The Hands

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  “From what I’ve seen of it, it’s a pretentious club. The type that would throw me out for underage drinking just ‘cause I didn’t have an ID on me. But I’m working there, so I suppose I should say it’s the best damn nightclub that ever existed in the entire history of the universe,” Flynn offered. Did Feelgood just get a funny look on his face? What was that about? Didn’t like nightclubs with stripper poles?

  Another place he’d have to go without a date, Lyle thought gloomily. Still, at least for now he didn’t have any explaining to do to some hot-to-trot stud who wanted in his pants either.

  “And are you? Under age I mean?” Gil asked. Some part of him wanted to slap this cocky little sod down, another part wanted to...he sighed. Best leave that for later. The kid could be trouble.

  That startled a genuine laugh out of Flynn. “Me? Fuck no! I’m on the downhill side of twenty, man. I ain’t getting any younger. But thanks for the compliment.”

  “So, you going to show us these spectacular falls we keep hearing so much about?” Gil asked as they walked through the trees. The noise of rushing water was getting louder. He could smell food cooking. “What’s on offer tonight then?”

  “Apparently, all the hot guys you can eat.” Flynn grinned, and wondered if any of them would blush. “But other than that, I’ve got no idea.”

  “Is it just me, or is everyone round here gay? Please say yes!” It was out of his mouth before Lyle could stop himself. He was assuming a lot there and he felt his face heat as soon as it was out of his mouth.

  Gil and Flynn both stopped and looked at Lyle. Gil laughed. “I was actually thinking that myself.” he admitted. “Any more gay and it would have a permanent rainbow. From what I’ve seen there are more hot guys here than you can throw a stick at.”

  “Dudes, San Francisco only wishes it were this gay,” Flynn replied, disbelieving. He figured out this town was gay central as soon as he saw the guy renting him his apartment was wearing an ascot. “It’s a pride parade without a float.”

  Lyle giggled. It was a girly giggle and he nearly choked on it, trying to get it back. He felt the heat of his skin rise a couple more degrees.

  Flynn raised an eyebrow at Jude Law. He was blushing, but it didn’t seem as cute as it did on Aiden. “So I take it we’re all queens here?”

  “Who you calling a Queen?” Gil grinned. “You’d be right, but watch it with the names.”

  “Absolutely, your Highness. No offense intended.”

  “That’s more like it, respect where respect is due.” Gil said “Now, I missed dinner to come to this bash, so point me in the way of the meat...”

  Flynn pointed over his shoulder. “Just follow the bears to find the buffet table. And hey, if I’m a good boy, will I ever get to see the Royal Scepter?”

  Gil paused and looked right into Flynn’s eyes. What a line. First the gag with the hand, now this. Without missing a beat, he smiled and raked a gaze down to Flynn’s shorts. “If you’re a good boy...” he said, slowly, “You might get to see the orbs too...”

  “I always knew I’d see the crown jewels someday.” Flynn threw his best grin at Gil, and wondered if it was really sinking in. Goddamn, this guy was hot.

  “You’d better be on your best behaviour. I might start charging an entry fee.” This kid was a hard act to follow, or keep up with for that matter. “Viewing is by invitation only, I’m choosy who I allow to take a look at the family jewels.”

  “Is there an audition? Or a pop quiz? I’m great at multiple choice.”

  “I’ve seen the crown jewels, they look fake”. Spare part, third wheel, gooseberry...which would be the best description? These guys were all over each other. Lyle half hoped they’d both end up with a bad case of poison ivy after they inevitably ended up in the bushes together.

  Flynn looked at Jude Law in mild disbelief. Jealous much? He glanced back at Feelgood, and said, “Don’t break my heart by telling me it’s prosthetic.”

  Gil was going to open his mouth to say something when he saw a familiar figure walk through the crowds not far off. Asher? Remembering a promise he’d made earlier to give the club boss and host of the evening’s entertainment a massage for his sore back; he decided to try catch up with him. He glanced at his companions. “Well, folks, I’ve got to dash. I have an appointment to keep. I’ll catch you later, Lyle.” He caught Flynn’s obviously disappointed look and grinned. “I’m sure you can introduce Lyle to a few people, Flynn. After all, you said you were going to be a good boy...”

  Flynn stared at him in disbelief. “Don’t you dare ...” But Feelgood had already turned and walked rapidly away. Bastard! He was so going to pay for that. He turned to Jude Law with a frustrated sigh. “Well, come on, Jude, I know some English teachers who’d be dying to meet you.”

  “You know, Flynn, Jude’s associated with Punch."

  Flynn glared at him. “Great. Now I’m calling you Jude the Obscure.” Flynn walked off, gesturing for Jude to follow. “C’mon before I punch you.”

  Fists at dawn? Hmmm, could be interesting, if you can take what you try to give out, youngster, thought Lyle.

  Haven Falls #63: Illegal Fireworks

  Flynn Archer & Aiden Parker


  Flynn couldn’t believe it was morning already. Where had the night gone?

  He meant to catch up with Aiden, he really did, but he got distracted by this cute Hispanic guy in tight red swim trunks after dumping Jude Law on the teachers, and before he knew it he was sharing a joint with him in the back of his car. He saw a few of the fireworks, but only when the guy was giving him a blow job. He should have gotten his number … or his name. Did he ever get his name? Mentally, he just called him Javier Bardem. Oh well, this was a small town, he’d probably run into him again sometime. Twenty bucks said he was a waiter.

  Maybe he could call Aiden, apologize, say something came up … no, that wouldn’t do. So obviously a lie. What he should do is call and put him on the defensive - “Where’d you go to? I came back and you were gone. What was that about?” Perfect. And that had the benefit of being true, as he did come back, with Jude in tow. Admittedly, he basically dumped him with the teachers and ran, but it counted.

  Oh, and that damn paramedic. He was going to get back at him for dumping him with that dead weight of a guy. How he didn’t know just yet, but he’d figure something out.

  This was a new type of walk of shame for him. He spent the night in Javier’s car. What sort of person just lets a stranger sleep in his car? Then again, what if it wasn’t his car? It was still parked in the same lot it was last night. Where had Javier gone off to that he never picked up his car? (Again, assuming it was his.) Now it occurred to him how weird this was.

  Just because the previous day had been a holiday, didn’t mean school wasn’t back in session today. He knew his students would be exhausted from being out all night, so he had an easy day planned, but he still had to get ready. After a quick shower and dressing in some shorts and a t-shirt, he let Dante out of his crate and hooked him to the leash. A nice morning walk around Haven Falls and he’d be awake and ready to go, and Dante would be asleep most of the day.

  As they walked, Aiden thought back the night before. He never had caught up with Flynn, which disappointed him. But why? He just wanted to ask him some questons, and then what? Invite him back to your place? On a school night? That would go well, he thought. How awkward would that have been? And what would they have done? Talked? Aiden snorted and Dante looked up at him. “Sorry, boy. Not you.”

  Flynn had just rounded the corner on the same street as Renegade Steel - he was never getting used to that name; it sounded like a bad cologne - when he saw someone down the street. Oh shit. Aiden and his dog ... what was its name? Dante, right.

  Dante started to struggled against his leash and barked once, and Aiden looked up from being lost in thought to find the man he had been thinking about on the other end of the street. Well, look at th
at. Aiden frowned and let Dante lead him forward, eagerly bouncing.

  “It looks like Dante remembers you,” Aiden said when they were close enough. He almost let go of the leash, but held on tightly instead.

  Flynn crouched down and petted the white ball of fur. “Hey boy, how’d you like those fireworks last night, huh? Got any spare tranqs you could share with me?” The dog had no answer, which was a damn shame. He could use a talking dog as a distraction at this point. He stood up, and faced Aiden. “So where’d you get off to last night? I went back to the teacher’s room, but you weren’t there.”

  “That’s funny,” Aiden said, resisting the urge to cross his arms, “because I chased after you after you ran off. I wanted to know what the hell was going on.”

  Oh shit. He’d said he was going after someone, didn’t he? Goddamn, he really needed to learn when to keep his mouth shut. “ I thought I saw one of my neighbors from my apartment. He loaned me some stuff I needed to get back to him. No biggie.”

  “I thought you said you didn’t know anyone in town, Flynn. That’s the way you came across when we met.”

  “I really don’t know anyone. Neighbors don’t count. Although, you do have friends that aren’t teachers, right?”

  Aiden frowned and thought about it. He did meet those two guys last night, but those weren’t friends. He shrugged. “Maybe one.”

  “Really?” Flynn frowned at Aiden, and felt suddenly bad. Bad at the way he was stringing him along, bad for how everyone was surely treating him. “Look, if you wanna tell me to shut the fuck up, I will, but did you get burned or something?”

  “More like my ex didn’t understand my job took a lot of time and he couldn’t be the center of my world twenty four seven anymore. He didn’t take it too well. I moved here, and it’s the best decision I’ve made in a long time.” He hesitated but offered a small smile. “But you’re changing the subject.”

  “Oh god, the clingy type, I hate the clingy type.” Flynn rubbed his dry eyes, and wondered what time it was. The sky was overcast, there was a soft drizzle, and it blocked out the sun. He couldn’t guess the time from the sky. “You’re a nice guy, Aiden, really, but I’m starting to think maybe it’d be best if ... maybe we should cool off a bit, you know?”

  “Cool off? Cool off from what? We kissed once under the Falls, and if I remember right, that was something you started, not me. So what’s going on?” Aiden did cross his arms now. Dante sensed they weren’t moving for a bit and lay down on the sidewalk.

  Fuck! Now Little Red Riding Hood was going to get all stroppy on him. Figures. “I don’t think I’m a guy you wanna know. Let’s leave it at that, okay?”

  Aiden’s eyes narrowed in frustration. “Why don’t you let me make the decision for myself, Flynn.”

  He shook his head. “Dude, you’re really nice, but ... yeah, I’m an asshole, and I think it’d be better if you save yourself and stay the hell away from me. I’m bad news.” He wouldn’t understand - how could he understand? No one in Haven Falls knew who he really was, although he found himself wondering about Vale. If he knew his parents, could he know him? It was an uncomfortable thought. He started to walk past Aiden, figuring he should get out of here before he changed his mind. He liked the guy, but he already knew he’d bring him nothing but misery.

  There was no way in hell Aiden was letting Flynn just walk away from him like this. They were not done talking, as far as he was concerned, so he reached out and grabbed his arm, holding tightly. “Why are you bad news, Flynn? Why don’t you tell me what you mean by that?” If he had to call out of work and invite Flynn back for coffee or something, he’d do it. But he would figure out what was going on.

  Flynn shook his head. What would he say? There was nothing to say here that wouldn’t just make him ask more questions. “ I think I’ve said too much as it is. I’m just an asshole, okay? Ask anyone. Let’s just end it there, okay?”

  “Ask who? Who am I supposed to ask, since you supposedly know no one in town. Where are you from, Flynn? Now that I think about it, whenever we’ve been together, I’ve said a lot about me, but you hardly say anything. Why? Who are you?”

  Flynn yanked his arm out of his grasp, still shaking his head. Stupid asshole that he was, he just said too damn much. What they never told you about new identities was how hard it was to constantly maintain a cover, especially when the person you were supposed to be was nothing like the person you were. “I am wrong for you, that’s who I am. And I think you know that too.”

  Aiden was tired of being told who or what was right or wrong for him. Peter tried to pull stuff like that all the time. He might still be the same shy guy as before, but he was free from that. And no one was going to tell him who was right or wrong. He’d figure it out on his own, even if he made a mistake or two on the way. Rather than answer Flynn, he grabbed him again, by the shirt this time, and pulled him close. Before he could protest, he pressed his lips against Flynn’s before he could react. Just like Flynn had done to him two days before.

  Flynn was surprised at the kiss, but pleasantly so. Little Red Riding Hood had some fire. That was ... no, this was bad. He needed to get this guy away from him before he got hurt. The hand in the park was just a reminder how everyone around him ended up; the universe was trying to tell him something. He was a hundred percent sure what, but it couldn’t be good. Maybe ‘Don’t get too comfortable, asshat’.

  It was then he heard a weird, familiar noise. A crunch of gravel beneath tires, a slight skid on the wet street. It shouldn’t have gained any attention at all, except there were no cars out at this time of the morning, and didn’t it sound like it sped up? Flynn pushed away from Aiden and looked, just in time to see the car window slide down, and something appear in the gap, something dark yet shiny, a small steel rod ...

  “Fuck!” He tackled Aiden, taking him down to the pavement as shots rang out. Anemic little things, little pops like firecrackers, but he heard glass break behind them, and idly wondered if Renegade Steel should invest in bulletproof glass.

  There was a small service alley beside the club, and he dragged himself and Aiden into it, using the building for cover. Who the hell was shooting at them? The car squealed as it accelerated around the corner, giving up for now, and Flynn took a deep breath. He hadn’t realized he was holding it until now. “Are you all right?”

  Aiden stared at Flynn, eyes wide and mouth dropping open as he tried to speak. Was he all right? What the hell just happened? Were they really shot at? Dante whimpered by his feet and with a shaking hand he reached down to pat him reassuringly. When Flynn had first tackled him he wondered what the hell he was up to, but then those shots...

  “I’m... I’m f-fine,” he said, then reached up to touch the back of his head. It wasn’t bleeding, but it did hurt. And he was shaken up. He took a deep breath to try to calm himself.

  Fucking hell. He thought things were bad before. Flynn wondered if he was becoming prophetic. “So, coffee?” He tried to smile at his stupid joke, but still couldn’t manage it. He’d get the adrenaline shakes later, but right now he was just in survival mode.

  Once again Aiden stared at him in shock. More at his seeming ability to joke after that. A list of things to do to him ran through his mind, first of which was strangling him, followed by punching him. He wasn’t sure which would be the best course of action. He reached out and punched him on the arm, but he was sure it was weak. His hand was shaking too much. “If we can make it to my place alive, I’ll give you coffee. And I think you owe me an explanation.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” No it didn’t - he had no idea what he was going to tell him. He had no idea why anyone would shoot at him. (Okay, he had some reasons, but not as Flynn.) But they needed to get off the street, that was for damn sure. He stood, and gave Aiden a hand up, helping him to his feet.

  Oh Christ, what if the cops were called? What was he supposed to tell them?

  When Flynn helped him up, Aiden refused to give him back his hand. He
held onto it tightly. He tried to tell him it was to keep the other man from running off, but if he was being completely honest, he was a little terrified at the moment and needed know he wasn’t alone. Hell, he’d been shot at. He figured he was allowed a little fear. After making sure there were no cars, he tugged Dante’s leash. “My house is just up the street.”

  “Lead the way,” Flynn said, wondering how he was expected to run off with Aiden holding onto him so tightly. Crap.

  When had he gone from the Big Bad Wolf to the Big Sad Wolf? Goddamn it.

  Haven Falls #69: Facing The Music

  Carter Gillespie and Miles Sutherland


  Gil went straight to the locker room, hoping he wouldn’t cross paths with Miles before he was changed into his kit. Mike, the emergency medical technician, looked up as he came in. Mike’s feet were on the table, a cup of coffee steaming on the table near his elbow. “Hells bells, what time do you call this? I was going to shout for one of the others to come cover for you.”

  “Sorry, late night.” Gil kept it short. Mike did not need to know where he had been. The massage he’d given Asher Rose ended up being a little more intense than he’d intended. A lot more, truth be told. He went to his locker and dragged out the uniform.

  Miles Sutherland put his head in the door and saw the two paramedics talking. Two startled faces turned in his direction.

  Mike took one look at the Doctor, muttered something about checking the ambulance had been re-stocked and took off. Gil watched his departure and froze. Time to face the music.

  Miles stared at Gil for a minute, taking in the flushed face and the party clothes from last night. He was willing to bet his house that the kid hadn’t slept in his own bed last night. So, he got lucky? Since when had that been a problem for him? He should have been cheering him on, not having this sick feeling at the bottom of his gut. It wasn’t as if he fancied him at all. Just his youth and looks. “I waited to see if you would turn up for a jog? I wasn’t sure whether you were coming or not.”


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