Napoleon's Gift

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Napoleon's Gift Page 5

by Alie Infante

  Yes, although colored, Madame Soleil grinned at the men’s reaction to her. As the young woman walked toward her, Madame Soleil knew this one would bring a hefty price.

  When she was directly in front of Madame Soleil, she motioned for the young woman to take a seat on the settee next to her.

  “Pourquoi êtes-vous ici ma chère?” Why are you here? Madame asked with a slight smile.


  I gazed into formidable green eyes, swallowed twice, then searched for my voice.

  “Travailler.” Work, I replied and she laughed aloud.

  “Travailler, sûrement Marié ne sait pas cela?” Surely, Marié does not know of this, she questioned and laughed again.

  “Oui, certainement, vous devez besoin d’une fille de ménage?” No, but certainly, you must have need of a cleaning girl? I asked waving my hand around the establishment, and she smiled.

  “Vous parlez couramment le Français.” Are you fluent in French, she countered, and I nodded puzzled.


  “I would suspect Marié would have it no other way. However, I am at a loss, as to what it is you think I can carry out for you.” Madame Soleil inquired, and I sighed.

  “There must be something here that I can do to earn a wage…besides…” I started, and she smiled again.

  “Mon enfant, have you not glimpsed at where you are. I am in the trade business, favors, for favors. I am not service de nettoyage de la maison. This is what I offer.” I am not a domicile scouring assistance, she said as she too waved her hand around the establishment.

  “But surely…”

  “Non, now, mayhap you and I can strike a bargain.” She said, and I did not like the smile on her face. It was void of any mirth, something almost sinister in its nature.

  “Et, ce qui est-ce?” What is that, I countered with a slight frown.

  “You labor for me…” I gasped shaking my head, and she held her hand up.

  “You will only labor for my clientèle haut de gamme? Comprenez-vous.”My upscale clientele, do you understand, she asked and I sighed again.

  I pondered my alternatives.

  I had previously been to six different establishments seeking employment, and each denied me.

  How many upscale clienteles could she truly have?

  What abundance did I have?

  I could not allow Mr. Charles to possess me, and at least this method, was my preference.

  Not to mention, it would simply be until Monsieur Marcus’ return.

  Granny needed me.

  I sighed again, then looked her straight in the eyes.

  “We have a bargain; however, I would like you to acknowledge my terms as well. From the gazes I garnered from the men when I walked in, you necessitate me as much as I require you. I shall not spread myself about, and it shall solely be for your upscale clientele, those of which I desire to have dalliance with. As well, I will not endure any debauchery, wickedness or depravity of any kind, for the reason that I am quite sure you have copiousness amounts of young woman for just that. I may be half-colored, on the contrary I am not an animal. The very idea of advertising myself to procure coin, is a moral factor I shall have to deal with on my own; however, I will not in kind suffer iniquity on top of it.” I stated, and the young woman next to Madame Soleil gave me a very nasty look.

  Before Madame Soleil could rejoin, another young woman leaned in and whispered something to her.

  “En vérité, déjà?” Truly, already, Madame asked surprised, and the young woman nodded smiling slightly as she looked at me.

  “Fine, être disparu.” Fine, be gone, she said waving the girl off irritated.

  “It seems you have a bargain. However, I shall request that you speak in French only. It is quite evident, that you are seen as exotique, and we shall make use of that. I shall expect to see you here with your things tomorrow.”

  “But I cannot!” I wailed, and she frowned at me.

  “Well, why ever not?” She questioned, and I could observe her patience was wearing thin with me.

  “For the reason that my Granny is ill, and I must care for her. I can expend the evenings here, and the mornings with her?”

  “Very well, simply be here tomorrow evening.” She snapped, then waved me off, as the French Creole here do.

  I nodded, shook her hand, wrapped my shawl around my shoulders and exited the establishment. I paused outside taking a series of deep breaths.

  Could I in fact accomplish this?

  Where would this guide me?

  Moreover, what of Granny, would this in all honesty aid her?

  Every fiber of my being screamed no, however my mind’s eye went to Granny laid up, and I brushed off the fear.

  I had no other alternative.

  Canal Street…


  Benjamin frowned as he disembarked the ship.

  The captain had been wrong on all attempts as to the arrival of the ship, and he feared for the worse. He had Mosley hail a carriage, then frowned as the young woman nearly knocked him over in her haste.

  “Mon cher monsieur pardon.” My pardon sir, she called, then hurried on her way. Benjamin could see nothing of her, except the dark woolen shawl she had over her head and face.

  When the carriage arrived, he and Bartholomew climbed aboard, and he told the driver to make haste of it.

  When they reached Haven plantation, he climbed down from the carriage frowning deeply. He noticed the settee, frowned deeper, then walked up the steps. As he did, he saw Tobias’ favorite writing table, and something in him seemed to plummet at what that meant.

  The door was answered on the third knock.

  “Why jolly well to see ye Abel.” He smiled, and was completely taken aback, as the man embraced him.

  “Mr. Waverly, all is not lost.” He cried, and Benjamin frowned.

  “Whatever do ye mean Abel? Tobias sent me this telegraph, as well as his last will and testament. Moreover, why the bloody hell is Tobias’ things in the outer courtyard? I daresay he is in no condition to rearrange the furniture.” Benjamin stated as he walked into the foyer.

  “Come sir.” Was all Abel said as he put his hand on Benjamin’s shoulder and ushered him into the parlor, where constable Jefferies and Mr. Charles were.

  They both looked up frowning.

  “Abel, I thought I told you, I was to do without callers this night.” Mr. Charles spat, then rose to his feet as he eyed Benjamin.

  “I am not quite sure who ye are, but I would ask that ye leave now.” Benjamin frowned as he looked at Abel.

  “I am Jean Marrow, owner of this property, who the hell are ye?” Mr. Charles spat, and if he was angry before, now Benjamin was livid.

  “I am at a loss as to how that is, when all monies, titles and land were bequeathed to me in Tobias’ last will and testament.” Benjamin stated, as he held up the parchments.

  “And you are?” The constable countered, as he too rose.

  “Third Earl of Shire, Benjamin Elliot Waverly III. And ye are?”

  “Constable Jefferies, and as far as was known by city law, Tobias had no living relatives.” He stated, then laced his fingers through his belt.

  Bartholomew looked the situation over, then cracked his knuckles grinning.

  It had been quite a long time, since he had been in a match of fisticuffs.

  “Why of course he does, where is Geneviève?” Benjamin inquired, and both men laughed.

  “Surely, you don’t consider her a true relative? When has a colored held property of this magnitude over whites? This is not France, nor the Islands. Why the whites here alone would protest it. I for one would lead the quest! ” Mr. Charles sneered, and Benjamin’s frown deepened.

  “Well, that is neither here nor there. This written will, gives me legal right to the monies, properties, as well as all those inhabited on this plantation. Equally, his homes in the city, the country, as well as Spain and England. Now, I would ask, that the both of ye remove yerselv
es, for my companion and I are dreadfully tried from our voyage. Ye shall return in the morning, retrieve yer things, as well as replace every bloody item ye have removed without permission.” Benjamin stated, and both men frowned as they looked at him.

  “We shall see.” Mr. Charles spat, retrieved his fallen shoes and topcoat, then stormed from the room with the constable in tow.

  “That my chum was excitement.” Bartholomew cried, and Benjamin shoved him playfully.

  “Thank the merciful lord.” Abel wailed, then embraced Benjamin again.

  Benjamin chuckled.

  “Shall I have refreshments brought my lord?” Abel asked, Benjamin nodded, still somewhat frowning.

  “Where is Geneviève? Surely she must be distraught?” Benjamin asked, and Abel paused.

  “I don’t rightly know sir. Marié has been given over to Addison’s, and last I heard Ginny was looking for some kind of work. I daresay it is to avoid Mr. Charles as well. I haven’t seen her tonight, but I can have Adwa send for her now if you like?”

  “No, that won’t be necessary. Tis quite late. Have her come to me first thing in the morning.” Benjamin commanded, and Abel nodded as he left the room.

  “And when shall I get my sport as promised?” Bartholomew wailed, and Benjamin laughed.

  “On the morrow, be patient chap, it shall come. As of now, I need to see to this business at hand. I never expected it to be this dreadful. Not to mention, for this Mr. Marrow to have taken Tobias’ properties, just as he pleased? I daresay that constable had a hand in this. I am quite sure, tis not legal on his part either. Equally, I am stricken by Marié’s condition. Although a lad, I was quite taken with her and her granddaughter. She was beautiful even then.” Benjamin murmured, and Bartholomew perked up.

  “Who, Marié, or her granddaughter.”

  “Her granddaughter imbecile, Marié was quite on in years even then.” Benjamin frowned as he remembered the night of the Dubios’ summer ball. He frowned deeper as he thought of Maribel.

  “And nothing became of it.”

  “Nae arse, she was but 13 years old.” Benjamin lied, and Bartholomew laughed.

  If only he had told her how he truly felt, Geneviève would have been his. He let the prejudices of others taint him for one moment, and he regretted it even to this day.

  “And ye were only sixteen if I’m guessing correctly. Yet, she should be quite of age now. 25at the very least?” Bartholomew grinned, and Benjamin frowned.

  “I had not any notions of that.” Benjamin returned frowning, and Bartholomew laughed aloud.

  “Pretender, I can distinguish from the look on yer face that ye do and did, however, I shall let it lie for now.” Bartholomew said as he rose to pour himself a glass of port.

  Chapter Four…



  When I walked into Granny’s bedroom, Ms. Millie looked up.

  “Thank you so much.” I said as I kissed Ms. Millie’s cheek as she rose.

  “I’m happy to do it chil, and did you find work?” Ms. Millie asked, and I turned my back as I felt my cheeks flame.

  “Not yet, I’ll just have to go out again tomorrow.” I replied, as I busied myself with changing Granny’s bed sheets.

  “You’ll find something my sweet, just pray. Le seigneur bonne volonté de fournir.” The lord in his willingness will provide, she said, and I frowned.

  If the lord knew what I had promised to do, he would probably strike me down.

  I thought as I kissed my grandmother, then walked Ms. Millie to the door.

  “Are you sure I cannot walk with you Ms. Millie?”

  “Yes chil, Isaiah is right outside the door. I told him when he saw you coming to come down.” She said, and sure enough, there was a knock at the door.

  I waved as they both walked off, bolted the door with a sigh, then walked to my bedchamber.

  What did I know about being a seductress?

  I was hardly absent of the virginal juncture myself, so I truly had no suspicions of what else a man and a woman could do. The one and only interlude I had ever possessed with a man, was with Billy. We were both nineteen, very pompet, and he gave no indication as to what he was truly doing. I daresay I have equated sexual favors with fumbling, and immense embarrassments.

  As I turned down the bed sheets, I sighed again, then changed into my dressing gown.

  I would need knowledge, and quick!

  Where on earth would I acquire it?

  It was not as if I could just solicit it from someone.

  I truly believed it too would be a mess of awkwardness as well. Equally, I did not know anyone well enough to inquire of, but Granny. Ms. Millie would no doubt have double heart palpitations, I would not at all be comfortable asking Isaiah, and Abel would most certainly ask me why I needed to know.

  I sighed again.

  Claudette suddenly came to mind.

  Yet, as I deliberated on that design, I could not recall one occasion I had ever seen her with an actual male suitor.

  I frowned as I pulled the coverlet up to my chin, blew out the wick, then willed my exhausted mind to cease its ramblings.

  Ciel ici-bas


  I was up with the birds the next day. I saw to Granny’s needs, waited for Ms. Millie, then high-tailed it to Ms. Claudette’s. She was in the garden with Miranda, and when she saw me, she waved me back.

  “Well hello chér, why you up so early thing morning? Did you have any fortune seeking work?” She asked, and my face turned scarlet.

  She looked at me for several moments, giggled, then waved Miranda off.

  “I see Soleil has gotten her mitts into you?”


  “Aucune explication n’est nécessaire chil, I too am one to fight against moral constraints.” She laughed no explanation was needed here, and I looked at her.

  Ms Claudette was near to 30 if what people said was correct, and was and had always been her own person.

  “I really did not have an abundance of pickings, and she said it would only be for a certain clientele, but Granny can never find this out. Granny still sees me as a child Ms. Claudette!” I wailed, and she nodded as she rose to her feet.

  “Just Claudette is fine mon petit, and yes, I have seen this. However, in life we must do what we must. When are you expected?”

  “This night.” I replied frowning.

  “Really, le plus chér, do you have any notions of how to seduce a man? Or a woman for that matter?” She asked, and I felt my cheeks flame again.

  “Not a one.” I stated grinning slightly, and she threw her head back and laughed.

  “Then come, nous allons vous enseigner.” We shall teach you, she returned laughing.

  I was in awe of her home.

  I had never been any further than the parlor, and only just noticed the wrought iron staircase spiraling upwards, the intricate design catching the light from the foyer globes.

  This was a very beautiful home, I thought sighing.

  I followed her to the study, and was surprised at the rows and rows of books.

  Why, she had even more books than Granny did!

  I never would have imagined that possible from one person.

  “Now, sit, we shall learn.” She smiled, then took several books from the first lower shelf. I noticed some of the writings on the cover, then took the brown book fingering the letters.

  “Kama sutra?” I questioned, and she grinned nodding.

  “This chér, is l’art de l’amour.” She smiled the art of love, picking up the book. I nodded as she turned the page, then placed the book in front of me.

  I gasped, then looked up at her shocked.

  “My world.” I whispered cheeks brightly pink, and she laughed again.

  “Yes mon amour, yours is very limited. But we shall rectify that.” She grinned, and I suddenly got an image of her in a man’s embrace.

  She must have sensed it, because she shook her head, then p
ointed to the other page. If I was shocked before, now I was speechless.

  “Truly?” I whispered, and she nodded.

  Well now, that explained so much!

  I thought, and laughed too.

  She taught me for about an hour, then smiled at me as she handed me the glass of port.

  “Now, we shall put into practice all that we have learned.” She said, and my eyes widened as I nodded.

  The upstairs portion of the house was even more magnificent than the lower portion, and as we entered her bedchamber, I imagined it looked just like the French chambre à coucher.

  That is French for bedroom.

  “Come chér, sit.” She said, and I was a bit anxious.

  I had never in my life been this familiar with a woman.

  She removed my shawl, laid it on the bed, then commenced to unlace my dress. I looked up at her, and she smiled.

  “There is no need to be nerveux, chéri; this is a natural process, and who better to teach you the art of love, than a woman.”

  She drew her lips to mine, and the soft kiss she gave me, surprised me. She unlaced my hair, shook it, so it flowed down my back, caressed my face, then pulled my body into hers.

  She lightly caressed my breast, and my thoughts were disorderly.

  This was far from anything I had felt with Billy.

  She slipped the dress over my head, and gently tugged me into the bed. When she kissed me, I felt an unexpected heat spread through me, reaching areas I had not thought much about since Billy.

  She touched my face and I gave in.

  She caressed my thighs, and my head went back of its own accord, as her head dipped towards my breast. As she took my nipple into her mouth, caressing my thighs, I was amazed at the sensations she invoked. I moaned deeply, and it sounded so foreign to me.

  Claudette’s head dipped again, and my hips rose of their own accord. I ran my fingers through her hair, as she traveled the length of my body, then kissed me deeply.

  My word, I never knew it could be like this!


  An hour later, I sat on the bed not only amazed, but completely taken aback as well.


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