The Ocoda Chronicles Book 2 Lost Heroes

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The Ocoda Chronicles Book 2 Lost Heroes Page 5

by Daniel OConnell

  At that moment, in from the doorway enters Mohammed with Carla in his arms. Carla says aloud, "Papa Jacks. I did what you asked. I told her to go to sleep, just like you asked me to do, but it was very hard. She has something that blocks me from reading her thoughts."

  Jackson slightly concerned says, "It’s Ok Little Flower, you did a good job, thank you very much.” What does this woman have that can block Carla's mind reading ability?

  As they approach her, they are shocked to see her vanish right before their very eyes

  Mohammed shocked asks, "Where did she go? What happened?"

  Jackson curses, "Ah hell, I’m really getting pissed off at all this crap now."

  Jackson grabs Carla up in his arms and says, "Ok, Little Flower I need you to wake your uncle Val please, it’s really important."

  Carla slightly scared says, "Yes Papa Jacks, I’ll try again, but it’s so hard, Papa put so much stuff in his head, and it’s so noisy in his head."

  After several minutes, they all make their way down to med bay where Jackson says, "Qui Shi, I’m sorry, but I need Val now."

  Jackson looks at Carla and says, "Ok Carla, wake him up."

  Carla concentrates for a few minutes, as she does, she stops and says, "Papa Jacks, it’s so hard, my Papa put so much stuff in his head, and it’s so loud and crowded. It really hurts my head."

  Qui Shi concerned, pleads, "Andrew, please, she is only a small child. Please, don’t force her to do this."

  Carla says, "I have to try Mama Qui Shi, Papa Jacks needs me too."

  Carla tries again. She concentrates on Val and focuses all her thoughts on waking him up. She begins to cry, as her nose starts to bleed, but suddenly Val jumps up yelling, "Carla!"

  Qui Shi begins scanning him immediately. Jackson concerned asks, "Val are you Ok?"

  Val dazed, replies, "I am sorry Jacks, there is so much stuff still rattling around my head. Cale shoved so much information, I’m, I’m… just having trouble concentrating. Where is he?"

  Jackson looks to Qui Shi, as Carla starts to cry. Val confused asks again, "Come on where is he?"

  Jackson looks somberly at Val and says, "He’s gone Val. He vanished saving us."

  Val sits back unphased, and says, "No Jacks, he’s not gone. I know he’s not gone. I don’t know how I know it, I just do."

  Jackson smirks, saying, "I hope your right Val, I really do, but right now I need what Cale put in your head. We have some crazy humans popping in and out of the ship, and we’re about to face about nine hundred T-Challa ships."

  Val’s face becomes emotionless as he replies, "They’re using a phase shifting device. It is obsolete X’ena technology. It accesses an area of space that exists between dimensions known as null space. The X’ena’s use to use it long before gateway travel. It’s only good for short jumps across a few million kilometers, but probably more, it all depends on the power it uses. It is however, very taxing on the human anatomy. It can take a very long time to master it."

  Jackson eyes go wide in amazement asks, "How do you know what they are using?"

  Val snaps back from his emotionless self and replies, "I don’t know Jacks, I just do. Cale put all this stuff in my head, whenever I think of something, images just appear to me, explaining it to me."

  Jackson now becoming concerned asks, "Can you find them, or stop them?"

  Val once again snaps back to an emotionless persona answering, "Finding them will take time, stopping them is easy, all you have to do is raise shields, or activate the scrambler."

  Jackson studying Val’s actions thinks to himself. What is going on with Val? Well, whatever it is I hope it’s just a temporary side effect, because I need him.

  Jackson then asks, "Val, what is a Paladonian?"

  Val one again snaps back to his normal self and replies, "No idea what that is Jacks, but I have so many images popping around my head right now it’s so confusing. Why do you ask?"

  Jackson, now a little hesitant in talking to Val replies, "This woman said she was a Paladonian.” What is going on with Val? He’s acting so different, even cold at times, and its unsettling dealing with him.

  At that moment, Captain Mulvey arrives, asking, "General Jackson, you have Earth command on the com. They’re demanding your presence."

  Jackson looks up and says, "Tell them I’m busy."

  Mulvey politely replies, "Sir, I’m ordered to relieve you if you do not respond to them now."

  Jackson takes a deep breath, looks at Mulvey, and says, "Tell them I’ll be there in ten minutes."

  Mulvey reluctantly replies, "Sorry sir, but you have to come now."

  Jackson looks to Val winks and says, "Val did Cale leave you the shutdown commands of all the ships?"

  Val pretends to think for a moment and says, "Yes, he did."

  Jackson looks to Mulvey, saying, "Tell them ten minutes, do I make myself clear Captain."

  Mulvey understanding General Jackson reputation says, "Yes sir, ten minutes, I’ll try my best to keep them on the com sir."

  Mulvey and his escort leave the room. As they leave, Val confused says, "Jacks, I don’t really have those codes, only the knowledge of how to let Carla do it, and besides Jacks, whatever is going on with me it’s very hard for me to get a handle on."

  Qui Shi annoyed at everything says, " Val, don’t you dare run off, I need to run a series of test on you before you go anywhere, and Andrew, why are your acting like Caleb?"

  Mohammed interjects asking Jackson, "Do you want them to think you’re as unstable as Caleb?"

  Jackson smiles as he looks to Qui Shi, saying, "One thing I’ve learned in my time with Caleb is that crazy seems to get the job done a whole lot better than following the leash."

  Eleven minutes later, Jackson finally arrives on the bridge to see the holograms of General Haggier, Secretary Chan, President Baker, and several other dignitaries, all from across the globe."

  Haggier enraged yells, "General, what the hell gives you the right to make combat decisions without our approval!"

  Jackson ignores the question, and sits at his seat. Haggier furious asks again, "Jackson, I just asked you a question, do you plan on answering it?"

  Jackson finally replies, "First off, I can see that the concern for the loss of Caleb, Paladin, and his crew is foremost on your minds."

  Baker, diplomatic as always, says, "We are of course deeply saddened by the loss of your friends General, Caleb and Paladin’s loss is a tragedy beyond words, but we need to establish control now more than ever, and you’re not showing that with this cowboy tactic."

  Jackson amused says, "Let’s get a few things straight. First of all I’m not Caleb, I don’t have as you like to say ‘Cowboy Tactics’, although Caleb’s tactics saved all of our lives on more than a few occasions. Secondly, the T-Challa are on the move with this fleet to see if we have lost our resolve to fight. If we so much as flinch, let alone back down, then they will come at us with everything they have. We are going to stop this fleet here and now, and destroy that base. To do anything less, will invite them to enslave us, or destroy us."

  Chan finally speaks, asking, "Son, how do you know this? You are not Caleb."

  Jackson replies, "You don’t need to be half alien to understand your enemy sir. I’ve been fighting these things for years. I’ve seen how they act close up, and I’ve seen what they do when they sense fear. If they see any weakness in their prey, and make no mistake sir, we are prey to them, the T-Challa immediately exploit that weakness. If we so much as flinch, those nine hundred ships will be five thousand ships."

  Haggier annoyed says, "I disagree with your assessment Jackson. I feel you’re putting your personal feelings for revenge before common sense, and you’re putting the fleet in jeopardy. I want you to return to Earth and coordinate a defense plan here."

  Jackson stands and says, "Haggier you are a complete and utter idiot. You remind me too much of my father, thinking with your head last and follow orders first. If I am ordered to return
I will, but I will resign my commission immediately, and leave the Earth with my family."

  Chan shocked stands and says, "Son, we will need to convene in private for a few minutes." The com closes, as the bridge stares at Jackson, who remains silent and somber waiting.

  After several minutes, the com officer says, "General, sir, Secretary Chan is requesting a private channel with you in your ready room."

  Jackson stands from his command chair and goes to his room. He enters and sees a hologram of Chan waiting for him. Chan seeing Jackson enter the room speaks, "Son, I am sorry for the loss of your friend, and not just because he saved us all, but because of what he did by bringing you into my family."

  Jackson fatigued asks, "I know you mean well by that, but what is the verdict?"

  Chan calmly says, "Son, you’re not Caleb, you do not have to act like him. Be your own man, people respect you and admire you. The council has agreed with some conditions."

  Jackson annoyed asks, "Conditions sir?"

  Chan replies, "Yes, if the battle starts to go badly, you must return. Regardless of the fleet’s condition, and secondly, I want my daughter and Caleb’s daughter to be brought back to Earth at once. I alone know what she is son, and she is much too valuable to be put in a position of risk."

  Jackson lowers his head and says, "Agreed sir, but I want you to know, we have another group of humans interested in what’s going on." Jackson pulls up his console and sends a file to Chan.

  Jackson says, "That file has all the information we have on them up till now. I have a feeling considering their name, that we haven’t seen the last of Caleb and Paladin."

  Chan looks over the file for a moment, surprised he states, "Alien humans! We will need to discuss this at once. Thank you my son, be safe, and come home to your family."

  Jackson agreeably replies, "I will be coming home sir, you can count on it."

  The holocom closes, as Jackson notices the weight sensor move again. He smirks, asking, "Hello Tess, spying again?"

  The voice that replies is not Tess, "No General, Tess is still unconscious. You must tell the child to release her now, or I will personally make you."

  Jackson smiles and says, "Really, about time we got down to some real negotiating."

  The voice says again from the emptiness of Jackson’s room, "General Jackson, tell the child to release her now."

  Jackson thinks aloud, "Carla this is Papa Jacks, tell Mohammed to get into my ready room now, and to have the ship raise shields, and do it fast."

  Carla responds telepathically, "Ok Papa Jacks, we’re coming."

  Jackson confidently demands, "Show yourself son, and I’ll talk to you, but if stay hidden, you will get nothing from me."

  The man appears from thin air holding Tess unconscious in his arms, stating, "I am Raphael, Tess is my sister, and you will have that abomination release her now."

  Jackson immediately notices that Raphael’s youthful appearance, perhaps only in his late teens. He sits down and says, "Well Ralphy, you’re trapped on my ship. I’ve raised my shields, so, until we clear the air, no one is going anywhere, is that understood."

  Mohammed barges into the room with a group of security guards fully armed.

  Jackson assertively orders, "Tell me everything, and I’ll wake your sister."

  Raphael keeps trying to hit a device on his belt, but nothing works. Finally, he lowers his head, saying, "We cannot tell you everything General. To do so may seriously affect the timeline that must occur. Paladin has set out exact calculations that must be followed precisely, or we may risk losing everything."

  Jackson very confused asks, "Paladin? They’re alive?"

  Raphael reluctantly replies, "We don’t know if they’re still alive, they have not been seen for over a thousand years."

  Jackson even more confused asks, "Ok son, this is very confusing. I need you to explain everything slowly."

  Raphael pleading says, "Please wake my sister first. She is the leader. She must be the one to decide what to do."

  Jackson looks to Mohammed, who signals his guards to allow Carla to enter. Raphael is terrified, as he sees Carla enter the room, as he quickly jumps back.

  Jackson noticing this says, "Carla, wake her up please.” Why is that young man so terrified of a little girl?

  Carla thinks for a brief moment, and Tess slowly begins to awaken.

  Tess opens her eyes, and immediately sees Carla standing next to her, with Mohammed right beside her.

  She quickly scampers away in fear. Carla starts to cry and says, "She is scared of me Papa Jacks, she thinks I’m a bad girl."

  Tess tries to activate her phase shifter and notices her brother, alarmed she cries aloud, "No my brother, what have you done!"

  Tess turns to Jackson terrified and says, "Jacks, you need to do something you have never done before. You need to trust someone you don’t know. Release us, or you jeopardize everything that Caleb and Paladin put into motion over two thousand years ago."

  Jackson focused on Tess says, "Mohammed, clear the room."

  Mohammed takes Carla and his men out the door, and closes it behind them. Jackson looks to Tess and says, "Ok Tess, I need something from you, if you want my trust you need to give me something."

  Tess shakes her head in frustration and says, "Paladin survived yes, they were thrown through time. They originally were thrown into the distant future. He tried to return to prevent the future he found, but he failed. Caleb was sent back some two thousand years in the past, and Jacks. You must understand that no one should know too much about their future. So please, don’t ask too much of me."

  Jackson curious asks, "Ok Tess, but I need to know a few things about this upcoming battle, if as you say, Caleb and Paladin survived, just what exactly did they tell you I need to do to win this battle?"

  Tess looks to her brother in frustration and says, "Jacks, we are very limited in what we can say, but they have a second gateway, and they’re going to do it again. Jacks, you may need to order someone to their death, but no matter the cost you have to survive."

  Jackson curious asks, "I guess in the alternate timeline, I did the deed myself?"

  Tess replies, "After this battle, all our knowledge of the future events are gone."

  Jackson irritated asks, "So why not tell me what to expect? Give me and my people a chance to save some lives?"

  Tess answers, "Because sometimes you can’t save everyone. Sometimes friends have to die, and sometimes you need to accept the cards you’re dealt with. Paladin knew the alternative, and didn’t share with us all the details of the upcoming events. We only know what we we're told."

  Jackson frowns and asks, "What can you tell me other than this cryptic crap."

  Tess replies, "We don’t know too much about the upcoming battle, other than you died trying to save the fleet. If you survive, there is a ninety percent chance that Carla will not be forced into an early confrontation with the T-Challa Queen."

  Jackson frustrated asks, "Where are Caleb and Paladin now?"

  Tess upset replies, "We don’t know Jacks. They disappeared over a thousand years ago."

  Jackson asks, "Who are the Paladonian’s? I can’t see that knowledge affecting the future."

  Tess sighs replies, "They’re seven habitable Earth like moons, which circle a gas giant. Caleb called the gas giant Paladonia. Caleb then populated these moons with humans over two thousand years ago. We have remained hidden for all this time, and per his orders, we waited watching, as your people developed. Unfortunately, the Paladonian's are a splintered people Jacks, and usually don’t always agree with each other, but we have a responsibility to ensure our own survival. Caleb had to do what he did before we could act. If he didn’t, a paradox would have occurred, and our people would have vanished from existence."

  Jackson, slightly overwhelmed eyes go wide, as he shakes his head in near disbelief, but refocuses asks, "Will your people help us now?” This is way beyond belief.

  Tess answers,
"As I said before Jacks, the Paladonian’s are splintered people. Not everyone agrees with what we should, or shouldn’t do, and although we are slightly more advanced than you are we only number in the millions. Were you and the people of Earth are in the billions."

  Jackson aggravated asks again, "Will your people help us? Yes or no!"

  Tess reluctantly says, "I’m sorry Jacks, this is all the help you’ll be able to get from us for now. I lead the Whitefeather moon, my people, and our fleet are very small in comparison to the other Paladonian worlds. We are the youngest sect of the Paladonian’s, but we were the most trusted, and so Caleb gave us tools, tools to ensure that our mission was completed as he had wanted."

  Jackson sits back in his chair and asks, "Look, right now I’ll take whatever help I can get, why not bring your fleet to help us?"

  Tess reluctantly says, "Jacks please understand, we are helping the only way we can for now."

  Jackson puts his hand over the com saying. "Tess, only my friends call me Jacks, and I don’t remember ever calling you my friend.” Jackson takes a breath continuing, “You know what I see here Tess? I see your people sitting this out, to see if I survive before sticking their necks out." Jackson pauses again very annoyed, as both look at each other, finally, Jackson says in anger, "Just get the hell off my ship." He turns to the com and says, "Deactivate the shields."

  Tess looks to her brother and both vanish.



  Several hours later, Jackson, is seated at his command station, he asks, "Kitanna status?"

  Kitanna studying the data replies, "Anders and his Battleship fleet are behind the T-Challa fleet and closing very fast. He seems to be pushing the ships to their limits. His energy output is stressing the cloaking fields overall effectiveness, and if he's not careful, it may result in the T-Challa detecting them should they continue this level of power. Our Carrier wing is holding position, and as per your orders General. Support fighters have laid over two thousands cloaked mines all across their expected route."

  Jackson looking over the tactical display asks, "What is the makeup of the T-Challa fleet?"


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