Irresistible Passions

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Irresistible Passions Page 6

by Diana DeRicci

  Because of that truth, she knew what she had to do. To do this right, there couldn’t be lies between them, or secrets. Silence permeated the air, the nighttime coolness salving her fears into a manageable lump to lock away one more time.

  Drawing a deep breath, she ripped herself open and told them everything.

  Chapter Seven

  “Until eleven months ago, I was married. Had been married for almost four years. We met and had a beautiful relationship.”

  She sniffled, debating what or how much when Troy told her, “It’s okay, sweetheart. We want to know. Whatever you want to tell us.”

  She nodded. “What I didn’t know was he was manic bi-polar. Until he snapped, no one knew. He tried to kill me the one time he snapped.”

  They sat in silence, though she felt the tension radiating off them as they heard her story. The soothing stroke of fingers on her where they held her never stopped.

  “I’d come home from work that day and began to make dinner. I didn’t know anything about it then, about what triggered his anger, or his attack. I still don’t. It didn’t matter in the end.” Feeling numb inside, she reiterated the events of that day the same way she’d had to on the witness stand. Unemotionally. Succinctly. There was nothing left of then to hurt her, except for her own fears. “I’d stepped out of the kitchen to go through the mail he’d brought in. Bryan had gone into the kitchen but I thought it was to get a drink, or nibble at dinner. He loved doing that.” She did have a few fond memories at least.

  “We were talking like normal people when he went crazy. He asked me where I’d been several times, getting more worked up. Then he punched me.” They flinched at her sides. She squeezed their hands, letting them know it was all right. “I came to with him straddling me, trying to choke me, but somehow, I caught him with a fist in the groin. It wasn’t enough. He’d hidden the butcher knife I’d been using for dinner somewhere. My screams and the fighting had our neighbors calling nine-one-one. Apartments back then,” she clarified. With a nod of understanding from either side, she went on.

  “It was that racket which saved my life. He would’ve stabbed me through but I managed to twist to avoid the worst. Almost. The last two inches down my side, he went deep and hit my kidney.”

  Troy formed a fist with his free hand, tapping the pillow on his lap. Anger at being unable to do anything. She released his fingers and curled hers over his fist.

  “I’m almost done,” she told them, knowing it was killing them to hear what had really happened to her. “Two weeks ago, the reason I was a wreck was because I was celebrating, in a way, the day Bryan was arrested. It was the day I woke up in the hospital and solidified the charges from murder to attempted murder. He’s in mental lockdown now. He’ll never be released. The divorce was final one month later. I was in the hospital for several weeks, and ever since that first moment of wakefulness, I’ve had to have a light on to sleep.” She lifted a hand of each man and pressed a loving kiss to their palms. “I am sorry for scaring you. I was trying to hide it last night. I know what it looks like.”

  “Shh,” Troy breathed, running his fingers over the back of her hand. “I’m just grateful you’re here.” He twisted and kissed her lips lightly.

  “And you?” she asked, facing Angel. “How do you feel?”

  Dark, cocoa bean eyes held hers. “Honestly, like just throwing his ass in a plush prison isn’t anywhere near punishment, but I know it’s the way things are done, especially if he has mental problems.” He cupped her face with his free hand. “We’ll be here for you. Right here is where we want to be.”

  She blinked, unprepared for the swell of moisture. Crap! All I’ve done is cry.

  He brushed a thumb under her eye, catching the falling drops. “It’s okay, baby.” Then he caught them on his lips, sipping them away as they fell.

  * * * *

  Sunlight filtered through the blinds and Michelle yawned and stretched, the morning’s warmth seeping into her pores. She reached out, but found empty air. Opening her eyes she realized Troy wasn’t where he’d fallen asleep. Rolling over in a hurry she found that Angel was gone too. She felt alone suddenly. Empty. Where did they go? Lifting to an elbow, she noted their clothes were gone off the floor. They left? The house was silent. Not a flicker of sound told her they were still there.

  She was alone in her home once more. And she’d never felt more deserted in her life. But why would they leave? They’d said they wanted to be with her. They’d both said they wanted to try to create something special, something deeper. Then why would they leave? She stuffed her face into the pillow, the one Troy had slept on and found his scent still clinging to it. Clutching the other, she held Angel’s pillow with it, burying her face into them.

  The scar. She knew it would be too much. She knew her past would ruin things, but she felt stronger around them. They hadn’t laughed or ridiculed her at any time. She’d honestly begun to believe them. She’d been able to take a chance and let herself care. To believe in the fantasy.

  She snorted. Yeah, heck of a fantasy. Two men, and you. At least she hadn’t let her feelings slip. That would have been humiliating.

  Dejected, she worked her way out of bed, cleaning up the room on the way to the bathroom. There wasn’t much, but the signs of last night lingered. The robe, a crumpled washcloth. And several condoms on the nightstand by her bed. Opening the drawer, she dumped those into it, then left for the bathroom to shower.

  Twenty minutes later she was in the kitchen drinking a glass of juice. Something in the living room caught her eye. Walking forward, confusion filled her. The gaming console was still there, where they’d left it the night before. They didn’t take it with them?

  Were they in that much of a hurry to leave? Had it all been a lie? How much? Had they meant any of it? She feared now that she’d let herself care, the truth was too obvious. She knew they were younger, impulsive. But she’d wanted to believe. And now she was alone.

  Pain stabbed her, right below her heart, and she wrapped an arm around her middle to stave off the ache. Whirling, she stormed into to the kitchen to throw the rest of her juice out.

  Just as she was about to begin ripping cords out of sockets, the doorbell rang. She yanked the door open instead. “What?”

  Troy blinked, his brown eyes filling with confusion. “Honey, what’s wrong?”

  She glared at him. “Don’t call me that. Just get your damn game and go.”

  “Wha-What? Why?”

  He stumbled, being pushed from behind into the house. “Jerk,” Troy muttered pointedly at Angel, who leaned on the closed door, crossing his arms.

  “Okay, first, why are you yelling? And why do you want us to leave?” Thunderheads gathered over his gaze as he waited, meeting her glare for glare.

  “Couldn’t get out of here fast enough, could you? Was any of it real? You got what you wanted, now get your game and get out!”

  “Get out—” Troy and Angel shared a stupefied look. “Honey, we went home to shower and change clothes.”

  She felt the blood drain from her face. “You did?” It was horrid that her voice chose that moment to squeak.

  They both nodded.

  “In fact, it was something we wanted to talk to you about, to think about.”

  She cleared her throat, trying to quickly move past her doubts and faux pas. “What was?”

  “If you’d be okay if we left clothes here. We know it’s too soon to talk about moving in together, but we’re all in this, and we all get a say.” They both seemed confused, and a little hurt. Damn it!

  It was all Michelle could do to stare blankly at Troy. “You left…for clothes…to keep here?”

  Angel straightened off the door. “Michelle, it’s time you accepted something, so listen very carefully.” He kissed her lightly, his palms cupping her cheeks. “We love you. As in, over the moon, head over heels, want to spend the rest of our lives with you, in love. We’re not going anywhere, but this is new. We know that. After
last night, we know why you’ve been cautious, and we’re both glad you trusted us enough to tell us the whole story, but it won’t stop how we feel. If anything, it makes us want to do even better than we’d planned to take care of you, to love you.”

  She minced on her feet, her emotions swirling. “You love me?”

  Troy stood behind her with his chin on her shoulder, wrapping his arms around her middle. She calmed within his embrace. “Completely.”

  Drawing a steadier breath, she asked because she had to know, “And the scar? You’re not repulsed by it?”

  “No,” Angel whispered, lowering to her lips again. She felt Troy shake his head just before he began to nibble on her neck.

  A hard shiver rocked her body as they sandwiched her between them. She looped a hand behind her to catch Troy, and tossed the other over Angel to hold him close. Impulsively, she tugged when they both relinquished their places.

  “Better?” Angel asked, sweeping his fingers into her hair to brush behind an ear with so much tenderness, her heart tripped. “We’re not going anywhere. This is a three voice partnership.”

  She smiled. “You sound like Troy.”

  He grinned himself, shrugging. “We talked a lot this morning. Troy and I both want to be here, or wherever you are. We know the apartments aren’t large enough unless we move, but if we do that, might as well be where one of us already is. We’ll take our time, but you can expect us here a lot. In fact.” He reached into a pocket, and pulled a ring with two keys on it. “These are yours.”

  “What are they to?” She eyeballed the keys, unsure.

  “Call it our statement of intent. They’re keys to our apartments. We had them made this morning.”

  She turned out of Troy’s arms to face them both. The keys clinked into her palm. Michelle was stunned. “You mean it?”

  “Heart and soul,” Troy said.

  She closed her fingers over the keys, knowing the promise they were making. Swallowing over another damn lump, she tried to find her voice. “I think this will work. I agree we should take some time, but…” She sucked in a solid breath, then tipped to lock on them both. “I love you too. Both of you.”

  “That sounds so good coming from you,” Troy said.

  “I’m sorry about the outburst. I don’t have men staying over, and waking alone…” She blushed, but she couldn’t help that it had hurt and confused her.

  “That’s why we need the time,” Troy informed her. “We’ll see how things look a couple of months down the road and reevaluate. How does that sound?”

  Lifting her lips, she received kisses from both her men, sighing in pleasure when they granted her need. “I think that sounds wonderful.”


  Five months later

  “I love it,” Michelle stated, staring at the house from the sidewalk. She held a hand apiece. Troy’s heart melted every time she did that.

  “We’ll rent it for now, but the option is to buy.” Troy held the paperwork to the squat one story ranch style home in his other hand, but they’d wanted to make sure it was enough for all of them, that they’d all want what the house offered, and stood for. They’d just finished walking through it, and his heart had been in his throat the whole time, until she’d said those three words.

  “And it’s still close enough to the call center and the gym,” Angel said. “Only added about eight minutes for any of us.”

  “Can’t beat that,” Michelle agreed.

  “I know it’s a big step,” he started to explain, but Michelle cut him off.

  “It’s okay Troy. I’m ready. I know you two are.” She winked at him, then leaned off balance into Angel, who wrapped his arm around her. Her saucy attitude made him salivate. She was bold in her affections, daring tradition to love them openly. It was one of the things he loved about her. It wasn’t that she was inconsiderate, but no one was going to rule how or who she cared for.

  Unfortunately, she had caught some heat at the gym for starting a relationship with clients, but neither Angel nor Troy would have let it get out of hand. Both went and spoke with Victor, one of the gym owners, to his face. Troy told them he was thankful for the membership, but if their policies were going to keep him from marrying the best thing in his life, then they could kiss his ass.

  What shocked Troy was even though she’d broken policy and they knew she had, Victor simply shook their hands and told them to take care of her. The only reason she got into trouble at all was because he wanted to make sure the men she’d chosen were good enough. And Troy and Angel had proven it by fighting for her.

  She wasn’t wearing the diamond yet on the hand curled through his. He and Angel had picked one out, and were saving it. It was a surprise they hoped she’d love. The agreement was to let things happen between the three of them. Michelle was the one unused to a shared relationship, though she was certainly finding her way very well.

  The house was the next stage to permanence. It seemed the smartest move, since they were rarely at their apartments anyway.

  Angel moaned, and Troy glanced at the two most important people in his life. His air stuck in his throat, watching them. Angel was nipping at her neck, and she’d let his hand go to cup his groin. Angel’s hands spread over her flat stomach, holding her snug. “That is so hot,” Troy murmured.

  Her lashes lifted slowly, a knowing smile flitting over her lips. “Do we have to wait here for the agent?” she asked, sounding breathless.

  Troy shook his head, his cock swelling with the want to feel her.

  “Let’s go home, man,” Angel said, biting hard enough to tug at creamy skin. “I have a hot woman in my hands who’s hungry.”

  She purred then licked her lips. Troy didn’t have to be told twice. All three dashed for the car, managing to stay dressed long enough to get them in the door of Michelle’s bungalow.

  About the Author

  Diana DeRicci is the sexy, flirty pen name of Diana Castilleja. A romance author at heart, DeRicci’s writing takes you into a saucier spectrum of sensuality and sexual adventure, where a happily-ever-after is still the key to any story. Diana lives in Central Texas with her husband, one son and a feisty little Chihuahua named Rascal. You can catch the latest news on all of Diana DeRicci’s writing and books on her website. Feel free to drop Diana an email. She’d love to hear from you.

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  Romantic Speculative Fiction




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