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Title Page
Introduction: What’s Wrong with Elena?
The Story of Diagnosis
Chapter 1: The Stepchild of Medicine: Mesmerists, Alienists, and Analysts
Chapter 2: Down the Garden Path: The Rise of the Shrink
Chapter 3: What Is Mental Illness?: A Farrago of Diagnoses
Chapter 4: Destroying the Rembrandts, Goyas, and Van Goghs: Anti-Freudians to the Rescue
The Story of Treatment
Chapter 5: Desperate Measures: Fever Cures, Coma Therapy, and Lobotomies
Chapter 6: Mother’s Little Helper: Medicine at Last
Psychiatry Reborn
Chapter 7: Out of the Wilderness: The Brain Revolution
Chapter 8: Soldier’s Heart: The Mystery of Trauma
Chapter 9: The Triumph of Pluralism: The DSM-5
Chapter 10: The End of Stigma: The Future of Psychiatry
Copyright Acknowledgments
About the Author
Sources and Additional Reading
Copyright © 2015 by Jeffrey A. Lieberman
Cover design by Julianna Lee; photographs by iStockphoto and Shutterstock
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ISBN 978-0-316-27884-3
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