Eternal Bond (Edanholme Book 2)

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Eternal Bond (Edanholme Book 2) Page 4

by Catherine Fitzpatrick

  so easy to fall deeply under the spell of such a voice. In fact, it was incredibly easy.

  As the song ended the idea of taking Teague as a lover ended with it…. She had nothing to

  offer a Sidhe noble, he had made that perfectly clear.

  Alex indicated to the waitress to bring the bill, her heart chilled by the clear fact she was a

  short-lived being, utilised to ease the passage of eternal creatures into a new era.

  “Time to go Teague, it’s a long drive and I have work tomorrow.” She was sad at the need to

  end his enjoyment of simple music. Her heart was in danger of succumbing to the magnetism

  of a deliciously desirable male for her to live any longer with the body guarding nonsense.

  It had to stop… Alex used the fob to open the car doors as they left the pub, dragging her

  feet she felt reluctant to lose him as a friend, but was afraid that rampaging hormones may

  overcome common sense. Humiliation at being rejected out of hand played a prominent

  role in the decision to cut free of the pretence of protection. Cat was playing match maker

  at Teague’s expense.

  This blossoming desire for the Bard was a useless pastime. He was too intense a male for the

  one night stand she envisioned. None of the warriors deserved to be ensnared by a partner,

  a mate, who could share only a fraction of their lifetime, before age and gravity took its toll.

  Perching on the hood of the car, she looked into deep pools of amethyst, her expression

  ominously serious.

  “Aingeal have I upset thee…?” The Bard was concerned by the solemn gravity of her gaze,

  at the downward tilt of a luscious mouth.

  “Not at all Lord Teague, I have enjoyed our time together, that’s the problem.” Alex sighed,

  prepared to bring the farce to an end. Prolonging a relationship that would tempt her to

  seduce the Bard out of sheer bloody mindedness, would be too painful when the day came

  for her to move on.

  “I have responsibilities, so do you. Following in my footsteps every minute of the day is a

  ridiculous pastime for a warrior. I appreciate that you took an oath to protect me, which is

  a lovely idea, but Cat is being overly cautious. I have work to do, both at the optical practice

  and the encampment. Taking you away from the business of locating the lost souls of your

  previous home seems pretty redundant.

  I mean… The role of Queen’s enforcer is far more important than watching me make lists and play on my computer. Don’t you agree?”

  Key fob swinging in her fingers, she forced a smile to her lips. Teague kept his lips still, he

  could not tell an untruth, so elected for the evasion of stony silence.

  “I will let Cat know you are free to take up more onerous duties.” There, she had set him lose.

  She wanted to cry, which was stupid, she had only known the Bard for a couple of days. It was

  safer to put some distance between them, safer for her peace of mind in resisting the impulse

  to sully the purity of a noble male.

  Teague was ready to argue the point. The steadfast resolve in eyes of sapphire blue made

  him thoughtful. He too had enjoyed time spent with Aingeal to the extent he would be loath

  to be parted from her. He was of the Fae. He could appear to agree, not an outright lie more

  an artistic distortion of the truth.

  “I bow to thy reading of a situation you find irksome.” Indifference shrouded his features with

  cool acceptance. Eyes veiled by the shadows of twilight revealed nothing of the nature of a

  devious intention to skirt around the issue of denying his services. The little female found

  him to be a hindrance. He was not so easily set aside.

  “I find I cannot leave your side until you are safely home…” He did not recognise the box like

  structure she lived in as a home. Teague’s idea of a home for Aingeal would be built within

  the protective borders of Edanholme, where no threat from the darker dimensions could

  ever cause her worry. The pledge made, she was unaware of the true nature of the oath.

  “Fine…” Alex had to admit she was a little disappointed he hadn’t fought harder to remain

  by her side night and day. Don’t be an idiot, she chastised herself. It’s what you wanted.

  Sliding into the driver’s seat, her face revealed nothing of the tiny ache in her heart at the

  loss of a dream.

  Teague settled next to her, fiddling with the seat belt. Taking hold of the clasp she rammed

  it home with a loud snap before starting the engine. An hour, just one more little hour then

  I can cry into a glass of wine she promised the insistent voice in her head, the acid tongue of

  unreason that told her she was a fool to pass on a chance to have a fabulous body at her

  beck and call.

  Teague hid a smile. Aingeal was not contented with his instant capitulation, her nature was

  that of a warrior, she wanted a fight. He planned to give her ample opportunities to vent that

  anger. “I would make a request Lady Alex…” He murmured in a raspy whisper, not wanting

  to distract her from the task of directing a purring monster over winding roads.

  “And that would be…?” Curiosity was Alex’s besetting sin, she couldn’t say no.

  “I wish to learn how to make use of technology. It would seem the obvious course to

  enhance my knowledge of music.” It would also offer him an ideal excuse to learn more

  of the nature of a female who appeared reluctant to immerse herself in his world.

  She nodded, eyes fixed on the road as they entered the outskirts of the town.

  “Of course Teague… In fact, Cat has authorised the use of her barn to be turned into a

  communications centre. There will be ample opportunity for all the community to learn

  new skills.” A twitch of a smile touch her lips, a reprieve had been offered, she took it with

  a small sigh of relief.

  It wasn’t what Teague had envisioned when he made the request, his plan was to separate

  a vibrantly alive female from his boisterous brothers. He sought to monopolise her time, to

  secure a prior attachment however tenuous, before the rest of the males recognised the

  worth of an angel in human form. He uttered several venomous oaths, borrowed from the

  old language, in a husky whisper.

  Pulling into the permit zone Alex turned off the engine, turning to look at the Bard.

  “I’m sorry, did you say something?” She caught the whisper but not the meaning in a string

  of unintelligible words.

  “T’ was but an oath from the old language…” He temporized quickly powerless to tell a lie.

  “You mean a prayer of thanks that I didn’t crash the car and injure us both?” Her smile was

  pure mischief at the hope she would still have the chance to enjoy sparring with a lovely,

  but inscrutable object of desire.

  “A reasonable translation…” His answer was ambiguous, neither agreeing nor enlightening

  as he followed her into the apartment.

  “This is goodnight Lord Teague, time for you to vanish back to paradise.” Arms crossed across

  her breast, Alex would normally hug a friend when they parted, hugging Teague would be a

  mis-step over the boundaries of Sidhe etiquette.

  “Fine…” A husky whisper teased her, as he shone blue, white then disappeared.

  “Bollocks…” Alex snarled at his sudden disappearance, she wanted him to disagree.

  Fudge buckets… Why do men have to take you so literally?

  “You are such
a contrary Mary. First you try to place him out of reach, then you want

  mister frosty to succumb to your charms. Get a grip… And stop talking to yourself, it’s

  not healthy…”

  Shaking her head, Alex laughed huskily. She needed a pet to explain away a one sided

  conversation. Taking hold of her I-phone she sent a blistering reproof to her business partner.

  One that would probably have repercussions… She couldn’t care less.

  Cat was a great friend, but she was nosy and bossy. They were too much alike in that respect.

  It was time to lay the ghosts of her past, she was not a man-eater. She wanted to be loved on

  her terms, not dictated to by a female who was sickeningly besotted by her hunky Sidhe mate,

  enough to bestow a wealth of raging testosterone at Alex’s feet.

  Bringing a smidgeon of civilisation to a dimension as beautiful as Edanholme was a task she

  relished, barring distractions in the form of muscle bound, pretty soldiers. There had to be a

  fine balance between comfortable living and pristine wilderness with a leavening of decent

  sanitation. With that end in mind, she had coerced Iscatya, Queen of Edanholme to relinquish

  the outbuildings of her residence for industrial use and educational facilities. Not a bad start

  for the first day of the rest of a busy life. Of course it would help tremendously to keep hold

  of the credit card.


  Teague had been true to his word. Alex no longer had a bridesmaid following her every

  move. Then again, he was capable of disguising his appearance with Sidhe glamour and

  she wouldn’t have a clue. Cat still insisted on using him as a liaison officer when she was

  in a frustrated mood or bored to tears. The Queen’s pregnancy was a bone of contention

  between Cat and her mate. He wanted her to slow down and rest for the remaining few

  months of gestation.

  Cat told him to get a life, because she had one to live, right up to the moment the twins

  were delivered. The expected fireworks at an infamous man-eater living in the midst of

  a plethora of available men hadn’t materialised, and it galled her friend that Alex had the

  moral strength to resist the temptation to incite mayhem. Alright she had been tempted

  a little to infiltrate Teague’s frosty shields, beguiling him with concert tickets.

  Heavy metal wasn’t to his liking, but the party in the park, complete with philharmonic

  orchestra blew his socks off. Well it would have, if he owned any.

  Apart from the reserved cordiality engendered by a shared appreciation of music and the

  arts, there was no common ground except the Bard’s immediate grasp of computer skills.

  He was quick and clever, subduing the powerful energy of Fae life force, to redirect the

  static electricity that had initially fried all her hardware.

  Accidents occurred from time to time. Teague had mastered the basic computer skills well

  enough for the constant refrain from asking Aingeal to save his files, to turn into, my Lady Alex,

  I would ask thy opinion…. He was irresistible, but sometimes she really wanted to throw

  him in the lake. Turi would do it for her, if she asked him to.

  The Bard’s aloofness was a thorn in the side of his brethren. As one of the Queen’s Enforcers

  he fulfilled his duties without question. Whenever the warriors returned home from forays

  to track down exiles from the Sovereign Court, the party would last all night. Teague kept

  to himself on the outer edges of the noisy celebrations, not once had he responded to the

  requests to sing. He seldom initiated a conversation, but was unfailingly courteous to new

  arrivals and his brethren alike. Alex was the only person he talked to on a regular basis.

  She hadn’t found the key to unlock his secrets yet. Maybe there wasn’t one.

  The frustration of dealing with snotty Sidhe females hit an all-time high, or low, depending

  on your point of view. The latest batch of pretentious nobles had been allocated newly

  built cabins, or transient yurts, depending on the size of the family.

  Gathering her notes together Alex stepped out of the cool shadows of the meeting hall,

  into the red gold warmth of Edanhlome’s sunlight. A scathing voice brought her up with

  a sharp snap.

  “I have waited long for thee to show me to my quarter’s serf…” A willowy female of

  timeless beauty, and nerve bending condescension tapped a leather clad foot in fuming

  impatience. Clutching a sheath of lists tightly to her chest, Alex tilted her head to one side

  to consider how much damage a Fae bitch could inflict upon a defenceless human.

  She stamped on the urge to launch herself at a stately figure in a spitting, hissing cat fight

  of teeth, nails and of course, a lot of hair pulling.

  “What a shame… How truly unfortunate for you that I have no intention of pandering to

  your offensive wishes. Edanholme holds no bigotry, or serfs. I f you need something, I am

  more than willing to help in any way I can. But do not try my patience Dear Lady, or you

  will find your life to be more arduous than it has to be…” With a sweet smile on scarlet

  tinted lips, Alex bowed in mocking derision, before turning her back on a furious female.

  Turi leant against the corner of the building. Huge shoulders appeared to be holding up

  the timber framed structure. Dark brown eyes flashed angrily at the effrontery of one of

  his kin, in insulting the Angel of Edanholme. It would serve no purpose to interfere, Alex

  would not thank him for it, and the matrons would see it as a desperate male’s bid to

  wheedle a way into her bed.

  “My Lady Alex…” Offering the deference of equals to a quivering ball of bitter wrath, he

  barely dipped his head in greeting to the Sidhe female, a studied insult to a creature of

  noble birth.

  “Time flows steadily onwards… Your practise in weaponry was scheduled to begin before

  high noon.” Unfolding from his perch an enforcer of the Queen watched with a sly smirk

  on his lips, as a stunning piece of ignorance faded from sight.

  “Turi…” Alex dissolved in giggles, tears of laughter and relief sparkling on sooty lashes.

  “You just told a lie…”

  Shaking a shoulder length mane of glossy black hair, the major muscle of the enforcers

  of justice wrapped a meaty arm around her shoulders in a comforting hug.

  “I told no mistruth Nina… I may have misconstrued the meaning a little… Golf clubs

  could serve as weapons of war, very easily.” A wide, wicked grin, lightened the

  menacing darkness of a stupendously handsome face.

  “Semantics, pedantic… Whatever… It worked.” She’d spent hours introducing Turi,

  the Bear Lord, to the sport of golf in exchange for riding lessons. He wasn’t the easiest

  pupil, patience a foreign term to a creature who lived on vibrating energy.

  The toll on the nobles, after eons under the reign of a sadistic Queen, not so easily set

  aside. Relaxation, the enjoyment of free time, didn’t come readily to battered psyches.

  She bore witness to it on a daily basis. The Lord Teague, the most strung out of all the

  warriors, rarely smiled, let alone deigning to relax for a second.

  “Come on mighty Bear… Let’s go wage war with a couple of five irons.” Alex’s neck

  and shoulders twitched, they were being watched. It didn’t take a genius to know the

  Bard was dogging her steps. He took upon himself
the role of body-guard, with stealth

  and quiet dignity. So much for thinking the bridesmaid’s job had become redundant…

  It played havoc with her nerves, and more especially, her heart. If he continued to

  hover on the side-lines, she would be so tempted to walk up to a lovely hunk and slap

  him hard, just to see if he would react with anything other than an exquisite bow.

  On the shores of tranquil lake, an amused female sat cross-legged on lush grasses, to

  watch Turi knock the hell out of a succession of defenceless golf balls. It was sheer

  entertainment, more so when he drove the club inches deep into yielding soil.

  “No… You’re doing it all wrong.” Jumping to bare feet, dressed in shorts and t-shirt,

  the uniform of ease and comfort in the continual summer of paradise, Alex slipped

  underneath one meaty arm, gripping at his hands to place them correctly over sweat

  coated leather.

  “Right… Remember to swing with your hips, be gentle… Breathe deeply, remember

  you’re holding a golf club, not a war hammer.” A low growl above her head was all the

  reply a frustrated bear gave in answer. He was frustrated in more ways than one, and

  a lusciously curved body tight against his chest didn’t help. Sliding out from a rigidly

  held stance, she stood behind Turi to watch his form. Shaking out the tension in an

  abundance of bunched muscle, he settled down to take a swing at a stupid white ball.

  “Yes…” Jumping up and down, Alex waved her hands in the air in triumph. “You did it.”

  Whirling round, a huge grin on his face, Turi made a move to take a vivacious little imp

  in his arms. She wasn’t prepared to submit to lust for the sake of it. One night stands

  just couldn’t happen. Too much was at stake, her heart and integrity for one, the

  status quo between brother warriors, the second… If she took even one of them

  as an interim lover, it would mean she would become fair game to the remainder.

  So not going to happen if she wanted to hold onto the hard won respect of the vast

  majority of Sidhe nobles making a new home in paradise. Backing up, every step taking


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