The Upper Worlds (The Soul Survivor Series Book 1)

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The Upper Worlds (The Soul Survivor Series Book 1) Page 23

by Van Forson

  “Oh… My… That’s unfortunate.” Mindy was gutted, she had missed Philippe. She couldn’t comprehend the thought of not seeing him at all.

  “Yeah. I’m not stoked about the idea either. My mother -”

  “ - Well, well, what do we have here then?” Madeleine Stone and the Pretties interrupted the conversation. “My dad told me that you're all secret members of the TL and against the Upper Worlds.”

  “Like I’ve told you so-oo many times Madeleine we were, like, cleared from any anti-state activity. It was all a misunderstanding.” Mindy tried to defend herself.

  Madeleine had heard it before but carried on relentlessly,

  “I heard you were a lieutenant in Kid’s crazy army. I mean we all knew she was a loony tune, just look at the way she dressed! But you and that twin of yours, masquerading as Aesthetic Code Types, you bring us all down, shame us all.”

  The Pretties tittered in agreement.

  Mindy shrunk on the spot not knowing what to say or do. She had no comeback for Madeleine.

  “You only wish your life was as popping as Mindy's.” Philippe boomed making his way to the centre of the Aesthetic horde.

  He angled his huge frame protectively in front of Mindy.

  “Oh, I should have guessed you would stick up for her, you’re just as bad. I heard you got caught up in the prophecy and - ”

  Philippe didn’t let Madeleine finish. With one hand he grabbed her firmly around her tiny waist and lifted her effortlessly into the air.

  “Put me down!” Madeleine squealed.

  The corridor rush stopped to stare at the hulking Tachion, manhandling the powerless AE. The rest of the Pretties fled into the crowd frightened by his show of power. They had never seen Philippe do anything like this before.

  “Look,” Philippe growled lowly sticking Madeleine’s face directly next to the digital news feed. “ ‘Prophecy is fallacy,’ ” he quoted the slogan which was plastered across the Upper Worlds. “So I suggest you quit tormenting Minds or you'll have me to deal with. OK?”

  “Yes Philippe.” Madeleine nodded quickly.

  “Good.” Philippe returned her to the floor just as two Elite Guardians, who had replaced the rickety old security, stomped up the hallway.

  “What is the disturbance here?” They asked Madeleine, pop guns poised at Philippe.

  Madeleine recoiled before responding in an uncharacteristically meek manner, “Nothing. He was just assisting me, to see something more clearly.”

  “Well if that’s the case move on to your classrooms.” The Guardians coldly barged students away from the scene before stomping off.

  “Thanks.” Philippe looked down at Madeleine, acknowledging that she had just saved him from being fuzzed.

  Madeleine backed away slowly, genuinely frightened.

  Mindy breathed a sigh of relief and placed her soft hand on Philippe’s back.

  “Thank you for sticking up for me,” she fluttered her long eyelashes, “With you Philly, I always feel safe.”

  “I would do anything for you Minds, truly anything,” he looked at her earnestly.

  “I know.”

  “Sorry to go on about my folks.”

  “They’re not always right you know, our parents. Take my mother; she’s wrong like ninety-nine percent of the time. Sometimes you have to let them say whatever they are going to say and then make up your mind for yourself. That’s what I do.” Mindy bowed her head slightly.

  Philippe thought he had lost something that night at The Twins house. A precious feeling that he figured would never return. But with Mindy standing before him, she gave him hope that there was a chance for love between him and the girl of his dreams.

  “Mindy. I - ”

  “What’s happening Big P? Long time no see player.” Brad said emerging from the horde of students in the hallway.

  The muscles in the side of Philippe’s face rippled.

  “Since you’ve been gone things are different around here,” Brad said pulling Mindy in close to him. “The game has changed.”

  Mindy wanted to pull away from Brad but didn't. He was her boyfriend now, and no matter how she felt about Philippe, she had to put on a good show for the public. After all, that’s what AEs were great at. Pretending.

  Philippe's hearts thundered at the sight of the perfect Code Type couple. He needed to get away from them, and fast.

  “Game on,” he said through gritted teeth as he turned and walked away.


  “...Jet’s right,” Sal agreed, “It’s too dangerous to leave out yet, the Guardians, Orbs and Officials are everywhere.

  “Dr Stoneway told me to listen to my dreams and follow my Inner G; so that's what I'm going to do.” I insisted.

  Sal folded her arms. Here Kid was again going on about her dreams. Kid spent so much time sleeping, and when she woke up, she would spend even more time by herself logging what had happened and writing secret plans. She said she finally understood that her dreams were guiding her on what to do next. But Sal thought there was a much more down to earth explanation for Kid's weariness. And that was, like everyone else, she was grieving losing Wain.

  “I’ve seen a clock counting down and when it strikes four everything fades to black, and I wake up. Time is running out. I know it is. I have to complete the last mission, whatever that is, soon. Otherwise, all of this destruction and heartache will be for nothing.”

  We had been holed up in the TL HQ for too long. There were at least fifty members of the movement with us, all occupying the same cramped library filled to the rafters with books.

  Jet looked up from the brown paper magazine he was holding. He had engrossed himself in faded publications from the olden times and was in awe of the past. Back then people lived with carefree abundance unheard of on the Upper Worlds. They acted as if the earth would never run out of resources as if not taking responsibility for their selfish actions wouldn’t affect the future. How wrong they were.

  “You heard what Skye said, she spoke to the Arcadians, the Urbanites will help us. We have to wait.”

  “But for how long?”

  “As long as it takes.” Jet said trying to keep reading and not get drawn into the conversation.

  “Maybe they aren't coming at all. And the longer we wait more Tachions are fuzzed, more lives lost, like Wain.”

  My heart stalled. I couldn’t bear to think about my friend. No matter how many people told me differently, I still felt that Wain's termination was my fault. He had decided to leave the safety of the library so that I would not be detected. I had devised a plan that he would throw the Authorities off the scent of the whole crew by telling the Officials that I was demented, a crazy person, on a mad mission. Now I wasn’t sure if it was a cunning plan or simply the truth.

  “There is a war going on outside. No Prophecy is worth this much sorrow.”

  Sal cracked her knuckles, “It’s too late to turn back. We’ve come so far. You have to complete the mission.”

  “I can’t stay here in safety any longer knowing the devastation I have caused all around,” I said hopelessly.

  “You haven’t caused this. It was always the Authorities plan,” Skye rasped. “Everyone in Zero knows this is just a good excuse for the Officials to put into practice the measures that they do on the sly anyway. Tachions live under the constant threat of being fuzzed for just breathing, this state of emergency is nothing new to us.”

  “And don’t worry about the safety thing either,” Jet said calmly. “Look outside.”

  A red lazer beam shone through a crack in the curtain, aimed directly at my head.

  The old clock on the library wall struck four PM at the same time that an almighty siren wailed outside.

  “Come out, unarmed and with your hands up. We have you surrounded.” Came the sharp order from a loudspeaker system.

  Jet finally put down the magazine. “Looks like you were right sis, our times up.”


  Bibi closed his
front door and walked out to the garden leaving his wife, in a crumpled heap on the floor. Milan had been crying for so long he couldn’t bear to hear her sob anymore. The doctor had said her breakdown was due to a complete sympathy and empathy overload. The only thing unusual for her Type was that this time she felt sorry for herself.

  Bibi breathed in the crisp air. He could tell it was going to snow. Not because he had any psychic ability as he’d wished, but because at the end of every year the Authorities always provided two weeks of snowy weather for the Yuletide celebrations. It was meant to induce a sense of fun or some other concept that he did not understand.

  Bibi knew this was a good opportunity to deliver the orders that had been sent from his superiors. He took a swig of moonshine from his hip flask, strode over to his next-door neighbour’s house and pressed the bell.

  Max opened the door.

  “Dr Monrova, we were not expecting you. My parents are in the relaxation sector. I’ll just call them for you.”

  “No, actually I’ve come to see you.” Bibi shuffled.

  “Oh?” Max said, growing uncomfortable at the sight of Dr Monrova’s dishevelled appearance.

  His beard was overgrown, his eyes bloodshot red and his white coat was creased and discoloured, a far cry from his usual, pristine appearance.

  “Yes, I wanted to deliver the great news to you personally.”

  “What is this great news Dr Monrova?” Max asked cautiously, detecting an insincere tone.

  “You've been fast-tracked. My superiors have checked all of your school records and have decided that you will be joining us at Techno Corp as an apprentice. This semester you’ll graduate from Falconbrook High and will be our youngest employee to date.” Bibi concluded with a tight smile.

  Max was momentarily speechless. Finally, he was going to leave the small minds behind and was getting the recognition he craved. He would be able to put all of his inventions into practical use. This news eased the weird tension he had in his chest since Wain's annihilation. He had never experienced such a thing and couldn’t explain it, so he had read up on the subject, and the closest definition he could attribute to the way he was feeling was the emotion, guilt.

  “That is absolutely fantastic Dr Monrova.” Max finally managed to say.

  “Welcome on board. Keep this up, and soon you’ll be my boss!” Bibi laughed heartily.

  Max shifted uneasily smelling the banned substance of liquor on Dr Monrova’s breath. He deduced that Dr Monrova was not joking. It was common knowledge that since Kid’s disappearance, Dr Monrova had been demoted from his department and outcast by his colleagues. No one wanted to associate with the man who had raised not one, but two enemies of the state.

  Max wanted to shut the door and run to tell his parents the good news, but there was something that didn’t add up.

  “Dr Monrova, why was I chosen to join the Techno Corp before the hundreds of older brighter minds the Upper Worlds has to offer?”

  “Someone up there likes you,” Bibi said, loudly as if being watched.

  He leant in close to Max before uttering quietly,

  “Stay on their good side. It’s hell when they turn against you.”

  Bibi walked away.

  Max closed the door frightened.

  The Orbs watched their every move.

  This is the final call,

  For we are in distress.

  Please heed our plea,

  A personal S.O.S.

  Sixteen: Urban Intervention

  In the small grassy courtyard behind the library Jet, Skye, Sal and I kneeled, handcuffed, alongside members of the TL. The entire Authoritarian search had converged at this one point. Rows upon rows of Elite Guardians surrounded us, and Top Upper World commanders adorned every vehicle forming a blockade around the library.

  “All of this for me?” I said, at the sheer scale of the operation.

  “Don’t take all the credit, sis. I was second on the most wanted list.” Jet tried to joke about the dire situation we were in.

  A highly decorated Code Type decked out in full warfare regalia pushed past the Guardians. He was flanked by other important looking CT militia Types. His badge read, General Grey. He didn’t look like your regular army personnel; he was broad-boned and handsome. I figured he must have been born an Aesthetic or Athletic Type but didn’t succeed in his predestined field. Maybe he had been regened, into a combat Type. I looked at him trying to figure him out.

  General Grey shifted uneasily under Kid’s stare, “So you’re Keziah Eden Monrova, birth code GC 153 589, State enemy number one!”

  “Who is this guy?” Jet sniggered in a desperate attempt to bide time. “Shouldn’t he be hosting a TV game show or something?”

  “Shut your mouth!” General Grey sneered, violently kicking Jet in the stomach with his steel capped boots.

  “Oomph!” Jet fell face forward to the floor.

  “Jet!” Skye screamed at an ear-splitting octave.

  “Leave him be!” I tried to reach out to my brother, but the shackles rooted me to the spot.

  General Grey yanked Jet by his hair. His nose was bloodied, his pride hurt.

  “Know your place, Little Boy!” General Grey spat.

  Jet hung his head doubled up in agony. Skye narrowed her piercing blue eyes. She was burning up inside. If she could free herself, she would have personally dealt with General Grey. The Authorities must have been aware of her Tachion ability because her handcuffs were emitting a gamma ray that drained her powers.

  I remembered the teachings of Dr Stoneway and controlled my rising anger; it would not get the better of me. I calmed myself by looking at my inner eye. Concentrating on my Inner G.

  “None of these people here with me have done anything wrong. I am the Soul Survivor. I am the one you want. Let them be!” I commanded.

  I shocked myself with the power of my voice. I hadn’t truly believed I was the chosen one until I uttered those words.

  General Grey looked at me with sheer contempt, ignoring my declaration.

  “Where is Jonsey?”

  Jonsey, the leader of the TL, had left the safety of the library days ago to help fight the Guardians and rally more Tachion support. He had not returned. I thought he had been captured, but this was obviously not the case.

  “What has Jonsey got to do with your search for me?” I said, confused.

  “You ignoramus,” General Grey spoke rapidly, “did you think all of this was really about you? You’re a pathetic genetic oddity, media fodder.” He pointed to The Eye Network helicopters circling overhead filming every detail of our capture. No doubt this would be breaking news on all media streams any minute now.

  “The citizens have gotten behind you, it seems. They want a show they do, so we'll keep them entertained. Once you're annihilated, end of story. Our justice will prevail. Our authority will be upheld.

  “This so-called Prophecy gave us the green light to smash the Tachion Liberation and all other enemies of the state. Like him, him and her.” General Grey pointed furiously at the members of the TL kneeling in front of him.

  They looked knowingly at each other and attempted to raise their fists in one last act of defiance.

  “Tachion Liberation forever!” Lianda, a sweet one-eyed Tachion shouted.

  A Guardian annihilated them all on the spot leaving three smoking heaps of ash.

  “No!” I screamed.

  Sal froze in fear. She was the next in the line-up to be terminated.

  “Now where is Jonsey?” General Grey yelled raising his pop con.

  I was not afraid for my own life, but my friends must be spared,

  “He’s long gone, you’ll never find him, and you will never win. I see clearly now what you are trying to do, but you will never succeed, the people of the Upper Worlds have awoken.”

  “Shut up, you stem cell mess!” General Grey screamed blobs of spittle spraying from his mouth, “Or I’ll silence you forever right now.”

General Grey, Sir,” one of the officers in the line stepped forward, “we are waiting for all cameras to be in place before we annihilate her. The public is going to want to see her obliteration from every angle.”

  “How long will this take?” General Grey screamed.

  Although he was supposedly in charge, his emotions ran wild and he was totally out of control. I was surprised at how at ease I felt. Yes I was staring death in the face, Jet had been hurt and my friends captured, but I was not afraid at all.

  “Camera repositioning will take ninety seconds, Sir!” came the call from another Official.

  “Arrrgh!” In frustration, General Grey launched his pop con at Maria, a thin pink Tachion. She instantly turned to ash.

  “Hurry up.” trigger happy General Grey raged.

  Sal bit her lip hard to fight back her tears. She would rather die than show these Officials any sign of weakness. Skye, on the other hand, trembled uncontrollably. These were her Tachion brothers and sisters, and now they were all turning to dust.

  Jet kept his eyes downcast, the pain from General Grey’s boot still embedded in his stomach. He was trying to control his emotions, as Dr Stoneway had advised, but hate had replaced his fear, and that was the most dangerous emotion of them all.

  There was nothing else I could do. I closed my eyes and practised Kimetic. I breathed deeply and focused my attention on my Inner G. Immediately my parents popped into my mind. It would be my sixteenth earth year in a few days, but this year there was no cause for celebration. I wondered what my parents would do without us, what they were doing right now. I hoped that when they fuzzed me, others would take up the cause and in years to come, I would be remembered in a way that would make my parents proud.

  “Thirty, twenty-nine, twenty-eight - ” General Grey counted down to total annihilation.

  I wanted to turn and tell Jet how much I loved him. That even though I was older, I looked up to him for he was so much wiser than me in so many ways.


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