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Patriots Page 70

by A. J. Langguth

  Public Advertiser, London, 364

  Purkitt, Henry, 183

  Purple Heart, 536

  Putnam, Israel, 252, 309, 458, 505

  at Bunker Hill, 273, 276, 278, 279, 281, 284–86, 290

  at Long Island, 379–81

  in New York defense, 393–95

  at Philadelphia, 401, 409, 425

  “Qo’hees,” 67

  Quakers, 206, 211, 213, 336, 340, 410, 475

  Quebec, 316, 319, 406, 474, 476

  expedition against (1775), 315–22, 342, 373, 378, 442, 474

  Quebec Act (1774), 315, 357, 548

  Quincy, Dorothy (Dolly), 217, 221, 228, 263–64

  at Lexington, 235, 237–38, 240–41

  marriage to Hancock, 306, 553

  Quincy, Hannah, 146–47, 217

  Quincy, Josiah, 61, 149–50, 155–59, 172–73, 217, 265–66

  Quincy, Samuel, 146, 156

  Rall, Johann Gottlieb, 407–8, 413–418, 422, 494

  Randolph, John, 42–44

  Randolph, Peter, 70

  Randolph, Peyton, 42–44, 69–70, 202–3, 208, 222, 267, 306–7

  Randolph, William, 345

  Raynal, Abbé Guillaume, 557

  Reed, James, 277

  Reed, Joseph, 304, 376, 396, 402–3, 409

  Regulators, 341

  Reid, Thomas, 355

  Reprisal, 433

  Revere, Paul, 87, 112, 154–55, 176, 495, 552–53

  at Boston Tea Party, 179, 183–84

  and Church, 253, 311

  his ride to warn patriots, 224–27, 229–38, 241

  Revere, Paul, Jr., 495

  Rhode Island Colony, 16, 50, 64, 166–70, 255, 369

  Richardson, Ebenezer, 129, 139

  Richmond, Va., 221, 512–13

  Rights of the Colonies Asserted and Proved (Otis), 49, 355

  Riot Act, 137–38

  Rippon, H.M.S., 118

  Rivoire, Apollos, 226

  Robertson, James, 523

  Robinson, John, 68, 69, 121–23

  Rochambeau, Jean-Baptiste-Donatien de Vimeur, Comte de, 519, 521–25, 530–32, 535, 539–40

  Rockingham, Charles Watson-Wentworth, Marquis of, 83–84, 86, 92

  Roderigue, Hortalez et Compagnie, 432–33

  Rodney, Sir George, 524

  Romney, H.M.S., 96–98

  Rotch, Francis, 177–79

  Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 435

  Rowe, John, 88

  Royal Society of London, 347, 436

  Ruggles, Timothy, 24, 73–75

  Rush, Benjamin, 207, 338, 391, 431, 460, 461, 463

  Russia, 407, 544, 547

  Rutledge, Edward, 211, 343, 368, 370, 372, 391

  St. Clair, Arthur, 417

  St. Croix, 124

  St. Eustatius, 90

  St. Johns, Canada, 316

  St. Lawrence River, 318–19, 442

  Saints Passage, naval battle of, 556

  Salem, Mass., 14, 15, 102, 148, 189, 197–99, 217

  Saltonstall, Dudley, 552

  Sandwich, John Montagu, Earl of, 216

  Sandy Hook, 485, 494

  Sanford, Grizell, 60

  Santo Domingo, 525

  Saratoga, N.Y., 443, 452–57, 458, 462, 465, 495, 538

  Scammell, Alexander, 388

  Schuyler, Philip, 304, 309, 456, 505, 517

  and Canada expedition, 315, 316, 326, 442

  and Gates, 439, 442, 444, 446

  Sessions, Darius, 169–70

  Sessions, Robert, 183

  Seven Years’ War, 28, 37–38, 48

  see also French and Indian War

  Shelburne, Sir William Petty, Earl of, 549, 550–51

  Sherman, Roger, 344

  She Stoops to Conquer (Goldsmith), 337

  Shippen, Edward, 475, 500

  Shippen, Peggy, see Arnold, Peggy Shippen

  Silverheels, 296

  Six Nations, 296, 298

  Skinners, 503–4

  Small, William, 347

  Smith, Francis, 228, 233, 238–39, 240–43, 246–48, 250

  Smith, Captain John, 532

  Snider, Christopher, 129–30, 153

  Solemn League and Covenant, 197

  Somerset, H.M.S., 230, 250

  Sons of Liberty, origin of name, 51

  South Carolina, 185, 341, 356, 369, 513, 519

  see also Charleston, S.C.

  Spain, 432, 466, 544–45, 547–49

  Spectator, The, 147

  Spirit of Laws, The (Montesquieu), 19

  Sprague, Samuel, 183

  Springfield, Mass., 102, 434

  Stamp Act, 50, 51, 77, 83, 105, 171, 356

  protests, 52–65, 67–70, 71–72, 75–81, 84, 91–93, 110, 147, 148, 355

  repeal of, 81, 84–87, 91, 99, 175

  Stamp Act Congress, 71–75

  Stanislas II Poniatowski, King of Poland, 86, 330

  Stark, John, 277, 278, 280–83, 285, 442

  Star-Spangled Banner, 534

  Staten Island, N.Y., 375, 392, 407, 521–23, 526

  Stephen, Adam III, 413

  Sterne, Laurence, 350

  Steuben, Friedrich Wilhelm von, 469–70, 476, 487, 513

  Stevens, Ned, 124

  Steward, Walter, 496

  Stirling, William Alexander, “Lord,” 379–80, 381–85, 390, 391, 409, 417, 460, 461, 467

  Stony Point, N.Y., 496

  Stormont, Lord, 433–34

  Story, William, 59

  Straham, William, 324

  Strickland (executioner), 509

  Suffolk Resolves, 214–15

  Sugar Act, 48–50, 94

  Sullivan, John, 378–85, 404, 405, 495, 496

  at Brandy wine and Germantown, 440–41, 460

  and British overtures, 390–92, 505

  in Trenton raid, 411–12, 415–17

  Summary View of the Rights of British America, A (Jefferson), 202–3, 344

  Surinam, 90

  Sutherland, Lieutenant Colonel, 454–455

  Sweden, 544

  Swift, Samuel, 75–76

  Sylvester, Richard, 98, 115

  Tallmadge, Benjamin, 507

  Tappan, N.Y., 507

  Tarleton, Banastre, 404–6, 441, 514–516, 533, 536

  Temple, John, 185

  Terrible, H.M.S., 529–30

  Thacher, Oxenbridge, 22, 25, 61, 70–71, 73

  Thayer, Amos, 132

  Thomas, Isaiah, 217, 225

  Thomson, Charles, 208, 209–10, 213, 266, 562

  Thornton, John, 435

  Thunder, H.M.S., 332

  Thurlow, Attorney General, 189

  Ticonderoga, Fort, 256, 258–62, 265, 327, 439, 442

  Tilghman, Tench, 517–18, 519

  Townshend, Charles, 28, 84, 92–93, 99

  see also Townshend Acts

  Townshend Acts, 93–105 passim, 174

  Trenton, N.J., 400, 406, 407–19, 422, 425–26

  Tryon, William, 341

  Two Penny Acts, 40–41, 44–46

  Tyler, John, 516–17

  Tyler, Royall, 98, 132

  Union Feast, 75

  Valencia de Alcántara, 273

  Valley Forge, 467–72, 476–78

  Van Wart, Isaac, 503–4

  Varick, Richard, 501, 504

  Vergennes, Charles Gravier, Comte de, 323–24, 430, 432–34, 436, 493, 547–51

  Vernon, Edward, 292

  Ville-de-Paris, 526, 531

  Virginia, 38–47, 369, 510–12

  primogeniture in, 511–12

  protests in, 58, 66–71, 197, 202–3, 356

  slavery in, 203, 304, 357–58, 369, 554–55

  state constitution of, 329, 352–54

  war in, 512–16, 52off.

  Western claims of, 295–98, 371, 372, 518

  see also Burgesses, House of

  Virginia Resolves (resolutions on Stamp Act), 68–71, 73, 77

  Virginia Revolutionary Convention, 221–23

  Vulture (
British sloop), 505–6

  Waldo, Albigence, 467

  Walker, John, 348–49

  Walker, Patrick, 130–32, 138

  Walpole, Horace, 542

  Walpole, Sir Robert, 29, 48

  Ward, Artemas, 252, 269, 273, 277, 290, 309

  Ware case, 21

  Warner, Seth, 260

  Warren, James, 170, 309, 320, 342, 551, 557

  Warren, Joseph, 109, 148, 197, 231, 267– 68

  and Samuel Adams, 34, 104, 214, 225–26, 287, 310, 437

  attacks Bernard, 104

  and Boston Massacre, 155, 191, 217–18

  and Breed’s Hill, 277, 279–81, 286–287

  and Bunker Hill, 272, 273

  at Cambridge with army, 252–53, 258–59, 265

  death of, 286–87, 437

  and Lexington battle, 250–52

  and Revere’s warnings, 225–27, 229, 230

  his Suffolk Resolves, 214–15

  and tea boycott, 173, 177, 179

  Warren, Mercy Otis, 327, 551, 557

  Warren, William, 160

  Washington, Augustine, 291

  Washington, Fort, 394, 399–400, 402, 408, 409, 425

  Washington, George, 103, 289–304

  adulation of, 307, 370, 428–29, 438, 462, 469, 486, 497

  and André, 506–9

  appointment as commander and

  departure for Cambridge, 268– 69, 289–91, 304, 306

  and army discord, 557–59

  and Arnold, 315, 318, 319, 477, 494, 500–502, 504–6, 509

  awards of, 329

  birth and early life of, 291ff.

  at Brandywine, 440

  and Breed’s Hill battle, 308

  Brooklyn Heights evacuated by, 385–90

  in Burgesses, 67, 304

  at Cambridge, 307–12, 325, 326–327, 438

  and Canada expedition, 315–16, 318, 319, 328, 342

  Clinton, pursuit of, 476–79

  as Congress delegate, 203, 213, 265

  Congress is warned by about New York, 359

  and Conway affair, 460–64

  courtship and marriage of, 301–4

  democratic beliefs of, 438

  descriptions of, 292, 294

  and deserters, 309, 401, 496, 539

  Dorchester Heights fortified by, 327–28, 375

  emergency powers given to, 423

  and Sally Fairfax, 293–94, 298, 299, 301, 303, 327

  farewells of, 561–63

  and foreign volunteers, 468–71

  and French alliance, 466–67, 469

  and French fleet, 494–95, 499, 519, 521–22, 524, 525, 530–33, 537, 539, 544

  in French and Indian War, 203, 208, 297–300, 302, 304, 331, 409, 413, 439

  and Gates, 410, 438, 458–63 passim

  at Germantown, 440–41

  and Hamilton, 412, 507, 517–19

  at Harlem Heights, 394–96, 399

  and Hessian prisoners, 420–22, 424–25

  indiscreet letters of, 518–20, 521, 523

  Jefferson gets help from, 513

  and Charles Lee, 304, 316, 331, 471–72, 479, 482–87, 556

  and Long Island, 379–80, 382–85, 388–90

  in militia, 294–98, 300–304

  at Monmouth, 479–85

  at Morristown, 496–98

  New Jersey retreat of, 400–403, 412, 425

  New York, defense and loss of (1776), 373–75, 393–96

  New York, intentions and feints toward (1781), 519–20, 522–525

  Ohio-country missions of, 295–98

  and Paine, 341, 401–2, 556–57

  and peace overtures, 375–77, 391, 393, 546

  peacetime army proposed by, 560

  Philadelphia, loss of, 440–41

  Princeton victory of, 426–28, 524

  retirement, yearning for, 560–62

  and slaves, 304, 308

  and spies, 307, 309–11, 373–74, 390, 398, 406–7, 472, 522

  and Trenton, 407, 408–24, 425, 426, 524

  at Valley Forge, 467–72, 477

  at Virginia Revolutionary Convention, 208, 222

  at White Marsh, 459, 460

  and White Plains, 399, 486

  Yorktown, his moves toward, 523–25, 530–31

  Yorktown campaign of, 532–40

  Washington, John Augustine, 290, 296, 300, 329

  Washington, Lawrence, 292–94

  Washington, Lund, 377, 397

  Washington, Martha Dandridge Custis, 203, 301–4, 437, 544, 554

  intercepted letter of, 520

  with Washington during war, 327, 472, 477, 496–971, 561

  Washington, Mary Ball, 291–92, 295, 299, 304, 429, 544

  Waterhouse, Samuel, 73

  Wayne, Anthony, 474–75, 477, 478, 483, 487, 496, 505

  Wedderburn, Alexander, 186, 189, 466

  Wemms, William, 160

  Wendell, Oliver, 157, 158

  West Florida, 549

  West Indies, 14, 292, 294, 325, 476, 522, 524, 525, 544, 556

  West Point, N.Y., 494, 500–502, 504–5

  Whatley, Thomas, letters of, 171–173, 185–87, 193–94

  Whatley, William, 185, 187

  “Whippingpost Club,” 33

  Whipple, Abraham, 167

  White, Hugh, 133–36, 160

  Whitefield George, 31

  White Marsh, battle of, 459, 460

  White Plains, N.Y., 399, 402, 403, 486, 494, 521

  Wiederhold, Andreas, 414, 422

  Wilkinson, James, 417, 424, 452–56, 460, 463

  Willard, Abijah, 276

  William, 175, 178

  William, Prince, 533

  William and Mary College, 41, 68, 347

  Williams, David, 503

  Williams, Roger, 255

  Wilson, John, 130

  Witherspoon, John, 359, 372

  Wolfe, James, 316, 319, 406

  Wythe, George, 43, 66, 69–70, 347

  York, Pa., 440, 459, 460, 461, 478

  Yorktown, Va., 520–25 passim, 526, 529–33, 534–44, 556

  Young, Thomas, 128


  Rockefeller Center

  1230 Avenue of the Americas

  New York, New York 10020

  Copyright © 1988 by A.F. Langguth All rights reserved,

  including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.

  SIMON & SCHUSTER PAPERBACKS and colophon are registered trademarks of Simon & Schuster, Inc.

  Designed by Edith Fowler

  Cover design by Rick Pracher Cover photograph by Arnold Newman, courtesy of American Heritage Publishing Co., Inc.

  Author photograph by David Sobel Illustration research: Natalie Goldstein The Library of Congress has cataloged the hardcover edition as follows: Langguth, A. J., date.

  Patriots /A.J. Langguth.

  p. cm.

  Bibliography: p.

  Includes index.

  I. United States—History—Revolution, 1775-1783. I. Title. E208.L27 1988

  973.3—dc 19


  ISBN-13: 978-0-671-52375-6

  ISBN-10: 0-671-52375-9

  ISBN-13: 978-0-671-67562-2 (Pbk.) ISBN-10: 0-671-67562-1 (Pbk.)

  ISBN-13: 978-1-439-12712-4 (eBook) Pages 4-5: “The Generals at Yorktown,” by James Peale Colonial Williamsburg Foundation




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