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Protection Page 14

by Linda Rettstatt

  “I like food, too.” She wrapped the plate of lasagna and then bagged brownies from another platter. “I’ll be right back.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Jake looked around at the feminine touches Shannon had added to the apartment—a few ruffled toss pillows on the sofa, flowers on the dinette table, varying colored scatter rugs on the newly polished hardwood floors. It felt homey and comfortable. How had she accomplished that in such little time—turned this place into a home?

  He lifted Bailey onto his shoulder and patted her back. She rewarded him with a resounding burp. “Nice one.” He laid her on his thighs so she could lookup at him. Her feet kicked at his stomach and she gave him a wet grin. The tiniest nub of a tooth showed on her gums. “Look at you growing teeth. You’ll be demanding steak in no time.”

  Shannon came in the door, laughing. “And you’ll buy it for her. Otherwise she’ll have to be content with chicken.”

  “How are Abe and Helen?”

  “Good. Abe was happy to not have to cook dinner. I think my job description just might be expanded.” She went into the kitchen and grabbed two brownies, then came back to where he sat. “Appetizer?”

  “Isn’t that dessert?”

  She blushed, something that endeared her even more to him. “I don’t have cheese and crackers.”

  He took the brownie and bit into it, careful not to drop crumbs on the baby in his lap. “Delicious.”

  “Thanks.” She sat on the sofa. “I always add a little extra chocolate fudge sauce.” She gazed at the baby. “She’s very content there.”

  “If she falls asleep, I may be spending the night in this chair.”

  “Do you mind if I check my email?” she asked, nodding to the laptop on a folding TV tray beside him. “But don’t get up. She’s been fussy lately. It’s good to see her quiet.” She opened her email and squatted down beside the rocker. “Nothing new.”

  “Do you have a photo of Mark Hastings, so I’d know him to see him if he came around?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t. Oh, wait.” She pulled up a website for the Governor of Missouri then clicked on one of the links. Photographs popped up of the people dressed in formal attire. Shannon pointed to a photo of the Governor and a tall, handsome man standing beside her, smiling. “That’s Mark. And this…” She pointed. “…is the great Governor Corinne Baker Hastings at a fundraising ball for Children’s Hospital in St. Louis. If people only knew the truth.” She clicked in the upper corner and the web page disappeared.

  Bailey gurgled and kicked and he bent to smile down at her. When Shannon turned her head to look at the baby, their faces were just inches apart. She blinked, her eyes the deepest shade of turquoise he’d ever seen. His heart stuttered.

  He wasn’t sure if he moved closer, if she did, or it was both of them but, before their lips could meet, Bailey let out a wail that startled them both.

  Shannon pulled back so abruptly she lost her balance and landed on her backside at his feet.

  Jake laughed. Then lifting the baby onto his shoulder, he stood and offered Shannon a hand. That blush returned to her face and gave him a warm feeling as he hauled her to her feet.

  “She’s needs a nap. I’ll be right back.” Shannon took the baby and hurried down the hall.

  He should leave. He should just make an excuse and leave right now.

  “Ready for dinner?” Shannon returned and moved smoothly around the small kitchen, setting a bowl of tossed salad on the table along with two bottles of dressing. “We can begin with salad while the lasagna and garlic bread warm a bit. I’m sorry I don’t have a bottle of wine.”

  “Whatever you have is fine.” He sat at the small table.

  “Iced tea or water.”

  “Tea, please.” He unfolded the paper napkin and laid it in his lap.

  Dinner was pleasant, though quiet, with both of them lacking for small talk. He noticed the way she tensed when a motorcycle passed and again when a truck backfired. She was more on edge than ever now that she knew someone had come looking for her. And he understood that feeling. “Are you going to be okay tonight?” he asked.

  “I have to be, I suppose. It unnerves me to know they’re here.”

  She said it as if an alien force had landed to invade. “You want me to stay tonight? The sofa looks comfortable enough.”

  Her relief was evident as her body relaxed and she exhaled. “Yes, please. I was trying to find a way to ask you, but you’ve already done so much.”

  “Not a problem.” He picked up their empty plates, but she took them from him. “I’ll do the dishes.”

  “Okay, but….” He glanced toward the platter of brownies. “Is there dessert?”

  “Sure. Want coffee? I can make decaf.” She carried the dishes to the sink.

  “I’ll make the coffee while you rinse those plates. How’s that?”

  The kitchen proved too small for two people, especially if those two people were struggling to keep some space between them. Every time he turned around, she was running smack into him. Finally, he took the plates from her hands, turned her around and guided her to the sofa. “Sit. I’ll serve the dessert and coffee, or one of us is going to get hurt. And past experience tells me it’ll be me.”

  She laughed. “I can see why you’d think that. I’m not armed—at the moment.”

  He loved hearing her laugh. At least he’d been able to take her mind off things for a little while.

  They had dessert and watched an old episode of Law and Order. Shannon stood and stretched. “I’m going to turn in. I’ll get you a sheet, blanket and pillow.” She went to the bedroom and returned with bedding and a towel and washcloth. “Do you need anything else?”

  “No. This is fine. Thanks.”

  “I’ll be getting up in a few hours to feed Bailey. I’ll try to be quiet.”

  “Don’t worry. I sleep like the dead.” Then he laughed. “That’s probably not comforting since I’m here to make you feel more secure.”

  “If someone tries to get in here tonight, I assure you, you’ll wake up. Goodnight.”


  He waited until she’d finished in the bathroom and closed her bedroom door. He kicked off his shoes and socks and spread the sheet and blanket on the sofa. When he laid down and settled on the pillow she’d given him, he realized it must have been from her bed. It bore her scent and was going to drive him crazy. He closed his eyes and willed himself to sleep.


  Shannon tiptoed into the kitchen, hoping Bailey didn’t waken Jake. She prepared the bottle then eyed the rocking chair on the other side of the sofa. It was the best place to sit to feed Bailey. She retrieved Bailey from her crib and crept to the rocker. Only a dim nightlight burned above the sink and cast soft shadows around the room. Shannon eased into the rocker. She watched Jake sleeping. He had removed his shirt and was barefoot, sleeping in his jeans. His hair was tousled and he snored softly. He was beautiful and heat in her chest burned, traveling downward. She squirmed and shifted the baby in her arm, focusing on Bailey.

  As the baby fed, Shannon watched her face, the subtle changes she was beginning to notice. She kissed Bailey’s forehead and, when she looked up, saw Jake watching her.

  “I’m sorry if I woke you,” she whispered.

  “You didn’t.” He continued to stare. “What time is it?”

  “Four-thirty. It’ll be daylight soon. She’s about finished.” A moment later the baby spit out the nipple. Shannon stood and passed Jake, stopping to set the bottle on the counter. Once Bailey was back in her crib, Shannon returned to the kitchen to rinse the bottle. But she found Jake standing at the sink, doing that very thing. He rinsed the bottle and nipple under steaming water and set them aside to air dry.

  She couldn’t help revisiting their brief exploration a few nights earlier. The heat that made her squirm earlier now built into a current. He dried his hands and turned toward her. After a glance, his eyes darkened. She walked to him and snaked her a
rms around him.

  He remained still for a moment, then pulled her close, his hands on her hips. His mouth crushed down on hers, stealing her breath. He backed her toward the sofa.

  Shannon stroked his back and tilted her head back to give him better access to her throat. His mouth seared her flesh. She reached down and gripped the hem of her tank top, pulling it over her head.

  Jake gave her breasts an appreciative gaze before lowering his mouth to taste first one and then the other. Shannon gasped as his tongue swept over each nipple. His hands massaged her bottom, pulling her against him so that she felt his desire. She fumbled with the button and zipper of his jeans, slipping her hand inside to stroke him.

  Jake groaned at her touch. She grasped the waistbands of his jeans and boxers and pulled them down, then wriggled out of her own pajama bottoms. They stood there in the dim light, naked, breathing raggedly.


  He must have heard the invitation in her utterance, because he stepped forward, pressing his body to hers, and kissed her deeply. Her body responded as if struck by lightning, every nerve ending thrumming wildly. His tongue danced with hers and she moaned, feeling his arousal against her sensitive apex.

  She backed to the sofa and pulled him down on top of her. She was afraid to say a word for fear it would snap them both out of this spell. Jake lowered his face to her breast, then slowly kissed his way down her belly. Her hips lifted of their own accord, her fingers tangled in his hair.

  When his mouth once again covered hers, she shifted position and opened herself to him. She was almost there, cresting the wave, when Jake’s body arched and he collapsed on top of her.

  Between heavy breaths, he said, “I’m sorry. It’s…uh…been a long time.”

  “It happens. It’s okay.” She shifted and spooned back against him. “Just hold me.”

  Jake wrapped his arms around her. “That pretty much sucked for you, huh?”

  “You have a lot to learn about women. Intimacy for us is about more than an orgasm, though that’s nice, too. There’s always next time.” This time had been spontaneous. Would there be a next time? She wondered what he thought of her so easily opening herself to him in more ways than one.

  He held her close, the rhythm of their breath matching.

  “Jake, I know it might not seem like it, but I really don’t sleep with every man I meet. I was with Mark for two months and, once I knew I was pregnant and told him, he didn’t come near me again.” She turned in his arms to face him. “I don’t want you to think I just jump into the sack with everybody.”

  He gazed into her eyes, his arms holding her against him. She could feel his heartbeat. “You don’t have to explain yourself to me.” He pressed his lips to hers in a sweet, soft kiss.

  This time he took his time exploring her body—every single inch of her body. This time her pleasure seemed to be his only goal and the man was focused. When she arched against him for the second time and dug her heels into his back, Jake let go as well. They lay together for a moment, panting, then laughing.

  She wakened as the first light of morning shone outside the window. Jake lay behind her, pressed against the sofa back. His arm held her tightly against him. She needed to pee, but didn’t want to wake him. Perhaps she could slip back into his embrace, if she could first get out of it. She pried his arm loose and lifted it, sliding to the floor and locating her pajamas.

  She looked in on Bailey who was sleeping soundly, then used the bathroom. When she returned to the living room, however, she found Jake standing and zipping up his jeans. He tugged his shirt over his head, then sat to pull on his socks and shoes.

  He looked at her with a mixture of wonder and embarrassment. “Good morning.”

  “Morning. I’m sorry I woke you. It’s still early.”

  “That’s okay. I’m working in Seattle today. I need to get an early start.”

  Confused by his abrupt and hurried preparation for departure, she asked, “Do you want breakfast or coffee?”

  “No, thanks. I’ll pick something up.”

  It seemed like he couldn’t get of there fast enough. Had she misread what happened between them last night?


  He gazed at her. “I shouldn’t have let that happen.”

  “I could have stopped it, too.”

  “I’m afraid I’ve given you the wrong impression. I can’t…. I’m not….” He closed his eyes and drew in a breath. “I have to go. I’ll call you later.” With that, he strode out the door and pounded down the steps. His truck engine roared to life and the truck squealed out of the driveway.

  The spell was sufficiently broken. She stared at the rumpled sheet and blanket, then sat down and cried. She felt stupid and cheap and used, and so very lonely.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Jake drove home like a maniac, nearly wiping out on the same tree that had brought Shannon to him. He stripped on his way to the shower. No amount of soap and water could wash away the guilt, remorse and embarrassment he felt. He had no right to use Shannon in this way, to let her think they could have a future. He was no better than the men who had come to him for confession years earlier, telling of their sins of the flesh and promising God they’d never do it again. Until the next time.

  She had felt so good in his arms, her skin against his skin, her eyes closed as she moved beneath him, taking him into her. And then, like a horny sixteen year old, he’d misfired. She was so damned understanding it made him want to cry. But that next time. My God, that second time.

  Now he felt sick. He couldn’t imagine where to go from here. Would Shannon expect this new intimacy in their relationship to continue? Jake admittedly didn’t know much about women. But he knew that moving from a friendship—a very brief friendship—to an intense physical relationship meant something. If he were honest, he’d admit it meant something to him. Something he wasn’t free to act on. Even though he already had. How in the hell would he ever explain this to her? Show up at her door dressed in clerics and say, “There’s something I should have told you?” What if he just never called, didn’t see her again? He’d be no better than the other men in her life who had used her and hurt her. And he wanted to be better than that. He wanted Shannon and Bailey in his life.

  He dried off, wrapped the towel around his waist and returned to the bedroom. His cell phone lay on the dresser. He picked it up and punched in Caleb’s number. His call went to voicemail. “Caleb, it’s Jake. We need to talk as soon as possible.”

  There, he’d initiated a conversation. He would tell Caleb he’d give whatever additional testimony was needed to nail the coffin shut on Lou Crowley and Sara Martin, once they caught up with them. Jake would let them videotape, give him a lie detector test to prove the truth of his testimony, do whatever they wanted. But he had to end this charade now. He had to get himself free.

  After getting dressed and grabbing a quick breakfast, he loaded the carved pieces into his truck to be delivered to two customers in Seattle. By the time he returned home this evening, he’d hopefully figure out what to say to Shannon. He’d promised to call, and he would to that.


  Lou Crowley shoved a stack of clean shirts into a suitcase. “You want something done, you just have to do it yourself.”

  “I don’t like this, Lou. It’s not safe to go back.” Sara chewed on her thumbnail.

  “You don’t need to worry about it. You’re not going. Besides, I’m not going back, I’m going to Washington State.” He zipped the bag closed. “Bruno found Avery and now Bruno’s in the wind. He’s not answering calls. But I know where to find Avery now, and it’s time to end this.”

  “It’s already ended if we just leave things alone. Please don’t go,” Sara pleaded.

  “The Feds won’t stop looking for us, you know that.” Lou laughed. “Don’t you find it ironic that they moved Avery to Washington State, practically our back yard? It’s like they want me to find him.”

  “He’s already
told them about our involvement with Alvin and the kids, and I’m sure Alvin’s given them an earful, too. Lou, we’ve been here for almost two years. I like it here. No one knows who we are. We have good friends. Why risk all of that?”

  He whirled on her. “You don’t get it, do you? This is about one thing only—revenge. Avery was a pain in my ass from the start. The shining star of our graduating class at the seminary. Father Perfect.”

  She stared at him. “Tell me again why you became a priest in the first place?”

  “We’ve been through this. What better cover? At least it was until people started screaming rape and every priest was suspect. But not Father Avery. Everyone loved him. If he’d just looked the other way, followed the code and kept his mouth shut.”

  “When will you be back?”

  “Don’t know. It’ll take as long as it takes.” He picked up his bag and grinned at her. “Wish me luck.” He leaned in to kiss her, but she pulled away. He sighed. “I’ll call.”

  “Wait. I’m going with you.” Sara pulled a suitcase from the closet and laid it open on the bed.

  “You couldn’t have decided this sooner?”

  Crowley punched the address Bruno had given him into his GPS. It would be a twelve hour drive, give or take. He drove out of Logan, Utah and headed west. If they drove straight through, they’d reach Snoqualmie around midnight. He’d locate the house, make sure this Jake Garber was Steve Avery, then make sure he was dead for good.

  Sara fussed with her seat belt. “How long is the drive?”

  “Twelve hours.”

  “Where will we stop for the night?”

  “We won’t. With two of us to drive, there’ll be no problem driving straight through.”

  Sara played with her iPhone. “We go through Boise.”

  “Yeah, so?”

  “There are things to do in Boise. I’ve never been there. Oh, look, there’s a Casablanca-style café. I loved that movie. Can we stop there?”

  Lou slid a glance toward her. “This isn’t a freakin’ vacation.”

  She blanched at his tone. “We’re goin’ there anyway. I don’t see the big deal.”


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