Key to My Heart: An Anthology of Sweet Romance

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Key to My Heart: An Anthology of Sweet Romance Page 24

by Alice La Roux

  “Would you like a drink?”

  “Erm, yes please. A soft drink would be lovely. Anything fizzy.”

  “What about Evelyn?”

  “Oh, she’ll have the same, please. Thank you.”

  “It’s my pleasure, sweetheart,” he says with a wink.

  I lower my head so he doesn’t see the blush I know will be there again. I swear I’ve never blushed this much in my life before meeting him. Once he’s walked off, I look across to the pool and see that Evelyn has found some other children and is laughing and playing. It makes me so happy to see her enjoying herself. She needed this break away as much as me. Mum and Dad can be quite controlling. I wish I could have her with me, but working in the army, I know that can’t happen.

  “Here you go, sweetheart.”

  “Thank you.” I take the glass from him and take a long swig, my mouth all of sudden becoming very dry. I look out to Evelyn. I don’t trust myself to look to Andy. Knowing me, I’ll say something stupid.

  “So you on holiday for a week or two?”

  “Just a week, why?” I ask looking back at him.

  “I need to know how long I’ve got to win you over.”

  Man he’s full of himself isn’t he? “And what makes you think you can?” I fire back with raised brows.

  “You’re quite fiery, I like it,” he says, chuckling. I glare at him and take another drink, ignoring him and his gorgeous emerald eyes. His eyes pull me in, melting me to mush. We spend some time at the pool before Evelyn comes out with her teeth chattering from the cold. The weather is warm, but I bet the water is cold.

  “Come on let’s head back to the cabin and get sorted for dinner later,” I say to her, while collecting our stuff up.

  “Can I see you later, please?”

  I look into his eyes. I know I should say no, but I can’t. It’s like he’s able to make me say what he wants me to say.

  “Okay, yeah sure… we can do that,” I ramble.

  A genuine smile appears, and it makes my heart beat faster. His face is so handsome. We part ways and Evelyn and I head back to the cabin. I release a breath I didn’t know I’d been holding onto.

  I’m doomed.

  Chapter Three

  After a relaxing time on the balcony of our cabin, Evelyn and I are all ready to head to dinner. Evelyn looks gorgeous in her knee length pink dress, with small kitten silver heels. I look to myself in the mirror and admire my appearance. I’m wearing a long, teal-coloured maxi dress, paired with some strappy, sparkly sandals. Heels and I don’t get on at all; I would end up on my arse.

  “You ready, Evelyn?” I shout to her on the balcony, while she watches us sail away from port.


  I finish touching up my makeup, which I’ve kept light: just a little blusher and lipstick. Adding my lipstick in my clutch, I’m ready to go, just as Evelyn comes through the cabin.

  “Come on kid.”

  “Will you stop calling me kid?” She huffs and stomps out of the cabin. I just chuckle to myself. She’s so easy to wind up. I don’t ever remember being like that at her age, but then I didn’t have an older sister to annoy me.

  We walk down the corridor towards the lifts, and Evelyn presses the button to call it to our deck. While waiting, my mind drifts back to earlier and Andy. He definitely was handsome, I won’t argue that, but I’m here for my little sister and not to get mixed up in a holiday romance I know won’t go anywhere. Then why does my heart rate pick up every time he is around and that’s only after a few hours together?

  I’m pulled from my thoughts when I hear the ding of the lift arriving. I’m just about to walk in when I look up and lock eyes with the man himself. There, standing in the lift is Andy, and as soon as he sees me, he smiles the most gorgeous smile I’ve ever seen.

  “Well, if it isn’t my two favourite girls from today.”

  “I’m your favourite?” Evelyn asks all shyly, a little blush appearing on her cheeks. She’s just too cute.

  “Are you coming in, Vicki?”

  I look to Andy and nod.

  We walk into the lift and more people arrive, and I’m forced to move back into the corner, making Andy incredibly close to me.

  “You look stunning,” he says, bending down to whisper in my ear, making all the hairs on my neck stand on end.

  “Th—thank y—you,” I stutter out.

  Come on, Vicki; get a grip of yourself.

  “Evelyn, where would you like to eat for dinner sweetie?” I say, more to distract myself from Andy standing so close to me.

  “Can we go to the American diner please?” she asks, clapping her hands together in excitement. “Andy, are you coming with us?”

  This would be where I was to face palm myself at her asking him. I can feel his eyes on me as he answers her.

  “Well, sweetheart, that’s up to your big sister here.”

  “Please, Vicki.”

  Oh Lord, she even has the puppy dog eyes and her hands in a begging way. I stand no chance against her: she knows she gets me every time with that look.

  “You sure you want to hang around with an annoying eleven-year-old?”

  “If it means I get to spend more time with you… definitely. Plus, I kind of happen to like her: she’s so full of energy.”

  Mush—I’ve turned to mush.

  “Okay, the diner it is then.”

  “Yes.” Evelyn fist punches the air in delight, and I smile. I just love to see her so happy.

  “Someones happy now.”

  “Yeah she is. It’s nice to see her relaxed and happy for a change.”

  “Shouldn’t all eleven-year-olds be happy?”

  “You would think, wouldn’t you? Evelyn, did you press for the correct deck?” I ask suddenly, wondering which deck we’re going to.

  “Which one is the diner on?” she asks.

  “Deck twelve, sweetheart.” Andy’s term of endearment for her makes me smile. I’ve never smiled so much since I came on this holiday: everything is just so right, so relaxed, and just what Evelyn and I needed.

  “Thank you.”

  Andy looks across and smiles. He really is handsome.

  The lift dings at the arrival of our deck. We stand back while other passengers vacate and then all three of us exit together, Evelyn just ahead of us. We stroll around the open deck and make our way over to the restaurant. I look out to the open sea and watch the land move further away the more we sail out. Cruising really is relaxing, and I love doing it. I’m so looking forward to waking up at somewhere different in a couple of days.

  As we walk, I feel Andy’s hand brush mine and goose bumps erupt all over me. I hear his chuckle. Idiot knows exactly what he’s doing to me. Evelyn is happily walking on ahead of us.

  We arrive at the diner and take a seat with Andy choosing to sit right next to me. I love American diners: they have a fun vibe to them. Evelyn squeals when she sees the small juke boxes on each of the tables.

  “Can I select a song please, please Vicki?” She’s practically begging me. I just laugh at her and a waitress comes over and hands Evelyn some tokens to use. She takes the longest length of time choosing a song to play.

  “What would you like for dinner, Vicki?”

  I scan the menu and settle on a simple burger and strawberry milkshake. Looking at the children’s menu, I choose the same for Evelyn but just a smaller plate. The evening is lovely and relaxed and having Andy here is not at all awkward; it’s like we just click with each other. There are no awkward silences. We laugh and joke along with Evelyn, and I don’t know when the last time I enjoyed meal was. The more time I spend with Andy, the more I grow to like him. He’s sweet, kind, generous and seems to like Evelyn as well, which is a big bonus for me. She means the world to me.

  After dinner, we decide on a walk around the ship to get more familiar with it. Evelyn has her eyes darting everywhere, taking in everything around us. We come up to the shopping deck and I notice some gorgeous handbags. How I wou
ld love to own a new designer bag, but I want all my money for Evelyn. I want her to have the best holiday. I notice Andy watching me and look down at the bag in my hands.

  I place the bag down and look to Evelyn looking at the books. “Evelyn, come on, sweetie. It’s getting late now. Shall we head back to the cabin?”

  “Oh, do we have to? I don’t want to go.”

  I roll my eyes at her moaning at me. Lord, help me.

  “Come on, let’s go. Say goodbye to Andy; it’s time for bed, young lady.”

  “Bye, Andy,” she groans out, while stomping away. Bloody kids.

  I turn to Andy and look up into his eyes. He’s so much taller than me. “Thank you for such a lovely evening. I’ve not enjoyed myself this much in a long time.”

  His hand comes up and moves a lone piece of my hair and tucks it behind my ear. Butterflies flutter in my stomach, he makes me go all silly around him.

  “You’re welcome, Vicki. I’ve had the best night. I hope I can see you again tomorrow?”

  I nod my head, as I seem to have lost all speech again.

  He bends down and places his lips against my cheek in a small kiss. “Goodnight, Vicki—sweet dreams.” With that said, he turns away and walks over to Evelyn and messes up her hair in a fun way.

  I never wanted a summer romance but it looks like it may be on the cards. I’m powerless to him.

  Chapter Four

  The rest of the holiday flies by. Evelyn and I find a good routine and enjoy lazy days by the pool, or fun times exploring the different ports we stop at. True to his word, we did see Andy again the next day, and all the days after that. I find myself getting more excited about seeing him—spending time with him. He makes me feel special and treasured, like he actually wants to be with Evelyn and me.

  All too soon, it’s our last night on holiday, and I’m dreading having to say goodbye to him tomorrow. He’s found a way into my heart this week, and I don’t know if I’m ready to have it broken when we part ways. The whole week has been amazing, and I’ve loved spending so much time with Evelyn. I know when we get back home, she’s going to go back to having Mum and Dad control her every move.

  I’m busy getting ready for dinner in our cabin when I hear a knock at our door. Placing my straighteners down safely, I make my way to open it. Pulling it open, I suck in a breath. There, standing in the most gorgeous grey, pinstripe suit is Andy. He honestly takes my breath away with how handsome he is.

  “Wow, Vicki. You’re sensational.” His eyes roam up and down the length of me, admiring the short, halter-neck red dress I’m wearing.


  Our spell is broken when Evelyn comes running through the cabin from the balcony. She reaches Andy and hugs his waist.

  “Hey, squirt. You ready for dinner?”

  “Yes, I’m starving.”

  I roll my eyes at her. “Evelyn, it wasn’t that long ago you ate. Let me grab my clutch.” I walk to the bed and pick it up, making sure to place my lipstick in. Heading back to the mirror, I check my appearance, happy with how I look, and I switch off my straighteners and make sure they’re all safe to leave. “Right we ready?”

  Both of them nod, and I just chuckle at how silly they both look. I walk out into the corridor and close the door. Instantly, Andy takes my hand in his and we walk behind Evelyn, heading towards the lifts. My heart is slowly breaking, knowing I’m going to have to say goodbye tomorrow. I know it’s going to kill me.

  We arrive at the main restaurant and are shown to a table. Andy stands behind my chair and pulls it out for me. He’s such a gentleman. Once Evelyn and I are seated, he takes a seat himself beside me. I rest my hands in my lap, suddenly unsure what to do with them. Andy reaches across and takes my hand in his. I look across and smile at him.

  “Have I told you how gorgeous you look tonight? I’m so lucky I get to spend my evening with you and Evelyn.”

  I melt at his words. I’ve never had anyone speak to me like that before. I mean, I’ve had boyfriends before but nothing that’s actually meant anything.

  “Thank you. You look pretty dashing yourself.”

  The rest of evening is amazing, and I don’t want it to end, I don’t want the whole holiday to end. I want to stay in this bubble I’ve wrapped around myself, where me and Andy… and Evelyn are happy sailing the world together, not having a care in the world.

  Once we’ve had dinner, I notice Evelyn is looking more tired than she has all week. Think the week of early starts and late nights are starting to catch up on her now.

  “You ready for bed, Evelyn?”

  She nods her head as a yawn escapes her mouth.

  I just chuckle at her. “Come on. Let’s get you back to the cabin. Do you fancy a drink on the balcony with me?” I say, looking towards Andy.

  “Yes, sweetheart. I’m not ready to say goodnight to you yet.”

  I smile at him and turn to head back to the cabin and get Evelyn to bed.

  When we get back, Evelyn straight away heads into the bathroom to get ready for bed.

  “You go on out onto the balcony; I’ll just get her settled in bed and I’ll be right with you.”

  He nods and opens the door and walks out.

  Evelyn comes out in her pyjamas and grabs her teddy and gets snuggled in bed.

  “Have you brushed your teeth?” I ask her with a stern look. I know this girl, and knowing her she’s probably forgotten like usual.

  “Yes, I have. Go check my toothbrush if you don’t believe me.”

  “Good, now have a good sleep. I’ll be just on the balcony.” I bend down and place a small kiss to her forehead. “Goodnight, sweetheart.”

  I head on out in to the air sea air. The moon is bright in the sky and you can see the reflection in the water. The waves are calm: there’s no wind at all tonight.

  “She in bed?”

  “Yes. She’s got her teddy; she’s happy”

  “Good. It means I can do this.” He takes my hips in his hands and pulls me to him, placing a small kiss to my lips—one I know I will feel for the rest of the night. “I don’t want this night to end, I don’t want you get off the ship tomorrow and have to say goodbye.”

  I rest my forehead on his chest and take a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “I don’t either, but I need to take Evelyn back to my Mum and Dad. Plus, I’m due back at base on Monday. I’ve got to head back.”

  “Let’s just enjoy the rest of the evening and we’ll deal with tomorrow when it comes.”

  I nod my head and turn in his arms, his front to my back, and watch the moon and stars in the sky. The evening is just perfect.

  The next morning, I wake early and start making sure we’ve got everything packed to leave the ship and head home. My heart feels heavy knowing I’m never going to see Andy again. I feel like my world is sinking, and it’s only just started floating. Evelyn wakes up and stretches out her arms and legs.

  “Hey, sweetheart. You ready to go home?” The sad look on her face tells me she’s not looking forward to it as much as I am. “It will be okay. You’ll get to see your friends again. Plus, Tilly is waiting at home for you.” The mention of her dog sparks her to life a little more. We carry on getting sorted and get everything pack and waiting by the door.

  I’m just checking the cabin to make sure we have everything when there’s a knock at the door. Smiling, knowing it will be Andy on the other side, I make my way over to open it.

  “Hey, beautiful. You all ready? I thought I would walk you off.”

  “Yep. We’re good to go. Come on, Evelyn, grab a case, sweetheart.” She sadly makes her way over and grabs her small one, Andy taking my big one. I take one more glance around and close the door and we make our way to leave the ship. My heart is breaking the closer we get. I can’t say goodbye. I know we have our phones and we can stay in touch, it’s just this last week has just been amazing. We reach the gangway to leave, and Andy crouches down to Evelyn first.

  “You be good for your sister, squir
t. I’ll be checking. I’ve had a good week with you.”

  She hugs him tight and it’s like she doesn’t want to let go. I know how she feels. He stands and turns to me. I lock eyes with him and see the same sadness reflecting back at me.

  Tears roll down my cheeks and he notices and wipes them away.

  “Please don’t cry; it kills me to see you,” he says while wiping a small tear from my cheek. “Make sure you let me know when you get home, won’t you?” I nod, and he places a small kiss to my cheek. “Goodbye, Vicki. I’m going to miss you so much. Thank you for the best week.”

  I hug him tight before pulling away and grabbing my case and walking away, leaving my heart behind on the ship.

  I never wanted a holiday romance, but it definitely found me.

  Being different isn’t a bad thing.

  It just means you’re brave enough to be yourself.

  Chapter One


  Darcie aka, Darc because the constant referral to the literary link was boring.

  (Pronounced Dark as in having very little light.)

  “Oh no!” I yelp, my arms flailing around as I try to regain my balance. I should have known that walking on the slippery, green-coated boulders was a bad idea. But the seashell that was stuck between the two rocks, just out of reach of my fingertips, was calling to me. My feet slide backwards, my upper body instinctively leans forward. It’s inevitable that I’m going to end up wet, slimy and hurt when I can’t stop the fall.

  Whilst everything seems to go into movie-style slow motion, weightlessness hits me. I close my eyes, waiting for the crash, but instead, I’m suddenly pulled backwards.

  “What the…” I squeal, when I realise that I have two arms wrapped around my waist. I kick my legs out, pushing against the limbs that hold me, as I try to escape their capture.

  I’m finally released when my feet sink into soft sand. I spin around to find a boy.

  He’s small, skinny and instantly I wonder how on earth he had the strength to pick me up. I’m five-feet-eight, tall for my age. At fourteen-years-old, I’m one of the tallest girls in my class, actually, and certainly not thin. ‘Puppy fat’ my gran had called it. More like too much coke and Moawi Stripes.


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