirked, and to his surprise, Levi stepped into his office with a dark expression.

  Well, hello, thunder cloud. What is it now? Harrison thought in agitation. He was beyond his limit with Levi and his perpetual stubbornness.

  “Thank you, Vincent. I have plans to return to Earth for a few days. Maybe I shall deal with the Grytongs personally. Perhaps if I teach them a lesson, they will stop fooling around.”

  “Very well, Commander,” Vincent said as he turned to leave, acknowledging Levi as he made his exit from the room.

  Harrison leaned back in his chair and chucked the pen he had absently picked up across his desk. “Care to inform me why you look like someone stole your horse?”

  Levi sat across from him. “Harrison, you understand that I am not one to discuss personal issues with anyone, but I believe I need your advice now more than ever.”

  Harrison pinched the bridge of his nose. “You must have really screwed something up if you are coming to me for advice on your own accord.” He sighed as he leaned forward and placed his elbows on his desk. “Please do not tell me this is about you and Reece. Everything appeared fine between both of you at the celebration. I even noticed the admiration in your eyes as—”

  “I made an inexcusable mistake by allowing Isabelle to kiss me—”

  “What?” Harrison shook his head. “You are kidding me, right?”


  Harrison rubbed both hands over his face. “Does Reece know about this?”

  “She came upon us as I was trying to find a way to remove Isabelle from the kiss.”

  Harrison’s eyes widened. “And when you removed her, did you accidently toss her to the ground?”

  “I would never be violent toward a woman. How could you say such a thing?” Levi said in astonishment.

  “You know something else you never would have done, Mr. Holier-than-thou? Kiss a married woman!”


  “No.” Harrison stood, ran his hand over the back of his neck and sighed. “This is beyond repair.” He looked at Levi, who sat defeated in the chair. “You may have lost your memories, but I am certain that you are not yourself, whether you believe yourself to be nineteen or not. I have known you your entire life, and what you did is completely out of character for you, no matter what your age is.”

  “I understand that, Harrison. My guilt overwhelms me.”

  “Your stupidity overwhelms me!” Harrison sighed. “Give me a moment to think.” He inhaled and motioned for Levi to stand up. “You are coming with me to Earth.”

  “I am not in the proper mindset.”

  “Tell me something I don’t know,” Harrison said, walking around his desk. “You had better hope that Reece not seeing your pathetic face around the palace for a few days will help her get over whatever it is she is feeling about you right now.”

  “I need you to speak with her,” Levi said, standing up.

  Harrison grinned. “Not happening, buddy! I know her very well from all the years we guarded her on Earth and from the many trials we have undergone since she has been in Pemdas. I am quite certain that she has no desire to see your face at the moment, and there is nothing I can say that will change that. It is best for us to leave and give her some space.” He looked over at Levi as they walked out of the command center. “You had better hope that she wants anything to do with you when we return.”

  “And if she does not?” Levi sighed.

  “I am not mentally prepared to think about the fallout that accompanies such a thought,” Harrison returned. “Have Henry prepare your Earth clothes, and I will meet you at the stables.”

  Harrison barely could tolerate Levi as they served on Earth for the first time since Levi lost his memories. This entire experience was trying on everyone’s nerves, and the sympathy he felt for Levi was all but gone. He missed his cousin, the man he was before. This man was almost a stranger to even Harrison. It wasn’t just the way he treated Reece, it was his entire demeanor.

  After four days of serving on Earth together, both men dismounted their horses at the palace stables. Harrison looked over at Levi. “Now that you have given Reece some time, I believe the moment of truth awaits you,” he said flatly.

  Levi exhaled. “You
mentioned you know her well. Tell me: is it wise that I approach her to offer my sincerest apologies?”

  Harrison turned to walk up toward the palace, Levi at his side. “How did that work out for you last time? In this situation, it would be best to let Reece approach you. After that, guard your words, and know that even though you have lost your memories, there is no excuse for what you did.”

  “I understand.”

  Harrison nodded. “Now, I have had quite enough of your drama. I have a lovely lady that better be ready for her man to walk through those doors. Serving on Earth has me longing to be in her presence now more than ever.”

  Levi studied Harrison. “So I will not be seeing you until dinner tonight?”

  “Nope,” he returned. “Angie and I shall be dining privately in our rooms this evening. Good luck with Reece.”

  Levi’s lips twisted. “Very well.”

  Harrison walked briskly down the corridor while Levi turned to ascend the staircase to his rooms. As he began his ascent, he wondered if he should search out Reece’s whereabouts. The entire time he was on Earth, he was completely distracted by what he had done to her. Harrison was right, this was not like him, memory loss or not.

  How can I begin to explain that to Reece? he thought in frustration. She has every right to despise me after everything that I have put her through.


  Levi stopped, turned, and looked down the staircase to find his mother staring up at him seriously.

  “Hello, Mother. If you will allow me a few moments to change and freshen up—”

  Her gaze was more severe than he ever remembered it being. Instantly, he felt like a child whose mother was fully prepared to reprimand him. Without questioning her, he turned and quickly walked down the steps toward her.

  “You and I have much to discuss, my son. You will freshen up later, as I will not wait another minute to speak with you.”

  “Forgive me, Mother, but I—”

  “Levi, I believe you have said and done enough. Please,” she said as she reached her hand out to him, “come with me.”


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