Mason (Striking Back #2)

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Mason (Striking Back #2) Page 6

by S. M. Shade

  “I can’t believe this is happening,” she murmurs, following my instructions.

  “I know it’s scary,” Evie says. “Not knowing where you’re going or what’s going to happen. But you’ll be safe. Your boy will be safe.”

  Jenny nods. “Do you have children?” she asks.

  “No,” Evie replies, “but I work with kids.”

  “You should. You’d be a good mother.”

  Everly flinches before covering her response with a smile. “Thank you.”

  “We have about an hour drive, ladies. Does anyone need anything? Bathroom?”

  “I’m okay,” Jenny replies, and Everly shakes her head. I don’t know if she has something on her mind, or if all this is catching up with her, but she’s quiet throughout the rest of the trip, a pensive look on her face as she gazes out the window. We’ll have plenty to discuss later, but for now, I’m fiercely proud of my girl and the way she handled things tonight.

  Jack calls to let me know we’re in the clear. The official police report says her husband got drunk and walked into a knife. With only a single stab wound, it appears the man will live.

  Devon’s jeep is parked in the driveway of Blue House when we arrive. We use code names when discussing the safe houses, and this one is named for its deep navy blue color. Jenny looks like she may collapse from exhaustion as she unfastens the baby’s safety seat.

  “Let me carry him,” Evie offers. She’s never looked more awake, her eyes alive with the excitement of the night. I remember feeling that way in the beginning, getting that adrenaline rush. Jenny hands the baby seat over with a grateful look. I grab her bags, and they follow me inside the modest two bedroom home.

  “The bedroom on the right is yours,” I inform her. “There’s an attached bath. Make yourself at home.”

  “I’ll help you get unpacked and settled,” Evie says, escorting her to the bedroom.

  “What’s the story?” Devon asks.

  “Stabbed the abusive husband. Medics think he’ll live. She won’t if he finds her, though. We need one man here while the husband’s still in the hospital. Add an outside guard once he’s released. Twelve hour shifts.”

  “Are cops going to be looking for her?”

  “No, Jack Roberts caught the case. She wasn’t even home tonight. Guy walked into his own knife.”

  “She only stick him once?”


  “Should hold up then.” Devon slides a cup of coffee across the table. “I can get my sister to run to the store, get whatever she needs for the kid.”

  “I’ll handle it,” Evie says, stalking past and giving Devon a look that would shrink the testicles of a lesser man. Ignoring his smirk, she turns to me. “I need a pen and paper.”

  “Desk drawer in the living room.”

  “Thanks.” She’s all business as she settles on the couch with Jenny to make a list of necessary items.

  The dining room and living room are all one open area, but Devon and I pretend we aren’t listening to them as we sit at the dining table. “Your girl hasn’t forgiven me for that needle,” Devon says with an amused expression.

  “Not sure I’m off the shit list for that either,” I reply. It’s funny watching Evie glare at Devon, not the least bit intimidated by his hulking size or fierce expression.

  Jenny bursts into tears, and Evie embraces her. “It’s not too much. We get plenty of donations and this is how we use them to help.”

  “By buying panties and pacifiers?” Jenny asks with a snort. They look at each other and dissolve into giggles. “Well, a girl’s got to have panties.”

  “Go grab a shower and try to get some rest before Jesse wakes. You’ll feel better. It’s hard to think with no sleep.” Jenny hugs her again and heads off toward the bedroom.

  “She’s a good one,” Devon remarks as Evie approaches us.

  “Is there a Superstore nearby?”

  “Not too far. I’ll take you when you’re ready.” Doubt clouds her face at the thought of leaving Jenny with Devon. Taking her hand, I lead her to the spare bedroom. “I know you don’t like him, Panda, but this is what he does, the same as me. He’s here to protect Jenny. He’d never hurt her. You need to remember I had you drugged and brought back. It wasn’t his call.”

  “Fine. Let’s go.”

  Devon sits on the couch and flips on the television as we walk by. “You’ll be happy to know my toes are no longer taped together,” he tells Evie, who gives him a perplexed look. “Two broken toes,” he explains, “had to be taped together until they healed. May never be back to normal, though.” He can’t prevent a mischievous grin from sneaking across his face.

  I see the corner of Evie’s mouth twitch as she tries not to smile. “Left foot, wasn’t it?”


  “So, I know the weak spot to aim for next time.”

  Devon’s deep laughter follows us out the door.

  * * * *

  We return to find Jenny fast asleep and Jesse just beginning to stir. Evie scoops up the baby, shutting the bedroom door behind her so Jenny can sleep. “She’s exhausted. I’ll look after Jesse for a few hours.”

  “I have to go to Striking Back. We can come back this evening and check on them if you like.”

  She looks up at me, and I tuck a stray lock of hair behind her ear. “I’m safe here with your goon, aren’t I?”

  “I heard that, devil woman,” Devon calls from the kitchen.

  Evie grins as she changes Jesse’s diaper, and the baby smiles back at her. “Goons have good hearing.”

  “Little devil,” Devon mutters good naturedly.

  “Can you just pick me up this evening?”

  “Are you sure? I know you’re tired.”

  “I’m fine. Go handle your end and let me help here.” With Jesse cradled in the crook of her arm, she heats up his formula in a pan of hot water.

  “Call me if you change your mind, then. Or tell Devon. I can send someone to come get you. You can’t tell Ian or Amy where you are.”

  “Duh. Quit worrying. I’ll be fine.” She drops a quick kiss on my lips.

  “I’ll be back by six.”

  I replay the night’s events in my head during the drive back to Indy. Evie couldn’t have done a better job with Jenny, and is going above and beyond to help them today. The gleam in her eye and bounce in her step betray her happiness. Her bravery and compassion, that fearless and caring nature…she was born for this. And it only magnifies my love and admiration for this stubborn woman.

  If I didn’t think she’d run screaming, I’d propose today. I can’t make her mine right now, but I can pave the way. I pull into a fast food drive through to grab some breakfast and call my lawyer. “Landon, tell me some good news.”

  “They accepted your offer and the zoning has been cleared. You can break ground at your leisure.”

  “That’s what I wanted to hear. I also need to add a name to the account. She should have full access to the funds.”

  “You finally hire a CFO?”

  “Something like that. I’ll email you the info.”

  “Do that. I have some forms you need to sign.”

  “I’ll be in my office today if you want to messenger them.”

  “Anything else you need right now?”

  “Two more of me, and another of you. Anyone perfect cloning yet?”

  “I’m one of a kind, asshole. When’s the next poker night?”

  “I’ll take your money soon. Thanks, Landon.”


  My day is boring compared to the previous night. Money has to grease a lot of palms to keep things running right and that means we’re always looking for ways to raise funds. I really do need to hire someone to deal with that facet of the business. Maybe Evie has some fundraising ideas.

  I work my way through a ton of emails and fill out a stack of paperwork before heading downstairs to speak to Ms. Den. She assures me everything is running smoothly with no issues since Macy’s
attack. Finally, I can head back to Everly.

  When I approach Blue House I hear Everly shout, “Bullshit!”

  Instantly on edge, I dart inside to find Evie, Devon, and Jenny playing cards while the baby crawls around the room. “Reed, your woman cheats,” Devon growls, gathering together a pile of cards.

  Evie beams up at me. “He’s just mad because he can’t beat me.”

  “It’s a ridiculous game,” Devon scoffs.

  “What are you playing?” I ask, taking Evie’s hand and pulling her to her feet.

  “Bullshit. It’s not much fun with only three people. I’ll teach you some time. You ready to go?”

  “Will you stay with me tonight?”

  “Aren’t you getting sick of me yet?” Her soft lips find mine for a brief kiss. She’ll know soon that I want her with me every night.

  “Never, love. Let’s go.”

  Jenny hugs Evie. “Thanks for everything, Ev.”

  “Hang in there. You can do this,” Evie assures her. “Call anytime.”

  “Later, Goon,” Evie calls to Devon over her shoulder as we go.

  “Take care, Devil Woman.”

  * * * *

  Evie smiles at me across the breakfast table and even after nailing her to the bed and making her scream in the shower, I get hard again. I swear I could spend my life fucking this woman. No one has ever affected me the way she does. “Do you have plans today?”

  “I haven’t been home in a while. I should probably visit my apartment. Make sure it’s still standing.”

  “We can stay at your place tonight if you like, but I want to take you somewhere today.”

  “So mysterious,” she coos. “Where?”

  “To show you something.”

  “That’s all you’re going to tell me?”


  Chapter Seven


  Mason stays close lipped the entire ride to wherever the hell we’re going. We’ve been driving for over an hour, and I feel a little nervous as he turns onto a narrow paved road. I’ve watched him grow more excited as the city fell behind us and the trees and fields began to fill the landscape.

  He’s thrilled to show me something, and I don’t want to disappoint him with the wrong reaction. If only I had a clue what was coming. Things have been great since we reunited. We spend every night together and most days as well. I still spend a couple of days a week at Building Tomorrow’s Child, but most of my time is focused on Striking Back as Mason shows me more and more about how his operation works.

  The narrow road widens, ending in a cracked circular driveway. A walkway made of smooth stones leads to a beautiful two story house. Painted the blue of a robin’s egg with white trim, it seems to radiate the peace and tranquility of the woods and fields surrounding it.

  “Who lives here?” I ask as Mason takes my hand and leads me around the back of the house.

  “No one yet.” He gestures to the fields behind the house that seem to stretch for miles. “I just closed on this property. You’re looking at the future site of Striking Back, a long term housing option for recovering women and their children.

  A proud grin settles on his face as he points to two bulldozers working at the top of a hill in the distance. “That’s where the apartments will be located.”

  “This is amazing. Just fantastic,” I exclaim.

  “It’ll be for women like Jenny. Relocating to another state where they know no one and have no support system isn’t what’s best for them or their children. They can live here in their own apartment, but alongside other women and children in their situation. We can help them go back to school or find a job, provide transportation and childcare until they’re able to make it on their own.”

  Is it any wonder I fell so hard for this man? I never had a damn chance. He leads me back to the front porch as he talks, and we sit on the steps. “The house needs very little work, although I’m not thrilled with some of the wallpaper. Looks like an eighty year old woman lived here. Not exactly manly.”

  Heaviness fills my chest. “You plan to live here? It’ll be a long commute to Striking Back,” I point out. And a long way from me.

  “I’m moving SB to here. The shelter downtown just isn’t large or secure enough.”

  I force a smile. “It’s a beautiful place. Perfect surroundings for healing and a great place for kids.”

  His large palms cup my jaws and his gaze is intense as it meets mine. “I want you with me, Evie. Live here with me.”

  All my breath flees my body. He couldn’t have surprised me more if he’d asked for me to get naked and do the chicken dance. When did it get so damn hot out here? Live with him? Did Mason just ask me to move in with him? “I…don’t you think it’s a little soon?”

  “I don’t care. I want you wrapped around me every night and smiling at me across the breakfast table every morning.”

  Oh god. He can’t do this to me. How can I resist him when he says things like that? Things are going so well. What if this screws up our relationship? “Breathe, love.” Soft fingertips stroke my cheek. “You don’t have to decide now. Take some time to think about it.”

  “I’m sorry, I…it’s not that I don’t want to. I love you. I love being with you. I’ve seen what it’s like to lose you. If I screw this up…” A lump rises in my throat and I swallow back tears at the thought. “I can’t lose you again.”

  Strong arms embrace me. “I’m not going anywhere. If you aren’t ready to live together, I’ll understand. I can wait. You’ll come around eventually,” he teases. “You know you can’t resist me.”

  “Cocky,” I reply with a laugh.

  “Don’t say cock or I’ll have to break in the bedroom before there’s a bed. Come on.” He gets to his feet and takes my hand. “Let me show you what you’ll be getting other than a live-in tatted Adonis sex god.”

  He grins at my snort. “I don’t remember calling you a sex god.”

  “I saw it in your eyes.”

  “Oh yeah.” I gaze at him. “What are my eyes saying now?”

  His forehead rests against mine, and those bright blues bore into me. His feigned shocked expression makes me giggle. “Oh! Such filthy thoughts in those beautiful eyes. You’ve corrupted me! I’m corrupted!”

  I smack his ass as he rubs his eyes with balled fists. I know what he’s doing, trying to break the tension and let me off the hook for getting upset at his request. He always makes me feel better. I can’t imagine my life without him, so why am I fighting this?

  He leads me through the house, and I try to picture living here with him. It’s a gorgeous place, four bedrooms with adjoining baths, a large modern kitchen, and a formal dining room. But it’s the large room across from the master bedroom that really makes me want to move in tomorrow.

  Bookshelves line three walls, while the fourth features a wide fireplace. Thick chocolate colored carpet is soft beneath my feet and I want to strip off my shoes and sink my toes in it. “Do you like the den?” Mason asks. “We could pull up the carpet, expose the hardwood like the rest of the house.”

  “Don’t you dare,” I breathe. His eyebrows reach for the ceiling—where there’s a skylight, I might add—and he grins. “It’s a perfect library.” I can picture curling up on a soft sofa with one of my favorite books, a fire crackling in the fireplace.

  “Do you like the place?” he asks, guiding me back downstairs.

  “I love it.” I stop him when we get to the car and take both his hands in mine. I know he was so excited to bring me here and hopeful my answer would be yes. I’ve disappointed him and it makes me feel terrible. If he only knew how badly I want to say yes.

  “I can see myself living here with you. I want to. I want you…but…I’m afraid. There’s so much that could go wrong, so much we’d need to work out.”

  He releases my hands and slides his hands behind my neck, stroking my nape. “Just the fact that you admitted you’re scared, that you told me how you feel, shows how far we�
��ve come. We can make it work if we’re honest with each other. Let’s go get some lunch and talk about it.”


  Mason stops at an IHOP on our way home, and I groan as we settle into a booth, facing each other. “You’re killing me. I can’t eat here without having the French toast. My ass is going to be so fat you’ll have to pry me from the booth.”

  “Baby, your ass could never be too big.”

  “Good to know, huh?” I ask the grinning waitress standing behind him.

  “Sorry,” he says, sounding anything but. She takes our order and hurries away. After a few seconds of silence, he asks, “What concerns you most about moving in together?”

  I fiddle with the tiny box of crayons placed on the table alongside a children’s paper placemat. My deepest fear is once he spends too much time with me, he’ll see who I really am and realize he doesn’t love me. It’s happened with every set of foster parents and with my only serious relationship. “What if you don’t like living with me? If you’re unhappy, our relationship will fall apart.”

  “Why wouldn’t I like living with you?”

  “I’m messy.” I blurt the first thing that comes to mind.

  His deep laughter makes it hard not to smile. “We’ll get a housekeeper. I’m not exactly neat.”

  “I can be a real bitch sometimes,” I warn.

  “Really? I hadn’t noticed.” Amusement is clear in his voice.

  “I’m serious.”

  “You mean like when you’re hungry or cold or haven’t had enough sleep?” he teases. Damn. Maybe he does know me. “I’ll feed you, wrap you in a blanket, and put you to bed. After I make you come to improve your mood.” I can’t help but giggle. I’m running out of excuses. “This is all trivial. You want to know what I think you’re scared of?”

  “Please, enlighten me.”

  “Being in love. It makes you vulnerable to being hurt again, but it’s too late for that, Panda. We’re in love whether we live together or not.” His warm hands close over mine. “I won’t hurt you, Evie. I swear on my brothers, I’ll always be there for you. Right beside you.”


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