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Patriots Page 68

by A. J. Langguth

  Buttrick, John, 242, 244–45

  Byles, Mather, 113, 154

  Byrd, William, 291

  Cadwalader, John, 409, 410, 418–19, 420, 464, 467

  Caldwell, James, 139, 153, 180

  Cambridge, Mass., 117, 164–65, 215, 219

  army at, 252–53, 258, 265, 268–69, 304, 307–12, 378

  Camden, S.C., 499, 553, 556

  Canada, 259, 548

  expedition against (1775), 315–22, 342, 373, 378, 442, 474

  Carleton, Sir Guy, 319, 320–21, 545–546, 555

  Caroline, Queen of George II of Britain, 29

  Carr, Maurice, 131, 132, 151

  Carr, Patrick, 139, 158–59

  Carroll, Charles, 363

  Carroll, John, 160

  Carter, “King,” 42

  “Case of the Salary of the Officers of Excise” (Paine), 336–37

  Catherine II the Great, Empress of Russia, 407, 544

  Caucus Club, 31, 33, 35, 77–78, 175

  Chambly, Canada, 316

  Champlain, Lake, 258, 260, 316, 373, 439, 444

  Charles I, King of England, 16, 69

  Charles II, King of England, 13

  Charleston, S.C., 65, 329–33, 364–65, 380, 496, 538, 539, 544

  Charlestown, Mass., 227–32, 250, 272–75 passim, 277–81, 284, 331

  Charlottesville, Va., 349, 513–16

  Charming Nancy (cargo ship), 494, 500

  Chase, Samuel, 372

  Chaudière River, 318

  Chesapeake Bay, 519–25, 526ff.

  Choate of Ipswich, 24

  Chronicle, London, 126, 254

  Church, Benjamin, 34, 115, 214, 217, 267

  at Massacre commemorations, 191, 218, 310

  in occupied Boston, 225, 229, 253

  spying of, 309–12

  and tea boycott, 173, 177, 179

  Clark, Jonas, 221, 230, 232, 234, 240–41

  Clinton, Henry, 472, 476, 494

  Albany, advance toward, 447, 452, 453, 454

  and André, 504, 505, 507–8

  and Arnold, 512–13, 523

  at Breed’s Hill, 271–72, 275, 284, 286, 331

  at Charleston, 331–33, 380, 496, 538, 539

  and Cornwallis/Yorktown debacle, 520–21, 526, 533, 534, 536, 537, 539–40, 543, 544

  at Long Island, 378, 380–81, 383

  at Newport, 400

  and New York capture, 393, 394

  and New York ruse of Washington, 519–23

  Philadelphia, retreat from, 476–81,485

  replaced, 545

  seeks vindication, 555

  Coke, Sir Edward, 20, 22, 348

  Coke upon Littleton, 42

  College of New Jersey (later Princeton), 263, 372

  Committees of Correspondence, 171, 197, 198, 200–201

  Committees of Safety, 217, 227, 252, 253, 258, 262, 272, 273, 279, 286, 311, 314

  Commons, House of (Parliament), 20, 23, 28–29, 31, 73–74, 116

  and death penalty, 169

  and nonimportation agreements, 115–16

  and Paine’s petition on salaries, 336–37

  peace motions in, 465–66, 545–46

  and peace negotiations, 550

  Port Act voted by, 189–91, 200

  and seizure of American ships, 341

  and Stamp Act, 51, 81, 84–86, 92

  and Sugar Act, 48–50

  and taxation-without-representation issue, 49–51, 71, 84, 86, 99, 216

  and tea monopoly, 174

  and Townshend Acts, 92–93, 105

  Common Sense (Paine), 335, 340–41, 351

  Conant, William, 227, 230

  Concord, Mass., 170, 219–21, 224, 227, 234, 239, 241–48

  Congress, see Continental Congress, First, and Continental Congress, Second

  Connecticut, provincial government of, 369, 371

  Continental Army, beginnings of, 252–53, 258–59, 265

  adopted by Congress, 268–69

  at Bunker and Breed’s Hills, 273–287

  first manual of, 469

  forged into army by Washington, 304, 307–12

  Continental Congress, First, 204–16, 220, 378

  and Canada, 315

  trade boycott voted by, 212–13, 214

  Continental Congress, Second, 264–69, 305–7, 311, 524

  and John Adams’ diary, 546–47

  army adopted by, 268–69

  and army crises, 320, 350, 423, 467–68, 512, 518, 557–60

  and Arnold, 314, 471, 494

  and Canada, 315–16, 342

  changes in, 463

  commissions major generals, 304, 309, 331, 468, 471

  Committee of Secret Correspondence, 324–25, 432

  and confederation, 366–72, 518

  and Conway, 460–64, 471

  and Deane’s accounts, 488, 491–93

  and France, 430, 464, 466, 493

  and Gates, 378, 438–40, 556

  and independence, 265, 342–45, 359–60, 362–63

  and Charles Lee, 304, 309, 402, 487

  and loyalists’ property, 550

  and New York defense and loss, 373, 399

  paper money of, 423, 467–68, 518

  peace feelers rejected by, 265–66, 390–93, 476

  and peace negotiations, 547–50

  relocations of, 401, 438, 440, 478, 560

  and Saratoga, 458, 460, 538

  state governments, advice on, 268, 341

  Washington appointed by, 268–69, 289–91

  Washington’s leavetaking of, 561–63

  Conway, Thomas, 460–64, 469, 471, 553

  Copley, John Singleton, 154, 166

  Corner, John, 96

  Cornwallis, Charles, Lord, 381–83, 400, 406, 440, 555

  outfoxed at Trenton, 425–26, 428

  Southern campaign of, 499, 515, 519

  and Yorktown, 520–44, 556

  Cowboys, 503

  Cowpens, battle of, 514

  Craig, Captain, 453, 455

  Crisis, The (Paine), 401–2, 557

  Cromwell, Oliver, 69, 100

  Croskie, Captain, 257

  Crown Point, N.Y., 316

  Cushing, Thomas, 32, 78, 99, 110, 200, 217

  as delegate to Congress, 199, 205, 211, 262

  as Massachusetts House speaker, 165, 171, 193, 195, 198

  Custis, Daniel, 301–2

  Custis, Jack, 429, 530, 544

  Dalrymple, William, 108, 112, 113–114, 127, 131, 151–57 passim, 161

  Dana, Francis, 547

  Danbury, Conn., 494

  Dandridge, Nathaniel West, 41, 66–67, 553–54

  Dartmouth, 175, 177–78, 181

  Dartmouth, William Legge, Earl of, 169, 171, 173, 178, 185, 192–96

  and Boston Tea Party, 184, 196

  and Gage, 191, 201, 215, 217

  and Lexington, 254

  opposes North policies, 189, 190

  Davids, Daniel, 308

  Davies, Samuel, 44

  Davies, William, 133

  Davis, Edward, 126

  Davis, Solomon, 75

  Davis, William, 119

  Dawes, Tom, 77

  Dawes, William, 229, 230, 234–35, 241

  D’Bernicre, Ensign, 219–20, 228

  Deane, Silas, 205, 208, 549, 556

  in France, 431–35, 460–61, 465, 466, 468–69, 489, 491–93

  and Arthur Lee, 465, 488, 491, 493

  recalled, 488, 491–94

  Dearborn, Henry, 278

  Declaration of Independence, 353–365, 375

  proposed, 343–45

  Declaratory Act (1766), 86

  Delaplace, William, 262

  Delaware, 73, 369

  Denmark, 544

  Diamond, William, 233, 237, 239, 246

  Dickinson, John, 101, 207, 209, 305

  and confederation, 368–71

  “Pennsylvania Farmer,” 175, 207, 355–56

  resists independence, 266, 342, 343, 359, 36

  Dinwiddie, Robert, 295–96, 298, 300, 301

  Dolbin, Edward, 183

  Dorchester Heights, 272, 273, 328, 332, 375, 439

  Dryden, John, 307

  Duane, James, 206, 213

  Duché, Jacob, 211

  Dudingston, William, 166–70

  Dumas, Mathieu, 540

  Dunkirk, 548

  Duquesne, Fort, 299–300, 302–4

  Dutch Guiana, 90

  Dutch West Indies, 90

  Dutton, John, 287

  Eagle, H.M.S., 390

  East India Company, 173–76, 184–185, 189, 190, 198

  Edes, Benjamin, 179

  Edes, Peter, 180

  Edes and Gill, 171, 179, 217, 310

  Eleanor, 175, 177, 181

  Emerson, William, 242

  Englishtown, N.J., 484

  Erskine, Sir William, 426

  Eskridge, George, 291

  Esopus, N.Y., 453–54

  Estaing, Comte d’, 495

  Evans, Israel, 534

  Evening Post, Boston, 35, 36–37

  Evening Post, London, 363

  Ewing, James, 409, 418–19

  Experiment, H.M.S., 332

  Fairfax, George William, 292–93

  Fairfax, Lord, 293

  Fairfax, Sally Carey, 293–94, 298, 299, 301, 303, 327

  Fairfax, William, 301

  Faneuil, Benjamin, 175

  Fauquier, Francis, 347

  Feltham, Jocelyn, 261

  Fenton, Colonel, 201–2

  Ferriter, Nicholas, 130

  Fischer, Friedrich, 414

  Fitzgerald, John, 427

  Fleeming, John, 126, 311

  Forman, David, 481, 486

  Forrest, James, 148–49

  Fosdick, Nathaniel, 136

  Fox, Charles, 441, 442, 551


  alliance with U. S., 466, 469, 476

  secret dealings leading to, 323–326, 430, 431–35, 464–65

  in French and Indian War, 26, 297–300, 302–4

  peace treaty ending (1763), 30, 35, 315

  military cooperation with U. S., see Rochambeau, Comte de

  naval activities against British, 521–33 passim, 539, 544, 556

  and peace negotiations (1781, 547–51

  Western claims of, 295–300, 302–4

  Francis I, King of France, 393

  Franklin, Benjamin, 51, 145, 207, 264–65, 361–62, 470

  and Canada expedition, 342

  and confederation, 368–69, 372

  and Declaration, 344, 359, 363

  as envoy to France, 430–31, 433–437, 465, 466, 474, 489, 490–491, 546–51

  and French agent, 324–25

  and Hessians, 379

  at Howe peace meeting, 391–93

  in London, 50, 86, 92, 115, 171–72, 185–87, 193–95

  and Paine, 337–38, 557

  personal rules of, 325

  Poor Richard’s Almanack of, 361, 436, 490

  as scientist, 436

  Franklin, William, 207, 433, 436

  Franklin William Temple, 433, 466

  Fraser, Simon, 450–52

  Frederick, Prince of Wales, 29

  Frederick the Great, King of Prussia, 407, 470

  Freeman’s Farm, 444–45, 448

  French and Indian War, 15, 28, 180, 226, 330, 438–39

  British national debt from, 37, 48, 51

  Ticonderoga battle in, 256, 259–260

  treaty ending, 30, 35, 315

  Washington and, 203, 208, 297–300, 302, 304, 331, 409, 413, 439

  Friendship, H.M.S., 332

  Gadsden, Christopher, 65, 74, 207, 208, 212, 347, 438

  Gage, Thomas, 97, 116, 188–89, 258, 305

  and Bernard’s request for troops, 107–8, 112, 113, 119, 189

  and Boston Massacre, 151, 154, 157

  Boston under rule of, 91, 192, 196–99, 201–2, 214, 217, 231

  and Breed’s Hill, 271–72, 275–77, 286, 312

  Cambridge raided by, 211, 215

  and Church, 253, 311

  and Concord, 219–20, 224, 227–29, 238–39, 241, 243, 247, 250, 254, 259

  encircled in Boston, 252, 268, 307

  pardons rebels, 267

  relieved of command, 312

  Galloway, Joseph, 207, 208, 209, 212, 213–14, 265

  Gardner, Henry, 243

  Garrick, David, 273

  Garrick, Edward, 133, 135

  Gaspee, 166–70, 181

  Gaspee (namesake of first Gaspee), 323

  Gates, Horatio, 401, 404, 406, 438–440, 558

  and Burgoyne campaign and surrender, 442–47, 449–52, 452–460, 538

  at Camden, 499, 553, 556

  and Canadian campaign, 378, 439

  and Conway, 460–64 passim

  Trenton, absence from, 410, 417, 439

  Gazetteer and New Daily Advertiser, London, 364

  Gentleman’s Magazine, 119

  George, Lake, 258, 260, 261, 452

  George I, King of Great Britain, 29

  George II, King of Great Britain, 29, 40, 41, 46, 298, 368

  George III, King of Great Britain, 14, 28–30, 37, 83, 90, 336

  abdication message of, 545–46

  and boycotts, 115, 197

  and Burgoyne, 441

  and Bute, 29, 30, 53, 83

  and Canada, 315, 316

  and Gage, 189, 312

  German soldiers hired by, 377

  and Hancock, 80, 89, 195

  Henry on, 69

  and Howe, 389, 473

  Hutchinson, meeting with, 192–96

  Jefferson and, 202, 338, 354, 356–358, 364

  Lee, interview with, 330

  Lexington, reaction to, 254

  and North, 99, 189, 545

  and peace treaty, 551

  and Port Act, 189–90

  reluctant to end war, 544–46

  and right to tax, 26–27, 84, 174

  statue of, 206, 375

  and Townshend, 93, 189

  Georgia, 64, 209, 358, 369, 371

  Germain, George, Lord, 428, 440–442, 452, 520–21, 545

  German mercenaries, see Hessians

  Germantown, Pa., 441, 461, 467, 473, 476

  Gerrish, Samuel, 276, 279, 284, 308

  Gerry, Elbridge, 279, 342

  Gibbon, Edward, 190, 436–37

  Gibbons, Mary, 374

  Gibraltar, 548, 549

  Gill, John, 119

  Gillespie, John, 132–33

  Glorious Revolution, 23

  Gloucester, Mass., 14

  Gloucester, Va., 523, 536–37

  Goldfinch, John, 133, 134

  Goldsmith, Oliver, 337

  Grand Union flag, 457

  Grasse, Comte François-Joseph-Paul de, 521–33 passim, 537, 539, 544, 556

  Graves, Thomas, 526–29, 530, 533

  Gray, John, 130–31

  Gray, Samuel, 138, 140, 153

  Gray, Thomas, 319

  Great Awakening, 31–32, 44

  Great Meadows, 296–98, 304

  Green, William, 130–32

  Greene, Kitty, 497–98

  Greene, Nathanael, 289, 331, 378, 401, 478, 495, 497–98, 499

  and Arnold, André conspiracy, 505, 507

  in Carolinas, 519, 544

  at Germantown, 440–41

  and New York defense, 393–95, 399–400, 402

  in Trenton raid, 412, 415, 418

  Greenleaf, Stephen, 32, 49, 54–56, 63, 64, 110, 129, 161, 176

  Green Mountain Boys, 259, 260–62

  Greer, Mrs., 317

  Grenville, George, 37–38, 48–51, 64–65, 73, 81, 83–85

  Grey, Charles, 474–75

  Gridley, Jeremiah, 18, 20, 21–22, 80, 145–46

  Gridley, John, 122–23

  Gridley, Richard, 274–75

  Griffith, Dorcas, 221

  Guilford, N.C., 519

  Guines, Comte de, 323–24, 325

wder Plot, 20

  Hale, Nathan, 390, 397–98, 507

  Hale, Samuel, 398

  Half-King (Tanacharison), 296–98

  Halifax, Nova Scotia, 108, 110, 119, 476

  Hallowell, Benjamin, 59, 97, 122

  Hamilton, Alexander, 123–24, 470, 478, 497, 499, 507, 517–19

  and Arnold-André conspiracy, 502, 505–9, 517

  in Congress, 558

  and Lee, at Monmouth, 482–84, 486–87

  as regimental commander, 519, 522, 535–36

  in Trenton raid, 412, 415

  Hamilton, Elizabeth Schuyler, 517, 519

  Hamilton, James, 124

  Hancock, Dorothy, see Quincy, Dorothy

  Hancock, John, 69, 102, 495

  and Samuel Adams—

  cultivated by Adams, 87–88, 95, 126, 164, 166, 191–92, 212, 268

  their fallings-out, 164–66, 462–463, 491, 553

  and Boston Massacre, 151, 155, 191, 218

  as delegate to Continental Congress, 220, 262–64, 331, 342, 393, 491

  as its president, 267, 305–6, 431

  signs Declaration, 363

  and Washington’s appointment, 269, 291

  early life of, 88–89, 221

  and Gage, 196, 217, 220, 268

  and George III, 80, 89, 195

  and governorship, 463, 551, 552

  Lexington trap escaped by, 227, 229, 230, 232–33, 234–35, 237–238

  and Liberty customs violation, 95–98, 150

  marriage of, see Quincy, Dorothy as Massachusetts House member, 88, 90, 164–65, 172

  and nonimportation agreement on tea, 128, 173, 174–75, 179, 183, 212

  as president of Provincial Congress, 217, 220

  and Stamp Act, 86–88, 105

  treason accusation against, 116

  Hancock, John George Washington, 553

  Hancock, Lydia, 88, 89, 217, 220–221, 235, 238, 240–41, 263–64

  Hancock, Thomas, 88–90

  Hand, Israel, 388–89

  Hannah’s Cowpens, 514

  Harlem Heights, 394, 395–96, 399, 402

  Harris, George, 284

  Harrison, Benjamin, 203, 267, 306, 342, 344, 372, 516

  Harrison, Joseph, 96–97, 178

  Harrison, Richard, 96

  Harrison, Robert, 482, 483

  Hartigan, James, 160

  Harvard College, 15, 20, 31, 117, 118, 144, 274, 329, 436

  Hatfield, Mass., 102, 110

  Hawley, Joseph, 99

  Haynes, Josiah, 246, 248

  Hays, Mary, 484

  Hayward, James, 248

  Heath, William, 249, 250, 252

  Heister, Leopold von, 381, 385

  Helvétius, Anne-Catherine, 491

  Hemings, Elizabeth, 357–58

  Hemings, Martin, 515

  Hemings, Sally, 358

  Henderson, Thomas, 481–82

  Henry VIII, King of England, 115, 201

  Henry, Dorothea Dandridge, 553–54

  Henry, John, Judge, 41, 45, 46

  Henry, Patrick, 41–47, 329, 553–54

  and Conway affair, 463, 553

  as delegate to Congress, 203, 208–210, 213–14


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