Paranormal's Love 12 - Tempting the Bear

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Paranormal's Love 12 - Tempting the Bear Page 2

by Charlie Richards

  If Perseus chewed quickly enough, he could down the thing before he arrived at the arboretum. No sense in letting the fantastic food go to waste. Perseus loved Kort’s barbequing skills. He somehow put just the perfect amount of sea salt into his patties to make them so damn juicy after cooking.

  Taolma shrugged, but at least he started talking as he fell into step beside Perseus. “Not much to tell, really,” he said. “My father and I were lounging in the trees.”

  Taolma didn’t need to explain to Perseus that they were in animal form.

  “Golren brought in his mate, Penelope, and he called us down, so we came. I mean, why wouldn’t we?” Taolma rambled, clearly upset. “We didn’t know they’d been followed. There’s supposed to be security cameras, right?”

  Perseus swallowed and nodded. “Right,” he grunted. “Take this.”

  He shoved the last bite of food into his mouth, folded the paper plate, and handed it to Taolma. Once the young shifter took it, he opened the door to the arboretum and headed inside the warm, green space. Hearing the rumble of deep voices, he headed toward them.

  A deep musky scent tickled Perseus’ senses. Pausing, he tilted his head, opened his mouth, and inhaled deeply, using the hundreds of receptors on his tongue to taste the air. His cock plumped beneath his loincloth as his body reacted to the musky male aroma he’d never before scented.

  Perseus fought back a shudder as a desire to hunt down the source and carry him back to his suite of rooms filled him. He’d ravish the owner of the amazing smell and wallow in his scent.

  Giving himself a mental slap, Perseus reminded himself of why he was there. Never had he experienced such a visceral reaction. Mate! The word flashed through his mind, then was gone. Some warm emotion flared through him...something he hadn’t experienced in so long that it took him a few seconds to place it.


  He suddenly felt buoyant. Damn, when had he lost that feeling?

  Shaking his head, Perseus folded his wings over his shoulders and resumed following the sounds of the voices. He rounded a bend in the trail and spotted Maelgwn, Tobias, and Einan standing together. All three gargoyles were now in human form and frowned down at a prone form sprawled across the sidewalk.

  Penelope, a human woman who was newly bonded with Golren, rested on her calves beside the large human form that Perseus realized must be his mate. Wren Cleaver. He’d heard the name of Penelope’s godfather whispered every now and again...mainly because Penelope had told them he was overprotective and didn’t approve of her dating Golren. According to rumors, someone had suggested letting the human in on the paranormal world just to keep him from causing trouble.

  Perseus hadn’t given the situation, or the man, much thought. It wasn’t in his realm of duties to make those kinds of decision. Now, he wanted to know everything about the human.

  Seeing how Penelope had one hand on Wren’s chest and rubbed his broad torso, Perseus felt a jealous rage burn in his gut. He fought the response, knowing it was ridiculous. Still, Perseus couldn’t quite manage to keep the growl out of his voice when he spoke to her.

  “Tell me what happened,” Perseus demanded, lowering to one knee opposite them. “Taolma said he saw a couple of you shift and then he fainted?” He glanced at Caladon where the man stood beside Maelgwn.

  “Yeah,” Caladon replied, rubbing the back of his neck with one large, dark hand. His expression appeared sheepish as he continued, “We didn’t know he was in here. Didn’t really scent for an intruder, ya know?” He huffed a breath while shaking his head. “We shifted, then we heard a noise from the bushes. My first thought was a critter had gotten in,” he admitted. “It looked and sounded like he nailed his head on one of the decorative rocks bracketing the paths,” he said, pointing at a stone.

  “Well, let’s get him to the infirmary where I can check him properly,” Perseus stated. The desire to take Wren away from all these other people returned. He wanted him all to himself. “The lighting is better and I have tools on hand if I need to do something.”

  Sliding his arms under Wren’s shoulders and thighs, Perseus easily hefted the large man off the ground. In the process, he moved Wren out of Penelope’s reach. He rose to his feet and began striding down the walk, an odd surge of pleasure filling him at finally having his mate in his arms.

  “Doc?” Einan called. “Do you think that’s necessary?”

  Perseus paused at the door and looked over his shoulder at him. “Oh, yes,” he confirmed, meeting the other gargoyle’s gaze. “This man is my mate.”

  Einan opened the door for him even as he gaped.

  Someone shrieked behind him. “Wren’s your mate?”

  From the cadence, Perseus assumed it was Penelope. “Yes,” he confirmed, turning sideways so he could ease Wren through the doorway without hitting his human’s head on the frame. “He’s mine.”

  “Damn,” Einan muttered. “Congrats.”

  “Thank you,” Perseus replied.

  He knew he expressed his excitement in his tone, but he couldn’t help it. He’d watched his friends and fellow clutch members find their mates, bond, and settle down in happiness. While he tried not to be jealous, sometimes, seeing the love they shared, it was tough.

  Perseus glanced over his shoulder and noted that almost everyone followed him. His announcement would be the talk of the clutch...probably spread by one of the shifters, since Taolma and Caladon weren’t behind him. They’d most likely been dismissed or waved off by Tobias or Einan. He heard Maelgwn order Tobias to find Raymond and review security footage. Raymond was their clutch’s technical guru, so they were probably on the hunt to discover how Wren had snuck onto their estate unchecked. Perseus figured Golren followed because Penelope insisted. He wondered how rude it’d be to tell everyone to leave. Could he claim doctor patient privilege?

  Once Perseus reached the infirmary wing, he pushed his way into the first examining suite. There was a large exam bed, a comfortable sitting area for patient’s guests, and a tiny ensuite with a toilet, a sink, and a handicapped-equipped shower. Perseus placed his mate on the exam bed.

  Perseus swept his gaze over Wren’s pale, bearded face. The man had a broad, high forehead and the facial hair was several inches long...and thick. Unable to resist the urge to touch the wiry-looking hair, he ran his claws over the black strands, surprised to find it softer than it looked. He wondered what that would feel like on other parts of his body.

  His body reacted predictably to his thoughts. His blood flowed south and his prick threatened to tent his loincloth. Just the idea of Wren rubbing that springy hair along his—

  The sound of someone clearing his throat yanked Perseus from his reverie. He yanked his hand away from the big man’s face. Glancing over his shoulder, seeing Maelgwn’s smirk, Einan’s grin, not to mention the way Golren seemed to glance around the room, looking at anything but him, and Penelope’s drawn brows, Perseus felt as if he’d been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

  Was it wrong to feel up his mate’s face while he slept?


  Still, Perseus couldn’t help but want to do it again.

  Shaking free of his lusty thoughts—there was a hell of a lot to explain to the unknowing human, after all—Perseus returned his hands to Wren’s head. This time, he managed to keep his focus on his job as he threaded his fingers through the human’s hair and felt around his head. When his fingertips grazed over a swollen nub on the lower left side of his skull, he had to adjust his grip quickly to keep Wren from pulling out of his grip when he flinched.

  “Easy, bear,” Perseus crooned. “Just relax,” he continued. “I got you.”

  Perseus gently massaged his mate’s scalp. Once Wren had settled, he felt around the lump, then skimmed his fingertips over the top of it. To his relief, Perseus didn’t feel any blood scabbing the area. When Wren grunted again, Perseus stopped with his exploration of the wound and moved his hands to his human’s neck and jaw. With his long clawed fingers, he
began exploring the vertebrae of Wren’s neck, making certain nothing moved where it shouldn’t.

  Once satisfied, Perseus released Wren’s neck. He managed to let go with his left hand so he could half-turn to face the others, while keeping his right hand on Wren’s shoulder. Tracing his thumb claw along his collar bone, Perseus swept his gaze over the group.

  “It seems Wren just clocked himself a good one when he fell,” Perseus said, directing his focus at Penelope. “He will be fine.”

  Penelope nodded slowly, chewing on her lower lip. After glancing uncertainly at Golren, she returned her focus to Perseus. “So, my godfather, uh, Wren is your mate?” she asked softly.

  Perseus had never been great at reading other people’s facial expressions, but her scent gave away her concern. Why she should feel that way, he had no idea. One thing Perseus could do, though, was be blunt.

  “You have a problem with Wren being my mate?”

  Penelope’s eyes widened. “Oh, no,” she quickly stated, shaking her head. “No, I just, uh—” She cocked her head and furrowed her brows. “I just don’t think he has much of an imagination. I’m not sure how easy this whole, paranormal thing will be for him to accept.” She shrugged, a smirk curving her lips, as she waved a hand toward Wren. “He did faint, after all.”

  Perseus nodded slowly as he turned his attention back to Wren. His mate was a big human, maybe six foot three or four, if he had to guess. He sported wide, broad shoulders, an obviously thickly muscled body under his t-shirt that Perseus would love to explore. His jeans molded to his long legs like a second skin, showcasing hard thighs that Perseus desperately wanted to feel gripping his waist. He sported tattoos up both arms, starting at his wrists and disappearing under his shirt sleeves, one with ivy vines wrapped around intricate Celtic knots. His other was a myriad of colors that Perseus couldn’t make heads or tails of.

  Nothing about the man spoke of even an interest in things otherworldly.

  Sighing, Perseus couldn’t help rubbing his hand over Wren’s collar bone once more. He turned to look at Penelope again, who offered him an uncertain smile. Golren shrugged.

  Fortunately, Maelgwn gave him a reassuring look. “Don’t worry, Perseus,” he assured. The gargoyle leader turned and rested one clawed hand on Penelope’s shoulder. It seemed somewhere along the trip to the infirmary, both Maelgwn and Einan had returned to their true form. “Fear not, young Penelope,” Maelgwn said with a wink. “We have centuries of experience in introducing humans to paranormals.” His smile widened into a grin, showing off his teeth. “Not to mention, the mate pull can be a powerful incentive. Don’t you think?”

  Penelope’s face turned beet red as she glanced covertly toward Golren. For the shifter’s credit, he just wrapped his arm around his mate’s shoulder, tugged her against his side, and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

  Wren’s soft moan caught everyone’s attention.

  Perseus returned his focus to Wren and spotted his mate’s eyelids flutter. Knowing what needed to be done, he eased away from the human as Einan dimmed the lights. Maelgwn ushered Penelope and Golren out of the room, offering her assurances that her godfather was in safe hands and that she would be called for if Wren had trouble accepting the existence of gargoyles.

  As Perseus took a few steps backward, casting him in shadows, Maelgwn shut the door. A dim lamp on the left side of the room, turned on by Einan, illuminated the far side of the room. With the lamp’s position on the opposite wall as the two chairs where Einan and Maelgwn settled, Perseus knew everyone’s features would be in shadows.

  Perseus held his breath. As he listened to Wren groan and watched him move restlessly on the sheet, he fought his urge to go to his wounded mate. Instead, he prayed to whatever God cared to listen that the next hour would go smoothly.

  Chapter Three

  Feeling the dull thrumming pain radiating through his head, Wren wondered what had happened to him. Had he been hit on his bike? He didn’t remember being in an accident but surely that could be the only explanation for the pain rolling through him.

  “How are you feeling?” a deep voice asked.

  Wren felt his blood flow from his aching head to his prick. He bit back a grunt as he racked his brain for the last time he’d responded to just the voice of a man. Wren couldn’t remember that ever happening.

  Holy hell, who is this guy?

  Forcing his right eyelid open a crack, Wren expected to be blinded. Instead, his vision was met by soft illumination on the far side of the room. He eased his other eyelid open and blinked a few times, adjusting to the dimly lit room.

  Wren spotted the lamp on a small nightstand against the far wall some distance away, but the light it cast didn’t reach very far. He saw chairs directly to his right and, squinting into the darkness, realized they were occupied. A pair of men—large men, from their silhouettes—sat in the room with him.

  “Wh—” Wren paused and cleared his throat. “Who are you?”

  “They are Maelgwn and Einan,” the deep voice said from his left. “I am Perseus.”

  Wren whipped his head around to peer at the man, then instantly regretted the action. The throbbing intensified and his vision swam for just an instant. Grunting, Wren lifted his hand to the back of his head.

  “Easy, now,” the man, Perseus, purred deeply. “You took a hard knock to the head. I can offer you some aspirin or ibuprofen, if you’d like.”

  That sounded pretty good. “Sure, yeah. Aspirin would be great,” he agreed. “Uh, where am I?”

  “You broke into my manor, Wren Cleaver,” one of the men to the right stated, drawing his attention. “Now you will learn more than you ever wanted to know.”

  Wren thought that sounded confusing as hell...and ominous. “What’s that mean?” he murmured, squinting toward the man. Was he wearing a cloak?

  “Try to keep from falling off the bed when you see me, Wren,” Perseus said, causing Wren to turn his head back to the left. “I am going to approach, and you’re going to remain calm. Falling off the bed would just aggravate your condition.”

  Wren felt like he was watching a tennis match, and it was causing his headache to intensify. He groaned, but even that hurt. Staring up at the ceiling, he breathed deeply and thought about what Perseus said.

  “Why the hell would I fall off the bed?” Wren snapped.

  A snort came from the second man to his right. “Because you’re not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy,” he replied.

  “Einan, that’s enough,” the first guy scolded.

  At least that told Wren whose voice belonged to which man.

  “What?” Einan continued, amusement lacing his tone. “Would you prefer I say he’s Alice and he fell down the rabbit hole?”

  Maelgwn scoffed. “Who the hell did you learn that from? Cornelius?”

  “Learn what?” Einan asked.

  “To be a shit,” Maelgwn responded.

  Einan snorted. “Guess I am a bit happier now that I’m mated. Yeah.”

  “Wait a minute,” Wren mumbled, suddenly recognizing the names. “I’ve met you guys. At my restaurant,” he continued. The memory of a huge Caucasian with a plump, boisterous green-eyed man entered his mind. Maelgwn sounded familiar, too. Wren had always been good with names and faces, and it only took his pounding mind a few seconds to remember seeing a massive male who looked like a cross between African American and something else—Native American, maybe—with long black hair. He always came in with a jubilant twink with dark hair and green eyes. “Bobby. Your partner is Bobby, right?”

  “Good memory,” Maelgwn commented. “Then you know we have nothing against gays and we’d never put you in danger in any way.”

  Before Wren could wrap his mind around that comment, movement to his left once more drew his attention. He couldn’t help feeling some measure of excited anticipation at seeing the man whose voice caused such a reaction in his body. Except, what moved from the darkness didn’t look like a man.

  Wren’s chest seize
d making his lungs ache for a second. In an instant, he took in the swarthy skin that had a distinct greenish hue, but that wasn’t the oddest thing. He saw a square jaw, prominent bones instead of eyebrows, and—holy hell—were those canines protruding from his lips? Still, Wren swept his gaze over the massive chest on display and, to his shock, felt his body responding.

  This has to be a dream.

  Wren realized that must be it as there could be no way that was real. Creatures with wings and fangs did not exist. They also did not turn him on. Therefore, this was a dream created by his pain-muddled mind.

  So, I can enjoy it, right?

  More than happy to get behind that decision, Wren took the pills the creature offered—Perseus, according to his dream—and levered up on his elbow. If this was a dream, how come he couldn’t have this crazy encounter pain free? That was a bummer.

  Wren popped the pills into his mouth, took the water from the...creature’s hand, which was green—holy crap. Then, he took a swig and downed the pain relievers. Lowering himself off his elbow, Wren stared up at Perseus. Now that he realized what he was going through, he could appreciate the sexy attributes of the male...and the...thing...was most definitely male. His, uh, loincloth was tenting rather enticingly.

  Interested in what was underneath...and not wanting an audience, even in a dream, Wren turned his head to peer through the darkness at the other men’s silhouettes. “You guys want to make yourselves scarce? Because I want to see this sexy beast naked and I don’t want an audience.”

  Maelgwn cleared his throat. “Are you certain you wish us to leave?” he asked. “Don’t you have questions?”

  Wren snorted. “Questions and wet dreams don’t really mix,” he said. He’d be embarrassed, but hell, this was his own mind, so why give a fuck? “How about sex, then questions?” He focused his attention on the big green...thing before him. If he looked away, would his dream change? Wren didn’t want to take the chance.

  “I guess we are not wanted,” Maelgwn commented, amusement lacing his voice. “Come on, Einan.”


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