Step Lover

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by Stephanie Brother

  “I’m not your sister,” she whispered.

  “No kidding, but Dad doesn’t see it that way.” He sighed, his head sloping forward until their foreheads touched. “He arranged for me to work with one of his colleagues in London. If I didn’t leave that night, he was going to disown me. I would have been homeless, broke, and without anything to offer you.”

  She licked her lips. “You could have called or written.”

  His mouth tightened. “The first time I asked to speak to you, he told me I couldn’t and made it clear that would be the end of our deal if I persisted. He didn’t forbid me to write to you, so I sent casual letters that hinted at nothing.”

  She frowned. “I never got them.”

  Hale shook his head. “He probably intercepted them. Maybe he didn’t even bother to read them to find out they were harmless and bland. I guess he was afraid any interaction would encourage my feelings to last or grow deeper.” His silvery eyes took on a bluer cast. “I always wondered why you didn’t write back. I thought I must have terrified you with that almost-kiss.”

  “It scared me, and it freaked me out, but I would have answered your letters.” She licked her lips again. “I was so angry and hurt that you just left without a goodbye, so I tried to forget the whole thing. It never worked though.”

  “Why not?”

  She shrugged. “I couldn’t forget you long enough. Every guy I went out with never measured up to you. Other than a couple of drunken hookups in college, I couldn’t get give the guys a fair chance.” Slowly, she put her hand on his chest, mesmerized by the rapid beat of his heart under her palm. “It took one moment in your arms for me to realize how I felt, and I’m still trying to get over it three years later.”

  He cupped her cheek in one hand, the other still beside her head. “Me too. I thought I was over this, or could at least control it. I came home hoping to reconcile with Dad and be part of a real family again.”

  “You shouldn’t have suggested I use your apartment.”

  He shook his head. “No, but I thought I’d be in Europe most of the summer. The deal concluded early, and my boss sent me back here to set up his US office.”

  “Oh.” She swallowed the lump in her throat. “Does that mean you’ll be moving back in?” Zoe rolled her eyes at the question. Of course he was returning to his apartment.

  He nodded.

  She drew her lip between her teeth, and he smoothed it out of her mouth with his thumb. Shivers raced through her at the light touch. “I’ll find somewhere else.”

  “Stay with me.” He lowered his head, bringing his lips closer.

  She stared at him helplessly. “Your dad hasn’t changed his mind about us, has he?”

  Hale snorted. “I seriously doubt it, baby.”

  “You want your family back. You deserve that. I can’t cost you—”

  He pressed his thumb to her lips gently, but with enough pressure to silence her. “I was delusional. I never recovered from you, Zoe, and I never will. If I have to choose between you and having my dad’s approval, I will take you every time.” Hale stroked her lower lip tenderly. “If you don’t want me, or you don’t want to risk alienating your mom and sister, then walk away. But don’t leave to save me from my dad’s wrath.”

  “Oh, Hale, of course I want you.” She arched her neck to offer her mouth, managing to get in one last sentence before his lips touched hers. “I’ve been waiting three years for you.”

  “Feels like forever to me.” His lips were firm, but soft, as they molded to hers.

  She pressed against him, hands grasping his bare shoulders as he wrapped his arms around her. His tongue slipped between her parted lips, and she stroked it eagerly. Her head spun, and her breath was trapped in her lungs, but she didn’t care. It was an intoxicating sensation, and she kissed him with all the longing she’d suppressed for three years.

  Hale deepened the kiss, devouring her mouth like a starving man at a buffet. He gripped a handful of her hair to hold her head taut, allowing her no chance to escape. It was as though he couldn’t quite grasp that she had no desire to get away.

  To establish her willing enthusiasm, Zoe moved one hand from his shoulder down his body in a leisurely fashion. His breath hissed into her mouth when she raked his nipple, but she kept going. When her finger slipped into his briefs, he arched his hips forward and issued a sound that was probably a strangled attempt at her name.

  She broke the kiss to trail her lips down his chin, to the column of his throat. His hand remained in her hair, but he wasn’t restricting her movements. Zoe flicked her tongue across his skin, reveling in his groan of pleasure. Her hand dipped lower into his boxers, and she grasped the velvet length in her hand, stroking gently.

  “God, Zoe.” He pumped his hips while tossing back his head as her mouth moved lower. When she twirled her tongue around his nipple, he tightened his hold on her hair, dragging her closer.

  With a small giggle, she resisted his attempts and kept with her southern destination. His abdominal muscles twitched under tongue, and she giggled again. Stripping down his briefs to mid-thigh, she supported herself with her hands on his hips and sank to her knees.

  He stroked her hair, looking down at her tenderly. “You don’t have to.”

  She nodded. “I know, but I want to.” Gripping him firmly at the root, she guided his shaft between her lips, stretching to accommodate his girth. Zoe closed her eyes, savoring his sweet, salty fluid and the husky moans coming from her stepbrother. No, her lover. She had to stop thinking about him in any familial capacity.

  Having his cock in her mouth helped with that, and as she sucked and licked, Hale transformed in her mind from stepbrother to lover. In her heart, she’d been awaiting this transformation for years, so it was not a major shift. She’d already made it in incremental degrees, and it took only one more nudge to change her perspective.

  “Stop, please.” With a groan that sounded like he was being tortured, Hale knelt to grip her biceps, easing her to her feet and leading her back to the bed.

  She lay down willingly, completely sure she was where she wanted to be. Hale was right. If it came to a choice between him and her family, she would take her lover every time.

  He laid down beside her, his mouth even with her stomach. Her tummy fluttered when he kissed a line around her belly button, pausing for a moment to tongue the hoop piercing. “Sexy.”

  She grinned. “Thanks.”

  He blew against her lower stomach as he drifted downward. “Any other surprises down here, baby? Pierced clit or something?”

  She laughed. “No way. I’m not that brave.”

  His tongue slid over her slit, barely brushing her insides. He lifted his mouth slightly. “You’re perfectly sweet without any special surprises.”

  She would have responded, but his enthusiastic tongue worshipping stole the ability. Zoe twitched and arched under him as he probed her folds. His tongue was a firm taskmaster, demanding her pleasure with each masterful stroke or flick. He parted her lips to slide a finger inside her as he sucked on her clitoris.

  She arched against him, calling out Hale’s name as he slipped a second finger into her dripping heat while his mouth continued working its magic. He sucked on the firm bud as he stroked her g-spot, making her explode into an orgasm that rocked through her and singed her nerve endings.

  Zoe thought she might be screaming, but wasn’t sure. The only thing she could be confident about was the ecstasy rippling through her, the generous gift from her new lover. Her other disappointing attempts with different men had never yielded even a minor orgasm, and her own hand couldn’t compare. As she came, her world fractured and kaleidoscoped, reforming into a new reality with Hale firmly at the center of it.

  She heard the foil packet rip a couple of seconds before he positioned himself between her thighs. Fighting to keep her eyes open in the blissful aftermath of her release, she gave him a languorous smile. “Wow.”

  He grinned, looking a bit co
cky, but it was well deserved arrogance. “You’re sure about this, Zoe? Once I have you, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to let you go.”

  She nodded.

  “Really sure? Our family—”

  “Positive,” she said. Grasping his erection, she guided it to her opening. She was slick with her arousal and release, and his generous shaft slipped into her with little resistance.

  After a millisecond, he surrendered, surging balls-deep inside her as he collapsed atop her. In spite of his forearms supporting some of his weight, he was a pleasantly heavy solidness pinning her to the bed.


  “No, Zoe.” She giggled.

  “Same damn thing right now, baby.” He thrust in and out, moving slowly at first. As she met each movement, keeping pace with him, he gradually increased his speed. Zoe matched it as well, reveling in every inch of his flesh fused with hers. Surely he was the perfect match for her, fitting her in a way no other man ever had.

  He was pounding into her as they neared the zenith, and she was straining back, enjoying every forceful thrust. Hale grew harder inside her as he stiffened suddenly. With a roar that might have been her name, he twitched in her channel. His release triggered her own, and Zoe tightened her thighs around his to hold him close against her, her sheath spasming with each pulse of pleasure rippling through her.

  As his cock slowed, no longer convulsing, Hale settled more fully over her. His lips brushed her forehead. “I love you, Zoe.”

  Her eyes blurred with tears, and she nodded. It was a love three years—or more—in the development, and if it hadn’t been for Andy’s interference, they could have been together the past one thousand ninety-five days. It was a bitter thought, but she tried to swallow it and force it from her thoughts, not wanting to taint this moment with anger or bitterness. “I love you too, Hale.”

  He stiffened, his gaze flying to hers. “You do?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Yeah. Of course.”

  He grinned, that same cockiness from earlier leaking through. “I knew it.”

  “Uh huh.” Zoe cuddled closer as Hale turned them onto their sides, facing each other. “Sure you did.”Silence settled between them for a bit, and she was almost asleep when he spoke again.

  “It won’t be easy.”

  “What’s that?” she murmured sleepily.

  “Telling our folks.”

  “Um hmm.” Zoe suppressed a yawn. “Don’t worry about it right now.”

  “I can’t not worry, honey. It’s been on my mind for three years.” Worry leaked through his tone. “I don’t want you to go through the loneliness of having your family abandon you.”

  She sighed softly, forcing her eyelids to open. “I won’t. I’ll have you, even if my mom reacts in a totally atypical way and excommunicates me from the Halston-Sanders clan. We’ll have to tell them eventually, but let’s just enjoy some time together alone first.”

  He scowled. ‘You want to keep us a secret?”

  “No, of course not.” She smoothed a finger over his wrinkled brow, brushing away the lines of tension. “I just want to spend a few days with you in our own little cocoon before we tell anyone. We lost three years because of your dad’s…because of interference, and I want a chance to make up for some of that lost time before we worry too much about their disapproval. Okay?”

  He nodded, his gaze softening. “More than okay. Completely spectacular, Zoe.”

  “You too, and I think you should remind me of that again.” She held up a hand as he started to shift her onto her back. “After a quick nap.”

  Chapter Four

  They spent three days wrapped up in their own worlds, even calling in sick to their jobs on Monday. The phone rang a few times, but they ignored the landlines and their cell phones by mutual unspoken agreement. There weren’t many words exchanged between them, but their bodies communicated artfully.

  Late evening Monday night, they had crashed into bed earlier after a marathon of lovemaking, knowing they had to face work and the real world again the following morning. Zoe was snoozing against Hale’s chest when a sound woke her.

  She looked up sleepily, recognizing the sound of the door swinging open. Her eyes widened with surprise, because her lover was right beside her. Who else would be entering his apartment?

  An angry flash of jealousy assailed her as she prepared herself to face a woman from his past who had been granted the privilege of a key. As the light clicked on, she blinked in surprised recognition at the face in front of her. “Lola?”

  “Whoa.” Her sister took in the scene before her and started laughing. “Holy shit, Zoe.”

  Before she could respond, Monica came into sight behind her little sister. Monica clapped her hand over her mouth. Tears blurred her vision, and she slumped forward slightly. “Oh, thank goodness. When you didn’t answer your phone or emails, I was certain something dreadful had happened to you. The crime rate in New York City is so frighten—”

  “I knew it,” said Andy from over her shoulder. He was glaring at her and his son, who was slowly waking up.

  Zoe nudged Hale to hurry along the process, glad they were both covered with the sheet.

  “What’s going on?” asked Hale, sounding sleepy.

  “Company,” whispered Zoe.

  Andy stalked closer. “I knew you were lying to me, Hale. You haven’t gotten over your degenerate urges, and now you’ve dragged your sister into this.”

  Hale opened his mouth, but Zoe cut him off before he could defend himself. “I’m not his sister, Andy, and you aren’t my father. You’ve been a great stepdad, but you had no right to send Hale away three years ago, and you have no right to pry into our personal lives now.”

  Andy’s mouth gaped open, and he looked a bit like a fish out of water as he struggled for breath. “Zoe Anne Halston, I have been a father to you for six years, and this is sick and wrong. It’s…it’s incest. That’s what it is. He’s forced you into a disgusting sin.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I’m not biologically related to Hale, and he didn’t force me to do anything.” Her expression and tone softened when she looked briefly at Hale before finding her mother’s stunned gaze. “I love him, Mom. I have for years, and he loves me too. Andy cost us three years by interfering before, but we won’t put up with that now.”

  “I’m trying to save you from making a horrible mistake,” bellowed Andy. “People will talk.”

  “People can go to hell.” Hale put his arm around her shoulders, drawing her back against his torso.

  Andy scoffed. “You say that now, but when people find out you’re fucking your sister, it will ruin your career. Her career. Your entire life will be tainted by this.”

  “Or maybe you’re worried about your life and reputation,” said Hale mildly. “We’re going to stay here in the city, so it’s unlikely anyone will even know our parents are married. If they do, I don’t think many people will care. We’re both adults, and we’ve only been stepsiblings six years—three of those apart. We didn’t grow up together, and we aren’t related. It’s not a big deal.”

  “It is—”

  “No, it isn’t,” interrupted Monica in a tone that brooked no argument. She touched her husband’s arm. “Oh, honey, they love each other. You can see it just by looking at them, and not because they’re in bed together. Their eyes… Everything about Hale and Zoe tells me they love each other as much as I love you.” She stretched up on her tiptoe to kiss Andy’s cheek. “Don’t be so stubborn or so concerned about people talking. Worry about your son being happy with my daughter. That’s all that matters.”

  Andy still looked disgruntled, but he nodded. He was sullen and probably not onboard with Monica’s viewpoint, but Zoe was happy for the cessation of arguing. He would come around. If anyone could persuade him, it would be her gentle mother.

  Under the covers, she found Hale’s hand and grasped it with her own. He squeezed in return, and they shared a look full of love they no longer had to deny o
r hide.


  Hale had to swallow an unexpected lump of moisture at the first sight of his beautiful bride as she glided toward him on Andy’s arm. The white dress surrounded her like a cloud, and she looked so innocent that he wanted to ravish her right there on the altar.

  Biting back a chuckle at the scandalized reactions that would provoke, he forced a serious expression. The last thing his family needed was more talk, but Monica had insisted on the wedding being in San Diego at the family church. Hale had been right in predicting a lot of people didn’t care he was marrying his stepsister. Unfortunately, Andy had also been right.

  Those who supported or remained neutral were the younger generation, all around Hale and Zoe’s age. The detractors, gossipers, and outright rude comments had come from Andy’s generation. To his surprise, his dad had weathered the storm in their congregation and had even defended their relationship to some of the rudest people, including the deacon and his wife, who were noticeably absent from the ceremony.

  The ultimate seal of his approval had come when he had accepted Zoe’s request to walk her down the aisle. As they reached Hale now, his father gave him a look full of love and warmth. As he tucked his bride’s hand onto his arm, Hale glanced over at his dad, who had taken up the spot as his best man, having a dual role in the wedding.

  “Welcome, all,” said the minister, who had been supportive from the moment they approached him about officiating the wedding. “We are here to witness the joining of Hale Sanders and Zoe Halston in holy matrimony. Who gives away the bride?”

  “We do,” said Andy and Monica, in unison, as she stepped forward for her role in the ceremony.

  The minister nodded. “And who gives away the groom?”

  “We do,” said Monica and Andy again.

  Hale saw Zoe’s lips twitch and was glad they had chosen to add that step to the ceremony. Soon, the minister’s words filled the air, wafting through his mind and lulling him into an intimate haze. His eyes never wavered from hers as they spoke their vows with fervent intensity.


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