Northridge Vampires_Drake

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Northridge Vampires_Drake Page 4

by Amy Robyn

  “You’re right. We do need to train them in control. I’m really glad to have a new perspective.” William tells me as he grabs hold of Drake’s shoulder.

  “Your mate is wise and she also shows compassion, even for our kind. You’re a very lucky man.” William tells Drake who smiles over at me and large dimples pop out in his cheeks. I nearly moan at his beauty. If it was just his dimples I would be fine. The man is absolutely perfect in physique, yet his eyes are what attracts me the most. They are a bright green and carry so much pain. I want to take the pain away and see them alight with happiness.

  I know I sound crazy even thinking those thoughts about a vampire. I wish I could say that I am under his mind control or whatever it is that he calls it. I can’t. All I know is that I crave him as a woman craves a man. As I have never craved before. He has me under his spell and I am not sure if I will ever get out. Perhaps, I should be more frightened than I am. For some reason I feel safe.

  “He still needs to be punished. He fed from a human at the bar.” William says as he looks at Paul, who starts shaking again. He knows that no matter what he isn’t coming out unscathed. I shake my head. I hope that he learns control and soon.

  “I hate to remove his fangs during his training.” William gives his opinion and looks at Drake for his say in the matter.

  “I agree though I would love nothing more than to tear them out.” He growled the last part at Paul. Paul shrinks into the wall as best he can.

  “How about we send him to Philippe for a month. That stogy sod should get him under control and he will better appreciate us.” Drake tells William who starts laughing. It is a joyous sound and it makes me smile, even under these circumstances. That says a lot.

  “Agreed, I will make the call.” He walks away as he pulls out a cell phone and starts talking into it.

  “Go pack Paul before I change my mind.” Drake shouts at him and Paul jumps. He leaves the room so quickly that all I see is a blur. Damn, vampires.

  “Come.” He says as he takes my hand and leads me into the kitchen. He grabs a bottle of water from the refrigerator. It is stacked full of blood bags like the one I saw Paul drink. At least I know they have plenty of food to keep me from being their meal. He opens the bottle for me before handing it to me.

  “I am sure you have a lot of questions. I will answer anything you want to know. Our laws don’t apply when it comes to our mates.” He tells me. I take a drink of my water as I think over what to ask him first.

  “You keep saying that I’m your mate. What does that mean?” He takes my hand and leads me into a comfortable living room. It has big comfy couches and chairs surrounding the biggest screen I have ever seen outside of a theatre. I roll my eyes at their extravagance. Could they be more obvious? He sits down on one of the couches and I join him and sit next to him.

  “A mate in my world is very rare. Each vampire only gets one. He or she might not be born within the vampire’s lifetime or could die before they can meet. I have only ever heard of one actually finding his and it was long before I was born.” He pauses to take my hand.

  “That is why you are so very important to me. I had started to think that it was all a myth. Then, I felt my heart beat for the first time in a hundred years. I knew then that you were my mate.” He closes his eyes and places my hand over his heart. I can feel the steady movement. He pulls my hand up and kisses my palm and I am fascinated by the feel of his full lips. I want to feel them on me. Shit. I yank my hand away.

  “So you’re saying that a vampire’s heart doesn’t beat until he or she finds their mate?” She asks. He laughs.

  “That and more.” I stare at his lips as he talks. Why I do not know.

  “What more?” I ask him and his lips part as he licks them and I follow his tongue and a small sigh escapes me. He smiles over at me as though he knows just how much he tempts me.

  “A vampire no longer feels desire until they find their mate.” He smirks at me.

  “Are you saying that vampires don’t have sex?” My voice is high and sounds more like an incredulous screech.

  “It is impossible for a vampire to get aroused until they meet their mate. It has something to do with the heart beating. We found a couple of scientists that were turned and abandoned. They are researching it all for us now. We will finally have more answers.” He takes my hand again and puts it back on his heart. I can’t help but look down at his crotch that he now has covered by the tail of his shirt. He chuckles and I know he saw where my eyes were.

  “I know this all sounds impossible but it is very real. I need you to be with me. I’m not sure I could handle you walking away.” He tells me honestly. My heart picks up and I nervously fidget as I think about all that he has told me.

  “Would you let me go if I chose to leave?” I ask the one question that worries me the most.

  “I would but it would kill me.” I roll my eyes.

  “Oh please. You will survive to live hundreds of more years. I am the one on a clock here.” I tell him so that he stops the melodrama. I mean he seriously thinks that I would fall for that load of crap.

  “I would starve to death. A vampire can only drink his mate’s blood, once he’s found her.” He takes my hand again only this time he pulls it to his nose and sniffs my wrist. He groans and I see his fangs poke out of his lips. I yank my hand away and move further down the couch. A look crosses his face that I wasn’t expecting and it makes me feel bad. A look of hurt and fear cross his face before a blank mask replaces it.

  “Look, this is all new to me. I need time to think about all you have told me.” I tell him and wait to see if it will penetrate the shield I feel like he has put between us. He nods his head. He doesn’t say anything and I am starting to think that he really has closed himself off from me, when he reaches over and grabs me by the hips. He easily lifts me until I am straddling his lap and he presses his lips to mine. They are surprisingly soft and I moan at how good they feel against mine.

  My mouth parts on a moan and his tongue thrusts inside to meet mine. His heady flavor and the feel of his rigid body goes straight to my head. I find myself grinding against his hardness to find some relief to the ache that has started between my legs. He growls into my mouth when I rub my pebbled nipples against his firm chest.

  “Baby, I want to give you what you need. I would do anything for you but don’t ask me to let you leave me forever.” He says against my mouth. I pull back and look down into his intense eyes. I can see the pain he was trying to hide. His shield is down and I can feel his need for me.

  “Not forever but until we get to know each other.” I tell him as I cup his cheeks in my hands.

  “We can date or something. I can’t just move in with you. What if we learn that we don’t even like each other?” I ask as I stare into his beautiful eyes that almost look like a fire is lit behind the irises. So damn beautiful that my breath catches.

  “I can do that, if you will do one thing for me.” He asks as he moves one of my hands from his cheek and kisses my fingers, one at a time.

  “What is it?” I ask him breathlessly. He is stealing my heart without even trying. I just need to get to know him better.

  “Let me have a taste of you.” He pulls my hair over my shoulder.

  “Right here.” He touches the vein in my neck. He runs his thumb along it and I groan.

  “Yes.” I tell him before I can allow my fear to get in the way. He tips my head to the side and I feel his warm breath across my skin. I shiver as his tongue darts out and tastes my skin. I moan as his lips press firmly to my skin and then he sucks my skin into his mouth. I didn’t expect that, though it feels so good that I tilt my head even further to the side. That is when I feel his teeth pierce my skin.

  I cry out but not in pain, in pleasure. Pleasure so intense that it is on a razor’s edge of pain. My hips start moving again. He sucks and it feels as though he is sucking directly on my clit. I have never felt anything like it and I want more.

p; “Yes.” I say as I press the back of his head, so that he is more firmly against me. He has to continue to drink or I will lose my mind. He gives another pull of his mouth, sucking the blood from my vein. I cry out as it causes me to crest at the very edge of a release that will be so intense that I fear it, yet crave it all the same. I never knew that letting him drink from me could make me feel this way. How can I keep from being addicted to such pleasure?

  “One more.” I tell him as I feel him drawl one more mouthful and it tips me over the edge. I grind down on him as I explode into tiny pieces. My body shatters and I bow my back as wave after wave of intense pleasure washes over me. Drake moans and the vibration just intensifies the throbbing between my legs. He pushes me down against him as he growls and I feel the moisture of his release between my legs.

  He licks my neck and I feel as though I am weightless as he lays me back on the couch and kisses me softly, reverently.

  “So fucking beautiful. So damn sweet.” He says against my lips. He makes me feel beautiful. He makes me feel as though I am the only woman in the world for him. I guess in a way I am and that is the thought that follows me into sleep.

  Chapter 5.

  She drifts to sleep and I start to panic that maybe I took too much blood but I couldn’t have. I only took three or four swallows. Surely that wasn’t enough to cause any harm. I have always taken more when I have had a willing donor. I listen closely to her heart and hear it beating strongly. I breathe a sigh of relief as I stare down at her. I do not think she realizes just how important she is to me. I will give her the time she needs but not the space.

  “Did she fall asleep?” William asks as he walks into the room. I nod as I brush the hair from her face.

  “I was worried that I took too much blood.” I tell him without taking my eyes off of her.

  “There is no way you could. From what I have heard, you are far too connected to accidently drink too much.” He tells me as he sits down across from us. I look up to see him cross one leg over the other as he leans back.

  “She wants to get to know me before she will bond with me.” I tell him and he doesn’t look surprised.

  “A woman only gives her heart to you when she can trust you. You will need to prove yourself to her.” His eyes soften as he looks down at Emmy and I can’t help but smile. She has made us remember our softer side. I didn’t know either of us were capable of softer feelings.

  “Will you watch over her while I shower? I will drive her home and stay with her tonight. I agreed to give her time but I can’t bear to give her space.” I tell him as I stand up.

  “I wouldn’t either if she were my mate. I am really happy for you my son. You give us all hope.” He looks wistfully at Emmy and I know that he would do anything for a mate of his own.

  “You will find yours.” I tell him. I honestly hope he does. If anyone deserves happiness it is William.

  “I certainly hope so.” He says as I walk up the stairs and into my bedroom. It has always been the first bedroom on the second floor. I fell in love with the bathroom. The bathtub is large enough that when we renovated a couple of decades ago, I got a Jacuzzi tub and a large shower with a bench built in with duel shower heads. I walk into the bathroom and strip off my clothes. I curl my nose as I drop my soiled pants and underwear in the hamper.

  I feel reenergized and stronger than I ever have before. Her blood is more than the strongest I had ever had. I’m not sure I can explain it. It’s like adding proteins and vitamins to the normal blood. I feel strong, like I could run across the country and not tire. It’s amazing. The whole damn experience is amazing. I haven’t had an orgasm in over a hundred years. Though my memory is old, it was never this good.

  I turn the water on warm and climb in. I quickly soap up my body as the water beats down on my shoulders and back. I moan at how good it feels. It’s as though her blood has made me more sensitive. I press a hand over my beating heart and I let my emotions go haywire. She has given me a precious gift that I never knew I wanted until it happened and now I hope to always have it.

  I jump out of the shower and dress in some dark jeans and a button down black shirt. I do not think I will sweat with her potent blood but just in case I dress in dark clothing. I think that is where the myth of vampires wearing dark clothing came from. As most things, the myth usually holds some truth to it. I am tying my shoes when I hear a knock on my door.

  “Come in.” I say. Thomas comes in and stops by the door. I look up and see that his brows are pinched together as he stares at me.

  “What’s up, Thomas?” I ask him as I stand up and grab my jacket, though I doubt I will need it.

  “Your heart is beating.” He looks as though I have grown another head. I start laughing and slap him on the back.

  “I found my mate.” I tell him and his jaw drops.

  “Really?” He sounds as surprised as I would be if it were someone else. I think we all were starting to think it was a myth. It solidifies that I really am a lucky bastard.

  “Yes, really. She is so beautiful too.” I know I have a dopey smile on my face. I can’t seem to help it. I have never been happier.

  “Can I meet her?” He asks. I stop and stare at him for a moment. He is older than Paul but not by much. To be fair though, Paul has never been as strong as Thomas or Terrance. Those two are particularly strong. William says they remind him of me.

  “Can you control your hunger?” Thomas curls his nose and gives a growl.

  “Of course I can.” He says incredulously. I feel bad for asking but this is my mate we are talking about. I will never mess around with her safety. Ever.

  “You can help me get her out to the car.” I tell him, though I really do not need any help. Her weight would feel like a feather to a vampire. At least this way I can judge how Thomas handles being around her without her getting scared. That is a scent I can’t stand on her. Fear.

  Thomas follows me down stairs and William stands when we enter the room. He sees Thomas and braces himself. I can tell he is ready if Thomas decides to attack. I look back at Thomas and he seems fine so far. I go over and lift Emmy into my arms.

  “This is Emily, she is my mate.” I tell Thomas as though he couldn’t guess that. I like saying it. It feels good. I smile down at her serene face as she sleeps in my arms. She opens her eyes and blinks a few times before looking up at me.

  “I must have fallen asleep.” She says softly and I lean down and brush my lips across hers.

  “I was just going to carry you to the car and drive you home, unless you wouldn’t mind sleeping here.” I give her an option even though I would love nothing more than to keep her here for the rest of our lives. I know it isn’t fair to make decisions for her.

  “No I need to get home. I have to feed my dog. She is probably needing to go outside too.” She sits up and pushes her legs for me to release her, but still I hold on.

  “You can let me down now.” She tells me with narrowed eyes.

  “I like holding you.” I tell her as I grudgingly sit her down. She giggles at me before she notices Thomas standing there. She doesn’t even flinch as she faces him. She is truly a remarkable woman.

  “Hello.” She says and she steps forward slowly and puts her hand out, unsure of herself, yet brave and confident.

  “Hi I am Thomas. It is a pleasure to meet you.” He tells her and he places his hand in hers. She still shows no fear. He shakes her hand and drops it.

  “My name is Emily but friends call me Emmy.” She says and Thomas smiles.

  “It’s a pleasure, Emmy.” I growl at him and he takes a step back. Emmy slaps my arm.

  “Stop that.” She hisses and both William and Thomas laugh. I glare at them but there isn’t much heat behind it. I enjoy the sound of their laughter. It really had been in short supply for too long. I am proud of how well Thomas is handling being around Emmy. I hope he continues to do so well. I would hate to kill a friend.

  “He is going to continue to be nervous w
ith you around the fledglings until you bond completely.” William tells her.

  “Why would it stop after we bond?” She asks.

  “It would change the way your blood smells to other vampires. We would all know you are a bonded mate. No one would dare drink from you. It would be poison to them. Unless they are suicidal, you will be safe from all but your mate.” William tells her. I had forgotten about that part. It has been a while since I read about mates. We only have one tome that talks about it.

  “What would we need to do to bond?” She asks though she sounds annoyed about the whole thing. I do not like that. I scowl at her. She rolls her eye at me.

  “You would need to come together.” William says as he closes his hands around each other.

  “And he needs to drink from you during the act.” William finishes and Emmy’s eyes grow big.

  “Uh…well… not sure I am ready for that yet.” She clears her throat and looks away.

  “I told you, love. I will give you time. We date, like you asked.” I tell her and ignore the two spectators. I can’t blame them for their curiosity. It isn’t every day that a vampire meets his mate.

  “Come let’s get you home and walk the dog.” I tell her as she finally looks up at the other two.

  “It was nice meeting you guys.” She tells them as she waves. I pull her toward the door without a word and I grab her purse from the entryway. She smiles when I put it over her shoulder for her. We step outside in the crisp air and she shivers. I do not feel the cold at all. It makes me smile. I hope to never feel the cold again. We get to the car and I climb in the passenger seat. One of her eyebrows shoots way up in her hairline.

  “You’re coming with me?” She asks as though I am losing my mind.

  “Of course I am.” I tell her as I fasten my seatbelt. She climbs in her side and does the same. She shakes her head instead of saying anything else. I do not want to scare her but I never plan to be far from her. I can’t do it. I have to know she is safe.


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