The Upper Worlds (The Soul Survivor Series Book 1)

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The Upper Worlds (The Soul Survivor Series Book 1) Page 15

by Van Forson

  This was all moving so fast. I was just about ready to ‘fess up all to my parents and now this. My next mission was presenting itself.

  “Do not be afraid Keziah, you are the Alpha, you will figure out what you need to do. I will give you all the guidance I can.

  “Yes, Commania is in the heart of wild nature, which can be a perilous foe or a precious friend. I would suggest that you befriend it.

  “The road to Commania is long and winding. You’ll need a helping hand.”

  Max immediately sprung to my mind. I knew I could rely on him. He would never let me down. But to convince him to journey with me to Commania could be too much to ask of him.

  No, it wouldn’t be Max this time. For this mission I would need someone who wouldn’t question what we were doing, someone fearless, someone tough.

  “It’s got to be Sal,” I said looking out into the backyard at my friends.

  Sal rhythmically nodded to the music Dot Pac played, unwittingly accepting the challenge ahead.

  “Something told me you might choose her,” Lady Zono said knowingly.


  She smashed her crystal ball onto the floor, shattering it into a million pieces. Brightly coloured glitter flew into the air. One small piece of iridescent gemstone remained which she swiftly swept into her hand.

  “No missile or bullet or gun can harm, as long as your field is strong. Add to your energies every day, and it will protect you all life long,” sung Lady Zono.

  “What’s that?” I coughed as the multicoloured glitter landed all over me.

  “It’s a spell. You will need protection to your physical being and as long as you do what I said you'll have it. Your energy field will be strong.”

  “My what?” I asked.

  “Your energy field. Don’t worry; they'll teach you in Commania.”

  Lady Zono whipped the long black leather lace from her well-worn boot, tied it around the last remaining part of the crystal ball and attached it swiftly around my neck. The gem hung down by my heart. A light blue ray emitted from the crystal and stung my cheeks, rattling my teeth.

  “Ow!” It felt like Lady Zono had stung me with static. “What on earth are you doing?”

  She ignored me.

  “This crystal will protect you when times get sticky. Never take it off.”

  “Erm, no offence but I don’t think the shoelace thing is really my look. Thanks all the same.”

  “Never take it off. Promise me.”

  I pulled a face. I didn’t really want dingy old boot strappings hanging around my neck.

  “Promise me.” She said again sternly.

  “Alright. Ok. I promise you. I’ll wear it if it means that much to you.”

  “It does,” Lady Zono said seriously. “The Res set the wheels in motion, before time I may add. The Res is many things, but a patient man he is not. I told him I didn’t think you were ready, but you’ve done marvellously so far, so I guess you are.”

  Lady Zono kicked off her shoes and flopped onto my bed. Long knobbly big toes poked out of the holes in her striped socks.

  “We are here now. You are in action, and The Prophecy cannot be stopped,” she said motioning for me to sit next to her. “Now come along Keziah, there is much you should know.”

  I sat beside the eccentric old woman, covered in glitter, with a crystal hanging from my neck, to hear what the second eye could be.

  One Heart.

  One Nation.

  One Community.


  The land of unity.

  Eleven: Commania

  “…It’ll be totally fine Ma. We have so much planned for the school holiday.” I tried to sound casual as I squashed my PJ’s into my backpack. I had already packed so many gadgets for this mission; I was going to be more prepared than even Max.

  Ma hovered in my room.

  “But you’ve never stayed away from home for an entire week. Will it just be you and Sal?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Perhaps Auto Nan could go with you,” Milan suggested.

  “Ma, that is so humiliating.” I protested. “What other fifteen year-olds do you know take their Nan to a sleepover?”

  I sweated. Perhaps ma knew I was planning a trip to try and find Commania.

  “Well, it’s just that Sal is a tough little cookie and I don’t know her parents. Auto Nan could look after the both of you, keep you safe. I’ll program Nan to give you manicures, facials anything you want.”

  I breathed a silent sigh of relief. Ma wasn't onto me; she was just being super concerned like she always was.

  “Ma, you know I’m not into all of that girly stuff. I think I’ll pass on the Auto Nan offer, but thanks anyway.” I said stuffing my favourite blue fleece hoody into my already crammed bag.

  Ma crossed the room and lounged on my bed. Whenever she did that, I knew she wanted to talk.

  “You know I always knew you would be special.”

  “What ma?” I asked distractedly shoving my sneakers into my backpack and zipping it shut.

  “My mother told me.” Milan continued, “She said she was told by a mystic to have a compassionate daughter, even though it was such an old-fashioned Type to request. The mystic told her that her child would need to have a big loving heart as the children that her daughter bore would need careful nurturing as they had important work to do.”

  “Ok, ma.” I did have important work to do, and right now she was holding me up from it.

  “So, in essence, your Grandma made me, so that I could make you. And Jet too of course.” Milan smiled.

  She rose and placed her warm hands on either side of my face,

  “If I haven’t told you recently, you are truly wonderful Kid, and I love you and always will with every beat of my heart. And even when my heart stops beating I will still love you. As the bond of love stretches from here till forever and nothing trumps true love. Absolutely nothing. Not even the end of time.”

  Her soft afro curls framed her beautiful dark brown face, and for that moment all that mattered in the world was my ma and me.

  “Thank you.” I smiled.

  “So shall I call Sal’s mother and arrange a scheduled time so we can synch in every day?”

  “No don’t do that!” I panicked.

  I wasn't staying at Sal’s, and I’m not sure what she had told her mother to buy us a few days of freedom.

  “Sal’s home communication centre is out of service.” I lied. “I’ll call you from my IM,” I said heading for the door.

  “Ok. Love you, Angel.” Milan called out.

  “Love you too ma,” I yelled bounding down the steps and out of the door.


  Sal opened up her garage door and threw both our bags into the trunk of her aero bike, which she affectionately named The Speedster.

  “Commania,” Sal said rubbing her hands in glee. She had been a perfect pick for this mission, enthusiastic from the word go. “So we’re really going to do this?”

  “Yep,” I said. “I’ve been doing my research. Well getting Max to download all his knowledge to me anyway. Commania is a secret community and well hidden from the Upper Worlds. Luckily Lady Zono gave me this map. The problem is the directions are not detailed. We’ve just got to keep our wits about us.”

  I handed Sal the chip containing the map, and she input the data into her guidance system.

  “This ride is awesome,” I said saddling up on Sal’s vibrant red aero bike.

  “It’s my baby.” Sal beamed proudly. “It's omni coloured, look,” Sal said as the bike changed to a shiny metallic green right underneath me.

  “Amazing.” I marvelled.

  Jet and I were never allowed these kinds of cool gadgets, just boring science ones.

  “Put this on.” Sal handed me a transparent helmet made from oxy-chronon, so was as tough as nails.

  She put on her red protective gear and revved up the engine. The bike immediately sprung into action, and we s
hot straight into the air with her first manoeuvre.

  “Whoa!” I yelled. I wasn’t used to the aero gliding system of The Speedster.

  “Be cool. I’ve got you.” Sal smirked.

  I held on tightly, and The Speedster flew out of Sal’s garage and down the intersection.


  On The Speedster, we glided down the busy highway with ease. Many other sleek solar and nuclear vehicles were also leaving the city, taking advantage of the holiday period. The roads were gridlocked, but Sal was a natural sky rider and drifted smoothly in the air.

  So far the ride had been comfortable, but there was something niggling me. I looked behind us to double-check before speaking through the inbuilt helmet mic to Sal.

  “Have you noticed that blue bike has been behind us since we left your house.”

  Sal looked in the rear view mirror and spotted the blue bike.

  “You reckon so? Let's see.”

  Sal made a sharp, unexpected left turn and checked her side mirror. Sure enough, the blue bike, with two passengers, followed suit.

  “Yep, they’re definitely tailing us,” Sal said coolly.

  I panicked. Perhaps the Techies at TEN somehow found out that I had changed their subliminal messages and were now after me. Or worse still, maybe ma had sent Auto Nan to babysit us.

  “Hold tight,” Sal said and pressed her foot hard on the accelerator.

  The Speedster took off higher into the sky vertically, crossing lanes of traffic at top speed.

  “Aaah!” I screamed.

  I couldn’t look as Sal dodged a barrage of oncoming bikes. The blue bike followed suit just as daringly. Other vehicles braked sharply and beeped their horns to avoid a collision. Sal’s Speedster zigzagged across the skyway and off the beaten path. My stomach flipped nauseously as I held on for dear life.

  “I think we lost them.” I gulped.

  Sal slowed down the bike, and I released my grip relieved that we had reached the desolate wasteland of the Outer Limits in one piece.

  Just then the blue bike hurtled over us, pulled a triple somersault mid air before breaking sharply in front of us and cutting off our path. The Speedster skidded to a halt.

  Only one person I knew could be that reckless.

  “Jet!” I shouted, taking my helmet off. Sure enough Jet flipped up his visor, and Skye stopped the blue bike.

  Sal switched off her engine and shook her head, “Your little brother is nuts.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” I said hopping off The Speedster and steaming up to Jet.

  “What in the world do you two think you’re doing? You could have killed us all.”

  “Sorry, Kid.” Skye apologised, casting her big blue eyes downwards shyly.

  “Where did you get that bike from and how’d you learn to ride like that?”

  “I borrowed it,” Skye said sheepishly, “aero biking is part of our training.”

  “Training for what?”

  “Something like this,” Jet jumped in, “you didn’t think you could go off on another mission without me. I know you’re up to something. Where are you going?”

  I was fuming.

  “Where I’m going, I’m going without you, so just go home and Skye, stop riding like a crazy person.”

  “We were gutted not to be part of the action at TEN, that sounded icy. We want to help you with this mission.” Skye said in her raspy tones.

  “It's not a mission okay. I’m just hanging out with Sal, staying over at her house.”

  “So why did you take dad’s old camping gear and re-route Sal’s home phone to your IM?” Jet asked.

  “What are you like some kind of spy?” I said irritated by my brother’s efficiency.

  “Ok fine, don’t tell me what you’re up to. Ma thinks I’m staying at Skye's for the week, but I’ll just go straight home and tell her what’s been happening – and I mean all of it.”

  I narrowed my eyes. Jet knew way too much about everything, and now he was holding me to ransom. I turned to Sal.

  “Do you think they can be trusted?” I asked.

  “Like, whatever.” Sal shrugged unimpressed by the sibling's spat. “Let's get going; we’ve still got a long way to go before we are anywhere near Commania.”

  “Commania.” Jet gasped.

  “That’s the ultimate!” Skye bounced hyperactively on the spot.

  “Great,” I muttered. Now Sal had let the cat out of the bag there would be no way to get rid of Jet and Skye.

  I decided on damage limitation.

  “Okay, here’s how it’s going to be. You two can come but only if you promise to behave, stay out of trouble and do exactly what I say at all times.”

  Jet and Skye nodded in enthusiastic agreement.

  “Of course.” Jet said.

  “Any fooling around, we all go home,” I added calling his bluff.

  “Yeah whatever you say, you’re the boss. Boss.” He said excitedly running back to the blue aero bike.

  “Ok,” I said reluctantly walking back to The Speedster, “Well follow us, stay close and no speeding or crazy stunts,” I warned.

  “No problem,” Skye said, popping a wheelie.

  I shook my head. It was going to be near impossible controlling those two.

  I saddled up next to Sal, and our newly formed quartet rode off out of the city in search of the hidden land of Commania.


  After riding through the dusty wasteland of the Outer Limits for what felt like hours, Sal finally pulled The Speedster to a halt. Skye followed suit. We jumped off the bikes, and all took in the impressive sight in front of us, Ethereal Bridge.

  Ethereal Bridge was an engineering marvel, a famous landmark of the Upper Worlds. It was intricately designed with iron sculpted into an ornate pattern that depicted the scene of a great battle between the fabled underwater dwellers of Mermen and the winged sky people. I remembered the tale of the water and the sky’s stormy relationship from a third-grade storybook.

  Many moons ago Ethereal Bridge was the main way in and out of the Upper Worlds. The other side of the bridge led across the ocean, out of our world into the Great Unknown.

  “Look at those.” Jet said, pointing to the sky.

  A flock of strangely shaped birds noisily squawked as they circled overhead. The largest bird led and the others followed. As soon as we stopped to look at them, the birds changed course and began to fly south. All except one little bird who continued flying straight at us.

  The little bird landed atop Jet’s head and pecked him on the forehead.

  “Cheep, cheep, cheeeeeeeep,” it twittered sweetly.

  “Hey! Get off of me.” Jet waved his hands. But the little bird stayed put and nestled further into his hair.

  “Cheep, cheep, cheeeeeeeep,” it twittered again.

  “This little guy is way cute.” Skye said, carefully stroking the bird’s blue, white and brown feathers.

  “Really?” Jet said.

  “Yes.” Skye assured him, “He’s the coolest aren't you Little Cheep Cheep?”

  The bird chirped as if in agreement.

  “Ok.” Jet said unsure but allowed the little bird to stay on his head because Skye liked him. “Just don’t do any funny business up there.”

  Little Cheep Cheep stopped pecking Jet’s head as if responding to his request.

  “Now that you and your feathered friend have an understanding,” Sal mocked Jet, “the map’s directions stop here, and it doesn’t indicate which way to go.”

  “Maybe it's across the water?” Skye rasped.

  “That’s just too far; we would end up out of Pangaea. And The Speedster hasn’t got enough juice to go all that way.”

  “Well, maybe you’re not reading the map right.” Jet said.

  Sal looked deeply at Jet.

  “Why don’t you just pipe down.” She suggested.

  Jet was instantly quiet.

  And that’s when I heard it.

  “Hee, hee hee, hee, he

  I could hear children’s laughter, and it was coming from the thick forestry by the side of the bridge.

  “Do you hear that?” I said.

  “Hear what?” Sal asked.

  “The laughing from the forest.”

  We were all silent and then it started again.

  “Hee, hee hee, hee, hee.”

  “Yes I do!” Skye heard it too.

  “Look, what’s that?” Jet asked.

  A dash of bright multicoloured ribbons danced through the trees.

  “Let’s go after them.” Jet dashed off.

  “Jet, slow your row,” I shouted annoyed.

  I had told him to do what I said, and at the first chance he got he was already breaking the rules.

  “You can’t just run off.”

  “Sorry. But it must be a sign, we should follow them.”

  The ribbons bobbed further into the distance.

  “We’re losing them.” Jet urged.

  “Lady Zono said Commania was well hidden in the trees and she warned that real life nature could be treacherous. So let's proceed with caution, ok?”

  Everyone agreed, and we rode carefully into the forest.


  Max scooted through the air on his homemade hover board while replaying his IM. He shook his head contemptuously. Kid had left a message to say she had gone off on another mission without him when he'd expressly told her to tell her parents everything.

  He rounded the corner leading into a heavily guarded upscale neighbourhood. Max had already been to Sal’s house to complain but she had also disappeared, so it was logical to him that they had gone off together. How could Kid have gone away with Sal and not him? Surely he would have been more helpful. Hadn’t he proven himself to her? He was always there when she needed him. Yet, once again, she had ditched him in favour of someone else.

  Max glided past a troop of stern looking Guardians, further hunching his already unassuming demeanour. In this exclusive neighboured it wouldn’t take much for an overzealous Guardian to fuzz a teenager without warning. Max kept his head down and zoomed towards his destination, The Twins house.


  Sal and Skye’s bikes edged slowly forward, this way and that way, following the ribbons, but the twisted, thorny foliage made it too difficult to keep up the pursuit. Sal powered down The Speedster.


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