Key to My Heart: An Anthology of Sweet Romance

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Key to My Heart: An Anthology of Sweet Romance Page 4

by Alice La Roux

  My smile grew mischievous now as I surveyed her pretty, pale pink summer dress, her gorgeous coffee coloured skin shining with health and vitality. She wore only a little make-up, accentuating her sparkling eyes, and her natural magic hummed around her body in a golden mist. Early in our relationship, I had been wary of her magic, understanding just how destructive it could become. She’d reassured me, and I tasted her lightworker essence for myself to be sure. Samantha was a pure soul, drawn to work as a nurse in her caring capacity, yet fully capable of defending herself from attack if required. She was my drug, my addiction, my ecstasy.

  “Are we going out, Meredith?” she asked, her smile faltering as she read my expression.

  Nodding my head, I nodded, laughing softly. “Of course, my darling,” I drawled. “I was struck dumb with your beauty.”

  Samantha laughed and ducked her head, still unable to receive such compliments. “Come on.” She took my hand and led me away from the door. “Let’s get some fresh air.”

  We took a leisurely stroll away from her apartment building, leaving the shadow of the huge hospital behind us. The roads were long and straight in this part of town, lined for the most part with suburban houses that each had a generous front garden and driveway. None of these families knew about the vampires and witches that inhabited their town. Those that discovered the truth rarely lived for long enough to share it. There were some that kept our secrets, turning a blind eye when we left a body or a suspicious event to be dealt with. My life here had been peaceful for almost thirty years, only interrupted with the appearance of the vampire hunter late last year. And then my witch, of course.

  “Where are we going, today, Meredith?” Samantha asked, squeezing my hand and sending a small current of magical energy shooting up my arm.

  “Wherever you like, my dear,” I replied, narrowing my eyes and glancing at our hands.

  “Sorry,” she murmured. “It was an accident. I’m just excited to get a full day off with you for once. We’ve been so busy lately.”

  I nodded, smiling gently. She was only a young witch, and our first few meetings had not exactly been tame. She’d had to use magic on me when I tried to feed from her very early on, and even now, I marvelled at her trust in me. Her coven had all but disowned her for dating a vampire, but Samantha was strong and refused to back down. She loved me, and she wanted to be with me. That was all that mattered.

  “We could go to the beach if you like?” I suggested.

  Samantha shrugged. “Alright,” she replied. “It’s nice to get out in the sun. Doesn’t it bother you?”

  I shook my head and gestured to the dark glasses and wide-brimmed hat that I wore. “I took the proper precautions,” I said. “And I have taken a good feed this morning. It should see me through the day.”

  I sensed her heartbeats quicken, and I inhaled the scent of her blood: so sweet and tempting. My fangs extended automatically, but I fought back the instinct to bite my witch. She trusted me, and we had worked very hard to be together. I would not spoil that trust now.

  “You want to feed,” Samantha said quietly, her eyes wide and her expression suddenly serious. “Don’t you?”

  I nodded.

  Samantha stopped walking and stood in front of me. She very slowly reached up to lower my sunglasses, and I stood motionless, fists clenched at my sides, fighting the urge to attack. Cars and vehicles sped along the busy road beside us, but the pavement was quiet. It was a weekday, so most people were at work or school by now. Nobody noticed us.

  “Your eyes are glowing, Meredith,” Samantha murmured. “Can you control it?”

  “Yes,” I replied, my voice low. “I can. I will not hurt you, my love.”

  Samantha stared at me for a moment, and I saw the stirrings of magic in the depths of her eyes. She was not afraid of me. She was confident that she could defend herself if I attacked. I waited as she very slowly leaned close and touched her lips to mine in a gentle kiss. I wanted so desperately to embrace her and deepen the kiss, but I fought the urge, knowing that if I didn’t, we would very definitely arouse attention from the humans in our vicinity. And I would try to feed from my witch. I could not do that.

  “Whoa,” Samantha murmured, her face hovering very close to mine. “This is intense. I want to wrap myself around you; I want to give myself to you. But I can’t.” She stepped back and shook her head vigorously, her ponytail bouncing around her shoulders. Blinking several times, she smiled widely, her eyes sparkling with lust. “I just want to go back home and jump into bed,” she said. “But I also want to enjoy my day off and get out in public for a bit.”

  “Then we can do both,” I replied, smiling in return and straightening my clothes. “You need a day out, my darling. And tonight, we can stay in. Perhaps you will stay at my house, for a change?”

  “That is a good idea,” Samantha agreed. “Let’s go to the beach.”

  We strolled through the town, stopping at a few shops along the way. Samantha needed to relax. Her job was very stressful, and she had worked a lot of long shifts lately. I was content to follow her lead and to indulge her with treats. It had been so long since I’d had a companion, or even someone I considered a friend, that I relished the opportunity now. She visited her favourite clothes’ shops, and I took great pleasure in helping her to try on dresses. We almost got thrown out of one shop for being a little too risqué in the changing room, but we didn’t care. She worked with people who were dying or seriously ill every day, and I of course was no stranger to death. We took our pleasure when and where we could, and we enjoyed our time together, making each other laugh and creating memories.

  “Well,” Samantha said breathlessly as we left the shop, “that could have gotten very awkward! You cannot behave yourself, Meredith Hanson.” She glared at me, grinning widely and pretending to be cross. “But at least I got a nice new dress,” she finished.

  “I behaved perfectly well, witch,” I responded wryly. “You are a flirt and a tease.”

  Samantha giggled and draped her arm across my shoulder. “I never used to be this way, Meredith,” she said lightly. “You turned me into a floozy.”

  “I’m sure it was within you all along, my dear,” I responded. “I simply opened you up.”

  She burst out laughing at my innuendo, and I smiled, finding it impossible to be serious when she was in this mood. Samantha reminded me what it was like to be young again, and I loved her even more for it.

  We strolled through the shopping district, avoiding harried mothers with strollers and young children, elderly shoppers who shuffled along with walking sticks and local people who lived their lives in a haze of drugs and alcohol. My lip curled as I caught the scent from one of them. It was most unpleasant, the narcotics tainting their blood so that it soured. It would burn the throat of any vampire who should taste it. I only fed from these creatures when I could find no better offer, but I had learned where the best hunting grounds were. The good thing about Blackpool was its constant stream of visitors and tourists. I could take my fill of stag and hen parties on the weekends, and during the week, I chose local workers as they went about their business. Hotels were an easy choice, with plenty of isolated places in which to take my prey. My mouth watered again, and I snapped my attention back to Samantha, trying not to think about blood.

  “Shall we stop somewhere for coffee?” she asked, glancing at her watch. “It must be time for cake now.”

  I laughed and nodded. “It is always time for cake,” I agreed. “Let’s go.”

  I watched my girlfriend as she selected a cake and ordered coffee for both of us at the counter. I had chosen a small table in a corner of the room, positioning myself where I could see the door. It was an old habit: ever watchful for hunters and those would seek to destroy my kind. I also liked to watch people, and store away their quirks and personality traits to use in my novels. But today, it was Samantha who dominated my mind and my attention. She looked happy, her skin glowing with good health and vitality, a
nd I wanted to keep her that way for as long as possible. I hated it when she went to work, and I would often sneak around the hospital, carefully hiding from her, checking to see that she was safe. There were many volatile patients, and I wanted to ensure that her colleagues did not take advantage of her sweet nature either. I soon discovered that she was far from meek at work, however. And when she spotted me one day, she warned me to stop following her. Loving her had become my obsession, and one that I found a delightful use of my time.

  She sensed my scrutiny, and turning her head, she smiled widely at me, gesturing to the large chocolate muffin she had selected. I laughed and shook my head, but I did not envy her appetite. Food lost its appeal when I became a vampire, but I had learned to ingest small amounts when in the company of humans, if only to keep up my façade.

  Samantha waited patiently for the barista to dispense our coffee, and then she carefully made her way through the crowded space. “Wow,” she said. “It is busier than I expected.”

  I nodded, looking around. There were a few professional people dressed in suits or wearing uniforms, clearly on lunch break. I saw an elderly man seated nearby, reading a newspaper as he sipped his tea. A baby cried from the far corner, its mother trying to pacify it with morsels of food as she attempted to converse with her friend and there was a group of teenagers, girls and boys, that drew my attention for a moment. They were laughing and teasing each other, doing something with their smartphones, taking photographs. My mouth watered as I focused on the scent of their blood, but then Samantha interrupted, holding my hand across the table.

  “Look at me, Meredith,” she said seriously. “Ignore them.”

  I very slowly turned to look at her, and her eyes widened when she saw my expression.

  “Are you hungry?” she asked quietly.

  “I am always hungry,” I replied, showing my fangs. “But I can wait.”

  Her heartbeat sped up and she fought to calm her emotions, knowing that this was my natural state. We had spent the past few months learning about each other, our quirks, our behaviours, our lifestyle. In the beginning, Samantha had been surprised at how supernatural I could be when I had perfected a lifetime of living amongst humans. With her, I began to let my guard down, behaving more like a natural vampire until it frightened her, at which point I tried to restrain myself a little. But it was hard to be human when I was in her company. Her magic called to me, tempting me, calling out my true nature.

  “We can leave if you like,” Samantha said, looking around nervously.

  I smiled and squeezed her hand reassuringly, shaking my head. “Do not worry, darling,” I said. “I can behave. But you shall pay for it later.”

  Her expression turned mischievous, and she licked her lips, fixing her gaze on me. “I hope so,” she replied.

  Later that day, we took a slow walk along the beach. It was quiet and peaceful down there, with the sea lapping lazily against the shore. I could almost see Blackpool as it once had been: a grand Victorian resort, where the workers came to enjoy their days off from the mills and factories. I had visited briefly during those times, always in the company of aristocracy, and so I had been welcomed into the grandest venues and the best hotels that the town could offer. Echoes of ballroom music flitted through my mind, and closing my eyes, I could see a woman that I had once loved. She had been human, and she had been full of life just like my Samantha. But one night, I’d lost control of my senses, and I killed her, striking her neck and feeding until she fell limp and lifeless in my arms. I had fled the town that very evening and only returned when I made my home here thirty years ago.

  “What are you thinking about, Meredith?” Samantha asked, breaking into my reverie.

  I blinked and shook my head, looking around to see where she was. We had stopped walking, and Samantha was perched on the stone steps that led down to the beach, looking up at me expectantly.

  Smoothing my skirt, I carefully sat down beside her, our thighs touching, her magic sending a delicious tingle along my body. “Oh,” I said dismissively. “Just old memories. There are so many.”

  “Of Blackpool?” she asked.

  “Yes,” I replied. “I have a history with this town.”

  “I know you have lived here for a long time,” Samantha said. “But you never told me you had been here before. When was it?”

  I stared at her for a few moments, wondering whether to tell her the truth or not.

  “Tell me the truth, Meredith,” Samantha said, her magic spiking as she mentally prodded me into action. “I can take it.”

  I laughed and swept my gaze around the beach. “You are far too perceptive, my young witch,” I responded. “And you seem very insightful for one who has lived so little.”

  Samantha seemed irritated at my response, and I quickly soothed her with a kiss, willing her to be calm and patient.

  “I did not mean to upset you, sweetheart,” I murmured, stroking her cheek with my fingertip. “My apologies.”

  “I may be young,” Samantha said, “but I am a witch, Meredith. I have travelled the Spirit realm many times, and I am certain I can listen to your story without flinching.”

  I nodded in agreement. “That may be true,” I mused. “Very well. But you must understand that I have not had a friend or confidante for a very long time. I am not used to telling my story in such a way.”

  Samantha frowned. “Did you have to tell it in some other way?” she asked.

  “Yes,” I replied quietly. “And I am not proud of the fact. I was captured by vampire hunters, and they tortured me. They knew that I had killed several people for food, and they demanded my confession before they would kill me. But I escaped, as you can see.”

  Samantha took a deep breath and let it out slowly. I knew that she struggled to think of me as a murderer. She tried to reason that it was in my nature to kill, that I was a predator, and it was the natural order. I supposed it was, but I had been human once, and it had taken me a very long time to accept my life as a vampire.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” she asked slowly.

  “Perhaps another time,” I replied. “It was brutal, and it was a time in my life that I would rather forget.”

  “Ok,” she said. “And that is why you were so hostile towards Ryan James, I suppose?”

  I smiled widely, looking along the beach to the spot where I first encountered the vampire hunter. “Yes,” I replied. “He was a challenge. He had learned from his ancestors, and was wise to my tricks, but I still overpowered him.”

  Samantha nodded, following my gaze. “But he has almost forgiven you now. Hasn’t he?”

  I shook my head. “I don’t think he will ever forgive me,” I mused. “I killed him, Samantha. He was supposed to destroy me, and I turned him into a vampire. He tried to destroy himself many times during those early days.”

  “I remember,” Samantha said, staring out across the sea. “He was volatile. It was hard work to control his behaviour.”

  “And I am sorry to put you through that,” I said softly.

  Samantha shrugged, shook her head and smiled brightly. “Hey,” she said. “It’s no worse than an average day at work, let me tell you. This is a pretty rough town most of the time.”

  “But I love it,” I replied. “And I love my memories of this place—old and new.”

  Her beautiful smile grew larger, and she threw herself into my arms for a kiss. We embraced tightly, her scent overpowering and sweet. This time, I did not feel the urge to feed from her. I was content to hold my lover in my arms, enjoying our time together. Perhaps it was her witch magic that calmed me; perhaps it was merely my affection for the girl. I was an old romantic, and I was very happy to be in love with Samantha, for as long as she would have me.

  I thought about Ryan James while I cuddled Samantha. He’d stayed with me for a couple of months after I turned him into a vampire. We’d fought the hunters that were sent to destroy both of us, and he found it very hard to accept that his former coll
eagues were now his enemies. He’d had to make a new life for himself, learn to hide from those that he had once called friends, and all because of me. I didn’t know why I’d chosen to turn him into a vampire. I was not fond of siring offspring and had only done it by accident previously. But I’d felt a connection with Ryan that piqued my curiosity. I’d wanted to keep him alive, if only to study his personality and get to know him better. Maybe I’d hoped he could become a friend eventually. For now, he had left Blackpool behind and embarked on his travels, but I knew where to find him, and I knew I would see him again soon.

  Samantha began to rouse in my arms, and I looked down, stroking her cheek and smiling affectionately.

  She smiled and stretched her arms up, returning my gesture. “Mmm,” she murmured. “I almost fell asleep there, I was so relaxed!”

  “Then stay put,” I replied. “We have nowhere to be.”

  She sat up slowly, looking around the beach. It was almost deserted, with a few tourists scattered around and people walking dogs. The animals gave us a wide berth, sensing our energy and choosing to avoid possible danger. They were wise. I wanted to be alone with my girlfriend, uninterrupted. Even her phone was silent today, but I suspected she had turned the volume off. She frequently received calls and messages from work, no matter what time of day or night, and it aggravated me greatly.

  “What time is it?” Samantha asked, pulling her phone from her handbag. “Oh, it’s getting late!”

  “Does it matter, my darling?” I asked. “We are enjoying some time together.”

  She tapped her phone, checking some messages, and I grimaced, fighting back the urge to grab the device and throw it away. I knew that I had to share her, and her work was important, but I still hated the interruption. She became engrossed in her messages, and I watched jealously. Perhaps it was because I had nobody to answer to; perhaps I merely wanted her to all to myself. We vampires feel such strong emotion, whether that be elation or anger, and I trod a fine line every time I was in Samantha’s company as I tried to play at being human for her.


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