Something Amazing

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Something Amazing Page 1

by M. Clarke

  Copyright © Mary Ting 2015

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locations, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Licensing Notes

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews.


  I dedicate this book to you!

  Thank you for being awesome fans and for reading everything I publish. Words are not enough to tell you how grateful I am. I write because you read my books. You are my fuel, my inspiration to keep writing.

  Special thanks to Rick Miles, PR at Red Coat, and Shannon Hunt, my PA, and Lisa from The Rock Stars of Romance.

  Extra thanks to the beta readers: DawnMarie Carpintero, Morgan Reynolds Faufaw, Vanessa Strickler, Janie Iturralde, and Kara Nichols

  My Amazing Street Team (Mary’s Angels): Sam Stettner, DawnMarie Carpintero, Morgan Reynolds Faufaw, Vanessa Strickler, Janie Iturralde, Nancy Byers, Mary La, Kitty Bowers, Elliot McMahon, Julie Barnard, Candice Clifford, Brenda Kness, Jasmine L. Albitos, JM Myla, Joanne Lassiter, Diana Lopez, Stacey Nixon, Kenderly Woods, Jennifer Pierson, Kim Sowards, Wanda Green-Swafford, Kate Cecce, Alisa Jenkins, Holly Smith, Cody Smith-Candelaria, Jean Moretto, Debbie Beattie

  Thanks to author friends for their support: Alexandrea Weis, Rose Garcia, Trisha Wolfe, Charyse Allan

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  “Hi Rachel. It’s good to hear from you.”

  “Hey, Becky,” I said softly, trying not to break down over the phone. It was the last thing I wanted to do. “Is Matthew with you?” I thought bringing up Matthew to divert her attention would help, but it didn’t.

  She chuckled lightly. “Sorry. Matthew was tickling me. He says hi.”

  “Tell him I said hi, too.”

  “Is everything okay? You’ve never called me this late before. I mean, its nine o’clock here, but it’s midnight in New York.”

  “I…it’s just that. I’m going to take a mini vacation.”

  “What happened?” My sister’s voice was concerned. I imagined her getting out of bed.

  I tried my best to maintain composure, but her big-sisterly voice—the one that always soothed me and gave me reassurance—made me utterly lose it. Tears burst forth, which she definitely heard. “We broke up.”

  “What? Why?” Her pitch rose higher.

  “It’s kind of Matthew’s fault.” My lips quivered as tears ran down my cheeks.

  I heard a slap and Matthew’s shout. “Ouch! What was that for? You better watch it, Becca, ‘cause you’re turning me on. I don’t care if it’s your baby sister on the phone. I’ll make you come big time. She’ll be hearing Matthew and Becca porn.”

  Oh my God! I let out a snort. That seemed to stop the tears for a bit. “Don’t hurt him. He didn’t do anything.”

  “I’ll be right back,” I heard her tell Matthew. “Okay, sorry about that, Rachel. What do you mean you and Greg broke up? What happened? Tell me everything.”

  Tell her everything? Where do you start when there is so much to tell? “I don’t love him anymore.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Becky…remember when you told me about Jenna? How she was going out with a safe guy, but her heart wasn’t really there?”


  “I think that’s how it is with me. I just didn’t know it until I saw how Max and Matthew were. When you hear about it, it’s one thing, but when you see it with your own eyes it becomes real. My eyes were opened when I came to visit you. I had loved Greg for the past two years, but I don’t think he’s the one for me; the one I want forever with.”

  “As much as I really like Greg, I’m on your side. If you’re not happy with him, then it’s better that you found out sooner rather than later.”

  “I want to know what it feels like to love, and be loved, the way you and Matthew love each other. There’s so much respect, honesty, and…passion.” I was kind of shy saying that word, but sex was a big deal in a relationship.

  “Did you talk to Greg about this?”

  “I did. Greg is a great guy, but there’s….” I couldn’t finish the sentence.

  “Well, look. Surely you and Greg weren’t meant to be. You’re still so inexperienced, fresh out of college. You should date around.”

  I released a heavy sigh and sniffed. “I know. There’s a part of me that feels relief, and a part of me that’s hurting.” The tears that I’d tried to keep at bay escaped from the corners of my eyes.

  “I understand. I’m so sorry. Breaking up is hard, especially when you’ve been together for so long. Want to come visit me?”

  “Actually, the reason I called was to let you know that I’m going to Kauai with Stacey.”

  “Your roommate, Stacey?”

  “Yes. Don’t worry. I’ll make it to your wedding rehearsal.”

  “Okay. Do Mom and Dad know?”

  “Yes. They know about the break up and my trip. I’m sure they’ll be calling you tomorrow.”

  “Thanks for the warning.”

  “What are sisters for? Anyway, I’ll let you go. Thanks for listening.”

  There was a silent pause. I knew Becky didn’t want to hang up because she was worried about me. The truth was, though I was hurting, I felt a sense of freedom. Was this a temporary thing? Had I made a mistake? I guessed time would let me know.

  “Any time, Rachel. Do me a favor?”

  “Anything. What is it?”

  “When you get there, don’t sulk. Forget Greg. Forget everything. Go out with hot surfer guys. Have a blast with Stacey. Be free and make out with lots of guys, but be responsible. Do what you were supposed to be doing for the past two years.”

  “Okay,” I said. I didn’t know about the hot surfer guys, but I would definitely leave all my worries behind and go to a peaceful place to help me clear my head. “Thank you. I’ll see you soon.”

  I heard Becky giggle and moan, even though she probably didn’t mean for me to hear. “Come to bed. It’s cold without you,” I heard Matthew’s voice murmur. I didn’t know if that was meant for me to hear either, but it made me smile. I loved how playful Matthew was. I meant it when I’d said it was Matthew’s fault. He’d made me see what type of man I wanted forever with. From all of the shuffling and steps on the other end of the line, I assumed that Matthew was carrying her to bed.

  “Call or text me to let me know you’re safe. Call me anytime. You’ll be three hours behind my time zone. And I’m really sorry about the breakup. It’s always hard, no matter the reason. Love ya.”

  “Love you, too. Bye, Becky. Say good-bye to Matthew for me.”

  “Bye, Rachel,” Matthew said. I was surprised to hear his voice. “Sorry about Greg. The one that’s meant for you will come when least expected. I’m talking from experience. When you get there, go to Poipu. My friend owns a restaurant on the beach called Ocean Front. You can’t miss it. It’s the only one there. His name is Hendrix. I’ll give him a call. When do you leave for Kauai?”

  “Next week. I haven’t made any reservations yet. Stacey and I decided spur of the moment.”

  “Good. I won’t take no for an answer. I can set both of you up at Koloa Landing. I’ll call tomorrow. Have a great time and be safe. You’re my sister now, and I’m going to treat you like one, so guys better beware.” I heard a sweet, manly chuckle, half serious and half teasing. Being the type of person he was, I knew he spoke the tru

  “Thank you, Matthew.”

  “By the way, you should be getting a phone call tomorrow. The photography department loved your work. The job is yours if you want it.”

  “Are you serious?” I asked with elation. It was the first time I’d smiled that week. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Just say yes. Come and work for us. You don’t have to start right away.”

  “Thanks, Matthew.” Although I had to think about the offer, that was one of the perks of having a connection and a great future brother-in-law. “You’re the best.”

  Matthew chuckled. “She said I’m the best. She’s so smart.”

  “Of course she would say that. You are the best.” I heard chuckling from my sister.

  “I’m the best at everything, but mostly making Becca happy.”

  There were more giggles. “Sorry, Rachel. Stop, Matthew.” More laughter rang through the phone. “I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Bye, Matthew. Bye, Becky,” I said, laughing, then hung up.

  Chapter 1


  “Wow! This place looks amazing.” Stacey dropped her suitcase and glanced around. “Look at the granite on the kitchen counter.” Her eyes grew wider. “Look at this refrigerator. It looks like it’s part of the cabinet.” She opened and closed it.

  Passing the kitchen, I headed to the sliding glass door and opened it. The warm breeze tousled my hair as the smell of the ocean wafted through my nose. “Look at that ocean view,” I sighed, feeling all of my worries melt away.

  Inhaling the breath of fresh air and taking in the beautiful scenario filled me with euphoria. One thing about Kauai, the wind blew a lot more than what I was used to. From the distance, I could see the palm trees swaying in the direction of the wind, dancing with the melody of Mother Nature. The thick clouds that looked like whipped cream seemed like they would be heaven to touch. And something about being surrounded by nothing but plush greens and various colors of orchids that decorated the trees everywhere I looked made me feel like I was in paradise.

  I stepped outside onto the balcony, where there was outdoor furniture including a wooden dining table with seating for four. To my right I could see the swimming pools, and to my left was an empty lot. Looked like they were building, possibly a new complex.

  “You can take the bedroom with the view, and I’ll take the one by the kitchen,” Stacey said, breaking me out of my daze. She was standing halfway out the sliding glass door.

  “Are you sure?” I followed her inside and grabbed my suitcase from where I had dropped it next to hers when we entered.

  “Yes. I insist. We were planning to share one bedroom, but there are two. Plus, your future brother-in-law got this place for us just because he adores you. I seriously don’t know how you can stand to be in the same room and not drool over him. He looks edible in the pictures you showed me. I can only imagine how he would look in person.”

  “I have to admit that he’s good looking, but he’s going to be my brother-in-law. I think of Matthew as my older brother.”

  “Well, he’s not my future brother-in-law, so I’m allowed to drool over him. Next time you talk to him, tell him I thanked him. I mean, look at this place. It’s a two bedroom condo with a full kitchen.” She held up a menu and placed it down on the table. “We can order room service.” Stacey opened a door and closed it. “Laundry room.” She pointed. “A family room. Two bedrooms with our own bathrooms. This place must cost a fortune.”

  “Then let’s enjoy it.” I paused. “By the way, thank you for coming with me. Thank you for suggesting this. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

  Stacey gave me a tight squeeze. “I needed a vacation too. I’m so glad our schedules worked out.”

  “I know.” I let out a short laugh.

  “How many times have we tried to plan trips together, but we could never find the time? Sometimes these spontaneous moments are the best. This was just meant to be.”

  “I agree. Let’s unpack and go to the pool. One thing I love about the time change, we just gained four hours.”

  “That’s right. Now if only we had twenty-eight hours a day. We could accomplish so much.” Stacey wiggled her eyebrows.

  “Or sleep more,” I added.

  “That, too, or party more.”

  “I agree to that. Since we ate on the plane, let’s skip lunch and have an early dinner.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  “Before we go, I need to call Becky. I promised her that I would.”

  “Okie dokey. I’ll be in my room unpacking.”

  “All right.” I headed to my bedroom with my suitcase. After taking my cell out of my purse, I called Becky.

  “Rachel. You arrived safely.” She sounded happy to hear from me.

  “Yes we did. Can you thank Matthew for us? Stacey and I love our place.”

  “I will.”

  “I forgot to ask you during our last conversation how Addison is doing?”

  “It’s okay. You were going through some hard times, but Addison is doing well. She’s only two, but she can do so many things she couldn’t before. She can say simple words, too.”

  “Really? I can’t wait to hear her.”

  “You can when you visit or stay permanently. Have you decided or thought about it?”

  Becky wanted me to take Matthew’s offer, which was a great opportunity for me. Anyone would jump at the chance. It was not that I didn’t appreciate Matthew going out of his way to get me the interview, but it was a huge decision, one that I would have to be sure of without a doubt. I would be working for my future brother-in-law in his company, and I didn’t know if that was a great idea. “I’m still thinking about it.”

  “Okay. That’s fine. I don’t want to push you. It’s your future, so you make the decision. I’ll stay out of it, but if you want any sisterly advice, you know what to do.”

  “Thanks. Oh…I forgot to ask about my dress.”

  “What about it? You had your fitting the last time you were here, so you’re fine.”

  “Okay. And you’re going to bring it with you?”

  “Yes, don’t worry.” Becky laughed softly. “I’m the one who should be worrying about all of the little details.”

  “I can’t believe you’re getting married in Paris.”

  “Me, either. Well…I can’t believe I’m going to marry Matthew Knight and that we have a daughter.”

  “It was just meant to be.”

  “Yes, it was.”

  “Anyway, kiss Addison for me. I should hang up. Stacey and I are going to the pool.”

  “How’s the weather?”

  “It’s perfect.”

  “It’s always perfect there. Call me or text me later.”

  “Okay, gotta go. Bye.”

  I was so happy for Becky. She had been through so much growing up, especially with her kidney disease. Knowing that there was a huge possibility that she could never carry a child must have been devastating news at such a young age, but miracles do happen, and one did for my sister.

  Becky and I weren’t always this close. We’d had our ups and downs like any normal siblings. There were days when we wouldn’t speak to each other, because we were both very stubborn, but no matter the reason for our fights, she was always there for me. She was definitely a role model, someone I looked up to.

  “Nice pool.” Stacey glanced around while I admired the manufactured soft waterfall. “Let’s park it right here.”

  “Sure.” I dropped my small bag and draped the towel over it to hold our spot, and Stacey did the same on the chair next to mine. I was glad we had decided to go to the “adults only” pool. There was hardly anyone there.

  Undressing ourselves, Stacey revealed a two piece red bikini, where I revealed a black one. We had both tied our hair back in a low ponytail.

  We stepped into the pool together, and I bit my tongue at the cool water. Although it wasn’t that bad, I just didn’t like anything that wo
uld change the comfortable temperature in my body.

  “The water is perfect.” Stacey submerged herself up to her neck. “Just dive in. Your body will wear off the shock of the change in temperature faster that way.”

  Without answering, I dove under and came out right next to her. “Like this?” I tossed my hair from side to side rapidly, like a dog that just came out of a bath.

  “Rachel!” Stacey squealed, splashing me, but stopped when a couple who were lying nearby on lounge chairs looked at us disapprovingly.

  “Shhh….” I shushed Stacey, but I couldn’t help my lingering laugh. We were having a blast and acting like kids. Instead of swimming, we bounced in the water quietly.

  “So have you thought about it?”

  “Thought about what?” I had no clue what she was talking about. Her tone had become serious compared to a second ago.

  “Your job at the Knight Fashion Magazine.”

  I dunked under water to avoid the question and came out for air. To get the water to stop dripping down my face, I ran both of my hands back from my forehead. “If I take that job, I’ll have to leave New York, my current job, and you. I don’t know.”

  “Don’t worry about me, Rachel. You need to do what’s best for you. And what’s best for you is to work for the Knights.”

  “Have you ever heard people say ‘don’t ever do business with family’?”

  “I’ve heard people say it before, but this is different. Families that can’t work together are not professional. My uncle did a crappy job of my parents’ back yard. My dad said he would never hire him again, but he did anyway when we remodeled our kitchen.”

  “So you’re saying your uncle is not professional.”

  “Yup, that’s what my dad said.” She shrugged. Standing up near the four feet sign, she pushed through the water with her hands. “Anyway, I think you should take it. The job will probably be there for you any time, but now is your chance to have a fresh start. You broke up with Greg; you have nothing to hold you back. I mean…I’ll be sad, but I’ll come visit, and you’re always welcome to come visit me.”


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