The Hands

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  “To be honest, I’m not really sure what passes either. I... don’t get out much.” Aiden frowned. “But... I guess I could show you around.” God, that smile. Something about it. Aiden licked his lips, swearing to himself it was only to get the taste of coffee from them.

  “That’s the spirit. Hey, you could show me where the high school kids meet to make out, and we can scare the hell out of them. I’ll get the megaphone, you get the clown mask. Deal?”

  “Oh, I can see it now. Local teacher busted for harassing students.” Aiden leaned forward. “That spot would be Celestial Falls. I heard a few of my kids mention it.” He ran a finger down his cup of coffee. “But... something tells me you wouldn’t want to harass the kids, would you?” Holy crap, did he really just say that? No, surely not. No way.

  Wow, how did someone this hot end up so ego free? No mirrors where he grew up? Flynn sat forward, propping his chin up with his hand, and made his smile much more sly, more dangerous. Not that he had to fake or embellish that - he felt like the Big Bad Wolf encountering little Red Riding Hood. “Sure I would. I’d clear them out so we could get some privacy. The kids see enough of you in the daytime, don’t you think?”

  “That they do. Four periods a day, plus homeroom. To be honest, I’m glad they don’t seem to hang around town. It’s so small, I thought for sure I’d see them all the time. But they mostly hang out in the next town, or at the Falls.”

  Flynn sat back, nodding. Was he trying to deflect him? Maybe he was coming on too strong. Couldn’t scare the hottie away now, not when he was so close. “So how long have you lived here? Where you from originally? I’m gonna guess ... Iceland. Am I right?”

  Aiden laughed. “Iceland, really? What would make you guess that? No, I’m from New York. I’ve been here for most of the school year.”

  “You have a kinda Bjork thing going on around the eyes. You’ve never noticed?” He grinned again, showing him his teeth. “Know a lot of people around these parts? Is there a wine tasting group or something? I could use some friends so I don’t feel so pathetic.”

  “No, I never noticed,” Aiden said and had to refrain from reaching up to touch them. Did he really? “The only people I know are the other teachers, and that’s... only from school. Except for Evan. I ran into him while I was out with Dante.” He smiled. “But that’s about it,” Aiden admitted again. “Don’t know about a wine tasting group or anything like that.”

  “What about a book club?”

  “Well, I run one with some of my students, but you’re not a student.” He grinned. “There is a library, and they might have one. To be honest, I haven’t checked.” At the mention of books he leaned forward excited. “You like to read?”

  “There’s a library? Oh cool, where?” And as soon as he realized he was getting a little too eager about that, Flynn added, “Oh yeah, I love hard boiled crime novels. Horror too. You, Mr. English Teacher? I bet you have classier tastes than me.”

  “I think it’s on Alberen Street... but I’m not too sure of street names. I go by landmarks.” Aiden laughed. “I’ll read anything. I like horror novels.” He smiled brightly. “Actually, I collect rare books, too.”

  “Awesome. Why don’t you invite me over to come look at your etchings.” Even he couldn’t keep a straight face.

  Aiden cleared his throat and his eyes went back to his coffee. How the hell was he supposed to respond to that one?

  It looked like Flynn had flummoxed him. “Have I overstepped my bounds here? Should I go to the penalty box?” He looked under the table at Dante, who appeared to be snoozing. “What do you say, boy? Got room for me in your house?”

  Talking to his dog. Now that was sweet. Aiden licked his lips again, nervously this time. “You didn’t overstep any boundaries. It’s... it’s cool. You just... threw me off for a second.” He smiled. “I have to admit, that was original.”

  “Eh, I think I’m prattling. Shouldn’t have ordered a double espresso. I think I can feel my eyeballs vibrating.”

  “That must be an interesting experience.” Flynn was amusing. In fact, he was kind of fun to be around. Even if this was the first time they’d met. He wouldn’t really mind seeing him again. And Dante seemed to have taken to him as much as a napping dog could.

  “It’s like a bad 3-D movie.” Flynn continued smiling at Aiden, who sure was adorable when he blushed. He bet he looked great without so many clothes on. “So what do you say? Wanna get together for a tour of Haven Falls at night? We can just wander the streets and see if we find something interesting. Or, we can go out to eat. There a Thai place around here?”

  Was this a date? Aiden thought maybe it was, but he didn’t want to be foolish and ask. “Sure. That sounds good. I don’t know if there’s Thai around, but... I’m sure we’ll find something.”

  Flynn grinned at him, and searched his pockets for a piece of paper. He found an old receipt, and wrote his address on the back. “Here, come by .. around eight or so? We can make it casual, just see what develops.” He slid it across the table towards Aiden, and made sure to make lingering eye contact.

  “Tonight?” Aiden asked as he took the paper and quickly memorized the address before slipping it into his pocket. It was hard to maintain contact with those eyes, but he managed.

  “Tonight, tomorrow. Unless I want to hit Craiglist, I’m hurting for friends right now. It’s hard to be the new guy in town.” Flynn gulped down the last of his espresso and stood, taking a moment to stretch, letting Aiden get a good, long look at the pecs he worked so hard for. “Nice meeting you, Aiden.”

  Aiden got a good look, that was for sure, and over the cup of coffee he was finishing he let his own eyes linger. Great body. Taller than him, too, he realized. Just what he liked. He ignored the light heat on his face at the thought and nodded. “Likewise, Flynn. And thank you for the coffee. And Dante’s treat.”

  Flynn smiled down at him, one of his best smiles. “No problem. Next time, you can treat.” He started walking away, but turned around and bent low, so he could look under the table, and gave a small wave, “Bye, Dante.” If this didn’t get to Little Red Riding Hood, nothing would.

  Haven Falls: #25: A Man’s Best Friend

  Miles Sutherland and Carter Gillespie


  “Hello, Doc,” Gil said, “Nice to see a familiar face…” His concern grew as he surveyed the condition of the man in front of him. “Not overdoing it, I hope…” He wasn’t sure how much he could say, after all, he’d known the doctor less than a week, and that was in a professional relationship. “None of us are as young as we used to be.” There, not accusing you of anything, he thought, let’s keep it light.

  Miles looked at the young man who’d accosted him. It was the new paramedic, Carter Gillespie. Apart from getting the facts when he’d arrived in emergency he hadn’t had much to do with him.

  Then again, he hadn’t had much to do with anyone, lately. Miles bent over, still trying to catch his breath. “Don’t remind me,” he snorted. “It’s a while since I did this much exercise...” Eighteen years and two months since he last ran onto the field for the Sydney Uni first grade rugby side, but who was counting?

  On impulse, Gil grabbed the man’s wrist. He was able to feel a strong beat, not too fast either, before the man snatched it away.

  “Do you mind? Who the bloody hell is the doctor here?” Miles stared at the young man who was smiling, ignoring his outburst and took another deep breath for a different reason this time. Carter had one of those faces that lit up, transforming him from average to stunning. No lingering trace in those brown eyes of ten years tending malnutrition, or bullet wounds in teenagers too young to hold a gun, or from having to patch bodies with limbs torn off from landmines left by warring factions. Life was obviously still good for this paramedic, although now he’d stopped smiling there was a trace of wariness back in his gaze. Especially when he looked down at his left hand, the one he’d grabbed earlier. Miles rubbed
the back of his wrist where the light touch still tingled. It had been a long time since anyone had touched him voluntarily, even like that.

  “Unless you take it easy, they might be hiring a new one.”

  Miles glared at him; he wasn’t that decrepit.

  Gil flashed a grin again. “Look, Doc, I usually go for a morning run, how about we team up? Always better when there’s two. I can pace you, ease you back into it. Would you be up for that?” Gil looked at the older man. He would be quite attractive if he’d tidy himself up a bit. Not for the first time, he found himself wondering what the man’s background was. He wore a wedding ring, but he’d heard no mention of a wife.

  Still, early days. He hardly knew anything about him. “How about a coffee? Although I would recommend water, you need the hydration.”

  Miles stared longingly at the entrance to Glenda’s coffee shop. He’d been eyeing off the chocolate muffin on the plate of the handsome guy in the corner booth ever since he’d stopped to catch a breath. The war inside his head - should he, shouldn’t he had waged incessantly until the paramedic turned up. Seems the muffin side had won.

  “Is that a ‘yes’ then?” Gil watched the doctor’s eyes for some indication that they were on civil terms. Truth to tell, the doctor had him intrigued.

  “If you can put up with the stink of my sweat, fine by me. Lead the way.” Miles placed a hand on the back of his young companion and followed him into the cool, dark interior.

  Gil looked around, admiring the place. “Do we sit or order at the counter? I don’t want to do the wrong thing here.” He decided on a seat away from the window, out of the sun. “I’ve been told they do the best breakfasts in town. I was coming here to sample them.” How did you order breakfast here? Oh well, he’d do it the same way as he did it at home, and if there was a translation problem, he’d explain. He ordered, full English? There didn’t seem to be much problem, when he asked for it.

  Miles smiled at Glenda after she handed his companion his change. “I’ll have my usual, thanks - black coffee and a chocolate muffin. Oh, and some water, I suppose.” Note to self bring a drink bottle next time you go jogging, dumbass.

  Gil went across to the table he’d earmarked earlier, pulled out a chair and sat facing into the cafe. He watched the doctor as the older man joined him. Lose a bit of weight, he thought, you’ll have no problem with the ladies. Stop it, Gil, you’re here to get free of things for a while. Besides, the guy is probably straight. He noticed the man had a habit of absently twirling his wedding ring around his finger. It was an unconscious gesture, probably didn’t even realise he was doing it. He leaned back in his chair and faced Miles. “So, what else do you do with your time?”

  “You haven’t been here long, have you, Carter? After spending ten to twelve hours up at the hospital most days, then writing up the case notes when I get home, I’m not good for much except flopping in front of the TV and watching sport. Lucky they’ve got cable here. I suppose I should get out and see if I can fix up my garden, but so far I haven’t had the energy to do much of anything.”

  “Workaholic, hah? That’s not good for you. No hobbies?” Gil was concerned for the man and he wasn’t sure why. He hardly knew him after all, but there was something there. He actually liked the doctor, even if he was a bit prickly. At least he knew where he stood with him. He might ask Mike about him on Monday. “Oh, and it’s, Gil, by the way. My name makes me sound like a firm of solicitors.”

  Miles chuckled. The kid sounded genuine and had a good sense of humor. He seemed so easy going, natural. Had he ever been that young, that confident? “Hobbies?” He stroked his chin. He really must get it trimmed. When going through his papers, he’d spotted the black and white photo. The one Darren had persisted on taking so he’d always have him near when they finally admitted he could no longer be cared for at home and moved him into the hospice. Miles hadn’t smiled for the camera, he couldn’t, but comparing the good looking guy he’d been two years ago and his current shaggy dog appearance, he could hardly equate them as being the same person. “I’ve never really been in the right place or had the time. Maybe I should now. Or do something. I’ve been thinking of getting a pet for company. A cat maybe. They’re no trouble.”

  “Nah, cats are too independent. ‘The cat and its staff are at home’.” Gil shook his head. “Cats treat you like they own you. You need a dog. You could take it for walks, get some exercise...?” Gil knew he was teasing, but he was not about to let this man think he was afraid of him.

  The sparkle in the brown eyes told Miles the young man meant his words kindly, but they still stung. Ever since he’d arrived, he’d felt out of place amongst the trim good looking studs that seemed to make up a large percentage of the town’s population. What was this place anyway, the gay equivalent of Desperate Housewives? If some of these young guys got any more buff you’d be able to see your reflection in their abs.

  As the doc was talking, Gil let his attention wander around the room. Enticing displays of food meant he might succumb to taking something home for later. Glenda’s was neat and tidy, not dissimilar to the cafes back home. Back home….he shook himself out of his reverie and dragged his attention back to Miles who had asked him a question.

  “What about you, do you have any hobbies?”

  “Me? Not many. Like riding my bike, but driving on the wrong side of the road…” Gil made a dismissive noise and lowered his voice, seeing Glenda about to come over with his breakfast. “It’s driving me nuts!” That drew a small smile from Miles and Gil added “I ride horses too, thought about going up to the ranch later, seeing if I could hire one. If I don’t get my photo taken riding like a cowboy, my kid sister will never forgive me.” The food arrived and Gil thanked Glenda who smiled and left them to it.

  She had one of those faces, he thought as he tucked into his breakfast. Ladies Sewing Circle and Character Assassination Squad, as his mother used to say. Assess the newcomer, put two and two together and make five, spread the results liberally throughout your circle of friends and acquaintances and it’ll be all over the town tomorrow. He wondered exactly what conclusions she had come to about him. She looked as though she had assessed him faster than he could assess a patient. Mike had been right though, it really was good food.

  Miles picked up the last crumbs of the chocolate muffin and put them into his mouth. Maybe he should have had something more substantial to eat, more protein, less carbs. “Sorry, mate, I hope you don’t mind me leaving before you finish, but if I don’t have a shower before work, Millie Broadbent will be opening all the windows and spraying the air freshener around.”

  “Yeah, sure Doc, it’s been nice to talk to you. We’ll work it out about the jogging, yes?”

  “Fine by me,” Miles said as he pushed his chair in.

  “Have a good day.” Gil sketched a wave with his fork and went back to his food.

  As he left Glenda’s, Miles noted two more of the town’s young studs drinking coffee at one of the outdoor tables. Jeez, the town was getting more and more like a Chippendale’s theme park every day. He stopped suddenly and drew a deep breath. He’d never seen eyes so dark, so intense. Intelligent in a way despite the lack of years. And that wide open mouth smile showing all his teeth.

  He stood mesmerised for a moment. Memories of his first love returned with a jolt. A love that had preceded Darren. How could he have forgotten?

  After a brief grunt of greeting to the two men, he bent and stroked the fur between the strangely erect ears. Maybe Gil was right. He should get a dog.

  Haven Falls: #26: Mystery Man

  Flynn Archer


  Although thinking about Aiden was charming - man, he bet shy boy was a tiger in the sack - Flynn switched mental gears on the way to the library. He had a mission, and he was sticking to it, hot guys be damned.

  The library was a small building that could have been a bookstore if you didn’t look at the sign close enough. Inside,
it was quiet and air conditioned to within an inch of its life, and he seemed to be the only one here at the moment, besides the librarian, a middle aged British woman who was extremely helpful. She showed him to the microfiche area (they still have those? He was surprised …) and the archives of the local paper.

  Not that the Haven Falls Messenger could be called a proper paper. It was more of a circular, a newsletter, with a couple of local interest stories, announcements, and numerous want ads. He started with the year 1992, the year his mother was killed, and as he progressed he could see the effect the internet had on the want ads. Craigslist and eBay pretty much put an end to most of them.

  He had tried his best, he even chewed caffeinated gum, but there was no getting around it: this was boring. They never really covered that too much in the Chandler novels, but this kind of meat and potatoes searching was just dull. He wasn’t even scouring the print, he was just looking for pictures, mainly of the mystery man, but he’d have stopped for his parents as well. So far, he hadn’t found anything, and his eyes were starting to hurt. He blamed the cool, dry air.

  He was yawning and only partially paying attention to the pictures going by, when he realized one was familiar. He turned the knob, rolling back the film, and found what had attracted his attention. It was the mystery man.

  He was smiling towards the camera in a very pained way, accepting a plaque of some kind. Flynn read the article that went with the photo. The Rotary Club - whatever that was - gave him the plaque for his charity work. His name was Henry Vale, and he was apparently a coroner and mortician (!) based in Asher Bay. He did occasional work in Haven Falls, which was too small to need a full time mortician or coroner.


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