Key to My Heart: An Anthology of Sweet Romance

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Key to My Heart: An Anthology of Sweet Romance Page 21

by Alice La Roux

  He smiles as he takes a seat next to me. “I’m Tristan.” He holds his hand out to the side for me to shake.

  “I’m Ellie.” I take the hand he offers me and quickly pull it back.

  “So, you going in or you going to sit here all day?”

  “Not all day. When I’ve cooled down I might go back to my spot and get more sunbathing done.” I can feel my blush creeping over my already flushed and heated skin. Maybe he’ll just think it’s from the sun, I hope anyway.

  “You should call it a day with sunbathing; you’re burning.”

  “Excuse me?” I question, wondering who he’s ordering around.

  “Come on come into the water?” His bright blue eyes sear into me and makes me feel like I can’t say no.

  “I have to look after my brother.”

  “Which one is your brother?” I point over at Damon and Tristan follows my line of sight. “He seems to be having fun anyway. Come on we’ll stay here so he can see you.”

  “I’m not just going to trust you, I don’t even know you.”

  He attempts to look a little hurt but smirks instead. “You know my name. What more do you need to now?”

  “How do I know you’re not a serial killer or something?”

  “Do I look like one?” He runs his fingers through his blonde hair, brushing it away from his face, making me forget what I was going to say next...

  “Erm, I don’t think so?”

  He chuckles at the back of his throat. “Well, luckily for you I’m not.”

  For the first time in a while I feel a real smile forming on my face. “Was it you surfing yesterday?”

  “Were you watching my mad skills?” He knocks my knee with his.

  “I don’t know about mad but yeah I suppose I was.” For some reason talking to him, I feel comfortable. I don’t feel this comfortable with some of the boys I’ve known years.

  “Could you do better?” He asks, grinning. He’s got a boy next door kind of smile: sweet and inviting. I haven’t had lots of boyfriends, but I’ve had a few, enough to know what kind of boy he is.

  “How hard can it be sitting on a board?”

  “Ahhh game on then. Be here tomorrow about 6pm; we’ll see how hard it is to sit on a board, and you’ll get to see my mad skills first hand.”

  As he looks me dead in the eye I feel embarrassed under his stare so I look away.

  “You’re so full of yourself.”

  “I call it confidence.”

  Damon comes running over to me and I stand from the sand. “I have to go. Maybe another time for the swim.”

  “You’re on.”

  Placing my hand on Damon’s shoulder, I usher him away from the water and up the beach back towards Dad. I turn back one last time and see Tristan looking back at me, too.

  Oh my god, he’s so cute up close.

  I sit back on my towel and watch Tristan jog into the ocean. He jumps over the waves and disappears under the water. I don’t see him come up again; there’re too many people in the shallow part of the sea. There’re kids playing and adults playing ball. I lean back on my hands and people watch instead.

  “Come on then you two I’m starving. Let’s pack up.”

  Instead of fighting with Dad, I get my stuff together and pack it away. I look back over my shoulder to see if I can see Tristan again, but unfortunately I can’t. I’ll look forward to tomorrow instead now.

  Chapter Four

  I skip out of the caravan, shouting bye to my dad and the others, hoping no one stops me on the way out. I’m not ready to let them all know I seem to have a crush on someone I don’t know.

  Running down the path and down the steps I reach the beach. I make my way to the rocks where I saw him surfing the other day. My feet stop suddenly when I see his surfboard sticking out of the sand and Tristan sitting on the sand with his knees drawn up. Casually, I begin to walk at a steady pace until get closer. Like he can sense me being there, he turns his head with a grin.

  “You made it then?” He asks punching up with his hands to stand. “I hope you have a swimming costume under those? Jean shorts aren’t the best things to go into the sea in.”

  “I know that.” Pulling the vest top over my head, I undo the the button on my shorts, letting them fall down my legs to the ground. I slip my flip flops off and step out of my shorts to reveal my one piece costume. Tristan turns away and puts his back to me after looking me over. Feeling a little embarrassed, I fold my arms across my chest. “I’m ready.”

  “Let’s do this then.” With his board under one arm, he takes my hand in his and leads me into the sea.

  The waves crash against my ankles making me shiver from the freezing water. “Oh my God, it’s so cold.”

  “It’s cause you’re not in the water, you need to get your shoulders in.”

  He tugs at my arm to follow him, but I dig my toes into the sand beneath the water and refuse to go any further.

  “Come on. I can’t teach you to surf standing there.” Tristan goes further in, backing away from me until he’s waist deep and leaves me standing in the same spot dithering.

  He doesn’t give me another chance to think about the temperature and the fact that I have goosebumps prickling at my body, he picks me up and drops me in the deeper water until I’m going under.

  Rising to the surface as quickly as I can, my head shakes and my eyes blink rapidly getting rid of the water before opening. “You’re going to pay for that.”

  “Better now?”

  Keeping my shoulders underneath, I watch Tristan steady the surfboard before he help me up until I’m sitting on it. He pulls me around until we’re a little deeper and stops, letting the waves take us.

  “Is this it? You pulling me around. I thought it’d be more fun than this?”

  “You want fun, yeah?”

  “Well, I didn’t intend in being in the freezing cold water for nothing.”

  “Yeah... how about I do this?” He begins to rock the board until it’s moving from side to side.

  I grip the edges of the slim board and cling on for dear life until a wave comes engulfing us both and I’m off and pushing myself back up to the surface. I break the water, gasping for air as I come up, my arms flapping around like a lunatic. Opening my eyes and looking around, I can’t see Tristan at first. I turn myself while treading water until I see him grabbing the board and coming back for me.

  “That was your fault.” I cry out.”

  “You wanted fun…” He takes my hand and pulls me towards the shallow end so I can get back on. Once I’m on again, he pushes me back out further. “Okay I’m going to jump on the back of you, move forward a bit.”

  Reluctantly I shuffle forward and hold the board still as he climbs on the back. My senses are so high all I can see is him. He’s got washboard abs with a tan—I’m not blind—and he’s going to be pressing up against my back.

  You can do this Ellie.

  One arm wraps around my middle and he uses the other as a paddle. “Use your opposite hand and help me paddle; it’ll keep the board level.”

  I do as he asks until we’re riding over the waves with the flow of the tide. It’s relaxing and I can see why he loves it out here.

  “This is brilliant, I love it.”

  “Why don’t we start heading back to shore? The sun’s starting to go down now.”

  “Okay. You know better than me.”

  Tristan grabs the surfboard as we hit the shallow, paddling water, and we walk out of the sea together.

  He looks at me from the side grinning. “So how did you like your first lesson?”

  “I loved it!”

  We reach the spot where we put our towels. Tristan spreads one out and we drop down to the sand. The cooler wind causes goosebumps to cover my body, and before I know it I’m dithering. Tristan wraps his towel around my shoulders and puts his arm around me to warm me up, rubbing my arm and holding me near.

  “I’ve really enjoyed today. We should do it aga
in… I mean I’d like it if you’d join me again.” Tristan stuttering makes me smile.

  “I’d love that.”

  His roaming gaze falls to my mouth. “Your lips are blue.” Tristan observes.

  “That’s because I’m cold…” I don’t get chance to say anything else because his lips are moulding to mine in a kiss. It’s over in seconds, but wow... I’ll always remember that as my first kiss. I’ve kissed boys before, but they’ve been sloppy or not even worth calling a kiss. Tristan’s though was everything.

  “Sorry. Are they warmer now,” he asks me as I lick my lips. They taste salty from the sea but I don’t care—I can still feel Tristan’s lips on mine.

  “I better get back to the caravan. Dad will be wondering where I am.”

  Tristan holds my gaze with his. I've never felt like this before about anyone.

  “Can I kiss you again before you go?”

  “I...I’d like that.” Biting on my bottom lip, I look down to the sand feeling all kinds of flustered…

  “Ellie?” He calls me softly.

  I look up and without messing around he kisses me again, only this time longer, an open mouth kiss that is all kinds of perfect.

  We pull on our clothes over our wet swimsuits, roll up the towels and start walking along the beach.

  “I’ll walk you back.”

  “You don’t have to do that…”

  “I want to.” He takes my shoes from my hand, swaps them into the other and curls his fingers around my hand.

  As we get to the end of the beach and reach the concrete path, Tristan stops pulling on my hand. “Do you think your dad would mind you staying out for a bit longer?”

  “I can’t see why not. I can message him and ask.” I quickly send him a text.

  “I was thinking we could grab some chips, if you want to that is?”

  “I’d love to.” My phone pings with a message from my dad telling me it’s fine but not to be too be long as it’ll be getting dark soon. “Let’s go then.

  On the caravan park we’re in, there’s a clubhouse at the other end of the park. We walk to where the benches and tables are and sit down on one of the picnic tables. Tristan goes inside and orders our chips and not long after comes out with two cans of coke, plastic forks and serviettes for us.

  “I’ll be one second.” Jogging back to the counter he grabs the salt and vinegar and makes his way back to me. Taking his seat beside me, he sits sideways on the bench facing me. “The view’s amazing from here. If you look that way, you can see the coastline.”

  “Wow. Why have I never seen this before?”

  “That’s because you haven’t had me to show you around before…” The beautiful backdrop of St.Ives mesmerises me so much I don’t hear the waitress come over with our chips. I drag my gaze away and face forward, the smell of chips wafting up my nose making me hungry.

  “Tuck in.”

  Smiling I douse my chips in salt and vinegar, adding some tomato ketchup, and pick up my fork. Tristan slips his hand my hand that’s sitting in my lap and we stay like that until it’s time to go.

  With our hands joined, Tristan walks me back to the caravan. He sets another small kiss to my lips and we part ways. I wait outside the van door and watch him walk back the way we came, and I only go in when he’s disappeared from sight. I feel like my face is going to split with how much I’m smiling, but I can’t help it.

  Quietly closing the door behind me, I see Dad and my stepmum sitting together as they watch the telly.

  “Night guys.” I slip into my bedroom, flop onto the bed and close my eyes, thinking about the day I’ve just had.

  The next few days Tristan and I are inseparable, and we spend every minute we can with each other. We talk about everything: my family, his family; likes and dislikes. By the time we’re done, I think we know everything there is to know about each other.

  We swap numbers, friend each other on Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat and spend most of our time on the beach taking selfies or in the sea. As long as I’m back at a decent time, my dad doesn’t mind me not being with them.

  “You know, I’m 18 in a couple of months. I could come down to see you if that’s okay?” Tristan blurts out as I sit on the sand between his pulled up knees.

  Shifting my head across to his shoulder, I twist around until I can see his face. “Maybe we shouldn’t make promises...” I pose it as a question, but it’s more a statement. I don’t want him to make me promises if this is it. I’m happy to have met him, and if I never meet anyone again, I’d be happy with what I have right now, but we’re both young.

  “I really like you Ellie, and as soon as I’m 18, I’m getting on that train or if I’ve passed my test, I’ll be up to see you as soon as I’m able. I don’t make promises I can’t keep, Ellie.”

  “As much as I’d love for you to come down and see me, why don’t we see what happens yeah?”

  “Whatever you say.” His arms wrap loosely around my neck and he pulls me back to the sand with him.

  The end of the holiday is nearing, and I realise I don’t want it to end. I don’t want to go home. These last two weeks have been the happiest and the best days of my life, and I know I’ll never forget him.


  “Are you all packed up Ellie and I’ll take the case to the car.”

  Dad is filling up the car, but I’m too sad to do anything. Looking out of the caravan window, I look for Tristan, but there’s no sign of him. Maybe he’s forgotten it’s today I go home.

  “Ellie. Are you done?”

  “Erm yeah, sorry.” I feel the seat dip beside me but I don’t take any notice.

  “Hey. He’ll be here.”

  “I’m really going to miss him, Dad.”

  I can see the sympathy in my dad’s eyes and Dad being him, he wraps me up in a bear hug and kisses the top of my head.

  “Come on, why don’t you come and help.”

  Nodding, I let Dad pull me up from the narrow caravan seat, and I go into my bedroom grabbing the last few things to put in my bag.

  I hear a tap to the door but I take no notice. Instead, I’m shoving items into my rucksack. I’ve come to the conclusion that if he comes, he comes; if not, then I’ll put it down to him being busy and not being able to get here in time.

  A sigh comes from the bedroom door, making me turn around. My face must say it all because he laughs. The bedrooms are small, so it doesn’t take long for me to reach him.

  “Oh my god you’re here…” I can’t help the high pitch scream as I throw my arms around his neck. “I didn’t think you were coming!”

  “Are you kidding me? I couldn’t let you go home without seeing you one last time.”

  My dad comes into the caravan to grab the last few things, a smile etched to his face. “Thank God you’re here. I thought I was going to have to put up with her miserable face for the next few hours.” He grins. “You got an hour and then we need to get on the road.”

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  Grabbing my phone and sliding it into my back pocket, I pull Tristan out behind me with his hand in mine and go to our place: the beach. Tristan doesn’t let go of me the whole time we’re together. He tells me again how he’s going to come down and see me and how we’ll keep in touch, but right now I’m just happy he came to see me before I left.

  My family are getting in the car as we get back to the van, and, holding my hands in his, he turns me to face him.

  The tears have already started to flow.

  “Don’t cry. I promise I’ll message you all the way home…”


  He pulls me closer. “I promise.” He kisses me for the last time, tears rolling into our kiss. “You’d better go; your family is waiting.”

  “I don’t want to go.”

  “I don’t want you to go either. I’m so glad I met you, Ellie.”

  With a nod I kiss him for the very last time. “See you soon.” I wipe my eyes and after a small wave I get in
the back of the car.

  Dad starts the engine and starts to pull away slowly as I turn to look out of the back window. I wave until we’re too far away to see me and he gets smaller and smaller the further away we get.

  I know I hadn’t wanted to come on this holiday, but who knew that I’d meet someone? All I know is I’ve just had the best holiday of my life, and it was all because of a cute surfer named Tristan.

  I know I’ll never forget him.

  “You okay back there?” Dad questions, concerned.

  “Yeah,” I sniff. “Thank you for bringing me, Dad.”

  He smiles at me in the rear view mirror as my phone pings with a message. Tristan’s name appears at the top making me smile to myself.

  Putting my earphones in my ears, I click play on the playlist Tristan made for me and rest my head against the window, letting my first ever holiday romance play back in my mind with every song.

  Chapter One

  “Five whole nights on the Gold Coast? You have got to be the luckiest person on the planet!” Sarah Jane slumps down on my bed dramatically. “Didn’t you just win a coffee machine and some movie tickets the week before last?”

  I nod my head with a chuckle. “Yeah, I did.”

  “I swear you win something almost on a weekly basis.” She rolls her eyes, folding her arms across her chest. “Why can’t I be that lucky? Just once I’d like to win something.”

  “Well, it would help if you entered in the first place.” I nudge her with my knee to make room. “You’ve gotta be in it to win it.”

  “Ugh, that sounds like too much hard work.”

  “And that right there is why you don’t win anything.” I poke a finger into her arm. “Come on, help me pack,” I whine. “My flight leaves first thing in the morning and I have no idea what to take!”

  “It’s Australia, honey. A bikini or two should just about cover it.” She waggles her eyebrows at me. “Clothes are overrated.”


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