Charlene Hartnady - Stolen by the Alpha Wolf 3# (Determined Theft)

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Charlene Hartnady - Stolen by the Alpha Wolf 3# (Determined Theft) Page 1

by Unknown

  Determined Theft

  Stolen by the Alpha Wolf

  Part 3


  Charlene Hartnady

  Copyright and Disclaimer

  Copyright © March 2015, Charlene Hartnady

  Cover Art by Melody Simmons

  Copy Edited by Kimberly Reichmann

  Produced in South Africa

  Published by Charlene Hartnady

  PO BOX 456, Melrose Arch,

  Johannesburg, South Africa, 2176

  [email protected]

  Determined Theft is a work of fiction and characters, events and dialogue found within are of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real.

  Any resemblance to actual events or persons, either living or deceased, is purely coincidental.

  With the exception of quotes used in reviews no part of this book may be reproduced or shared in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including but not limited to digital copying, file sharing, audio recording, email and printing without prior consent in writing from the author


  To my favorite rockstar because I’m a cowboy (…okay…cowgirl) who loves a little bit of bad medicine…

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Author’s Note

  Books by this author:

  Recommended Reading

  Part 3

  Chapter 1

  An all-encompassing rage consumed him, burning him from the inside out. He’d given up yelling for someone to come and tell him what the fuck was going on long ago. The only thing that helped to slow the adrenaline coursing through his veins, was to punch the wall in front of him. First a hard left, then an even harder right. On and on until his knuckles poured blood. If he stopped long enough to look, he was sure that his skin would be worn to the bone.


  Speaking of bones, another one snapped like an overly dry twig under a steel toed boot. White hot pain shot up his arms and Lance grit his teeth. At least the pain helped to quell the rage, helped to tamp down on the frustration that threatened to consume him. He hated that he was stuck inside this cell. The silver bars taunted him and there was sweet fuck all he could do about it.

  Something was wrong.

  If he was a betting male…and he was…he would place big money on that something being the wolf. He could feel it in his gut. It had been overly noisy earlier in the night and way too quiet ever since then. Lance punched the wall harder. Two darkening, red smears appeared on the cracked, flaking plaster.

  “Please don’t tell me that I need to organize a padded cell?” A familiar voice said, the sound coming from just outside the bars.

  “He’s gone isn’t he? The male escaped?” Lance paused mid punch. His breath came in ragged pants from the exertion.

  “Yes,” Zane said.

  Lance grit his teeth so hard that he was sure he heard one of his molars crack from the sheer pressure. Though his tone had been even, pure tension radiated from Zane. So much so that Lance turned to look at his king. The male’s hands were fisted at his sides, and to most this would be the only outward sign that something was wrong. Not to Lance though, he noticed how Zane’s eyes had that hard look, how barely visible lines surrounded his mouth. His king was more pissed than Lance had ever seen him before, and that was saying something.

  Lance shook his head. “There’s more, isn’t there?”

  “He took Stephany.” Zane held up a hand. “Before you lose it…there is something we need to speak about, but I think it can wait until you are calmer.” His king paused, “She took a phone with her, the device is one with a tracking app.”

  His king was right, the last thing he felt like doing right now was having a chat. The information had helped to quell the worst of the hot rage rising in him to the point where it was almost manageable though. Almost. He felt the air seize in his lungs, this time there was no doubt that one of his molars cracked when he bit down. He tasted the iron twang of his own blood. His heart stopped beating for a few seconds, when it started up again he threw his head back and roared.

  When Lance finally regained sufficient control, he turned to face Zane. Already he could feel his bones knitting. His wounds binding. “How the fuck did this happen? I want the names of all responsible parties.”

  “She is gone. It will not help to punish those involved.”

  “Who are you?” Lance felt his eyes narrow as he regarded his leader for a few seconds. “The King Zane I once knew would have had those responsible quartered and hung as an example. Let me guess, this new pussy whipped version of you has sent them to bed without their supper? What the fuck, Zane?” Spittle flew from his mouth. He knew he was taking his own life into his hands by speaking to the king this way, but he found he just didn’t give a shit at the moment.

  Zane’s muscles roped and bulged, his mouth became a thin white line. His eyes hardened up a whole lot more. His hands were curled so tight that a knuckle actually clicked. “I will overlook that oversight this one time, but know that if you utter one more word of insolence, things will not end well for you.”

  Lance took a deep breath trying to calm himself, he bit his tongue so hard that he tasted blood. It didn’t work. “I will mete out the punishment myself, my lord.”

  “Leave it the fuck alone.”

  Lance felt his brow crease in confusion. “Who are you trying to protect?”

  Zane’s jaw locked and he shook his head, growling softly in warning.

  Lance knew he must have a fucking death wish because as hard as he tried, he couldn’t make himself stay silent. “I will find out and take care of them with or without your consent.”

  “Like fucking hell you will.” In one twist of the key, Zane opened the cell door with such force that it pulled right out of its silver hinges. The male was on him in seconds, he didn’t even try and duck when Zane threw the first punch. Lance was thrown backwards, his jaw cracking under the pressure of the blow. Everything in him screamed to retaliate. To ward off the blows, to punch back but how could he? Zane was the king. Any show of aggression towards the male would be as good as a death sentence.

  There was a ringing noise in his ears.

  “Don’t you dare touch my female,” his king growled.

  His newly healed ribs cracked as Zane kicked him. One of his organs definitely burst under the onslaught. Kick after torturous kick, Lance held himself in a tight ball until it was finally over.

  Zane grabbed ahold of his chin. Pain seized him and Lance couldn’t help but to groan. He had to work to pry his eyes open. It was impossible to focus on Zane’s face, just inches away from his. “Touch her and you fucking die”— long pause—“Do you hear me?” Zane squeezed his jaw. It hurt like a bitch. Lance tried to talk at this point, but he was only able to make a whining noise instead.

  “Is that a yes?” Zane growled.

  Lance made what he hoped was a sound of concession. Zane released him. One by one, he heard the locks slide back into place. Next, a heavy chain jangled and a padlock clicked. Then there was only the sound of fading footfalls as Zane walked away.

  Lance didn’t try to move just yet. His only thoughts were of the tracking app on Stephany’s cell phone. He could only hope that she turned the device on. If she used it, even once, even if just fo
r a few seconds, he’d be able to pinpoint her exact location. When that happened, the wolf would be sorry. Dead sorry. The alpha’s entire pack would bleed and this time he meant what he said, he’d do it with or without the consent of his kings.

  Chapter 2

  Stephany could scent wood burning. She could hear movement in the distance. The smell of musk was getting stronger with every padded footfall.

  “Shouldn’t you be blindfolding me round about now?” Despite the thick jacket, her voice sounded shaky. Her breath misted in thick white clouds about her face.

  The wolf beneath her kept moving forward in long determined strides. The scents and smells growing even stronger.

  “Fine,” she huffed. “I’ll close my eyes. I promise not to peek.”

  Ward ignored her, continuing for a time until he finally ground to a halt. She felt his body go down into a crouch, her signal to get off. Stephany slid from him, her legs giving out as they touched the ground. It had been many hours since they had left the castle. Her muscles quivered from the exertion it took just to stay mounted. Stephany forced herself to stand. She knew that what she was feeling had to be nothing compared to what Ward must have been going through. He had stumbled a couple of times in the last hour. More than once, she was sure that he would fall. His panting had grown heavier as they proceeded. Guilt consumed her.

  Eyes shut, she heard the familiar sound of cracking bones and then heat by her side as Ward grabbed her wrist. “You can open your eyes,” he said using a flat emotionless tone.

  She shook her head. “I can’t know your secrets, remember?”

  “That was then. Things have changed.” They started to move in the direction of the noise.

  “You’re not thinking straight. You need to protect your pack.”

  He ground to a halt. “Why? Do you plan on harming anyone?”

  “Of course not.”

  “I didn’t think so. Let’s go.” They moved in the direction of the noises again. Ward continued to breathe heavily. She felt him stumble, his weight almost pulling her down. She opened her eyes as he grunted, finding him on one knee beside her.

  “Just give me a moment.” He growled through clenched teeth, head bowed.

  “Tell me what to do.”

  “Help me up.” Ward locked his gaze with hers, his normally moss green eyes were so dark that they almost looked black.

  Stephany slid her arm under his and tried to yank him up. She could see that his wound had, at last, completely closed. All that was left was a thin red line. Ward grit his teeth, growling softly as he got back to his feet. “So fucking weak,” he bit out.

  Stephany released him. “You should’ve told me. I can walk you know.”

  “I won’t risk the baby.” He turned cold eyes on her. “I need to lean on you,” he added while looking towards the log cabins up ahead. There was the tinkle of children’s laughter. Lazy smoke tendrils drifted from the chimneys. The scent of something sweet cooking had her stomach growling.

  “Either that pup is ready to be born or someone is hungry.”

  A hysterical sounding laugh escaped her. “I’m so sorry, Ward. So very sorry” The laugh turned into a sob. She touched the healing wound on his chest and he stiffened.

  “We’ll discuss it”—he grit his teeth—“later.”

  A female and two playing children came into sight. The children immediately tried to run towards them, but the female grabbed them both by their shirts and scolded them before sending them scuttling in the opposite direction.

  The female turned to stare at her for a few beats before turning in the same direction as the children and breaking into a jog.

  In a matter of minutes, a group of males rushed towards them.

  Ward immediately pulled himself up, not allowing her to assist him any longer. At least not openly. He still clasped her wrist, using it to stabilize himself.

  “What happened to you?” Rushe was the first to reach them.

  “What is she doing here?” The big male that she remembered as Gage bellowed. There were claws at the ends of his fingers and his face was contorted in rage. Stephany had to fight to keep from hissing.

  “Stay at my side and keep quiet,” Ward whispered to her.

  “Back the fuck off,” Ward growled as Gage neared.

  “I swear to God, if you don’t kill her, I will.” Gage narrowed his eyes at Ward. They glowed lightly in the morning sun.

  “This female is with pup. My pup,” he snarled. “That makes her mine. Do all of you understand?” His voice grew weaker. “She stays with me.” He swayed on his feet. Stephany threw her arm around his waist in an attempt to keep him up. There was nothing she could do to stop him from falling though and this time he didn’t stop at just landing on his knees. He fell forward hitting the ground. Hard.

  “Ward,” she said while turning him and lightly touching his cheek. “Ward,” she tried again, hearing the panic in her own voice. She pulled a lid open. His eyes were rolled back in his head. He was out cold.

  “What the fuck did you do to him, vampire?” Could this day get any better? It was her own personal tormenter. Hayden moved to the front of the group, violence etched in every part of his body. “I asked you a question, bloodsucker.”

  The big male, Gage, moved to intercept him. “You heard Ward. This female belongs to him.”

  “Bullshit. He would never take a filthy vampire as his mate.” Hayden growled, taking another step towards them. “He must be suffering from severe blood loss. It is affecting his ability to think rationally.”

  “The female carries our alpha’s heir. I can scent it.” Sawyer grabbed Hayden by the arm when he tried to move closer. “I will take you out if you don’t back the fuck off. I allowed this type of behavior from you the last time. It won’t happen again. Are we clear?”

  At first Hayden held the other male’s gaze, then he dropped his eyes, shaking off the other male’s hold. “If you ask me, our alpha is not thinking straight. A vampire?” He snorted in disgust, turned and stalked away.

  “Help me get him up.” Rushe said as he crouched next to Ward. Gage and a male she didn’t recognize moved in. All three males lifted Ward. Rushe grunted under the weight.

  “Follow us, female.” The unknown male addressed her.

  “Her name is Stephany,” Rushe grunted. He turned his head towards her and smiled. “It’s nice to see you again.” He added, “Congratulations on the pup. Ward has been impossible to be around these last few weeks. I think he has missed you.”

  “Hold your end and quit jabbering,” Gage growled, looking in Rushe’s direction. “What happened to him?” The male turned dark eyes on her, his voice a deep rumble. It was clear that he didn’t trust her.

  Stephany swallowed hard. She relayed how he had been injured, trying hard to avoid the why part.

  “Silver plated sabre?” Gage shook his head. “He carried you all the way back within a few hours of the incident?” The big male didn’t look like he believed her.

  “My alpha has really big balls,” Rushe beamed. “He probably stopped to rut his female on the way back too.” Rushe turned to grin at her.

  Gage growled. “Shut it. I told you to hold your end up, before I am forced to beat you.”

  Rushe paled, snapping his head back.

  From the calm manner in which these shifters were dealing with the situation, she could tell that Ward was in no imminent danger. At least she hoped that was the case. “Please tell me that he’s going to be okay.”

  “He’s fine,” the unknown male said. “Nothing a day or two of sleep won’t cure. He’ll need to eat and to rut when he wakes up though.”

  “What?’ she pursed her lips.

  “You heard me, female.” The male said as they arrived at the cabin and mounted the porch. She rushed forward to grab the door handle.

  “What the hell happened?” Stephany turned to face Luna, who walked towards them with determined strides. “What is she doing here?” the other female asked,
her eyes narrowed.

  “Ward was hurt rescuing his female. The vampire carries his child and is not to be harmed.” Gage growled the last word, his eyes narrowing on Luna.

  Luna’s eyes widened and her hands flew to her hips. Stephany stood tall, squaring her shoulders.

  The female wolf’s nostrils flared, her eyes dropped to Stephany’s stomach. “I thought most vampires were infertile,” she whispered mostly to herself.

  Stephany felt her blood drain at the thought of the pending birth. She had the urge to stroke her hand over her stomach but tramped it down instead. She could only hope that whatever Ward wanted to show her would actually work.

  “A mixed species heir. I wonder if the same outcome will apply?” the female’s eyes narrowed in thought.

  “Enough,” Gage growled. “Ward weighs a ton.”

  “I’m sorry.” Stephany mumbled, quickly opening the door and moving out of the way. She couldn’t help but to wonder what outcome Luna had been referring to? Once the males had passed through the door, she turned back to ask her, but the female had already left.

  The males put Ward on the bed.

  “Stay with him.” Gage locked eyes with her. “Rushe or one of the others will stay outside the door. They’ll arrange for anything you need.”

  She nodded.

  “It would be best if you didn’t wander around alone.” He narrowed his eyes at her. “I will spread the word that Ward has claimed you, but I don’t want there to be any accidents. He needs to address the packs as a matter of urgency. Till then…” He shook his head.

  She felt her brow knit. “Packs? Did you just say packs?”

  “Your mate can explain,” Gage added.

  “Ward isn’t my mate.”

  Gage smiled, looking feral. Stephany had to work hard for a moment not to take a step back. “If you say so, female.”

  “Don’t forget to rut him once he has eaten.” The unknown male had sleek black hair and dark eyes. “He will heal much quicker.” He winked at her.


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