The Reckoning

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The Reckoning Page 15

by S. L. Morgan

  “Why did this king reject their love?”

  “When Margaret was presented before his court, he instantly became attracted to her, and then he wanted her for himself.”

  “This sounds like quite the distressing novel,” Harrison interjected.

  Angeline chuckled. “No, it is quite the opposite.” Her voice became cheerful. “You see, they risked their lives and fled the kingdom. Currently, they are hiding with a family who has informed them that Fernand is the rightful heir to that throne and that he must find a way to reclaim it.”

  “And Fernand never knew this? Margaret might want to second guess the wisdom of the man she has fallen in love with and ditch the sorry fool before heads start rolling.”

  Angeline nudged Harrison in his side. “You promised.”

  “I am merely offering you my opinion,” he said with a soft laugh. “Go on. Tell me why Fernand has no idea he is heir to the throne.”

  Angeline eyed Harrison reproachfully and went on. “Fernand has no memory of his childhood. Now, he must find a way to take his rightful kingdom back.”

  Still sounds like an idiot to me, Harrison thought but decided to play along. “How does Fernand expect to pull this off? Does he have any skillful training, such as Robin Hood did when he was the most wanted man in all of—”

  “Harrison!” Angeline cut him off. “Do you want to hear this or not? You are ruining the entire book for me. No, he is not your hero, Robin Hood, and that is what makes the book so enjoyable for me.”

  Harrison kissed Angeline’s forehead. “Because you are my wife, I shall let you slide on the Robin Hood insult. Please, tell me how Fernand will take his kingdom back.”

  “Well, if Fernand should upset the harmony of this kingdom, and the people should choose to follow him as their leader instead of the rotten king, then more people could die for rejecting the king and following a rogue man.” She softly sighed. “Margaret does not agree with Fernand taking his rightful throne. She believes they should flee from the kingdom so that innocent lives will not be lost. But if he doesn’t take back the kingdom, innocent lives will be lost anyway, and everyone will continue to live in the oppressed land governed by a madman.”

  Somehow the story began to resonate with Harrison. “Do you agree with her for not wanting to risk lives to have a chance at making a wrong situation right again?”

  “Absolutely not!” Angeline returned. “These people are being oppressed by this horrible king, and it is Fernand’s responsibility to reclaim his father’s kingdom. Only cowards choose to avoid confrontation and allow fear of an adverse outcome to govern their decisions.” She gazed at Harrison, her bronze eyes sparkling as she kissed him on his cheek. “I know for certain that you would choose to fight to reclaim your father’s kingdom without hesitation and you would not worry about the outcome. You would risk your life doing what was right. It is as you have said before, ‘the valiant man may not live long, but the wary man does not live at all.’”

  Harrison’s stomach started to churn. “Read to me,” he murmured. Angeline brought her attention back to her book and proceeded to read aloud. Harrison closed his eyes and let her soft voice soothe the turmoil within him. Quicker than he had expected, Angeline’s voice drifted off as Harrison’s mind completely shut everything out, and he fell into a light slumber.

  As with every night that Harrison had tried to sleep, he was sharply awoken to the cries of Levi resonating through his mind. Angeline remained sound asleep at his side, a leg and arm draped over him, while her book was flipped closed on his chest. He gave her a soft kiss, set the book on an empty pillow, and gingerly slid out of bed. He stepped into a hot shower, letting the water ease his tense muscles. After quickly soaping up, he leaned back against the stone wall trying to ease his tension while his guilt surfaced more and more. He shut off the water and stepped out of the shower. I am trying to shower my stress away while my cousin wails and begs for his torment to stop? This is not right.

  He jerked on his black training pants and long sleeved shirt. He sat on the sofa and pulled on his combat boots, fully prepared to go retrieve Reece and make plans to get her to the stone. He quietly slipped out of his rooms and was stunned to find Navarre and King Hamilton approaching his door wearing the same combat gear.

  “Emperor? My Lord?” he questioned.

  Navarre eyed Harrison’s combat attire. “Forgive me for not notifying you earlier, as I had to take action and set things into plan quickly.”

  “Seeing as though you are both dressed in the same attire as I am, I trust you have decided to bring Reece to the stone?”

  “Indeed. The decoys have been sent out, and we must move quickly.”

  “Follow me,” Harrison said as he turned toward the corridors that led to Reece’s rooms.

  “It is obvious her maiden would be dismissed at this hour,” Navarre said as he knocked again on Reece’s door.

  “She should hear this,” Harrison interjected as he stepped up to the door and knocked louder.

  “Emperor,” a voice called out.

  Harrison turned to find a servant briskly walking toward them.

  “How may I help you?”

  “I have an urgent message from Javian. He has informed me that he spotted Lady Reece riding Arrow out of the stable yards and away from the palace.”

  “Thank you, Griffin,” Navarre answered the servant. “Quickly, men. We must go after her before that horse jumps the barriers.”

  The three charged down to the stables. “Javian! Prepare our horses this instant!”

  “At once, Emperor Navarre.”

  Navarre looked at Harrison and Hamilton. “We can only hope that horse will not jump her over the barriers.”

  “He will not.”

  “How can you be so sure, Harry?” King Hamilton asked.

  “Because that horse can read Reece’s intentions, and he will not allow her to be harmed.” He looked at both men. “Trust me, Reece and that stallion have a deep connection. He will not allow her to be harmed.”

  All three men were alerted as Javian approached with their stallions. They wasted no time loading onto their horses and riding aggressively toward the barriers that led to the vortex where they hoped to find Reece.

  At the vortex, they heard shouting coming from down the way. “It’s Reece,” Harrison called out as he turned Saracen to the left.

  They slowed their horses when they saw Reece fighting Arrow, trying to get the horse to jump the barriers. “Arrow!” she shouted, not realizing the men were nearing.

  “Reece!” Navarre called out, bringing her attention to him.

  She dismounted Arrow when she noticed their arrival. “NO!” she shouted as Navarre dismounted and approached her.

  Reece seemed weak with fear at their unexpected arrival, and she wasn’t quick in retreating from Navarre. Navarre encircled his arms around her as she collapsed into his embrace. She moaned tragic sobs of defeat while repeatedly muttering the word ‘no’ to Navarre. He held her tightly as she slowly gave up her fight. His words were soft as he gently rested his chin on her head, trying to calm her.

  “Navarre, please,” she begged as she stepped back. “Please, let me help him. I can’t live without him. I need him. I beg you to understand. I just need to get this horse to understand.”

  “All he understands is that you are on a suicide mission, Reece Oxley,” Harrison sternly added on his and King Hamilton’s approach.

  “What are you talking about? I may be willing to give my life for him, but I also know I can save him.”

  Navarre studied Reece. “I have virtually lost my son, and I will not lose you and my grandchild also.” He brought the back of her hand to his lips. “You, dear one, have reminded me of who the Guardians truly are. We have never failed each other, nor have we ever surrendered to anyone, regardless of the consequence.”

  Reece’s eyes widened. “What?”

  “Are you confident that you will be safe traveling to the location of the
stone?” Navarre asked with concern in his voice. “You have no abilities at the present time, and the child within you has grown quite rapidly over these past months.”

  Reece glanced over at Harrison and back to Navarre. “I used some of the paste that Normila gave me before we left that Shallek’s village. With the way it worked to enhance my abilities when we went to the fortress, I should be able to manage. I’m not afraid if that’s what you’re asking.”

  “That is exactly what I thought you would say,” Hamilton said from behind them. “Now, I do not know about the emperor, but I have always been envious that Levi, you, and Harrison knew where the stone was, and a wise king like I have been left clueless.”

  “Well, gentlemen, get ready to take a nice, refreshing swim. I am confident Arrow will make the jump now that we will be with her to protect her.” He walked over to Reece, who coughed out a laugh in disbelief. “I do hope those old men can keep up with you and me.”

  “Harrison, you would be surprised at how our abilities are magnified with age,” King Hamilton retorted.

  Harrison laughed and looked down at Reece’s abdomen. “Another month or so, and you won’t be able to fit through the passageways that lead to that stone.”

  Navarre gripped Arrow’s reins, proceeding to help Reece onto the stallion’s back. “Gentlemen, let us be stealthy with this and get Reece her powers again. My only hope is that Mordegrin is so distracted by awaiting Levi’s return that he will not detect us on Earth.”

  Harrison nodded. “If he does, the next item on our agenda is to finally destroy him and be done with all of this.”

  Chapter Ten

  When they got into the Pemdai car, Navarre began communicating with Vincent who was at the command center. “The stand-ins are being deployed, and men are standing by to alert us if Mordegrin appears,” he instructed. Navarre tossed a black combat outfit over to Reece. “This should help to keep you from going hypothermic the moment you get into the sub-freezing waters in case the paste or your mental abilities do not help.”

  Reece nodded, gathered the outfit in her arms, and sat quietly in the back seat. She was remorseful for her rude behavior toward all the men earlier, but that paled in comparison to the guilt and sickness she had been feeling knowing Levi was in torment.

  They arrived at the stone’s location with nothing but a million stars sprinkled throughout the black night sky that surrounded them. Reece could see nothing as they walked along the rugged mountain down to the stone. Harrison gripped her hand tightly, guiding her and ensuring that she wouldn’t fall.

  “I believe going to the stone’s location with the black of night upon us is a better approach for you this time, Reece,” Harrison started with a laugh.

  “What would make you think that?” Reece answered.

  “Simple. If you cannot see anything, there is nothing to fear.”


  The icy cold wind was burning her face, but Reece ignored the pain. She could hear the water crashing violently against the rocky surface and knew they were close to entering the water. Before diving in, Harrison turned and addressed the men.

  “This is a treacherous journey,” Harrison instructed. “If the paste Normila gave Reece that serves to heighten her abilities somehow fails to help, we must take in as much oxygen as possible to assist her until we get to the stone’s location.”

  Reece’s heart beat at a rapid pace. Don’t panic now. Don’t forget, you planned to do this on your own, she internally reminded herself. The paste will work.

  “Reece, are you sure you can handle this?” Navarre asked with concern.

  “Yes. I don’t care how frightening this is because I know it doesn’t compare to what Levi’s been enduring for the last month.”

  “Understood,” Navarre returned.

  “All right, the quicker she gets to that stone, the better off the baby and she will be.” Harrison took her hand. “Jump with me.”

  Before Reece could prepare herself, Harrison lunged out toward the water and pulled her with him. They landed in the frigid water with a large splash, and the icy water immediately stung Reece’s face. Harrison brought his hands to each of her cheeks while Navarre and King Hamilton entered the water. The warmth of his hands instantly soothed the icy burn of the sub-zero temperatures of the water.

  “I need you to calm yourself so you can take in as much air as you can before we go under,” Harrison instructed. “Do you believe the paste is working?”

  Reece mentally forced herself to dismiss the frigid air and water she was in. “Yes.”

  Harrison’s eyes locked on hers. “Are you ready?”

  Reece took in a large breath, along with the men that surrounded her. She nodded to Harrison, and together they disappeared under the water and swam quickly toward the stone. Reece squeezed Harrison’s hand and did her best to ignore the glacial temperature of the water that was consuming her entire body. Little by little, her body grew numb, and she could no longer feel the burning pain of the icy waters against her flesh.

  Stay focused, Reece! she ordered herself.

  Her lungs were screaming for oxygen, and her heart rate soared. The darkness surrounding her wasn’t helping to ease the panic threatening to take over her entire body.

  At that moment, warm air filled her lungs. She inhaled deeply, becoming light-headed from the rejuvenating feeling of her starving lungs being filled with oxygen. Her heart rate became steadier, and even though she had air in her lungs, she was becoming overwhelmingly tired. Reece closed her eyes, unable to feel anything and only wanting to fall asleep. She was freezing before, but now she felt warmth all around her and peace she could never explain and would never want to lose.

  “We’re losing her!” a voice echoed in the distance.

  “Are we close?” another voice echoed.

  “Not close enough.”

  The voices were the last thing Reece heard before allowing the peaceful sensation to consume her. Her peace was interrupted when a surge of power ripped through her, forcing her eyes open to find Harrison and King Hamilton watching her with broad smiles on their faces. A strong hand was clutching her hand around the stone. As her senses returned rapidly, Reece realized it was Navarre standing behind her, holding her up and bringing her hand to help her receive the stone’s powers.

  She closed her eyes as she drew in more powers from the stone. When her eyes reopened, she smiled as she felt the energy and power coursing through her veins. Harrison chuckled while King Hamilton watched her intently at the stone’s location.

  “I mean no disrespect by this, but Reece, your beauty is unspeakable,” Hamilton said in awe.

  Reece laughed, remembering that the last time she received the stone’s power, it gave her a flawless and glowing, youthful appearance.

  “How are you feeling, my dear?” Navarre asked.

  Reece released the stone and turned to face him. Navarre stepped back, eyes locked on hers. “Your eyes—” he whispered. “Reece, Hamilton is correct, you are radiant.”

  Harrison stepped forward and laughed. “Let’s get you back to Levi so he can be healed and appreciate the beauty of his wife once again.”

  When they returned to Pasidian Palace, Reece wasted no time changing into fresh clothes to work with Levi as soon as possible. She hadn’t slept at all and wouldn’t until she knew she could bring Levi peace. When she marched into the command center, Harrison and Navarre were the first to greet her. Levi’s wails grew loud, prompting Reece to remain focused on the task at hand.

  “Do you believe you need to make contact with him?” Navarre asked.

  “Not yet,” Reece answered as they walked toward Levi’s chamber. “I will try once I persuade his mind to sleep.”

  Harrison remained quiet as they approached the glass walls of Levi’s chamber. At first, Reece became terrified of the beast before her. There was nothing recognizable about Levi anymore. His hair was white, eyes silver, nails long, and clothes ripped to shreds.

/>   Oh, Levi. You have to be in there somewhere! Reece thought as Levi growled at the sight of them.

  Reece could stand no more after Levi brought his claw-like nails to his face and wailed in agony as he scraped along his cheeks.

  She sat quietly in front of the glass walls and focused on persuading his mind to sleep deeply. A sharp pain pierced in the center of her forehead, but she ignored the sensation. As the minutes passed with Reece in a deep meditative state, the wails ceased. Her eyes reopened to find him leaning against a wall, panting as he slept.

  “Let us get him into bed,” Navarre ordered.

  “Somebody needs to send for some clothes so we can clean the blood from his skin,” Reece said as both men picked Levi up and placed him in his bed.

  As Harrison turned to leave, Reece put her fingers on the scrapes throughout Levi’s chest. She traced along the wounds, and a shimmering green trail followed her fingertips. After the bright green glow faded against his skin, the scar faded.

  “Astounding,” Navarre spoke out.

  Reece remained focused as she continued to heal her husband. She placed her hand on his racing heart, mentally forcing Levi’s body to mirror hers. His panting stopped, and Reece pulled him into a deeper sleep. When she did, her vision changed. It was pitch black, and she became ill with an oppressive feeling. Death, torment, brutality, and other negative emotions tried to overcome her. Reece exhaled and ran her hand up to Levi’s forehead. Instead of allowing this negative darkness to overpower her, Reece fought against it. She impressed images into his mind, shoving away the darkness that had consumed it.

  What did he do to your mind? Reece thought, as she knew he should be healing faster than this.

  The Pemdai mind was now battling her intrusion. She brought her forehead to Levi’s and manipulated his mind into a much deeper sleep. At that time, Reece felt the dark energy within him depleting. Over and over, she forced this energy to dissolve and leave her husband.


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