Married In Vegas_ In His Arms (The Vault)

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Married In Vegas_ In His Arms (The Vault) Page 1

by Terri E. Laine

  First Edition

  Copyright © 2018 Terri E. Laine

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used factiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in form or any manner whatsoever by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or a book review. Scanning, uploading and distribution of the book via the Internet or via any other means without permission is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support for the author’s rights is appreciated. For information address to SDTEL Books.

  All rights reserved.

  Cover design by Dana @ Dana Leah Designs

  Photo taken by Lauren @ Perrywinkle Photography

  Author’s Note

  If you want to know when my next release will come out, please sign up for my newsletter.

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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12


  Thank You

  Coming Soon


  About the Author

  Also by Terri E. Laine


  It was the lamest Halloween ever. My parents had gone out and left me to serve candy to the kiddies.

  “I’m coming,” I said into the phone.

  Jillian, my best friend, was already at the party waiting for me.

  “I sent Todd to pick you up. He’s the Joker to your Harley Quinn,” she said, giggling.

  I rolled my eyes. Todd had been trying hard the last couple of weeks to get in my pants, which was so not happening.

  “Why him? Where’s Eddie?” I asked.

  Eddie was my other best friend.

  “Eddie’s busy.” She said the last like every letter in the word was important.

  “Of course, he is.”

  Eddie was easy on the eyes and girls at our school let him know that. And it ran in the family. Eddie’s older brother, Cam, played starring roles in my dreams. He was the mental block that kept me from appreciating any other guy in school.

  The doorbell rang.

  “He’s here. I’ll see you in a minute,” I said into the phone before ending the call.

  I put my cell down and dismissively opened the door. I barely looked at the dark figure before giving Todd my back. I went to grab my purse where I left it in the living room where I’d been waiting.

  When the door clicked closed, I spun around. It wasn’t the Joker standing there, but a large guy dressed all in black wearing a Batman mask.

  “Jillian said you were dressed up as the Joker,” I asked nervously.

  I wasn’t quite ready to believe I’d let in a total stranger.

  The man stepped forward and I parried with a step back bumping into the back of the sofa. I grabbed on as I worked out a plan of escape in my head.

  “Why would I do that? I’m here to save you from a life of crime,” he said, in a low gravelly voice I couldn’t make out.

  His eyes scanned the length of my body and I second guessed myself again for the choice of costumes. The shirt was too tight and short. And the boy shorts barely covered my ass. I was all about girl power and the right to wear what I wanted, but the skimpy outfit wouldn’t survive this man’s massive hands if he wanted it off me.

  I shivered as he moved forward crowding me giving me nowhere to run. My trusty bat too far away.

  “Todd, this isn’t funny.”

  “It’s not supposed to be,” he said voice still disguised as if he were really Batman. He could be anyone.

  I laughed a little nervously hoping Todd had Oscar worthy acting skills I hadn’t known about.

  “Please stop.” I begged in a panic.

  “Trick or treat?”

  “What?” I asked in confusion.

  He repeated.

  My mouth hung open until I realized he was deadly serious. My heart hammered in my chest and I whispered the only real option. “Treat.”

  A Joker like grin blossomed on his face.

  “A kiss then,” he said so casually, I might have mistaken it as a choice.

  I blew out a breath. If he was asking, he couldn’t be a murderer or a rapist, right? Besides, from what I could see of his mouth, it was sexy as hell and I wanted to be a sinner. But the poor lighting masked the color of his eyes. I couldn’t be sure if it was Todd because those lips reminded me of someone else.

  What harm was there? I’d kissed Todd before. It had been cold, sloppy and wet, but I could get through it again. Especially if I thought of a certain someone while doing it.

  “Fine. One kiss,” I announced.

  Though I’d hoped he’d take off the mask, he didn’t and leaned in. His shower-clean scent washed over me just as his soft lips branded mine. Nothing but heat radiated off him, leaving me warm and tingling in places I pressed against him.

  His hands landed on my hips anchoring us together. Then those hands coursed up the bare sides of my rib cage, pushing up the half shirt I wore and stilling just at the undersides of my breasts. My fishnet-clad thigh quivered with anticipation.

  The hot kiss hadn’t ended, and I wanted more. I drove my fingers in soft silky hair and got an idea. The elastic to the mask was just right there. I didn’t think but tugged up until the gorgeous face underneath was revealed.

  There in front of me was a fantasy come true.

  “Cam,” I said, not really mad, but trying to process.

  Eddie’s older brother was totally off-limits per a pact I’d made years ago with my very best friend. And now I’d broken it.

  The problem was, I no longer wanted to go to the party, I wanted to stay. Maybe Cam could be my first. Subconsciously, I think I’d always been saving myself for him.

  “What was that all about?” I asked, trying not to sound like all the other girls that threw themselves at the McCabe brothers.

  “Happy Birthday,” he said.

  I narrowed my eyes. “That was weeks ago.”

  He nodded.

  “Yeah, now your legal.”

  Cam was almost four years older and in college. The gorgeous quarterback had broken many girls’ hearts and his brother had warned me he’d do the same to me. But, he stood there looking so damn gorgeous, I was ready to throw my v-card out the door.

  “So what are you going to do about it?” I asked…

  Chapter 1

  The last of the bridal party photos had been taken and I was free from responsibility. My first goal had been to get a drink. It had been way too hard to be near Cameron McCabe, the best man, for that long. I needed liquid courage to finish the night.

  I sat alone on a bar stool watching everyone dance as Eddie McCabe, the groom and my best friend for twenty-plus years, said his goodbyes to his guest with his newlywed wife on his arm.

  It was hard not
to be sad. This was his day and Chelsea made him happy. Just because I wouldn’t be able to call or see him anytime of the day when I needed him was bound to end one day. Today was that day. And Chelsea had finally accepted me as Eddie’s best friend without the added jealousy. Hell, I’d been included as a bridesmaid, because Chelsea wouldn’t hear of me wearing a tux. She wanted traditional all the way and I decided not to rock that boat. Thus Cameron got the title that should have been mine.

  The bartender sidled over. “Want another?”

  I took a moment appraising him. He wasn’t half bad looking considering the level of alcohol already in my system. Maybe one night with a nameless stranger would brighten my mood.


  “One of those pink things named for the bride,” I said.

  It was a fruity concoction that was a little too sweet, but what the hell.

  He nodded and went to work.

  Everyone looked to be having a blast except me. What was my problem? I checked my emotions. I wasn’t depressed because of Eddie. Not exactly. I was truly happy for him and didn’t harbor a secret crush. The real problem was me.

  I hadn’t had a relationship in forever. Kind of hard when I spent most of my time with another guy. My past boyfriends hadn’t been as forgiving of Eddie as Chelsea had been of me.

  If I really analyzed it, I was staring at thirty coming far too soon though it was still a few years off.

  “Here’s your drink.”

  I took it from the bartender without payment. Eddie had gone all out. His law practice was thriving despite his age. It didn’t hurt his older brother, Cameron, was the starting NFL quarterback in New York with teammates who needed a trustworthy lawyer.

  A man staggered over, his blond hair spiked to a single tuft in the front with his glasses precariously hanging at the end of his nose. “Can I buy you a drink?” he slurred.

  I lifted my still untouched pink drink and toasted in his direction.

  He took the hint with a nod of his head and gave his attention to the bartender. No way should he be served, but it wasn’t my problem. I turned on my stool angling my body fully facing front.

  The list of attractive single males in the crowd was slim. The single bridesmaids had already pounced, leaving me to sit at the bar alone.

  At one point things had gotten interesting when a tussle broke out between two women jockeying over who would dance with the smirking guy standing nearby. He didn’t make a move to stop it either. I’d crossed his name off my metal list immediately.


  Hearing my name, I turned slightly to my right and there was the man of the hour. I hopped to my feet and into the arms of my best friend.

  “Congratulations,” I said for the hundredth time that night.

  “I couldn’t have done this without you.”

  I almost searched for his wife knowing she wasn’t far behind. Even though she claimed not to be jealous anymore, I knew better. She still didn’t understand how two people of the opposite sex could be friends and only friends their entire life.

  Nested in his arms, I memorized the feeling. Things would be different going forward. I had to be the one to put some distance in our friendship to give his marriage a good shot at working. He hadn’t asked for that, but it was for the best.

  Chelsea’s friends were not shy at taking potshots about my friendship with the groom during this whole wedding process.

  “Are you leaving?” I asked.

  “Turks and Caicos awaits.” His grin was infectious, so I smiled along with him. “You know the offer is still good. It’s a private jet. It would be so much more fun if you came along.”

  That was Eddie, clueless in love.

  “I don’t think so. But thanks for offering.”

  Even if I’d wanted to go, l wouldn’t have. He would end up hanging out more with me than his new wife.

  “It’s not like you don’t have the time off,” he added.

  Trying to make a name for myself as a journalist had been hard work. It meant a lot of long hours and little time off. It was a tough job market as it was. Getting an in at a reputable media outlet was a hadn’t been a cake walk.

  “You can always come work for me.”

  That offer had been made and rejected. Eddie couldn’t see it as a problem waiting to happen. We were best friends but we didn’t agree on everything. I couldn’t imagine him being my boss. Besides, the job was a press liaison for his clients, not a journalist.

  “Yeah, I know.”

  He swung his arm around me again. “You know I worry about you,” he said, resting his chin on the top of my head.

  “I know. Now go be with your wife. Enjoy the beach.”

  He leaned down and pressed his forehead to mine. “I’m going to miss you, Chris.”

  “Me too, Eddie-monster.”

  He pulled back and lightly punched my shoulder. “You haven’t called me that since—”

  “High school graduation.” I finished for him, something we did quite often.

  His face sobered up. “Don’t drink too much and find trouble.”

  “You know me. Trouble is my middle name.” It wasn’t, but I lifted my drink and gave him a grin. “Besides, you know what they say.”

  We spoke the words at the same time. “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.”

  Then we had another hug before he pressed a kiss to my cheek. Chelsea walked over and I dutifully hugged her as well. Then I sent them off with well wishes

  He walked away with his arm around her like he had me. I’d admit to a pang of jealousy. Things would never be the same.

  I downed my drink and set it on the counter. The bartender looked up.

  “Two shots of tequila please and keep them coming,” I said.

  Amused he made the shots and lifted a brow as I tossed them back one right after another as I watched Eddie’s brother dance with every available woman at the wedding except for me.

  * * *

  Fire raced through my blood and the idea of jumping in the hotel pool sounded like a fantastic idea. But when I stood, one of my legs turned out to be shorter than the other. When had that happen? I lifted the yards of chiffon and found the problem. I bent over reaching for my foot and it turned out to be a moving target. Once I got a hold of one, I worked at unstrapping the heel. The ocean swayed under my feet making it even harder to take off these crazy shoes Chelsea insisted I wear. Only there wasn’t water anywhere. A head rush hit me when I stood straight. I stared at my hand. There was a shoe in one and a heel in the other. I narrowed my eyes trying to focus.

  “Is this supposed to happen?” I asked no one, though my words sounded jumbled in my ears as I walked on a tilted floor.

  “Whoa there.”

  A dose of sparkling green eyes mesmerizing mine heated a coiled ball between my legs.

  “Cam,” I said.

  Though there appeared to be three of him.

  “You’re hot, you know that.” His perfect cupid’s bow lips curled into a sexy smirk, so I whispered the next important part. “Don’t tell Eddie I said that.”

  Gracefully, I moved away, but didn’t get far.

  “Where are you going?”

  Was he serious? He couldn’t be that clueless.

  “To the pool, skinny dipping of course,” I announced.

  I frowned at him when his hand clung onto my arm.


  I spun around his hand on my arm stopped me from twirling like a princess which seemed like an awesome idea.

  “Don’t call me that,” I warned.

  I wasn’t thirteen with an incurable crush on my best friend’s brother. I pointed at blond nerd who was still at the bar. “I’ll get him to beat you up.”

  Cam chuckled which should have been annoying until I focused on his kissable lips making my lady bits rage in an inferno.

  “You’re coming with me.”

  He’d used that commanding voice of his that worked on the field and made him the
top quarterback in the league.

  Then his dreamy eyes laser focused on me cast the final spell. “Now you’re talking,” I said.

  Rumors about Cam and his bedroom antics were infamous.

  “Show me what you got QB,” I said, giggling like a schoolgirl.

  “Chrissy, you’re drunk.”

  He no longer looked like my sexy crush but a domineering older brother which so killed my mood. I snatched my arm away and stumbled a few feet back.

  “Fine, you’re not the only guy available. Blondie here will show me his.”

  The man in question turned around and grinned at me. I headed his way, but was stopped short.

  “Not going to happen,” Cam said with his million-dollar arm around my waist.

  “I’m a grown ass woman and I’ll have random sex if I want.”

  My bottom lip might have poked out as I pouted.

  “Not with him,” he said.

  I slid a hand over his smooth baby-faced jaw. “It’s you or someone else.”

  That wasn’t exactly true, but he didn’t need to know that. I did what I’d been thinking about since the last time. I lifted on my toes and pressed my lips to his.


  His growling curse only made me want to climb him like a tree right there.

  “Yeah, let’s do this,” I said.

  He stared into my eyes and I stared right back.

  “Promise me you won’t regret it.”

  “Regret, my ass.” I thought about that for a second. “Okay, maybe my ass is off the table. You have a big dick. I don’t think it will fit.”

  His eyes held mine as I laughed uncontrollably. “Are we doing this or not?” I asked once I got my giggles under control. “Otherwise, I’m going to find someone man enough to do it.”

  “Remember, you asked for this,” he said, his hungry eyes landing on my mouth.


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