Irresistible Passions

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Irresistible Passions Page 4

by Diana DeRicci

  “Never would’ve thought that about you.” Angel winked, then knelt to zip open the duffel. He’d watched baseball himself for years, and knew exactly what she was talking about. He just hadn’t expected it coming from her. That’s what he got for thinking, as his mom would’ve warned him. It was also what tonight was about, to get to know each other better. Instead, he opened the bag and held up a couple game cases. “This is what we brought. It won’t take but a few minutes to hook up and it all leaves with us, no harm to the TV. No animals or children will be harmed in the maiming of Troy’s ego.”

  Laughter was bright in her eyes. “This sounds like fun. Sure. Hook her up. Let’s give it a shot.” Angel almost fell over from the beauty of her smile.

  “No smack before dinner,” came a shout from the kitchen.

  When Angel locked with Michelle’s brown eyes, their glimmer deepened and they both laughed long and loud.

  * * * *

  Troy was getting settled into the kitchen when she walked in. “Find what you need?” He seemed to have it all under control. A pot was filled with water working to boil, and he had a plate of crab meat on the counter.


  He slowed in his prep, consternation darkening his brow. “Crap. I didn’t think. Are you allergic?”

  “No, just, flattered. You two got all of this for tonight, for me?”

  “This is just a light dinner. It’s a pasta-crab dish my grandfather showed me how to make. You’ll think you’ve died, believe me.”

  “That good, huh?” she asked, poking into containers. He swatted at her fingers.


  “I’m surprised.”

  “Oh?” He sliced up peppers and slid them to a waiting plate. “About what?”

  “You’re both so independent.”

  Troy shrugged. “Mom made me do it.” He pouted with a quiver on his lips that could only be laughter. “Actually, it was the best thing she could’ve done. She swore if I found a woman to take me the last thing that woman would want was a child to have sex with, so she made sure I wasn’t prejudiced against certain things. The only thing I really hate doing is laundry, but it gets done.”

  “Why?” She studied him, grinning at his confident attention to what he was doing.

  “I invariably get something mixed and have a pink sock or a bleached pair of something.”

  She leaned on the counter where he was working, laughing, wiping a hand under her eyes. “Thank you.”

  He paused, tilting to see her, then resuming. “For?”

  “I haven’t laughed this much in years.”

  Troy stopped with the knife and set it on the board he was using. That was when she realized she’d hardly flinched with him using it, hadn’t given it much thought at all to have him using the wicked blade only a foot or two away from where she stood, completely entranced and at ease with him.

  Absorbing those facts, she followed his movements. Grabbing the towel from the ring on the doors, he wiped his hands. “Michelle.” He grasped her forearms lightly. She stood a few inches beneath him, so she guessed them both to be around six feet tall. “God, you’re beautiful. You should smile all the time. You should laugh. Will you let us do that for you? Will you let us make you happy?”

  She swallowed. A rush of need flowed from his fingertips up her arms. “Both of you?” she squeaked. Two men? Was that even possible? He really meant it, they wanted to share her? “I…” She couldn’t find the words to finish the thought.

  “We both care for you, Michelle.” He drifted close, hovering over her lips, a gentle warmth as his breath flowed over her skin, branding her before he’d even touched her. “I want to kiss you,” he told her, his voice husky and sexy. “Please.”

  No one had ever asked her, rather, just let it happen. Her heart was pounding, but not out of fear. The one thing she’d dreaded finding out—whether or not she’d be able to be this close to another man.

  She shifted her weight, following him through her lashes. “Don’t use me to make each other jealous,” she said, the only warning she had the presence of mind to say.


  Broad shoulders eclipsed her senses when he claimed her lips. It wasn’t a hard kiss, more a brush of skin, a lingering learning of each other. It sent a rush of need careening into her blood stream like a rocket had launched. Like she’d been awakened from a very long nap. She whimpered softly when she felt him pull away far sooner than she wanted.

  “No, sweetheart. Slowly, we promise.”

  Her eyes snapped open. The fire burning in his brown eyes singed her. He was letting her go with a great deal of restraint and control. It was impossible not to feel something for him herself with them, him, doing so much for her, to prove to her they meant what they said.

  “Go ahead and cook,” she murmured, sounding far huskier than she’d ever thought possible. “I can’t wait.”

  He touched her forehead with his lips. “Go relax. If you like wine, we brought some. You can open it and have some before dinner.”

  It sounded good, but she knew it would be better to wait. Drinking on an empty stomach wasn’t a bright idea. “I’ll save it.”

  “Okay.” With a gentle spin, he urged her back out of the kitchen. “If I need to find something, I’ll let you know.”

  She nodded, still floating from that simple, yet so mystifying kiss.

  Chapter Five

  “Ha ha! I win again!” Troy crowed. “Now who has the smackdown goin’ on?” He did a long guitar riff in exclamation, strutting around the living room.

  “I bow to your music skills,” Michelle said, shaking her head as he finished showing off. She didn’t have a chance, but it was entertaining watching the two of them play their hearts out. She folded herself carefully onto the couch after her last round. The afternoon workout and the three hours of guitar mayhem were making her pay. Her side throbbed in stabbing shocks.

  “Honey, what’s wrong?”

  “Huh? Oh, nothing.” She must not have hid the wince, but it wasn’t that big of a deal. Some days she just forgot she had scar tissue where most people didn’t.

  “We over did it, didn’t we?” Angel asked, slipping the miniature guitar strap over his shoulders to set beside the bookcase next to the TV stand. He grinned guiltily. “Sorry.”

  She gave them a curt snort. “You didn’t do anything. I’m able to play, just maybe not three hours in a row.” She laughed, reaching for her water, careful not to overextend her arm to stretch her side. “We’ll have to do it again. But I want time to practice.” She took a quick drink, the wine and dinner long gone.

  “Really?” Angel seemed genuinely thrilled.

  “Hell yes! That’s fun!” Both men laughed at her enthusiasm.

  Troy and Angel sat in unison on the couch with her, Troy bringing her lightly into his chest, Angel forming her legs over his lap. “Let’s see what’s on. Watch a movie for a little bit then we’ll head out for the night.” Troy began pushing buttons, disengaging the game.

  “Sure.” She yawned. “I’m ready to relax.”

  “Was it a good surprise?” Angel asked, rubbing up and down her calf with light fingers, massaging in spurts.

  “It was a wonderful surprise.” She cuddled easily into Troy’s frame, his arm draped over her shoulder. Angel seemed content, and honestly she didn’t want to move. Stopping was like hitting a wall. She was ready to unwind.

  “Glad you enjoyed it.” Troy leaned and pressed a cheek to her hair and her eyes closed.

  “You know this is utterly insane,” she said without really thinking.

  “Which part? The fact that John Wayne is in this movie, or that James Caan is?”

  “Hey, El Dorado is a classic,” she chastised him, recognizing the music.

  “Is this El Dorado?” Troy seemed perplexed, maybe. It was definitely a different era movie than what was made today.

  Then it hit her. They’d never seen it. They probably hadn’t ever watched a John
Wayne movie in their whole lives. It surprised her that he’d recognized the actors. Troy left it on, though she wasn’t sure why. She explained the premise to bring them up to where they’d come into the movie, but it punctuated the age gap between them.

  Yes, what they were wanting was utterly insane. They had so little in common in reality. How could two healthy, gorgeous young men want to be with her, much less share her between them when they could have any hot kitten on the block?

  She wasn’t old, but she was older than them, by almost a decade. She knew it wasn’t possible. Even if their touches did melt her into putty. The warmth of the bodies next to her felt so good. She began to drift, her mind dancing toward sleep, their firm hands caressing and soothing all along her length.

  When she twitched half asleep trying to get into a more comfortable position, she clenched, hissing when her side fought back.


  Four hands were instantly cradling her, supporting her.

  She grimaced. Then there was that. Her scar. Just the idea of exposing it made her shudder. Okay, maybe she was more self-conscious of it than she’d originally wanted to believe. Now she had someone, two someones, who might see it, a situation she’d never once imagined. Her mouth turned down at the depressing realization. She’d made great leaps of faith to be alone with not one, but two men, to have stood in the kitchen without flinching while Troy prepped dinner. For the first time really, she was feeling normal. Around these two men, it felt like normal.

  A tight muscle spasm returned her to the problem at hand. She let out a breath as it passed.

  “It’s nothing. I worked too hard on the weights today.” She tried to sit and Troy held her steady, close. She couldn’t move, though she knew if she really asked, he’d let her up.

  “No, that’s the third time you’ve done that.”

  “Second,” she corrected.

  “Good, now you can’t deny it.”

  She lifted enough to glare at Troy. “You tricked me.”

  “Where does it hurt?” He didn’t look in the least repentant, watching her like a hawk.

  They kept her spread on the couch between them, watching her intently.

  “You’re not moving until we know you’re not seriously hurt. People get injuries all the time playing games they’re not used to.”

  “But that’s a low impact one. I know it is.”

  “Besides the point,” Angel added, apparently taking an equally protective stance.

  She sagged. “I’m fine. Why don’t you guys go home tonight? You can come pick it all up tomorrow.” Michelle was ready for them to go, to try to forget how they made her feel, to forget how good their hands felt on her. Their attention was addictive. She throbbed in places that had ceased to matter. Heat and wanting continuously invaded the more they pampered her.

  “Michelle,” Troy groaned through her name. “You aren’t getting rid of us like that.” Lifting her chin, he touched her lips with his. “What’s wrong, sweetheart? You can tell us.”

  She was melting and sparking at an unbelievable pace. Shudders filled her when his lips brushed hers and shivers raced up her body to circle her spine when Angel began massaging her bare legs in earnest. His firm fingers caressed and kneaded her calves, working the skin gently behind her knees to slide back down and mold to her feet, one at a time. Her breasts began to ache with the same rhythm of Angel’s talented fingers.

  “Mm, strong feet,” he murmured. He raised a leg and dropped slow kisses from her arch to the top of her foot to her ankle. “Sexy feet.”

  She blinked. “A foot fetish?”

  Angel shrugged, an evil grin flitting over his devilish mouth. “A small one. Do you mind if I shower your feet with adoration?”

  Her mouth popped open, then jerked closed on a breathed groan, her eyes fluttering as pleasure zinged into her body. “Oh, not fair,” she managed, her lungs tripping hard, trying to remember how to breathe.

  Angel swirled his tongue around her big toe at the same time Troy wrapped his arms around her body to cup her breasts.

  “Where do you hurt, baby?” Troy whispered.

  Hurt? She couldn’t remember why she’d been in pain, their combined caresses and touches sweeping her brain blank. Her pussy began to throb in tandem with their exploratory caresses, neither rushing, simply holding, touching, arousing.

  “Ohh,” she breathed when Troy’s palms rubbed circles over her aching nubs through her bra.

  “Gorgeous, sweetheart. You’re beautiful.” Troy let her sink to her back until her head rested on his lap, his hands able to reach everywhere.

  Angel had done the same thing, shifting to let her legs fall on either side of his hips. “Damn,” he groaned. “I never imagined…”

  She managed to open her eyes and locked on his face. The coffee colored orbs sparked with the heat within, desire and so much more making him utterly masculine, utterly male. She shivered beneath that blistering need.

  “Boys,” she managed. One futile attempt.

  “Don’t do that,” Troy bit out on a low growl, leaning over her until he was staring at her upside down. “We’re not boys. Don’t even pretend to put up that as an excuse.”


  “Michelle, we want you. Just you.”

  A flicker of doubt must have shown, because he added, “Yes, we want to share you. It works for us. Angel and I are close, tight as brothers. No one has gotten to us the way you have. Let us make you happy.”

  She heard the silent pleas, the same way Troy had asked in the kitchen. Swallowing, she sank into the moment.

  “I can try,” she whispered. “I can’t make you any promises.” In truth, she was terrified of what they were offering, but it was so tempting, too. In a few short weeks, long before their first dinner together, in all honesty, they’d managed to get under her skin, bypassing her fears with their gentle understanding. She’d never met two men so alike, yet so different. And they both wanted her. She had to be losing her mind.

  Or they were.

  “Time, baby. We mean that,” Angel said, caressing her calves to her thighs. His thumbs leisurely stroked her inner thighs before sweeping down to her knees, caressing and forming to her frame as easily as a sculptor.

  When Angel leaned forward and offered a warm kiss to the inside of one trembling thigh, she melted and burst into flame. Licking her lips, she made one last effort. “You’ll stop if it’s too much? If I ask?” Her blood was racing within her veins, pounding a hard tattoo that echoed the crazed rate of her heart watching him.

  It only took a second of hesitation and with Troy’s movement beneath her shoulders, she knew they were making the agreement.

  “We promise.”

  She quivered, Troy’s promise, his voice, their touch seeping into her heart.

  With their word given, she sank onto the couch, completely at their mercy.

  * * * *

  Angel knew the second she gave in. Her entire length went soft, pliant between them. He leaned over again and licked at the arch of her knee. Her legs trembled in answer. She was silky and sweet on his tongue. The closer he inched toward her pussy, the hotter she became, the scent of her arousal reaching out to him. Tugging himself closer, he bent her legs around his waist. Then he lowered to the hot junction of her thighs and kissed her.

  She moaned, a breathy, hungry sound that made him ache. He heard the sound of her fingernails scraping down the couch’s fabric. With a glance, he found Troy squeezing her tits, gently rolling them and her nipples. He groaned. Fuck, he wanted her naked. Her body was made for them.

  “I’m going to touch you here, Michelle,” he told her, letting her know his intentions.

  She shuddered like a boat on a high wave but didn’t deny him. Slowly, he undid the button on her shorts and lowered the zipper. The ticking sound dragged like fire down his spine. He gritted his teeth not to rush. If he was right about her history, anything threatening and she’d bolt like a newborn colt.

  The first peek of lace on her hip drove him insane. Light yellow, sweet but sexy as sin. Troy changed his position enough to be able to fold in half to kiss her. Angel watched for a few seconds, following the way Troy licked and tongued her sweet lips. It was a slow, sensual dance as he slid in and out, her tongue chasing his to be caught between his teeth and suckled. Her lower body clenched, trembling beneath Angel’s caressing hands when Troy traced her lips then dove between them. Angel moaned quietly, craving that mouth.

  Bringing his focus to his hands, he eased one of her legs up, gliding the shorts off, but leaving the lace tease. They wanted to bring her to them slowly, luring her until she couldn’t live without them. Angel knew he couldn’t live without her. Troy loved her, and he trusted his best friend to the ends of the earth.

  Easing from his place to kneel on the floor, he settled one slim foot on his shoulder, delivering a long lick over her ankle. She had the sexiest feet with cute crimson painted toenails. Until her, he’d never really thought much about it, but she’d unlocked something. Angel wanted to devour and lick her until she screamed with pleasure.

  Swirling over her inner thigh, he continued to bring her need higher. She had a light thatch of curly hair over her pussy. He wondered if she’d let them trim it for her. It was no secret both of them loved to eat pussy. Angel wanted hers desperately, but he refused to rush.

  Troy slipped his hand beneath her and unhooked her bra, sending a wave of trembles over her as he squeezed her free breasts. She arched, offering herself when he plucked at the tight nipples through the cotton T-shirt.

  “Michelle.” Troy sounded raw and hoarse. “Beautiful.” Sighing through his own need, Angel looked up and Troy mouthed perfect. Angel couldn’t agree more.

  Pressing his lips to her hip, he kissed her, suckling and brushing at her fragrant skin with hungry lips and a dancing tongue. She twitched and jerked, her hips rising and pushing into him. She was hot, and so wet. Her panties were damp with her desire. Nearing that treasure, Angel nipped with tender lips to her flushed skin and she jerked, shouting then whimpering.


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