Eli (Alpha Team Six, book 1)

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Eli (Alpha Team Six, book 1) Page 3

by Rhonda Lott

  "Siri call Lil Pain." Erin closed her eyes as Brandy's phone ran once before she picked up.

  "Where the hell are you? I've called and texted a million times and your phone went straight to voice mail. Obviously you're not dead, so what the fuck Big Pain." Brandy blasted through the line. At some point growing up they adopted the names Big Pain and Little Pain as terms of endearment when they were most often used towards each other while fighting over nonsense as teens.

  "My bad. There was an accident at the writer's barn. Um, he hit his head and needed my help. Yeah, he needs me to assist with book research for a few days and you know, I like him, he's decent type of guy. So I'm not going to be around for about three days—"

  "Hold it right there." Brandy interrupted. "You chirp on like a bird on speed when you're lying. Are you in trouble? Give me the code word."

  Panda had been the word their parents gave them to say if they secretly wanted to let them knew if either of the girls were in trouble but could say so out loud. A lump formed in Erin's through. She wanted to scream PANDA to the top of her lungs. She was squatting in a public bathroom, in an airport for the love of God, away from her beloved home, with a guy who may or may not be insane.

  "I'm not lying…"

  "Erin don't play me like I'm stupid. What the fuck is going on? Tell me now or I swear, I'll do the unthinkable." She warned.

  "No, no don't tell the folks. That's the last thing I need. Give me some credit Bran. We are not kids anymore. You can't threaten to tattle. I need you right now. I need your support, not your temper. Trust me, I'm the feet on the ground sister remember."

  "And I'm the head in the clouds sister with the wild imagination and right now I'm imagining bad things happening to you. Promise me this is a simple helping your crush out thing and I'll be good with that. I'll hold down the fort and not tell the parental unit."

  Fork in the road moment. Stay with Eli when she wasn't sure if she really needed his protection or tell Brandy the truth. Cop on her floor and the promise of others showing up hurting her or Brandy made up her mind for her.

  "I'm going to be just fine. You drill me daily to be more spontaneous and live a little. Well, the next few days will be my great adventure and I'll tell you all about it when I get back." Erin assured her.

  "Get back, hold it. What do you mean get back?" Brandy was back to yelling in the phone.

  "You know, his place doesn't have a great connection and I'm not going to be home for a couple of days. So, yeah. That's all I meant." Erin stumbled over her explanation.

  "Okay. That doesn't sound the least bit contrived. My gut says you're not telling me everything, but you’re the sensible one and you never make rash decisions. I love you Big Pain, call me every day. No, call me twice a day."

  Erin squeezed her eyes closed, a coldness overtaking her. Would she see her sister again? Eli promised three days. She was traveling away from the safety of her home on the word of a man she barely knew. It all sounded ridiculous. She trusted Eli. Erin didn't have any idea the rationale behind her feelings, but deep inside she felt as if he wanted to protect her. Even from himself. He'd caused this cluster fuck and wanted to make things right. Erin wasn't getting on that plane with him being completely in the dark. He was going to fill her in on everything before she flew thousands of miles with him. Flying, that sent a shudder down her spine.

  "No worries Bran. I'll see you in three days." Erin ended the call.

  She lied to her sister, left her home, all on the word of Eli and if he knew what was good for him, he had better have a good explanation and a good plan.

  Erin paused out of the restroom to find Eli standing outside the door waiting for her. He wore a white button down and a pair of black jeans. His hair was damp and finger combed back off a face that was in a word striking. He was too damn good looking to be real, but good looks aside, this guy had flipped her life upside down. Erin needed answers and assurance.

  She marched up to him ready to put the smack down on his ass when he did the unexpected.

  He grabbed both her hands in his and kissed her fingers, gazing into her eyes. Erin melted on the spot, heat sliced through her middle. She fought back the urge to jump him right there in the middle of the busy terminal.

  "I managed to get us on a flight that leaves in two hours. Let's find a quiet spot and I'll tell you what's going on."

  Thoughts rambled around her head like marbles. This had better be good and he had better be honest. Eli Sessions was turning out to be a huge pain in her ass. Yep, that was going to be his name from now on, like it or not.


  The takeoff was uneventful and business class was quite full, Eli stretched out his legs as much as he could while sneaking a peek at Erin. She sat silently. So still he would have thought she was sleeping, if not for her eyes being open. After their conversation she'd turned deadly quiet. That special spark of life she carried, dulled to nothing. Worry lines etched her brow partially covered by her perfectly even bangs.

  Eli was uneasy with her reactions to the whole situation. His expectations were that she would either not believe him or rage at him for getting her into this mess. She didn't do either. Erin listened when he told her he was Ex FBI recently kicked out after exposing a plot against the government by a secrete organization. A radical organization that was deeply embedded in the government and controlling great power. Her full luscious lips formed a grim line when he told her about the members of his team that were killed and that they would be meeting up with the four remaining members of Alpha team to come up with a plan to take Andrew Pope down. She then sighed, nodded her head once, and shut down. No questions, no accusations, nothing.

  Eli twisted as best he could in the cramped seat. "Erin, say something." He urged. Her silence was making him anxious.

  Erin was in the window seat, eyes glued to the clouds. When she did face him, Eli felt a punch to his heart. Her brown skin was ashen, her bottom lip clamped between her teeth and her shoulders were up around her ears. Shit, she was afraid. Why hadn't he noticed her body language before?

  "Erin its going work out. I'll handle Pope and his people. I'll keep you safe. It's alright sweetheart." Eli pulled her into his arms, she gripped his back tight, nails digging into his shoulders.

  "No, not that." She mumbled into his shirt, body stiff as a board.

  "What is it love?" Eli asked, stroking her soft thick braid.

  "Never flew before. This shit sucks." If possible her grip tightened.

  His nerves settled a bit. Damn, he never guessed that she would be afraid of flying. She was always so bubbly and confident. She had marched on board as if she ruled the damn airplane. Now he realized that was just her way. Take thing head on and handle them.

  Eli closed the window cover, gently pushed her back into her seat, and signaled for the flight attendant. He ordered her a drink, never letting go of her hand. She was more frightened of this flight than the radicals on their tails.

  "Hey love. I got you." Eli handed her the drink as it arrived. Erin tossed it back quickly, eyes closed. Eli grinned, pulled back the arm rest and gathered her close. "Want to know a secret?"

  She mumbled some reply.

  "When I joined the Marines, I was deathly afraid of water. We had drills that required swimming in an Olympic sized pool as well as the ocean. I was a mess girl, didn't want to look like a pussy and didn't want to drown. Believe me, I knew the second I hit that water I was going to end up kicked out of the service, but a friend of mine saw how shook I was and gave me advice that helped me out. He said, my opposition wasn't the water or my shitty swimming skills. It was my mind that had me twisted. He asked me if I was going to let my imagined outcome be my reality."

  Erin peeked out one eye and Eli grinned, she was so cute.

  "What did you do?"

  "I told myself that I wasn't going to let the water win. If I couldn't do it, it wouldn't be because I scared myself out of it. I kept telling myself that I was going to be the fu
cking best swimmer in my squad, I worked on it and I mastered it." He gave her hand a squeeze. "You're so brave. Look at how you walked right on this plane without complaining once. Hell love, we're half way there and you're doing fantastic."

  Eli admired the hell out of this little woman, she settled back, relaxing in her seat, then wrapped both arms around his and snuggled. She actually made a little purring sound. He let out a breath. She felt good and right up against him. Erin of the spectacular heart. Eli leaned back in his seat and smiled. If things had been different, he would have taken her out on a date, got to know her better. Then what? He wasn't the settling down type, but she was. Just the type of wife material he shied away from. Oh, he blamed it on his work. What woman wanted to be married to a man that traveled constantly, put himself in the line of fire, and put his family at risk from the sum of the earth. He didn't have those responsibilities now. No, he just had a maniacal racist on his ass.

  "Hey Eli." She said.

  "Yeah, love."

  "Thank you. I'm better now." She rested her head on his shoulder. "FBI huh?"

  "Former FBI. New York Times bestselling author now." He corrected.

  "Bullshit." She grunted, then tilted her head up to him. "That badass dude who ran into a blazing barn to rescue me, that didn't leave me alone at my house, that came back to save me from that intruder is a hero, period."

  Eli shook his head at her. She was something alright. "That dumbass was the one that put you in harm's way in the first place, remember that."

  "Believe me, I remember and I'm now trying to understand how, in three days, you think we can get to Pope. How from what you've told me the man has a shit load of power still, even after being removed from his position."

  "He does, but I'm thinking that will be our way in. He's underestimating Alpha Team Six, counting us out."

  "But, it's only five of you. This man seems to have an endless supply of followers." She countered.

  "Only five?" Eli chuckled. "Love, the five of us are more than enough. He caught lucky only because we weren’t together. Once we hook up and put our heads together, Pope is history."

  Erin gave him a curious look, her eyes searching his face. What she found there must have satisfied whatever questions she might have had. Erin grinned up at him.

  "He'd better be history, because you got three days Huge Pain then I'm outta here."

  Eli's optimism deflated. Three fucking days. His team had better have something, because he didn't have a clue. And, what did she just call him?


  The sheer number of people hustling down the streets shocked Erin speechless. Of course she knew that New York was chock a major fucking city. The city scenes in movies and television shows couldn't convey the feeling of being in the mist of the mass moving human beings, the dazzling colors, the constant barrage of sounds, or the impact of the smell. A million different orders from foul and stale, to chemical, to the spicy tang of foodstuff, all attacked her senses at once. Wayland might as well have been on another planet, the differences were so, in your face, profound. She wanted to hide and dance all at the same time. Her home was quiet with the sounds of nature sometimes reaching your ears. Her home moved with the pace of a turtle and this city a supersonic jet.

  She wasn't afraid at all, it might be completely different from what she was used to, but it also had her tingling on the inside. Her eyes couldn't take it all in fast enough. Her heart was tripping wildly in her chest, thrilled to the soles of her converse. Wow, was the only thing her poor mind could come up with. She liked it all.

  Eli had a tight grip on her hand as they exited the taxi in front of a glass and chrome building. "Where are we?"

  "Hotel." He told her after paying for the ride.

  "Oh, won't we look crazy signing in without luggage?" she asked.

  Eli wrapped an arm around her waist, guiding her to the entrance. "This is New York City. Crazy is an everyday occurrence, don't worry."

  Erin didn't want to look like a country bumpkin there among the classy and sophisticated men and women in the Hotel. She wore gift shop jeans and sweatshirt with bright red converse. Her hair was frizzed beyond repair and she most likely looked like a homeless woman. But, Eli smiled down at her with a warmth filled gaze. Silly man, checking her out as if she was pretty when she looked like crap. He was sweet like that, helping her through the flight and calming her fears.

  "Can I help you?" A female clerk asked when they reached the counter. Young and beautiful with deep red hair and emerald eyes, the clerk smiled a little too long at Eli. Her eyes traveling from his face along his muscular body, her smile never wavering. The Hoe. Erin bit back the name calling. The woman would have to be dead not to want a taste of the tall, sexy, Eli candy, leaning nonchalantly against the desk.

  "I called ahead, Edwin and Emma Carter." Eli told the woman with a wink at Erin.

  Erin had to hold in her laughter, when he gave their joke names for each other, and at the look of disappointment on the young woman's face. Erin grinned wide and snuggled in closer to Eli's side. So take that sweetheart, he's with his fake wife, with crumpled clothes, wild ass hair and maybe a slight case of BO.

  Eli signed them in accepted the room card, and ushered his "Wife" into a waiting elevator.

  "What was that all about with you and the clerk? I got a vibe." He asked as the doors dinged closed.

  Erin pouted up at him. "Bitch had the hots for my husband."

  "Aw baby." Eli placed his big hand around her waist as he maneuvered her to the back wall of the elevator. "You know I only have eyes for my beautiful bride."

  His closeness had Erin's breath stuck in her chest. Breathe woman. She pushed his thick shoulders and stepped to the side. "Slow your roll hubby. We're only here for you to stop Pope from killing us. Not have a pretend honeymoon or whatever."

  The door opened on their floor. Chuckling, Eli followed her out. "You started it."

  Eli swiped the key card and Erin was pleasantly surprised when she stepped into the spacious room. It was like a little apartment with kitchenette and office space. Wow, Erin had never set foot in a hotel, lookie, what she'd been missing. This room must have cost Eli a pretty penny. Erin didn't like to waste money, lesson learned from her mom who had to stretch their paychecks to make ends meet. If her mother could see this place she would bust a gut and Brandy would never want to leave.

  "Why don't you hop in the shower while I'll run up a pick up a few things?" Eli told her as he strolled to the door.

  "Shower sounds great." Erin glanced at the bathroom door and then over to Eli. "Um, don't have anything to change into."

  "No problem, just go au natural, I won't mind." He told her as he started out. "Oh, don't answer this door for anyone, not even me."

  "Bossy are you?"

  "Get naked. I mean get your shower." He teased before leaving the room.

  Erin peeled off her clothes and got in the shower. Lord did the hot water feel wonderful. One day. So much had happened in this one day. She'd found Eli out cold in the barn which exploded during a gun fight. She used her bat on a cop that was breaking into her home and now she stood in a shower in a hotel in New York with Eli. Eli the former FBI with a neo-Nazi organization gunning to kill him, his team and anyone close to him.

  Erin undid her braid and washed her hair before getting out the shower. She was wrapping the plush towel around herself when there was a knock on the door.

  Erin tucked the ends of the towel in tight, no slipping and giving Eli a peek. Even though she had no problem with peeking if the situation was reverse. That man was, drinking Tabasco shots in the Mojave Desert, hot.

  Eli stood by the bed. Two big bags sitting in the middle of it.

  "What's all this and how did you get it so quickly."

  "That nice clerk at the desk helped me." Eli laughed out loud when she gave him a death glare. "She was very helpful. She's even sending up food for us."

  Before Erin could respond to that, Eli's p
hone started chirping in his pocket. Erin turned her attention to the bags. They contained, clothes, shoes, a laptop and two new cell phones. Damn that clerk was good.

  "Got it. Don't do anything stupid." Eli ended his call.

  "What's up?" She asked, worried by his tone.

  "That was Kennedy one of my guys. We meet with them tomorrow night." He came up to her and ran a finger across the top of her towel. "Guess we'll have to cut the honeymoon short. One night is all we have Love."

  Two could play at this game. Erin giggled and ran a hand up his chest, around his collar and pulled him down so that she could whisper in his ear.

  "Oh Eli, that's more than enough time for a big strong man like you to… you know." She licked her bottom lip, slowly.

  "That's right baby, more than enough time."

  Erin spun away from him with an armful of clothes heading to the bathroom. "You got it, enough time to get a good night's sleep, Huge Pain." She said, slamming the door in his face.


  Four stories up Eli studied the street below. The number of people had dwindled down considerably, and yet a good amount of them still rushed about in the brightly lit street. There was no slowing New Yorkers down, reminding Eli of ants behind a glass display. Watching the stream of humanity made him equal parts fascinated and forlorn. Being secluded out in the woods gave him the time he needed to reflect on the past and find his center once again. Standing there he began to realize that he did miss human interaction. A year was a hell of a long time to be alone with only his infrequent trips into town to stalk Erin breaking up the monotony.

  Erin's reaction to the metropolis surprised him. He half expected her to be overwhelmed. New York was vastly different from Wayland. Her steady character displayed itself once again. The same dogged determination that made her board the airplane with fear in her heart, even though she had never flown before. She didn't allow the newness or the fast pace of New York scare her. Erin soaked the place up with excitement and curiosity. A smile came to him when he thought of how wide her eyes were taking it all in. For a moment in time, Eli didn't feel closed off from himself, disenchanted with the world and everyone in it. Her excitement seeped into him and something shifted inside. He could see himself with this woman, showing her the world beyond her little hometown, reveling in her joy of life.


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