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Patriots Page 62

by A. J. Langguth

  ADAMS: 1762–63

  “is very obstinate”: Bancroft, IV, 386.

  “reading the Bible”: Guedalla, 23.

  George’s sexual desires: Guttmacher, 32–33.

  “. . . according to his deserts.”: George III, Letters to Bute, Dec. 8, 1758.

  “Be a King!”: Guttmacher, 25.

  Hutchinson’s lecture: Miller, Adams, 41.

  “Esquire Bluster”: Waters, 130.

  “Furio”: John Adams, Diary, I, 237.

  Otis threatens to resign: Waters, 148.

  Deacon Adams: Wells, III, 427.

  Land Bank: Miller, Adams, 9–11.

  “the idle and the extravagant”: Young, 15.

  Adams’ thesis at Harvard: Wells, I, 10.

  Adams’ indifference to money: Ibid., 54.

  Adams saves his house: Ibid., 28; Sibley, X, 422–23.

  tyranny by the few: Becker, Eve, 166.

  America’s area: Morison, History, I, 1.

  “. . . greasy, shining head.”: Sibley, XIII, 380.

  gentlemen outvoted in Town Meetings: Young, 22.

  “a filthy skunk”: Boston Evening Post, Mar. 28, 1763.

  Hutchinson’s history: Bailyn, Ordeal, 19.

  Hutchinson on Whigs: Hutchinson, History, III, 75.

  Bernard’s background: Higgins, I, 174–82.

  Bernard’s son: Ibid., 219.

  “. . . spread with brass.”: Harlow, 21.

  “. . . an hour more.”: Ayling, 328.

  “. . . Mr. Greenville.”: Bancroft, V, 145.

  HENRY: 1763–64

  meetings broken up: Willison, 62.

  Virginia games: George Morgan, 55.

  Maury’s slaves’ names: Willison, 73.

  tobacco laws: Tyler, 36.

  Peter Lyons: Willison, 78.

  Henry accepts fifteen shillings: Meade, 126.

  Jefferson on Henry: Jefferson, Works, XII, 388n.

  Henry’s preparation for law: George Morgan, 44.

  Henry’s hunting: Meade, 52–53.

  “sold the last peck”: George Morgan, 38.

  Peyton Randolph’s education: Willison, 53.

  Henry with John Randolph: George Morgan, 47.

  man of genius: Jefferson, Works, XI, 228.

  Virginia considers barring lawyers: Meade, 95.

  tobacco rates: Tyler, 38.

  “. . . vulgar herd”: Mayer, 63.

  Henry’s jurors: Willison, 77.

  first reaction to Henry: Tyler, 45.

  Lyons objects: Willison, 80.

  “. . . the lying-in woman!”: George Morgan, 68–72.

  one-penny award: Willison, 81.

  Maury’s reaction: George Morgan, 72.

  220,000 pounds: Green, 227.

  Pitt dropped the idea: Willison, 111.

  Walpole bequeaths tax plan: George Morgan, 88.

  “This is taxing them”: Willison, 110.

  Mauduit’s prediction: Edmund Morgan, Crisis, 42.

  past taxes only to regulate trade: Otis, Rights.

  Samuel Adams’ instructions: Wells, I, 46–48.

  “Perhaps I may be too suspicious.”: Harlow, 34.

  Rhode Island’s letter: Hutchinson, History, III, 83.

  Grenville on tax: Hosmer, 80.

  “the easiest, the most equal . . .”: Green, 230.

  items taxed: Charles Andrews, 245.

  Isaac Barré: Page Smith, New Age, I, 192–93.

  “Sons of liberty” as familiar term: Maier, Resistance, 82.

  RIOTS: 1765

  Liberty Tree: Forbes, 97.

  “. . . hanging on a tree”: Sibley, VII, 394.

  “. . . set people a-thinking . . .”: Otis, Rights, 73.

  flop down before the tree: Boston Gazette, Aug. 19, 1765.

  Samuel Adams wants to inquire further: Miller, Adams, 61.

  cheers sounded defiant: Bernard, letter to Halifax, Aug. 15, 1765, Sparks Collection.

  destroying Oliver’s building: Boston Gazette, Aug. 19, 1765.

  patriots deny stealing valuables: Ibid.

  Gazette treats lightheartedly: Ibid.

  100 pounds reward: Ibid., Sept. 2, 1765.

  previous rioting: Maier, Resistance, 4.

  burned private barn: Edmund Morgan, Crisis, 159.

  “a single man . . .”: Sibley, VIII, cites Andrew Oliver to John Spooner.

  Hutchinson seen heading for country: Hutchinson, History, III, 88.

  “black regiment”: Oliver, 29.

  Mayhew background: Sibley, XI, 465.

  Bernard on mob: Bernard to Halifax, Aug. 31, 1765, Sparks Collection.

  Boston merchants as smugglers: Hutchinson, History, III, 89.

  Hallowell’s house: Miller, Origins, 243.

  cellar drunk dry: Morgan, Crisis, 166.

  greatest civil violence: Bailyn, Ordeal, 35.

  destruction of Hutchinson’s house: Hosmer, 92.

  “. . . anguish of his soul”: Ibid., 95.

  Hutchinson address: Proceedings, Mass. Hist. Soc, IV, April 1858.

  Mayhew’s response: Wells, I, 62.

  Hutchinson on same villains: Miller, Adams, 67.

  “rude fellows,” “hellish fury”: Boston Gazette, Sept. 2, 1765.

  Mackintosh background: Anderson, “Mackintosh,” 15.

  grudging admiration: Oliver, 54.

  set Mackintosh free: Hutchinson, Diary, I, 71.

  “. . . Mackintosh has the credit . . .”: Harlow, 50.

  “very tame apes, too.”: Maier, Resistance, 62.

  POLITICS: 1765

  “Orator of Nature”: George Morgan, 75.

  candidate too stingy: Willison, 87–92.

  Washington’s defeat: Ibid., 93.

  Burgesses on horseback: Hodges, 15.

  “. . . filling his pockets with money?”: Edmund Morgan, Crisis, 120.

  Henry’s apology: Beeman, 38.

  “. . . for a single vote”: Jefferson, Works, XI, 229n.

  Hutchinson softened letter: Galvin, 93.

  “. . . They are men! . . .”: John Adams, Works, X, 287.

  Bernard as good-natured man: Barrington-Bernard Corresp., 32.

  Bernard sure all would be well: Ibid., 53.

  Bernard’s spies: Bernard, letter to Pownall, Aug. 23, 1765, Sparks Collection.

  “The dignity of Great Britain . . .”: Ibid., to Jackson, Aug. 24, 1765, Sparks. troops would inflame the mob: Ibid., to Lords of Trade, undated (September 1765), Sparks.

  Description of stamp: Anderson, “Mackintosh,” 14–15.

  Cost for bail bond: Force, 4th series, 40.

  New Hampshire volunteered to sign: Tudor, 225.

  South Carolina felt isolated: Andrews, 205–6.

  “. . . all of us Americans.”: Goodloe, 7–10.

  Otis wouldn’t sign: Gordon, I, 174.

  “Young man . . .”: Weslager, 154.

  “cutting one another’s throats . . .”: Ibid.

  no house left to destroy: Miller, Adams, 96.

  “a perpetual itching . . .”: Hooker, 65.

  Blacks kept out of march: Miller, Adams, 69.

  Samuel Adams frees slave: Wells, II, 20.

  Adams’ tax deficits: Goodell, 213–26.

  Hutchinson blamed Adams: Miller, Adams, 61.

  “Massah Tamp Act . . .”: Oliver, 65.

  John Adams’ diary entry: Adams, Diary, I, 264–65.

  “. . . they smoke tobacco . . .”: Wells, I, 86–87.

  drank flip: Peladeau, 5.

  Samuel Adams’ radical love of liberty: Wells, I, 86–87.

  “If not . . . !”: Boston Gazette, Dec. 23, 1765.

  Oliver’s remarks: Sibley, VIII, 159.

  Sons’ strategy: Edmund Morgan, Crisis, 174.

  Attorney general’s rheumatism: Ibid., 179.

  Bernard’s “total languor . . .”: Barrington-Bernard Corresp., 240–41.

  “. . . some emphasis behind it.”: Hancock, 100–101.

  John Adams’ arguments
: Adams, Diary, I, 267.

  Hutchinson thought his life in danger: Hutchinson, History, III, 103.

  HANCOCK: 1765–68

  Grenville suffered defeat: Green, 233–34.

  “These yellow shades of men . . .”: Edmund Morgan, Birth, 21.

  no right to retaliate: Page Smith, New Age, I, 237.

  Pitt’s speaking style: Butler, 17–18.

  Pitt’s speech: Green, 253–54.

  “. . . I only finish.”: Ayling, 341.

  “. . . totally and immediately.”: Green, 258–59.

  “. . . forfeit the name of Pitt . . .”: Bancroft, VI, 24.

  Franklin’s testimony: Force, 80–81.

  Hancock’s fireworks: Goss, I, 36.

  “Every dirty fellow . . .”: Frothingham, Warren, 73.

  maddened with loyalty: Wells, I, 115.

  ought to be beheaded: John Adams, Diary, I, 280.

  “. . . John that may do better?”: Francis Drake, lxiii n.

  Hancock background: Allan, 23–30.

  slave made drunk: Morison, Harvard, 115.

  “. . . as possible to her size”: Allan, 34.

  Thomas Hancock’s smuggling: Ibid., 45–47.

  “. . . that young man’s fortune their own. “: Tudor, 262.

  losses of 2500 pounds: Hutchinson, Diary, 70.

  rabble and scum: Miller, Adams, 113.

  Townshend found distinction ridiculous: Ibid., 115.

  he knew “the mode . . .”: Beach, 128.

  knew the tactic was extortion: Edmund Morgan, Birth, 37–38.

  “the greatest political curses . . .”: Miller, Adams, 118.

  Hulton laughs at parade: Beach, 136.

  “. . . lick the dust . . .”: Miller, Adams, 140.

  “. . . directly to his kennel.”: Ibid., 98.

  “defalcation”: Hutchinson, History, III, 212.

  “. . . tail of the rattle snake.”: Oliver, 40.

  forgave Adams’ debt: Miller, Adams, 101.

  “His power over weak minds . . .”: Oliver, 41.

  Captain Marshall incident: Zobel, 73.

  H. M. S. Romney arrives: Beach, 146.

  impressed men held: Boston Gazette, June 20, 1768.

  “a blackguard town . . .”: Beach, 150.

  Madeira disappeared: Hancock, 157.

  Englishwoman’s response: Beach, 147.

  “. . . To your tents, O Israel.”: Ibid.

  Tory dinner guests: Beach, 154.

  John Adams’ calculation: John Adams, Works, X, 260.

  “. . . even unto blood”: Harlow, 123.

  “If you are men . . .”: Ibid.

  threatening them with famine: Beach, 148.

  Bernard was self-impressed: Tudor, 330.

  “. . . enjoy it a week.”: Ibid.

  circular letter: Beach, 140.

  “. . . the whole Empire.”: Miller, Adams, 125.

  “. . . to quieuvicue them”: Tudor, 317.

  “. . . the contempt it deserves.”: Edmund Morgan, Birth, 41.

  dissolve the House: Beach, 145.

  Otis’ remarks: Tudor, 325.

  “. . . pimps and whoremasters.”: Miller, Adams, 143.

  “. . . like a horned snake.”: Adam, 17.

  “. . . by dividing we fall.”: Tudor, 502.

  “Poor Paxton’s usual . . .”: Bailyn, Ordeal, 25.

  “bad thing for Boston . . .”: Miller, A dams, 120.

  “popish” towns: Ibid., 129.

  Washington welcomed ban: Maier, Resistance, 119.

  Bernard’s fears about troops: Barrington-Bernard Corresp., 113–14.

  Adams reassures Hillsborough: Harlow, 128.

  Warren’s attack: Boston Gazette, Feb. 29, 1768.

  “. . . punish such lying.”: Baldwin, 58–59.

  “behaves like a madman . . .”: Bernard to Shelburne, Mar. 5, 1768, Sparks Collection.

  humoring a willful child: Barrington-Bernard Corresp., 126.

  Isaiah quotation: Hutchinson, Diary, frontispiece.

  “. . . authority over his children.”: Hosmer, 137.

  “. . . America prostrate at our feet.”: Frothingham, Warren, 95n.

  OCCUPATION: 1768–69

  “for obvious reasons”: Bernard to General Gage, July 2, 1768, Sparks Collection.

  Council advising Bernard: Ibid., to Col. Dalrymple, July 3, 1768, Sparks.

  Adams-Otis exchange: Ibid., to Hillsborough, July 9, 1768, Sparks.

  False report about Adams: Frothingham, 80.

  “. . . they will be delivered.”: Miller, A dams, 151.

  “. . . as foreign enemies”: Harlow, 133.

  “. . . lives and fortunes.”: Maier, Resistance, 82.

  “. . . violent designs of others.”: Miller, Adams, 159.

  “a fresh token . . .”: Boston Chronicle, Oct. 3, 1768.

  “. . . scalded hogs.”: Miller, Adams, 161.

  “Yankee Doodle” background: Maverick, 106–35.

  British parade: Zobel, 100.

  people would not be awed: Boston Gazette, Oct. 3, 1768.

  “. . . I will stand alone.”: Williams, “Samuel Adams,” 47.

  Samuel Adams and child: Wells, III, 220.

  “. . . feats of action.”: Miller, Adams, 162–63.

  “. . . red-dressed”: John Quincy Adams, 121.

  “the ridiculous puff . . .”: Miller, Adams, 163.

  Otis about British stench: Tudor, 338.

  Dalrymple reward: Beach, 161.

  “. . . cut your masters’ throats”: Zobel, 102.

  blown off course: Beach, 168.

  Molineux letting property: Zobel, 104.

  “. . . spend our last drop of blood . . .”: Ibid., 171.

  “. . . thou fool!”: Sibley, XIII, 382.

  “. . . give laws to England.”: Bailyn, Ordeal, 127.

  “shuddered at the sight of hemp”: Miller, Adams, 167.

  “within a hair’s breadth”: Ibid.

  make the Council more responsive: Walett, 205–22.

  “. . . worst effects.”: Ibid.

  “. . . great contempt.”: Miller, Adams, 171.

  cut the heart out of portrait: Ibid.

  “. . . black eye.”: Harlow, 135.

  canoe: Barrington-Bernard Corresp., Oct. 12, 1769, p. 207.

  “. . . independent we shall be.”: Hutchinson, History, III, 190.

  “Journal of the Times”: Miller, Adams, 174.

  “working the political engine”: John Adams, Diary, I, 432–33.

  war producing more births than deaths: Miller, Adams, 175.

  “. . . favorite grand-daughter”: Ibid.

  gunfire and horseraces: Lemisch, 492.

  “They stick at nothing.”: Bailyn, Ordeal, 125.

  traditional password: Samuel Adams, Writings, I, 255.

  dig in ribs: Miller, Adams, 176.

  change parade schedule: Frothingham, Rise, 117–18.

  ear-piercing fife: John Adams, Diary, III, 289–90.

  Britain’s determination: Beach, 165.

  “cool, abstemious, polished”: Miller, Adams, 94.

  “. . . loved good cheer.”: Ibid.

  noblest of duties: Tudor, 356.

  “. . . or any of his cabal.”: Boston Gazette, Sept. 4, 1769.

  “. . . to break his head.”: Ibid.

  brawl in tavern: Ibid., Sept. 18, 1769.

  assassination attempt: Ibid., Sept. 11, 1769.

  “very unfair play”: Bailyn, Ordeal, 137.

  Robinson to pay costs: Tudor, 366.

  smeared Mein’s signs: Zobel, 151.

  had her jailed: Mitchell, I, 2.

  careless about spelling: Schachner, 5.

  divorce in England: Ibid., 8.

  Decalogue in Hebrew: John Hamilton, 3.

  “. . . wish there was a war”: Ibid., 4–5.

  MASSACRE: 1770

  “. . . rest of the people never could.”: Zobel, 153.

  Hutchinson wrote to London in code: Bailyn, Ordeal, 1

  Mein’s attacks: Zobel, 156.

  Molineux and Adams get warrant: Ibid., 158.

  “Stop, Mr. Molineux! . . .”: Ibid., 166–67.

  “. . . treating my person.”: Ibid., 167.

  Hutchinson’s distress: Hutchinson, History, III, 192.

  “. . . able to please him.”: Zobel, 173.

  make a lane through them: Boston Gazette, Feb. 26, 1770.

  “. . . Your liver out!”: Zobel, 174.

  “. . . son of a poor German.”: Hutchinson, History, III, 194.

  Bostonians resented the competition: Lemisch, 485–504.

  exchange at Gray’s ropeworks: John Adams, Legal, III, 134; Samuel Drake, 273.

  Burdick episode: Page Smith, New Age, I, 332.

  small boy rings bells: Francis Bowen, 350.

  Private White and Garrick: Zobel, 186.

  Preston background: Higgins, II, 221.

  Firing on King Street: Zobel: 195–200.

  “. . . they will not fire.”: Kidder, 6.

  Crispus Attucks: Ibid., 29–3on.

  “You are only frightened.”: Ibid., 287.

  “Perhaps, sir, you may.”: Zobel, 200.

  TRIAL: 1770

  Adams after shootings: John Adams, Diary, III, 292.

  John Adams as boy: Chinard, 12.

  Adams mourns end of Harvard days: Sibley, XIII, 514–15.

  infant petticoats: John Adams, Diary, I, 13.

  Adams weighs career: Ibid., III, 264.

  Adams on suffrage: Ibid., 265.

  Adams as dramatist: Bailyn, Butterfield’s, 243–45.

  Franklin considered genius: John Adams, Diary, I, 13.

  Gridley-Adams exchange: Ibid., 272.

  “no friends”: Bailyn, Butterfield’s, 244.

  Paine-Adams exchange: John Adams, Diary, I, 59.

  Adams about Hannah Quincy: Ibid., 67.

  “. . . gain a reputation!”: Ibid., 78.

  Adams considers proposing to Hannah: Shaw, 30.

  “. . . obliging, active.”: John Adams, Diary, I, 234.

  “. . . legs of a lady”: Page Smith, Adams, I, 68.

  Adams’ mortification: Shaw, 53.

  path to madness: Frothingham, Warren, 51.

  declined Admiralty Court: Trevelyan, I, 72.

  “. . . not get her with child”: Page Smith, Adams, I, 109.

  “. . . rational amusements or inquiries.”: Ibid., 110.

  fame and power: Rossiter, Legacy, 528–50.

  James Forrest: John Adams, Diary, III, 292.

  “. . . die by the law!”: Bailyn, Ordeal, 158.

  Preston led to jail: John Quincy Adams, 138–39.


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