EMP Lodge Series Box Set | Books 1-6

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EMP Lodge Series Box Set | Books 1-6 Page 12

by Hamilton, Grace

  Kyle was relieved when they finally agreed to let him go back to their camp. He wasn’t sure they were going to but he played up the sprained hand, hoping to win sympathy points. Now he knew the name of the woman who potentially threatened his future. Megan. She seemed nice enough. He was only a little disappointed to hear her daughter was still alive. He needed to find out how much she’d told her mother.

  “Thank you so much for the help. I truly appreciate it. I hope I can help the little girl,” he said with the charm he’d mastered over the years. He’d been called a snake oil salesman on more than one occasion.

  He had a way of convincing people to do things they wouldn’t ordinarily do. It was a skill he honed over the years and it had made him very rich. It had also made him a wanted man. Thankfully, he didn’t have to worry about the FBI finding him and sending him to prison for embezzlement. He had a chance to start fresh and no one was going to get in his way. Especially not a woman and child.

  He could tell they were holding back. He knew they weren’t buying his story yet. He was a master and would be able to smooth things over in no time; it was how he’d gotten through life. His desire for power had made him a master manipulator. While some people may not appreciate the negative connotation of being called a manipulative person, he loved it. It worked.

  He was the leader of his constantly growing group. He was rich by today’s standards and planned to become much wealthier and more powerful. He would be the new world’s version of president or maybe even a king. First, he had to quiet one little girl who saw too much.

  The trees thinned out and a large log cabin stood proud and strong in the center of the clearing. Oh, he could really enjoy this. Of course, he had set his eyes on a couple of mansions already in the city, but this, this could be a nice retreat. Kyle decided to learn as much as he could about the place and the people who were occupying it.

  If they were those survivalist or prepper types, he was sure they would have a stockpile of food. He could use the food and supplies to bribe more followers to join him. He imagined returning to his own camp with a cartload of food to share with the faithful.

  The people who looked to him to be their leader would further be convinced of his ability to provide. He would hold so much power; any transgressions and misdeeds he committed would be overlooked or forgiven as long as he could keep his people fed and safe from outsiders.

  Kyle decided he needed to do some recon. He wanted to thank Megan for leading him here. It was meant to be. Divine intervention he decided.

  Wyatt was solemn as he pushed open the back door. He didn’t have a great feeling about the newcomer, but he was anxious to get Caitlin healed. While he knew that Caitlin getting better might result in Megan leaving, he didn’t want the little girl to die. All of them were slowly working on Megan to convince her to stay. She had valuable skills that would be an asset to their group and if he dared be honest, he was falling for her. He could tell they were making progress in convincing her and maybe, the addition of Kyle would save Caitlin, leaving Megan forever grateful. She may trust them more if she could see how serious they were about helping her little girl.

  He allowed himself a few moments to imagine the future if Megan stayed. Her hunting and trapping skills combined with his wilderness survival skills would ensure they had plenty of food on the table. His mother was an herbalist and was skilled at growing a garden.

  Jack had inherited his mother’s skills for working the earth and had become a landscape artist. It really was artistry. He knew how to fix the soil and what plants grew best in a given environment. He could transform a barren backyard into thriving oasis practically overnight using permaculture techniques that made no sense to Wyatt. They were all counting on Jack and Rosie to get the garden off to a good start.

  Willow was a first grade teacher before the fall and could teach Caitlin and Ryland. She was also a heck of a cook. Willow’s mother had been raised on a farm and knew all about food preservation, which she’d taught Willow.

  It was a valuable skill that would help them survive the many long winters ahead. Albert was a retired electrician who had promised to fix the solar panels and get them electricity again. He also had some knowledge of construction that would prove useful when it came time to build a few more cabins on the property. Chase was their security expert and would help keep them safe.

  With those combined skills, they could thrive. Maybe they could bring in more people and slowly grow their small community. It was time to rebuild and it had to start sooner rather than later. He wasn’t sure if Kyle was the right fit for their new community, but he didn’t want to jump to any conclusions. The guy seemed a little sketchy, but it could just be him being a little over protective.


  His mother’s questioning look brought him back to the present.

  “Mom, this is Kyle. He needs some food and water. He’s a veterinarian and is willing to check out both Caitlin and Duke.”

  “Well, we were putting together some lunch,” Rosie replied, offering a small smile for the newcomer.

  It smelled great and Wyatt once again was so thankful his mother had insisted they stockpile spices. At first, he and his dad had said they weren’t important. But, after eating MREs and plain, freeze-dried, meals for three months, he got it. A little salt and pepper made a bland potato soup not only palatable, but good. She’d dried most of the spices and herbs from her own garden back home. Leaving behind her treasured potted plants had been difficult for her, but she’d taken as many of the seed heads and cuttings as she could to start another herb garden up here.

  Willow was stirring a pot on the stove. Wyatt didn’t have to look at it to know what it was. Beef stroganoff. It was out of the bucket they’d been eating from off and on the past week. While it was good, he was craving the real stuff. Anything real. Freeze-dried food was okay, but the consistency and texture was a little off. Again, his mom had insisted they stockpile vitamins to make up for the lack of fresh fruits and vegetables. She’d always been a big proponent of fresh is best.

  “It smells delicious,” Kyle said, perking up.

  Wyatt made the introductions then directed the newcomer to the bathroom so he could clean up. Wyatt grabbed a gallon of water from under the kitchen sink. He didn’t want this guy to know about their water supply. The bottled water under the sink was convenient for their own needs, but also made it appear they only had a limited supply.

  Kyle thanked him for the water and shut the bathroom door. There was a silence in the room. Wyatt could feel the tension as they all wondered whom the man was and whether he was a risk. All he could do was stay vigilant and hope the guy was exactly what he said he was.

  Megan was in the room with Caitlin, who looked so much better, but was still not fully conscious. Wyatt watched as Megan tucked the covers around her daughter and told her about her day in a quiet, soothing voice. Duke watched Megan, but he didn’t bother lifting his head. Wyatt would definitely make sure Kyle looked at the dog as well.

  Kyle came out of the bathroom. He’d scrubbed his face clean and slicked his brown hair back. The collar on his shirt was damp from the water and he seemed to have perked up more.

  “Where is this patient you would like me to look at?” Kyle asked with a disarming smile. He seemed overly eager, but Wyatt wanted to believe it was because he was genuinely grateful for the hospitality and wanted to return the favor.

  “Right in here,” Wyatt directed, bringing him to the room. Duke popped his head up this time and gave a low growl.

  Megan watched the dog and then looked at Kyle.

  Kyle smiled tightly, taking a step back. “In my line of work, dogs tend not to be very fond of me. They somehow know.”

  Megan nodded her head, accepting the explanation.

  Wyatt shooed Duke out the door. The dog refused at first, but with a little push, Wyatt managed to get him off the bed. Duke wasn’t happy, but obeyed. The dog stayed at the door, watching as Kyle got c
lose to Caitlin. Wyatt could hear the low growl and hoped Duke didn’t spring and attack the man.

  Kyle ran his hands along Caitlin’s throat and bent his ear close to her chest. He tapped on her stomach and then sat and stared at the little girl. Wyatt could see Megan watching the man examine her daughter. She didn’t say a word, but the way she stood, ready to spring, revealed how nervous she was. Wyatt knew she was desperate for answers. Any answers.

  He finally turned to Megan, letting out a big breath. “I’m sorry, but I don’t know. I have no medical equipment and no way to run tests. We can go over her symptoms, but I would suspect it’s probably the flu that maybe hit her hard due to the conditions. I think a wait and see approach is really the best and only option. She doesn’t feel overly hot and doesn’t appear to be in any pain.”

  Wyatt watched as Megan’s shoulders dropped. She looked down at her feet for several seconds. He saw the moment she pulled herself together. She took a visibly deep breath, met Kyle’s eyes and extended her hand to thank him for taking the time to look at her daughter.

  Rosie had come to check on the group and heard what Kyle said. She put her arm around Megan’s shoulder and quietly escorted her from the room.

  Wyatt could hear his mom talking in a low voice and Megan nodded every so often. He knew his mom was reassuring her and promising to get the little girl well with her various herbal medicines. At this point, his mom was Caitlin’s best hope.

  Kyle volunteered to stay with Caitlin, to see if he noticed any symptoms that would help give him a clue as to what was happening. Wyatt figured it was the best place. They could keep an eye on him and there was still the possibility of him actually knowing what to do to help her. Duke had returned to his spot on the bed and made it clear he didn’t like Kyle being so close to his person.

  “I’ll see if this big guy will let me take a look at him as well. Sometimes you need to wait them out and let them get accustomed to you,” Kyle explained with authority.

  Wyatt offered to bring Kyle some lunch. He wanted to keep the man in one place while he talked with Chase about how best to handle their new addition. He already knew Chase would have reservations and unlike their concerns about bringing in Megan, this time he was going to take his friend’s advice.

  Megan stopped him when he came back out of the room.

  “Did you still want to go to the school with me?”

  Wyatt had forgotten about the school. He looked at his watch and then out the window. “I think we should wait until tomorrow. It’s late and it’s starting to rain.”

  Megan wasn’t pleased. Her eyes revealed her anger and frustration. “I’ll go myself, then.”

  “No. That isn’t a good idea. It will be dark by the time you start to make your way back. Stumbling around in the dark on a rainy night isn’t smart. It isn’t going to help your daughter.” He didn’t say it, but he was also worried Kyle may have actually been traveling with others. They could be out there now, watching and waiting.

  She groaned. “What am I supposed to do? He can’t help her! She isn’t getting better, Wyatt. I have to get her some real medicine.” She immediately winced when she heard the words come out of her mouth. She turned to Rosie who was busy setting the table. “I’m sorry, Rosie. Truly, I know you’re trying and she did improve a little.”

  Rosie smiled and nodded. “Don’t you worry, hon. I can’t imagine what you’re going through. I’m going to keep trying and will keep researching. ”

  Wyatt reached out to put his hand on her forearm. “Megan, I know this is hard. You have to realize how dangerous it could be. We need to stick together. Roaming about in unfamiliar terrain could get you hurt or lost for good. Please, trust me,” he pleaded. “You have to stay healthy yourself. Getting injured or coming down with pneumonia isn’t going to do anyone any good, least of all Caitlin.”


  Megan was frustrated by the situation and needed to stay busy. When she was younger, if she needed to work through something in her head, she’d swim laps in the pool but that wasn’t an option here. She needed to do some physical labor to work out her irritation. On the way back to the cabin, she’d so hoped Kyle would look at Caitlin and have the answer.

  She had this vision of him diagnosing Caitlin, providing the cure and her daughter would wake up and be ready to play. It didn’t happen. They were no closer to finding out what was wrong with her or how to fix her than they’d been a couple days ago.

  She walked outside and saw Jack and Chase standing over a pile of lumber. They were both staring at the pile, not saying a word. The rain wasn’t bad. She thought about telling Wyatt it was only a light rain and would likely soon pass but she knew he wouldn’t change his mind. Especially now with Kyle here.

  “What’s up guys? Anything I can do to help?”

  The men looked at her. “Have you ever built a greenhouse?” Jack asked.

  Megan was a little surprised. “Um, no, can’t say that I have. Is that what you have going on here?” she asked waving her arm over the pile of boards in varying sizes.

  Chase nodded. “That’s the idea but we only have wood scraps to work with and they’re all different sizes. We’re hoping to scavenge some glass, but we need to get something going now.” He ran a hand through his hair. “It’s going to take a little ingenuity. Albert told us the basics, but well, it isn’t quite as easy as he said with what we have here.”

  Megan joined them in staring at the pile for a few minutes. She remembered the greenhouse her dad had on his property. It’d been built right against the side of the house. She looked around; trying to determine which way was south. With the clouds, she couldn’t be sure.

  She asked the guys, who in unison pointed in the direction. She walked to the side of the cabin and discovered there was an area that would get plenty of sunlight. The trees would probably block it a bit in the morning, but it would work.

  Excited, she explained her idea to them. “Maybe we can get the structure up today and when I head into town tomorrow, I’ll look for old windows.”

  Megan was thrilled to be doing something productive instead of hovering over her daughter and was proud of herself for coming up with the idea of using one side of the cabin. Megan loved how everyone here valued her opinion. She felt like she really had something to offer. With Derick, she always felt like a silent partner. Not even a partner. Just the person who was supposed to look pretty, take care of the house, and take care of the kid. Her opinion was not wanted or asked.

  “That sounds like a plan,” Jack told her. “Let’s get some lunch and then we’ll get started.”

  They were eager to get started, so ate lunch in a hurry getting right to work using the cabin as the back wall and nailing two-by-fours to frame walls on either side. They didn’t have any pieces of lumber that were long enough to create a ceiling high enough for a person to walk into the greenhouse so they used a variety of short pieces to connect longer pieces until they reached a ceiling height that would work.

  It wasn’t pretty, but the structure was sound. Megan realized how important it was to use what they had and to improvise. Her dad had been a Marine and had always repeated the phrase, “Improvise, adapt and overcome.” That’s exactly what this new world was all about.

  The guys explained that the lumber was left over from when the cabin was built. Wyatt’s dad had been the kind of man who knew there was always a use for everything, even if it looked unusable for its original purpose. That was the way things were now. It was all about repurposing and recycling. Nothing was thrown out. Megan realized the nails she’d used to build the dehydrator were the product of repurposing.

  Wyatt came out to see what was going on. The frame of the greenhouse was almost complete. Megan explained they needed to add windows to their list of things to collect tomorrow. Wyatt looked thoughtful.

  “Actually, we have some rolls of plastic in the pantry. We bought it in case we needed to seal up the windows and doors.” Megan looked at him in question.
“We were prepared for anything, including a chemical attack,” he explained. “We can use the plastic to close in the greenhouse for now. It isn’t a permanent solution, but it will work for this season, which means we’re that much closer to growing our own food.”

  That got everyone excited. The four of them worked for the next hour finishing the construction of the greenhouse. It was a crude building, but they were thrilled to see it finished. The roof was made from a couple of old pallets. The guys had pulled off a few of the slats and used it to create a frame for the plastic to stretch across and the door was actually an old door leftover from the construction of the cabin.

  Megan stood back and looked at what they’d built. Together, they’d put together a usable structure in one afternoon. They made a great team.

  All of the men treated her with respect and valued her opinion. It felt good to be a part of a successful team who all had the same goal in mind—to survive and thrive. The possibilities were endless she realized. Her daughter could grow up in a safe environment and would always have a roof over her head and food on the table.

  With them working together, no one would be forced to carry all of the weight. They could do more and be better because they each had strengths to contribute to the team. Despite her instinct to be alone and rely only on herself, this was tempting. This made life much easier and even enjoyable.

  Willow and Rosie were delighted to see the new greenhouse and made plans for shelves inside to give them more room to grow. Talk quickly changed to getting the garden beds ready and starting some seeds right away. They had to get a jump on growing food. They only had a short growing season and every day they weren’t growing food, was one less day of food they would have come winter.

  Megan was surprised to realize how much time had passed and that it was already close to dinnertime. Now she understood why Wyatt had wanted to wait. Staying busy gave her no time to stress about getting to the school. While Caitlin was constantly on her mind, she was comforted by Rosie’s knowledge and the fact there was a pseudo-doctor in the house.


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