Destined to Meet: A Destined Novel (Destined Novels Book 3)

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Destined to Meet: A Destined Novel (Destined Novels Book 3) Page 8

by Jourdyn Kelly

  “Because of me?” Sam asks softly. “Because we’re together?”


  “She’s made a stop.”

  Amanda’s voice crackles in my earpiece, startling me. After my and Sam’s ‘discussion’, we both retreated into our own thoughts. But the difference this time was that Sam was connected to me. He kept his hand on me at all times, either by putting it on my thigh or holding my hand while gently stroking his thumb over my knuckles.

  “Where?” I ask quietly as Eric and Emily are napping in the back seat.

  “Residence. Jenna is looking it up now. From what we could see, occupant is female and seemed to know Buffy pretty well.”

  “Do you think it’s another Hunter?”

  “I can’t be sure, but gut says yes. I mean, if Buffy is going there, I can’t help but wonder if this will be her ride to Anala, Jr.… um, or Anala the Hundredth or whatever.”

  I chuckle at Amanda, seeing Sam shake his head with a grin. I know he can hear Amanda as clearly as I can with his hypersensitive hearing, but I also know he can feel my mirth at Amanda’s silliness. Apparently we are back to being completely connected again. Sam shrugs sheepishly.

  “Okay, we’re close to the village. We’ll find a place to regroup and wait for you. The twins are asleep, and you guys will need some rest when you get here. I’ll give you the info as soon as I have it.”

  “Gotcha. Are there hotels there?”

  “I’m not sure. I guess we’ll find out.”

  “Okay. Ana?”


  “Let Sam help you when you’re there. I can’t imagine this will be easy for you, so just let him be there for you,” she says quietly and I hear her concern loud and clear. I feel extremely cared for. Having Sam and Amanda in my life, and even the others whom have become an intricate part of my life, has made me feel things I haven’t felt since… well, since my parents.

  “I will. I promise.”

  Sigh. I hate this. The journey home. My apprehension grows as we near my village. Of course, after centuries it looks completely different. But my feelings are the same as the day I left so long ago. The day I set my childhood home on fire. With my parents inside. Sam squeezes my hand, and I give him a small smile.

  Even with Sam beside me, silently supporting me, the pain of the memories threatens to overwhelm me. To my shock I feel the change begin.

  “Baby, stop the car,” Sam whispers.

  I immediately do as he asks and he is out of the car and opening my door before I even put it in park.

  “Come here.” He holds his arms open, and I seek refuge in his strength. “Are you okay?”

  I nod, burying my face in his neck and reveling in the unique scent that is my love. With the consoling words being whispered in my ear, I feel myself begin to relax, the change stopping immediately.

  “Are we here?” Emily asks sleepily from the back seat, looking around at… well, nothing since I stopped in the middle of nowhere. “Is everything alright?”

  “Yes. Sorry.” I murmur, still ensconced in Sam’s arms.

  “No apologies are necessary, Ana.” Eric leans over to peer out the window. “We all had a feeling this would be difficult for you. Take as much time as you need.”

  If I could see Eric in any profession, it would be a politician. And I mean that as a compliment, really. He says all of the right words, is diplomatic and level-headed. I have no doubts he would be a good choice to be in a position of power.

  “Do either of you have your phone with you?” I ask, and continue when they both nod. “Could you see if there’s a motel or something around here? You guys could use a bed to sleep in, and we can wait for the others.”

  “Sure,” Emily agrees, pulling her phone out.

  “Sam and I will be right back. I just want to take a quick look around.”

  I grab Sam’s hand and lead him into the woods surrounding us.

  “Do you think there will be Cursed Ones out here?” he asks, his eyes peering intently into the depth of the trees.

  “I don’t know. I just needed to do this.” I tug Sam to me and kiss him deeply.

  “Mmm. I’ll do that with you whenever and wherever, baby,” he says huskily as we break the kiss.

  “There’s something else I need.”

  Sam’s eyebrows shoot up, and I punch him playfully in the stomach.

  “Not that, you deviant,” I smile. “But close.”

  Maybe he reads my mind. Maybe he sees the need in my eyes. Whatever it is, he bends down and offers me his neck, and my salvation.

  “Well. This is… quaint.” Eric pushes open the room door to the one and only place to stay here in the village.

  I told you. Eric is a total politician since the room we’re standing in is a complete broom closet. The good thing is there’s absolutely no one around and we have the place to ourselves. So, we rented out four rooms. I think the owners of this ‘quaint’ little place were a bit stunned, and completely happy to hand over the keys to half of their rooms.

  “Isn’t it though?” I murmur. All I can think of is how thin the walls are. Somehow I doubt Sam and I will have any privacy, which sucks (pun intended) because feeding from Sam definitely makes me…


  I clear my throat as Sam laughs quietly. “Yes, Emily?”

  “Have you heard from Amanda?”

  “Yes. Assuming Tania is on her way here, they’re about thirty minutes out. Why don’t you two get some sleep? We’ll need to keep eyes on Tania at all times unless she ends up bunking down somewhere.”

  Eric and Emily nod, and Sam and I leave them to go to the farthest room away.

  Sam pushes the door close and backs me up against it. “Feeding from me makes you what?” he asks gruffly.

  “I’m pretty sure you know.”

  “I want to hear you say it.”

  “Well I don’t!”

  Amanda’s voice in my ear startles me so much I jump the entire distance of the room. Okay, it’s only like ten feet, but still.

  “Damn it, Amanda!” I put my hand over my heart. If I had any doubts that I had a beating heart before, I certainly don’t now.

  “It’s not my fault you left the line open! And I certainly don’t want to hear what goes on between you and my brother!”

  “Do you have any updates?” The question comes out harsher than I meant for it to, but she interrupted a nice moment that could have turned into really nice moments.

  “Don’t get all grumpy with me. At least you have someone to do stuff with that shouldn’t be done over an open line.”

  I open my mouth to respond, then close it again. She’s right. Amanda finally got her crush to ask her out, and I totally ruin it for her by recruiting her to the Society.


  There’s an awkward silence, and then a soft clearing of a throat.

  “According to Jenna’s search, Tania’s friend’s name is Monica McKinney. Nothing scandalous to report about her. She’s twenty-four and works for a bank. She’s been there since she graduated from high school. No arrests, no tickets. She’s an all-around Pollyanna as far as anyone can tell. Jenna says she can hack into her Facebook to see who her friends are, but I doubt that would help us much. They’re definitely on their way there. We are close to your village.”

  “It’s not my village anymore, Amanda,” I inform her gently.

  “Ana, a part of you will always be there.”

  I ignore that, and move on with the conversation. “Tell Jenna good job on the search. Do you think Buffy and Willow will visit with the Priestess tonight or find a place to sleep for the night?”

  As soon as the question is out of my mouth, I realize that the only place they can sleep is right here where we are. Unless, of course, they know someone in the village. If that’s the case, we may get names of some of the other players.

  “I’m hoping they sleep, ‘cause I’m tired as hell.”

  I can hear the weariness in Amanda’
s voice, and it makes me cringe. I need to remember that my Hunters need to rest. Rest, eat, train. It’s a simple thing to remember. Why I’m having such a hard time with it, who the hell knows?

  “Sam and I will meet you and take over. You guys come back to the motel and sleep.”

  “We can stick it out until she…”

  “No, Amanda. Eric and Emily are sleeping. You guys need to as well. Tell me how far out you are and we’ll take over the tail as you pass by.”

  “Is that an order?” Amanda asks haughtily.

  “Yes, Ms. Crabby Pants, it is. If you’re giving me this attitude, you will only get worse the longer you’re awake. I don’t need that crap.” I make sure I put enough teasing in my voice where she knows I’m kidding with her. At least I hope she does.

  “Fine, Selene. We’re about twenty minutes out, coming in on the main road.”

  I chuckle at my ‘handle’. “We’ll be out there, hidden. I’ll signal you when we see you. They may head in our direction since this is the only place to sleep around here. If that’s the case, Sam and I will keep watch. If not, we will continue on with them and contact you after you’ve gotten some sleep.”

  “Can we be sure you and Sam won’t be…”

  “Yes!” I laugh. “We can control ourselves, you know.”

  “Sure you can. And Jenna doesn’t pop her damn gum.”

  “Whatever,” I laugh. “I have much more self-discipline than blondie. It’s really too bad Buffy was taken. Jenna fills that to a tee.”

  I hear Amanda telling Jenna what I said. “She’s giving you a hand gesture. I’ll leave it to your imagination what gesture it is. Now get going or you’re not going to make it.”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  “I see headlights,” Sam announces. We’ve been waiting just under ten minutes before seeing the little red Toyota Amanda described to us. Tania and her friend will be in that car, followed by Amanda and the others in a silver Audi Q7. The Audi was a little indulgence I allowed my Hunters. It’s not as flashy as the sedan they were looking at, but it could still stand out. Especially out here in the middle of nowhere, but I gave into their whining, renting the SUV for them anyway. I told them to think of it as their graduation gift. Along with the private jet and free trip to Europe. I know they’re here to work and will be in what is potentially extreme danger. That’s why these little indulgences are easy for me to make.

  “Let’s pull in behind them and see where they go,” I say to Sam before keying the mic to talk to Amanda. “Van?”

  “Heh. Yes, Selene?”

  “There’s a road about two and a half kilometers…”

  “Ana, speak in mileage please.”

  I sigh, but smile and oblige. “A little over a mile and a half, there’s a road off to the right. I want you to take that road, then make your way to the motel.”


  I can’t help but laugh at the term. “I thought I was Selene,” I tease.

  “No, roger, as in got it…” she trails off when she hears my laugh. “You’re a brat.”

  “I know. You have your directions to the motel, right?” I wait for Amanda to answer in the affirmative and continue. “Go to sleep when you get there. I doubt anything will be happening tonight anyway.”

  “Yes, mother.”

  I bite back my retort as we pull out behind them at a respectable distance. I doubt Buffy and Willow will be suspicious since Sam and I are following in a black Jeep Cherokee. Somehow I just don’t see Tania being smart enough to realize she’s being followed. The variable, however, is her friend Monica. I don’t know how intelligent or trained this new player is. I hate surprises.

  We follow Tania to a small house not far from our motel. I note the address for Jenna to look up later. Instinctually I know that the Priestess will not be holed up in this modest little house. Anyone who calls herself a Priestess will not settle for anything that doesn’t show her importance.

  “More Hunters?” Sam asks quietly.

  “Could be.” I study the woman that gets out of the car with Tania. She’s of average height with fiery red hair, but even from this distance, I can see she’s powerful. Definitely a Hunter. Perhaps even a very good one. The door of the house opens, and another woman with cropped dark hair runs out to meet them. Another athletic looking woman, and judging her height using the others she’s standing next to, she looks to be about my height. Are they Rulers? “Let’s get close once they’re inside. It’s time to do a little recon.”

  Sam smiles mischievously. This is Sam’s wheelhouse. What he was trained to do. He was good - very good - before I Cursed him, imagine what he’s going to be like now. I’m filled with excitement at just the thought of watching him in his element.

  “Let’s get this show on the road,” Sam smirks, knowing exactly what I’m thinking. Cocky son of a gun.

  “So, you just woke up in the forest?” Our unknown asks Tania.

  “Yes. It was weird. I feel weird.”

  “Weird how?” Monica asks.

  Seems like Tania and Monica saved this conversation until they got here. Is this unknown just a friend? Or is she someone higher up in the chain of command?

  “I’m not sure. Almost like I’ve been drugged,” we hear Tania explain.

  She must be talking about being compelled.

  I nod at Sam’s assessment.

  Will she be able to remember?

  I don’t think so. With being drugged by Malcolm, I think she was a bit more susceptive to coercion.

  “By Malcolm?”

  “I don’t know, Abby. I don’t really remember anything about leaving the house or anything. The last thing I recall is Malcolm talking to his cronies about his plans. Then… nothing. I was waking up in the woods.”

  “Do you remember the plans?” Abby asks.

  “I - I think so.”

  “The Priestess will be pleased. We will request an audience with her tomorrow.”

  “Do you really think she’ll see me?”

  I can hear the excitement in Tania’s voice. It’s almost as if she was going to meet her idol. Perhaps, in this case, she is. I feel Sam slip away from me, and I lose my concentration on those inside.

  Where are you going?

  Just taking a look around.


  Relax, baby. This is my element, remember?

  He winks at me before disappearing around the other corner of the house. Damn. It’s hard to be in love with a cop/Hunter/Cursed One. Sam laughs softly, and I roll my eyes. Especially one that can read all of my thoughts.

  Our Priestess followers finally turn in after planning the next day. Abby, whom is apparently higher up, will be the one requesting a meet with the Priestess. I have no idea how long it will take for a response to that request, but at least my Hunters will be rested by then and can keep watch.

  For now, Sam and I both feel comfortable enough to leave and head back to the motel. Sam found nothing of interest on his exploration around the house, no hidden doors or weapons of mass destruction, but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t anything inside. Hopefully it won’t come down to us having to break in. I’d rather just follow them to the Priestess and get the confrontation over.

  “You’re expecting a confrontation?” Sam ask softly.

  “I don’t know what else to expect,” I answer honestly. “I don’t agree with the way she’s running things.”

  “I don’t either, baby…”


  “But, she may have information we can use. Information about other Cursed Ones. They seem to be using them to their advantage.”

  “By taking out the ‘bad guys’?” I ask, slanting a look at Sam. “Does that make it okay?”

  “Of course not! That’s not what I meant. But, we are going to have to get control of them ourselves if we want to stop them. Because that’s what it seems like to me. Like the Priestess has trained them, or…”

  “Or is controlling them somehow,” I finish for him.<
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  “Right. But how?” He hesitates for a moment. “Are you the oldest of your kind?”

  I narrow my eyes at him. I have no idea why my age bothers me. It’s silly really. It’s just a number. Experience. It’s not like I’m wasting away to nothing. I still look like I’m eighteen. I may not feel it all the time, mentally, but my body is supple and strong. But Sam’s question makes me pause. Am I the oldest left? I never knew about the others before, so how can I possibly know if there is one older than me? Stronger than me?

  “I don’t know,” I answer quietly. I seriously hate surprises. Not knowing what I’m up against puts me on the defensive. How do I protect my Hunters - and myself - if I don’t know what I’m defending against?

  “So, they’re meeting up with Miss High and Mighty today?” Jenna asks, stuffing her face with blueberry pancakes. As small as this little dump of a motel is, they have quite the spread for breakfast. Or maybe they’re just happy to have guests and this is their way of showing their appreciation. Whatever the reason, my Hunters are enjoying it.

  “Well, the one they met up with here, Abby, is requesting a meet today. When that meet is actually going to take place, we don’t know,” I answer patiently.

  “So, why are we here? Shouldn’t we be watching them?” Sara sips her orange juice, peering at me over the rim.

  There are times, when I look at Sara, I can see her warring with herself. I can only assume she is still trying to decide whether I am fit to be a leader or not. Perhaps the way I do things are not how she would do them. Or, perhaps she is just having problems with what I am. I realize she is still new to our group, but I am seriously getting annoyed with having to explain myself to her.

  “Sara, we have it covered. Sam planted devices around the house so we can keep ears on them. We also have tracking devices on the cars. If they make a move, we’ll know it.” I try to keep my voice light. I really do. But by the small cringe Sara and the others make, I can tell I failed miserably.


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