Singed: A Reverse Harem Dragon Shifter Romance (The Orestaia Series Book 2)

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Singed: A Reverse Harem Dragon Shifter Romance (The Orestaia Series Book 2) Page 1

by Misty Malloy





  1. Lyssa

  2. Lyssa

  3. Ethan

  4. Lyssa

  5. Jackson

  6. Trey

  7. Lyssa

  8. Ethan

  9. Lyssa

  10. Lyssa

  11. Lyssa

  12. Drake

  13. Lyssa

  14. Lyssa

  15. Lyssa

  16. Ethan

  17. Trey

  18. Lyssa

  19. Lyssa

  20. Ryker

  21. Lyssa

  22. Jackson

  23. Lyssa

  24. Drake

  25. Lyssa

  26. Lyssa

  27. Lyssa

  28. Lyssa

  29. Ryker

  About the Author


  The Orestaia Series Book 2



  Copyright February 2019 Singed by Misty Malloy

  All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without prior written permission from the author. Please do not participate or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  Published in the United States of America

  Editor: Mackenzie Walton

  Proofreader: Beth Lake

  Cover design: Bruiser Designs

  This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, or locales is entirely coincidental.



  “Do you think I should pack the Jimmy Choos, then?” Shay asked.

  I laughed. “Really?” I glanced over at my cousin, sitting on the pool lounge chair next to me in her pink bikini, a notepad and pencil in her hands. “You want to bring stilettos?”

  “Yeah. The snakeskin ones,” said Shay, nodding eagerly. She flipped back a lock of her blonde hair. “To go with the cute black mini dress? And do you think the place we’re staying at has a pool? I could bring this bikini, and then I also have the green jungle print one—”

  “Here, let me see that.” I plucked the notepad from her grasp and skimmed her packing list.

  Cocktail dress. Red halter-top. Black leather leggings…

  The list went on. Holy crap! It seemed like my cousin was prepping for a drunken bachelorette weekend, instead of a mission to the desert to heal the orestaia—the fertility stone that was the key to continuing the dragon race.

  I smacked my cousin playfully on the arm with the notepad. “Shay, we’re heading to Sedona in a few days to find the Dragon Oracle. We’ll be hiking in the hills. You know…trees and bugs and dirt? I’m sure Sedona has some nice clubs and whatever, but I don’t know that we’ll have time to party it up.”

  Shay frowned, hurt flicking across her face. “So, I’m not allowed to dress cute?”

  “I didn’t say that.” I blew out a whoosh of breath, reminding myself that my cousin had just turned twenty-one and was still in college. Obviously she wanted to have some fun. “Of course, you’re allowed to look hot. You always do. But maybe add some hiking boots to the list? Some T-shirts? A hat?”

  Shay arched a perfectly shaped eyebrow and snatched the list from me. “Okay, fine. I’ll add those…but I’m still bringing the other stuff. And pants, too.”

  Oh, thank the goddess. An image of Shay strutting around pants-less in the desert popped into my mind. We’d have just about every guy in a fifty-mile radius trailing behind us and foaming at the mouth.

  I was momentarily distracted while I watched one of my dragon mates saunter over toward the edge of the pool. The muscles in Drake’s broad back rippled as he broke into a jog and then cannonballed himself into the water, creating a huge splash and an even bigger tidal wave. My other three mates, already lounging near the shallow end, were completely drenched.

  And not super excited about it.

  Ethan especially—he looked pissed as hell. He stood waist-deep in the water and glared at Drake. Trey spluttered, evidently getting water up his nose, no doubt annoyed, too. But Jackson just laughed. He flopped onto his back and floated, bobbing along with the waves.

  “I’m going for a flight,” I heard Trey grumble, trudging up the steps of the pool while water dripped from his short beard.

  “Good idea,” said Ethan. He followed Trey and, not bothering to dry off, stripped off his swim trunks and quickly shifted into his blue Skywing dragon form.

  Ethan raised his giant wings and towered over the pool area before taking off into the air. Of course he had to go first, as he couldn’t handle being the last at anything. Or even second, for goddess’s sake. His sleek form cut through the wind with precision and speed, and he twisted into a sharp torpedo-like maneuver.

  Trey shifted and launched himself off the ground next. His sparkling scales glinted in the sunlight like a shiny silver warrior’s helm. He pumped his wings powerfully and let out a giant roar that made my legs quake with desire.

  Whoa. Shay and I exchanged a glance.

  “Very impressive,” she pointed out, and I nodded. Hell yeah.

  In human form, they were smoking hot. As dragons—absolutely badass.

  Soon Jackson and Drake followed suit, because neither of them wanted to be left out. They launched at the same time—Jackson taking a running leap directly into an easy glide, while Drake flexed his strong leg muscles to hurl himself up high into the sky.

  All four dragons slowly looped around the pool area for a few minutes.

  Then Jackson swooped down above us. He coasted lazily, dipping even lower to give me a toothy dragon grin. The patch of bright ocean blue on his chest shimmered like an island amidst the rest of his green scales.

  His large blue dragon eyes blinked slowly. Hey. Are you coming? he asked, pushing the thought telepathically into my mind. I want to see that sexy ass of yours out here.

  The wind from his beating wings blew against my hair. I batted at it unsuccessfully with one hand. Shay squealed, yanking away strands of her hair that had gotten stuck on her glossy lips.

  Nope. Not yet, I sent, grinning at him. I raised my margarita glass to him in a clear gesture of why I didn’t feel like moving off my butt. Taking another delicious sip, I sat back to admire my scrumptious dragons some more.

  Cool. Jackson blew a teasing whoosh of air into my face before darting off to do an easy loop-de-loop.

  Suddenly, Drake blew out a giant plume of fire that just about blinded me. He made a loud coughing noise—the sound of a dragon’s laugh—while the other three scrambled to get the hell out of the way. Apparently, he was feeling feisty.

  Then he did it again. This time, it nearly singed Trey’s tail.

  Trey whipped around and roared, clearly pissed beyond belief. He hovered in midair, angling his two long silver horns toward Drake before emitting a fiery plume of his own.

  Drake ducked out of the way and laughed again. His amber eyes glinted with amusement, clearly enjoying pushing Trey’s buttons. Smoke poofed from his nostrils and swirled around his head as he approached Trey one more time.

  Oh, fuck. Not this again. Trey and

  “Arghh!” I said out loud, and rolled my eyes. Would they ever get along?

  I blew out a breath of relief as Ethan quickly flew in between them, the span of his long wings forcing the red and silver dragons to back off from each other. Yet both still hovered in the air—Drake’s fiery gaze gleefully taunting Trey, while the silver dragon’s glacial blue eyes shot ice daggers.

  Okay. This was my cue. If I didn’t do some damage control soon, two of my dragons would completely incinerate each other, and I’d be left with ashes instead of two hot stud muffins.

  I gulped down the rest of my margarita, and then quickly stood to strip naked.

  “Want to come?” I asked my cousin.

  “Nope. This is all you, girl,” said Shay. She lowered her gaze to focus on her packing list once more.

  In a few moments, I shifted and launched myself up into the sky. I pumped my big black wings. The power and exhilaration of my dragon form enveloped me.

  I gave a big roar as I flew to join my mates.

  Yeah. I could be a badass, too.

  * * *

  Ethan woke me when he eased himself off the oversized bed.

  Ugh. I slowly peeled my eyes open, annoyed at the sudden emptiness where his warm, muscular body had been only a second ago. Yawning, I watched while he sauntered in the dim morning light toward the en suite bathroom, like a man—er, dragon, rather—on a mission to take over the world.

  Or maybe…just a mission to get ready for his morning workout.

  I glanced at the clock on the bedside table. Five a.m.

  Oh, fuck no.

  No way was I getting up this early to do anything, much less exercise and get sweaty. But I didn’t begrudge Ethan his morning workout, as it took the edge off for him. A less tense and happier Ethan meant good times for everyone.

  I smiled to myself as I thought of the sweaty workout—of an entirely different sort, of course—he’d put me through the night before.

  That all four of my dragons had played a part in.

  Mmm. My sex throbbed in a delicious pulsing manner with the thought of my four handsome lovers. My personal sexy-time trainers.

  My true mates.

  I dipped my eyelids to half open while I admired Ethan’s backside and his steady, confident stride. An intricate blue dragon tattoo, its wings spread wide, covered the entirety of his broad shoulders and back.

  I was still drooling over his sexy man booty when he disappeared from my view and I heard the water in the bathroom sink turn on.

  I snuggled deep into the crisp dark green sheets. I closed my eyes, hoping to fall asleep again, because, hell—it was early. But the morning light already grew brighter, and soon it would stream into Ethan’s enormous bedroom to illuminate the forest-themed murals that covered every inch of wall and ceiling space.

  I needed to talk to Ethan about getting some blackout curtains, for goddess’s sake.

  Trey stirred behind me, his strong Viking-esque body spooning me protectively. He pulled me closer to him, pressing his pelvis up against my ass, and the hardness of his cock immediately sent a tingle between my thighs.

  Hot damn.

  Deliciously hard…and ready for some fun?

  Then he let out a loud snore. I stifled a laugh, realizing it was just morning wood.

  Jackson, on the other side of the bed, mumbled something incoherent and cracked his eyes open. He scooted closer to take the empty space left by Ethan. He kissed me on my forehead and I tucked my head into his chest, lulled back into dreamy land by his steady heartbeat.

  The only one missing was Drake.

  I sighed.

  He’d been here last night, in Ethan’s bed with all of us, for an evening of romping in the sheets. This had become a regular thing for the five of us over the past couple of days. But Drake always refused to stay, tromping back to his room at the end of the night. He said he preferred to sleep in his own bed.

  I knew it was because of Trey, and the rift between the silver Seeker dragons and the red Crimson Forge clan. Quite honestly, it irritated the fuck out of me. But they were my mates, and I loved them both. They’d just have to figure out how to deal with it.

  Turning onto my side, still pleasantly sandwiched between two of my dragons, I pushed the sheets down past my waist. I trailed my fingers along my skin, across the black dragon tattoo that wound its way around my ribs.

  I tensed for a moment. For so long, I’d hated this tattoo. Hated that it represented my identity as a Blackfire dragon.

  But now…my feelings swirled inside me. So much had changed in just the span of less than two weeks. Was I a dragon? Yep. I could no longer ignore that part of me. But everything else, like my mates, and the dragon magick…this was all so new. So much to bite off and chew at once.

  I allowed my fingers to continue trailing along my tattoo, then down farther to my hip, to my mating mark, only four days old and still very sensitive to the touch. A delicious spiral of pleasure radiated out from it as my fingers brushed against the four-petaled flower.

  Four petals. One for each of my true mates.

  I’d vowed I would never get involved with a dragon, yet here I was, with an entire slew of them. And an ancient dragon magick tattoo smack dab on my hip.

  Ethan came out of the bathroom while I finished tracing the stem of the flower, enjoying the last set of delicious tingles that flowed through my body.

  “Touching yourself already?” Ethan said, straight-faced but his voice teasing as he walked to the bed, dressed in Nikes, workout shorts and a T-shirt.

  “Maybe,” I answered, grinning. “Want to watch me?”

  I slowly traced my fingers along my slick outer lips, dipping lightly into my creaminess before running a lazy circle around my clit.


  Pretty wet already.

  Sparks of desire flashed in Ethan’s gray eyes. He tore his gaze away from my pussy and fastened it onto mine. I bit my lower lip while I continued to caress myself. “Come back to bed.”

  “There’s nothing I would rather do than bury my face between your thighs,” he said, his voice strained, “but can you just hold on for an hour? I’ll be right back.”

  I smiled mischievously at him. I loved that I was driving him over the edge, whittling away at the self-control that he worked so hard for. Especially when it had to do with his routines—it drove him bat-shit crazy.

  “See, Trey is ready to go, and he’s still sleeping,” I pointed out, yanking the sheet all the way down to expose Trey’s hard member. I ran my hand along Trey’s impressive length and he groaned.

  “What the…?” Trey muttered, his eyes opening into small slits to gaze sleepily at us. He ran one hand across his blond beard while he pulled me closer with the other. His look of irritation soon turned into one of pure desire as heat flared between our naked bodies. “Hmm. Do you know what happens when you wake a sleeping dragon?”

  I pasted pure angelic innocence upon my face. “No, please do tell. I have no idea.”

  Jackson laughed on the other side of me, our banter having woken him back up, too. He ran his hand along my hip and across my flower, causing another flurry of sparks to skitter across my skin. “Now you’ve woken two sleeping dragons,” he said. “Make that two hard cocks.”

  Ethan blew out an exasperated sigh. He grasped my legs firmly and pushed them apart, causing my gaze to meet his again. He climbed on top of me to crush his lips upon mine. The intensity of the kiss took me off guard for a moment, and I leaned my head back on the pillow, happily relinquishing all control.

  I felt the energy of his leashed dragon surge forward, fighting against his constraints. Oooh. Hell yes. Anticipation filled me as I wrapped my legs around his waist, hoping I was going to win this battle. My own dragoness writhed with pleasure, enjoying the challenge—and the prospect of being taken roughly, of course.

  But then Ethan pulled away, looking at me with eyes that simmered with lust and desire. His jaw muscles clenched and I knew
it took all his willpower to not take me then and there. “I don’t care how hard Jackson or Trey are. I’m coming back after I work out, and then the only cock I want you to worry about is mine.”

  He kissed me again before stalking out of the room, leaving me in a breathless, giggling heap on the pillows between Jackson and Trey. I glanced at them both, stark naked and clearly aroused. “Ethan’s such a party pooper,” I told them. “We don’t need him to have fun, right?”

  Trey’s hot mouth on my nipple was the only answer I needed.

  Then Jackson pulled me over to straddle him, and I eased myself down upon his hard length. I moved slowly, enjoying every inch of him, while Trey gently fondled and licked my breasts.

  Waves of pleasure heated my core all the way through. I arched my back as a bomb of pure bliss threatened to implode inside of me.

  Suddenly, my sister Amelie’s thought pushed itself into my head.

  Lyssa! Please help!

  I immediately stopped, frozen in place in the midst of my riding adventure. Talk about bad timing. Amelie?

  Concern flicked across Trey’s face since he obviously couldn’t hear what was going on in my head. He tweaked my nipple, no doubt thinking I’d lost interest and just needed some more stimulation, pronto.

  Help! My sister’s voice came again, frantic and tinged with pain.

  I hopped off Jackson with such speed that it left his cock bobbing to and fro. Both Trey and Jackson stared at me with surprise as I stood next to the bed, doing my best to concentrate. I had to ignore them, because I couldn’t talk while having a mental conversation at the same time.

  Where are you? I sent the question out to Amelie.

  No answer. I waited for another second, but nothing else came. Shit.

  “It’s my sister,” I explained. I grabbed my robe from a nearby armchair and quickly put it on, not really caring that it was skimpy or how decent I looked. “I don’t know what’s happening, but she needs help.”

  Trey and Jackson rushed around to find their own clothes, but I didn’t wait for them. Instead, I flew down the hallway toward the guest wing of Ethan’s villa, my bare feet slapping against the dark wooden floors as I hurried to reach my sister.


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