misogyny and
mood and
in puberty
Third Chimpanzee, The (Diamond)
Thomas, Dylan
Thomas Aquinas, Saint
Thompson, William Irwin
Thornhill, Nancy
Thornhill, Randy
Through the Looking Glass (Carroll)
Tiger, Lionel
children’s understanding of
circadian rhythms and
death and
foresight and
language development and
linear sequence concept and
memory and
menstruation and
in mythology
reason, logic and
self-awareness and
sentience and
wisdom and
women’s insight into
see also deeptime
Tiresias, myth of
Tiwi tribe
toilet training
Tolstoy, Leo
Tooby, John
Toth, Emily
toxic-shock syndrome
Trevathan, Wenda
trial and error
Trivers, Robert
Twain, Mark
Unamuno, Miguel de
Underhill, Peter
“unselfish” gene
Upper Paleolithic Revolution, see Creative Explosion
Upsuck Theory
menstrual changes in
vampire myth
Van Valen, Lee
anemia and
definition of
natural selection and
Venus of Laussel
vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
Walker, Barbara
Wallace, Douglas C.
Waller, Fats
Washburn, Sherwood
Washington, George
Washington Post
Waters, Ethel
Watson, James
Weinstock, Eugene
Wernicke’s area
Wheeler, Peter
Whipple, Beverly
White, Randall
Wilde, Oscar
Wilson, E. O.
Wilson, Margo
Wise Wound, The (Shuttle and Redgrove)
Wittgenstein, Ludwig
attitude toward death of
bride-barter practice and
and capacity for sex
childbirth and bipedalism of
chronic iron depletion in
cryptic ovulation in, see cryptic ovulation
development of language and
digestion of iron by
diminished power of
ego-consciousness in
evolutionary bottleneck and
foreplay and
libido of
life span of
Lilith myth and
loss of estrus in
male control of; see also bride-barter
male resentment of
and nonprimate females
orgasm of, see orgasm
pelvic circle of
sexual patterns of
synchronized menstruation in, see synchronized menstruation
veto power over sex of
see also anima-animus duality; men; relationships
Woolf, Virginia
Wordsworth, William
World Health Organization
Wrangham, Richard
X chromosome
Xerxes I, King of Persia
Yanomami tribe
Y chromosome
Yurok tribe
Zahavi, Amotz
Zahavi, Avishag
Zihlman, Adrienne
Zuckerman, Zolly
Zuni Indians
Sex, Time, and Power Page 52