Northridge Vampires_Drake

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Northridge Vampires_Drake Page 6

by Amy Robyn

  I sit down beside her and pat Sammy on the head. Emmy smiles up at me and my world is perfect. That is all it takes from her is a simple smile. I pull her against me as I listen to the guys telling her how they became vampires. I have already heard them all but something in Thomas’s telling of the story this time, catches my attention. He says that the man who attacked him had the smell of pine on him. We all have a distinctive smell and I could swear I have smelled that before.

  I am still trying to rack my brain as I feel Emmy lean against me. She looks up at my with her large lilac colored eyes and I forget everything else, except how she feels in my arms. Her beauty always hits me right in the chest, with every look and every touch. I’m not just talking about her physical beauty, which is unsurpassable, but the inner beauty that shines out of those beautiful eyes.

  “I want to find my mate.” Thomas says, breaking the moment. I look up at him and William, who are both watching us with rapt fascination.

  “You and me both.” William says. I can practically feel William’s loneliness. I wish there was something I could do for him. I know that he has suffered with it since the woman he had loved died, though he never admitted it. He has been happier the last couple of weeks, since meeting Emmy. She truly has given him hope that he had been lacking. I am about to tell him that he will find his, when my phone starts ringing. I can tell it is Steven from the bar by the ringtone ‘Leroy Brown’.

  “What’s up, Steven?” I ask.

  “The vampire that was caught on video feeding is laying across my front door. He isn’t responding when I yell or shove him. Not sure what to do.” Shit, this is a lousy time. Where the hell is Phillippe?

  “I’m on my way.” I hang up and tell William what is going on.

  “That’s strange. I was wondering why I never heard from Phillippe, letting me know that Paul had arrived. I will go with you.” He goes to stand and I grip his shoulder.

  “I would rather you stay and watch over Emmy.” I trust Thomas but there are still other fledglings here that I am not sure can handle themselves.

  “I will stay, but you need to call me if you need assistance. We will put Emmy in the safe room with Thomas if we have to.” William says. Emmy groans.

  “You guys talk about me as though I am a pet and not a person. I choose what and when and where I go. You two need to remember that.” She glares us down.

  “I thought you said that once we… bonded that my blood wouldn’t smell good to the others.” Her cheeks flush. She is still embarrassed that others will know that we have made love. I smile at my beautiful woman.

  “You’re right. I had forgotten that.” I look over at Thomas.

  “How does she smell to you?” I ask him, honestly curious. I need to know if what I heard about mates is true.

  “She smells kind of like chemicals but not in a bad way, just unappealing to want a taste.” Thomas says with a shrug. I am so glad it worked. I have less to worry about now.

  “I say we go into the dining room and play cards while you two go and check on Paul. I would rather you not go alone.” She says the last part as she looks up at me.

  “Do we even have cards?” I ask William. He shrugs his shoulders.

  “We bought games for the fledglings to play but none ever touched them.” He points at the closet by the front door. I go over and open it and see boxes of games and several packs of card.

  “Emmy, there is a bunch of different kinds. I haven’t played in a very long time. Why don’t you and Thomas choose?” I stand back and let her move in front of the opened door. She claps her hands excitedly and looks over at Thomas who is smiling down at her.

  “You two go. We can take it from here.” She gives me a slight nudge and William thinks it is hilarious. I give him the stink eye before opening the front door and stepping outside. I take one last look behind me and straight at Thomas.

  “I’m trusting you with the safety of the most precious thing in my life.” I let him know just how serious this is to me and what an honor I am affording him with my trust. I do not give it lightly.

  “You have my word that nothing and no one will harm her.” He tells me and I give him a quick nod.

  “For god’s sake I have taken care of myself for twenty five years. I survived. What are you worried about? That I trip and fall before we get to the dining room.” She says in exasperation.

  “Idiot.” She growls and I can’t help but laugh. She’s adorable, even when she’s angry. She walks over and slams the door in our faces. I smile as I look up at William.

  “She’s full of fire. She’s perfect for you.” He says with a laugh. I can’t help but join him as we race to the bar. She has made me feel complete for the first time in my life. I finally have someone to share everything with. I never realized how alone I had been until she came along. I press my hand to my beating heart as I think of how we came together earlier. How eager we both were and how good it felt to be one with her.

  Stop that. I am trying to get the card game set up and you’re thinking dirty thoughts. I need to concentrate. She says using her mind for the first time. Our bond will strengthen the more she embraces what is happening between us.

  I will try to control myself but it is difficult with you I am so deliriously happy for the first time in a hundred years. I tell her honestly. I truly never thought I would be this happy, complacent, yes. I will never take for granted the gift she has given me.

  I am happy too. You’re not the only one that had been lonely. Hurry, what you’re doing with William and I will show you how happy I am. She sends me and image of her on her knees and taking my cock into her mouth. I nearly stumble and at the speed I am going that could cause some damage.

  Be careful my love you nearly made me fall and I am going far too fast to come out of that unscathed. I feel her fear at what I said and curse myself for scaring her. That was the last thing I intended to do.

  I forgot about the speed you run. I will try to remember that in the future. Please be safe. It is truly a beautiful thing to realize you have someone who cares about you like that. My heart skips a beat and I smile to myself. She is everything I could have imagined and more.

  We arrive at the bar and Steven is standing outside, blocking the view from the road. I can smell death before I am even close enough to see the body. I know that Paul is dead. Now, I just need to know who killed him and why. Paul was a newly turned. We found him not long ago, abandoned by his maker. I hope like hell that hunters aren’t in town. I need to know one way or another. I have even more reason now to be protective.

  Steven looks up at us as we stop next to him. He takes a deep breath and releases it slowly.

  “I’m starting to think this guy is dead.” He tells us.

  “Yes, he is.” William says as he goes over to Paul’s body and pulls the jacket that is covering his torso away. William growls and I step over to see what has him so upset. I try to ignore the stench of decay as I look at Paul. He looks as though he is sleeping peacefully until you see the gaping hole in his chest. This is not a hole that a hunter would leave with their bullets, this is from another vampire ripping the heart out while he is still alive. It isn’t what killed him though. I look at the neck and see that it is at an odd angle. To kill a vampire, you need to sever the spinal cord from the brain stem.

  “There is something inside this hole.” William says pointing at the chest. I lean down and look inside as best I can. Sure enough, there is what looks like a piece of paper. I grip the edge and pull it out. It is a square paper that has been folded several times. I unfold it carefully and see the writing in large black print.


  My hands are shaking as I hand the note to William. This sick fuck is after my mate. William looks up at me after reading it.

  “Go.” He tells me as though he can read my mind. I can’t be away from her knowing she is in danger. I take off, running faster than I ever have. I have to be with her.
I have to know she is safe. I am too busy worrying to notice that I am faster than what is normal for a vampire. I am running as fast as an ancient would if one still lived. I am oblivious as my concern lies with my woman. My mate. She is all I am concerned about. I make it back in minutes and storm through the house.

  I find her in the dining room. She is standing up and doing a dance. She sings.

  “I am the winner, you are a loser.” I would normally laugh at how funny she is and how the guys have a sour face, but right now I need to hold her. I lift her up and sit her in my lap. The guys are watching us with weary eyes. They must smell death on me.

  “Paul is dead, isn’t he?” Thomas says. His senses are more powerful than most fledglings. He could probably smell it as soon as I walked through the door.

  “Yes.” I tell him as I press my nose against Emmy’s hair and breathe in her soft floral scent. It takes away the scent of death that still lingers on me.

  “Hunters?” Thomas asks. I was hoping he wouldn’t ask that. I am not sure yet if I want Emmy to know. I hate the smell of fear on her. It makes me want to lash out irrationally.

  “Spill it.” Emmy says. Damn, I forgot that she could hear my thoughts.

  “It was a vampire.” I tell them all. Devyn who used to be a military man, sits up straighter.

  “Are you certain?” Devyn asks, his eyes weary. He never forgot the attack on him that changed him and it has taken a lot to finally get him to trust William and myself. He had such a fear of other vampires. Whoever changed him also fucked with him. He’s finally more himself again and yet there are times when he seems haunted still. I hope that given time he will be able to have a normal life. Well, normal for us anyway.

  “I’m certain. Whoever it was had superior strength.” I refuse to tell them about the note we found where his heart should have been. That would send Emmy running. I block it from my thoughts, so she doesn’t see it. I will protect her from anything that might harm her.

  “What does William say?” Zeke asks with his thick German accent. He is one hell of a scientist. He’s looking in to a lot of things for us. I am hoping he will have the answers for us about how the change occurs and other things. He is sharp, probably the smartest man I have ever met. Terrance is a close second, with his knack for technology. He is the one that will keep us up to date. They each bring something different with them that makes them special. To William and myself they are family, newly made family but family all the same. They are like adopted children and William is their grandfather.

  “I am taking Emmy upstairs to our room. Will you walk Sammy for us?” I ask Thomas. He quickly nods his head before grabbing the leash and clipping it on her collar.

  “It was nice meeting you guys.” She calls over her shoulder as I carry her up to our room.

  “I can walk you know.” She tells me and I give her a light kiss.

  “Yes you can but I like carrying you.” I tell her as we reach the second floor. I open the door and toss her onto the bed. She giggles as she bounces. I lean down and kiss her as I start to remove her clothing. This time I take my time instead of tearing them. I want this to be a slow exploration of her body. Not a mere coming together, a love making that will always be remembered. I want her to never doubt my feelings for her.

  “I would never doubt your feelings when I can read them clearly. I know that you love me.” She tells me as I remove the clothes that now smell like decay to me.

  “I do love you, more than I can ever express.” I lean down and kiss her ankle. I lick a circle around it before moving up her leg. I stop at her knee and do the same to the other ankle. When I reach that knee, I lick inside the bend and hear her moan. I do it again and elicit the same response. I love finding every one of her erogenous zones. It’s like a gift every time I find one. I make sure to remember where it is so that I can find them next time, easily.

  I spread her legs and stare down at the triangle dark curls between her legs. Her lips open and her folds of pink glisten with her need. I smack my lips together as I anticipate her taste. Her little clit is still hiding behind its hood and I wonder how many licks it will take to coax it out of hiding. I lean down and take my first taste. I growl against her tender flesh as my taste buds explode with the flavor of her. When I am not hungering for her blood, I hunger for her juicy center.

  I suck her little bud into my mouth and coax it out of its hiding place with my tongue. She moans and her back arches off the bed as soon as it comes out to play. I press her back down to the bed as I continue to suck and lick her. I slide a finger inside of her warm, wet pussy and I feel her muscles squeeze around me. I love the way she feels and tastes, as though she was made just for me. I slide my other hand under her bottom and change the angle. She begins to mewl like a kitten.

  I can tell she is getting close so I replace my tongue with my thumb. I bite into her thigh and suck some of her sweet blood into my mouth. She screams as her orgasm peeks and the next pull of my mouth sends her over the edge. Her channel pulses around my finger and legs tighten around my head. I pull my teeth out and lick her wound until it closes. I look up so that I can see her tossing her head as she rides out the remainder of her orgasm. She is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

  “Beautiful.” I tell her as her body collapses back onto the bed. She opens her purple eyes and looks at me. She has that sated look on her face that I love so much. I climb her body and press my lips against her plump full lips. She sighs and I slide my tongue inside the warm recess of her mouth. Everywhere I place my tongue in her tastes so good. I lose all thought when I am with her this way. She takes away my pain, my worry and gives me so much pleasure.

  My cock throbs against her thigh and reminds me that I still need her. Not that I will ever not need her. I will always need her. I crave her as though she is the sun and I am a flower. I can bask in the life that she gives me. She awakened me to a life that I had given up all hope of having. Now, it is within my grasp and she has gifted me it. I love her, though love seems like such a minor word for what I feel. I am obsessed with her.

  I line my cock up at her entrance and thrust into her in one smooth glide. Her silky channel hugs me tightly and I have to remain still for a moment or I will cum. I brush the hair from her face so that her eyes meet mine. I want to see the look on her face as I give her the pleasure that only I can give her. She looks up at me and wraps her legs around me. She moves her hips, letting me know she is ready for more. I will never disappoint her.

  I pull out nearly all the way and I thrust forward again. She cries out and her legs tighten around me.

  “I love you so much.” I tell her as I move inside of her slowly, letting her feel every inch of me. I want my cock imprinted inside of her so that she never forgets that I was there. I can’t help the noises I make as I let myself just feel. She feels better than I ever thought she could. Her walls hug me as though they do not want me to leave. I never want to leave.

  “Please.” She says and I pick up the pace. I know what she needs. I shift my hips so that I hit the spot inside of her that always makes her moan more. I find it and start pounding into her. I let my fangs drop as I watch her eyes start to dilate with pleasure. She tilts her head to the side, giving me permission to bite her. I kiss the skin below her ear and lick down to where her shoulder meets her neck. I let my fangs sink into her flesh. I suck and let my mouth fill with her sweet blood. I moan against her skin.

  She shouts my name and her hips thrust forward as I drink deeply from her vein. Her pussy clamps down around my dick and I groan. She is so tight now that I am struggling to move. She screams and her walls start to shudder and pull on my cock. I remove my fangs and lick her wound. I power into her as the most intense pleasure washes over me.

  “Emmy.” I shout as I cum deep inside of her, filling her with my seed. My hips jerk as I buck into her, making sure to give her every drop. I collapse and roll to my side, taking her with me. She is breathing heavily and I pull her closer t
o me, until her head rests against my chest. I kiss the top of her head and enjoy the feel of her soft skin against me. I never knew I could care so much for someone else. I want to give her everything her heart desires.

  Her stomach growls and I remember that I need to feed her. I jump up and she giggles.

  “Where are you going?” She asks.

  “I need to feed you.” I tell her as I pull on a pair of jeans and my shirt.

  “Wait for me. I want to go with you and then you can tell me what’s bothering you.” She tells me as she jumps up. I should have known that she would sense my unease. I have been sure to block it from her but our bond is very strong already. I can sense her emotions and she must be able to sense mine as well. I do not want her scared but maybe I could tell her about some of what I found.

  I wait for her to finish dressing and lead her down to the kitchen. William had it stocked for Emmy. She makes herself a sandwich when I realized that food is prepared very differently this day and age. I sit down with her and watch her as she eats her food. I love the sound of the chips crunching between her perfectly white teeth. Is there anything that she does that I do not find perfect?

  “Spill it.” She says making me laugh. She always says that when she knows I am withholding information.

  “Paul was killed by another vampire but what I didn’t tell you is that the vampire had removed his heart.” It’s the truth just not all that happened. I will not have her scared. I would rather cut off my arm than have her fearing something that I can easily protect her from.

  “And?” She looks up at me with a raised brow. I block my thoughts as best I can. How does she know that there is more?

  “Oh honey, when are you going to learn? I am a journalist. I can tell when there is more to a story. I also am getting to know you. I can tell that you’re hiding something. You wouldn’t be blocking your thoughts.” Damn it, I had to have a mate who is smart. I growl.

  “You don’t need to know some things.” I know as soon as I said it that it was the wrong answer. She stands up calmly and even dusts the crumbs from her hands. She calls for Sammy and walks into the entryway. She picks up her purse and Sammy’s leash. She clips the leash on to Sammy’s collar. Sammy gives an excited bark.


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