A Wicked Wager_Leather and Pleasure

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A Wicked Wager_Leather and Pleasure Page 1

by Jennifer Labelle

  A Wicked


  Leather and Pleasure: 5

  Jennifer Labelle

  Scanning, uploading and/or distribution of this book via the Internet, print, audio recordings or any other means, without the written permission of the Publisher is illegal and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

  Except for select brand names and businesses, this book is a work of fiction. Names, places, events and characters are fictitious. Any similarities to actual events or persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental.

  A Wicked Wager

  Leather and Pleasure: 5

  © 2012 Jennifer Labelle

  ISBN 978-1-935757-54-2

  All rights reserved. Except for review purposes, the reproduction of this book in whole or part, electronically or mechanically, constitutes a copyright violation.

  Published by

  Romance Divine LLC


  To all my readers, I want to thank you with all my heart. I’m enjoying this series and appreciate your support. Stay tuned for more to come, and in the meantime if you haven’t read Leather and Pleasure, When Sparks Ignite (Leather and Pleasure 2), Sinfully Sexy (Leather and Pleasure 3), or Naughty Noel (leather and Pleasure 4) I highly suggest that you do. Each kinky little read is a stand alone with updates on your favourite Leather and Pleasure characters. Enjoy!

  Jennifer Labelle


  “Uh uhn, can I help you?” A large hand came out to stop her from continuing ahead. She’d been so pre-occupied in her thoughts that it took her a minute to gather her composure to face the big hunk of man meat in front of her.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Look lady, this is a member’s only establishment and I can’t let you walk through that door until you show me you’re with a paid member, or have a pass proving your membership.” He looked her up and down from the tip of her toes to the top of her head, lingering at her chest before meeting her eyes again. He licked his lips. “And, since you’re standing here solo, and I haven’t seen you before, I’m assuming you’re a first timer.” His eyes glittered as he pursued her with his eyes again. “Oh yeah, I’d have definitely remembered you.”

  Oh my God, is he flirting with me? Kayla couldn’t help herself and smiled. She’d been out of the dating world for awhile now, too concentrated on school, and opening her store since her return home, but even longer still since she had that instant chemistry for someone she’d just met, like she did with him right then. She mimicked him by licking her own lips thinking about it. There was just something about this confident hunk of heaven in front of her though, he was chocolate cake and ice cream, cheese cake drizzled with thick cherry syrup, a delicious piece of pumpkin pie with a mountain top of whipped cream on top. All delicious temptations that she shouldn’t have, hell, hadn’t had in almost two years to keep her figure the way she wanted it—but still had the craving for. Hmm, a sexy man and tempting deserts all in one. She raised a brow, imagining the taste of his salty skin in contrast to the sweet taste of chocolate, cherries, and whipped cream as she licked it off of him.

  “Ma’am?” He bent his head to the side and took a step towards her.

  “Kayla,” she corrected, when his voice snapped her out of the fantasy. She smiled, “My name is Kayla, not lady or Ma’am, just plain old Kayla.” She held out her hand in greeting. “And, you are?”

  He was tall, with broad shoulders and muscular arms, and she could see the definition in his cut chest and flat abs through his form-fitted black t-shirt. His jeans hid an impressive bulge and were ripped in one of the knees, but fit so perfectly they moulded his legs like they were made just for him. He had the bad boy persona, but the good kind she wouldn’t mind more of. She shook her head, realizing he hadn’t answered her yet, and blushed at being caught ogling him.

  “The name’s Jake, it’s a pleasure to meet you Kayla.” Jake caressed her outstretched hand with his fingers before lifting it to his lips.

  Oh, sweet lord. Okay Kayla, pull yourself together and stop acting like a horny teenager. You’re a grown-up now for Christ’s sake. A grown up that needs to get laid sometime soon, but you’re not the one night stand type of girl. Damn, his lips feel good though. Maybe just this once I should just go for it. Kayla cleared her throat, Maybe it’s time to get to know Mr. tall, dark, and sexy a little better. “Care to make a wager, Jake?”

  “A wager?” He laughed, looking caught off guard. “Are you a daring woman, Kayla? Is that why you thought you might try the naughty club tonight?”

  “No, not daring, at least not usually, but I like you already, and I’m in a betting kind of mood suddenly.” She smiled mischievously and had the urge to rub her hands together, knowing she had him right where she wanted him. “Call it a hunch, but I get the feeling that you always think you’re right, or at least like to be right about things, and I’m betting I do get in that club tonight without a membership.” She pointed to the club’s door. “In fact, I’ll bet you I can get invited in, in less than five minutes. What do you say Jake, you want to bet with me?”

  “You make this too easy for me, Kayla. I already told you there are only two ways I can permit you to enter. One, is if you are a paid member, the other is if you have the invitation of another who frequents here often, and you don’t have either. I’d love to let you in sweetheart, it’d be kind of nice to see you around more often, but I’m not about to lose my job over a nice piece of ass.”

  “A nice piece of ass? Aren’t we a little direct now? I’m not sure whether to be flattered or insulted. Thankfully I don’t offend easily. My bet still stands though; are you game Jake, because I think I’m going to like proving you wrong.”

  “Okay, I’ll play along, but what’s in it for me?”

  “Well, if I win I’ll let you take me to dinner sometime, and if you win...”

  “I make sure we get dessert.” His mouth formed into a confident smile, and the gleam in his eye told her his idea of dessert didn’t mean food. “Still want to play, kitten?”

  “Kayla,” she corrected again; she didn’t mind nicknames, but right then he needed to come down a notch. “I’m going to enjoy making you eat your words.”

  Jake shrugged, and leaned back lazily to show her he wasn’t bothered. “It seems to me either way I win. Your wager is dinner on me; my wager is dessert all over you, and what a feast I would have with that...”

  Kayla shivered, Damn, can he read minds too? I was just picturing tasting dessert off of him. Let’s see how far I can milk him. “Okay, we’ll add another stipulation to make things more interesting then, since it’s a win-win situation for the both of us.” She reached inside of her purse for her wallet. “I’ve got a fifty right here. You win, not only am I your dessert, but you become fifty dollars richer. You lose you give me fifty.” She shrugged back at him and leaned against the wall beside him trying to mimic the confident stance he showed moments before.

  “Yeah?” He stepped forward until he stood right in front of her. So close she could feel the heat of his body, and she cursed out loud when goose bumps covered her skin making him smile at her again. Placing his hands on each side of her head she could feel his breath against her cheek as he whispered, “You’ve got less than five minutes remember,” and then he stepped back.

  Son of a gun, he did that on purpose knowing that I would respond to his body so close to mine. “I do, so be prepared to hand over that money.” She moved past him while pulling out her cell phone. It only took a minute to locate the number she needed and then not only would he be buying her dinner, Jake would be forking over his fifty bucks. Sweet victory is only moments awa
y, Kayla.

  “Hi, it’s me. Yep. I know, I know, I’m a little early, but instead of meeting me at my place I thought I’d come to you. Uh huh, I know but I wanted to see the club...” Kayla laughed, rubbing it in as Jake watched her. “Okay, well you’ve got exactly two minutes, and hurry. Good, see you in a minute then.” She snapped the phone shut and smirked at Jake before turning towards the door. “Don’t you just love the smell of victory?”

  Just as she finished that sentence Leather and Pleasure’s entrance opened revealing none other than Rhys Evans, the club’s owner. “Kayla?”

  Jake cursed.

  “It took you long enough.” She teased running forward to embrace him. “Thanks for coming down so quick. Tall, dark, and handsome over here wouldn’t let me in.”

  “Jake,” Rhys stepped out of Kayla’s embrace and held her hand as he gave him a friendly pat on his shoulder, “is a good man, a friend, and a loyal employee, but also quite playful, so watch yourself around him.” He tried to sound stern, but laughed as Jake feigned shock, and then acted like he was wounded.

  “And also not a very good actor I see,” Kayla laughed. “Don’t worry Rhys, Jake has been pretty good so far, and I haven’t known him long enough yet to worry about his playfulness.” She winked, “What I do know is that he owes me fifty bucks, and a dinner date sometime.” She held out her hand, palm up, and beckoned him to give her the money she won by wiggling her fingers back and forth.

  “What are you talking about?” Rhys looked confused.

  “I was just having a little fun. It was my first wager with Jake, you see he was doing a fantastic job reciting the rules of the club, and was determined not to let me in without a pass or an invitation like he’s supposed to, but I bet him fifty dollars and a dinner that I didn’t need either and would gain entry in less than five minutes. Thanks to you and your timely manner, I won.” She smiled wide, teasing Jake and wiggled her fingers again as he reached for his wallet to pay her.

  She chuckled as he gently placed her new winnings on top of her outstretched hand. “Easiest fifty bucks ever.”

  Rhys laughed loudly before composing himself to speak again, “Jacob Collins, meet my beautiful baby sister, Kayla Evans. Kayla graduated from the Maccioni Institute in Milan last year, and just moved back last month.”

  “Sister?” Jake raised a brow, in obvious shock.

  “The one and only.” Kayla’s smile grew. “You see Jake, there are now three ways to gain entry into the club. Membership, an invitation, and being family, it’s all about who you know.”

  “Damn,” Jake chuckled as she teased him. “I guess it is, but what’s a Maccioni Institute?”

  “They’re a very prestigious design school, and I’ve always wanted to produce my own fashion line. Although, I think I enjoy making lingerie more than anything else. I took business classes in the evenings as soon as I graduated and now I’m in the midst of opening my own shop. It’s been busy, but worth every minute.” Kayla lit up every time she talked about her plans. She worked her ass off, and deserved a little success. “Right now I’m working with Rhys to help me get my work out there. I’ve given a couple of the girls who work here a few of my designs to wear. Hopefully it will help out in the long run, and give my brand K.E Carnal Delights some recognition.”

  “Wow,” Jake looked impressed, “You never cease to amaze me. I mean we’ve only just met and I’m in awe. I can’t wait to check some of your designs.”

  The way he said the last part made the butterflies in her stomach skyrocket, and her pulse beat faster in anticipation. She smiled, not knowing what else to do, especially considering her brother was present. And I’d love to model for you sometime too, baby. Damn I want him.

  Rhys cleared his throat. “That’s Kayla, she can definitely take care of herself, and hell, she certainly put you in your place.” Rhys smiled wide again. “But she’s family and although I respect you, I also know you Jake. Hurt her, and I’ll have to hurt you.”

  Jake laughed, and Kayla gasped. “Rhys needs to mind his own business.” She glared at her brother, and then stormed into the club as Jake’s laughter got louder. Without looking back, the door slammed shut behind her.

  Rhys’ intentions, although noble, annoyed the hell out of her. She wasn’t a little girl anymore and it was high time her big brother realized it and stopped embarrassing her.


  Jake watched as she strode angrily inside the club. His gaze was glued to that luscious little ass, and he had to bite back a groan knowing Rhys was watching him and not his newly angered sister. Damn, she intrigues me though. Boss or not, as long as the lovely Kayla is interested I’m willing to play any games she wants, and she wants me. I know she does.

  “Careful Jake, I meant what I said.”

  Jake’s head snapped up and he watched as Rhys blow out a long slow breath as he thrust his fingers through his hair. “About what, Rhys? I respect you. Have I done anything to offend you before?”

  “No, but I just don’t want to see her hurt. Shit, I’m not here to offend you. It’s just my job to warn you off. She’s my baby sister for fuck sake, so don’t fuck it up. I know you like women. Hell, I was just like you until I settled down with Eden. Kayla obviously likes you. I’ve never seen her so direct with a man before, and I know she’s smart enough, beautiful enough, and tough enough to take care of herself, but I also see the way you’re looking at her, and hell my protective instincts kick in...” He cursed again making Jake laugh and pat him on the shoulder.

  “I get it man. It’s a dinner, and a little fun, that’s all. I respect you, and I’ll respect her as well.” Jake shrugged, and decided it might be best to admit to Rhys what he normally would have kept to himself. “I can see that she’s something special. I mean, shit...” Jake paused, this is harder to admit than I thought. “I guess what I’m trying to say is that in the brief moments that I’ve been around Kayla, she intrigues me. I like her, and I’d like to know more about her, and that’s saying a lot for me considering I was with her all of what maybe fifteen minutes total so far. Quite honestly because of that she scares the shit out of me, I’ve never fallen this fast before, but a bet is a bet and I’m going to keep my end of the deal.” Because there is no fucking way I’m letting an opportunity like this slip away. Kayla’s fucking gorgeous, and I’ve got some wicked plans in mind for the two of us. And then maybe, just maybe after I fuck her silly she’ll be out of my system just like the rest, and we’ll part as friends.

  “Thanks man, I appreciate your honesty.” Rhys took a step towards the club. “I’d better get back inside to see what she’s up to. Are we good?”

  “We’re good.” Jake nodded, and soon found himself alone again guarding the door. His encounter with Rhys was forgotten and his thoughts drifted back to that dark haired bombshell that just walked into his life.

  Her long brown hair hung loosely and framed her beautiful heart-shaped face, long thick lashes brushed against her cheeks as she blushed when he caught her looking at him, hiding her sexy dark eyes from his view momentarily. He’d never seen ones so dark, almost black, they blended with her pupils. Soft plump lips and a slim figure teased him as he thought about those assets she hid behind her clothes, and he looked forward to their next encounter.

  The possibilities were endless, and he still planned on getting his dessert regardless of her winning their little wager moments before. It’s time to put on the charm Jakey boy, and maybe, just maybe, come up with a little wager of your own to achieve that goal. Oh yeah, Kayla Evans is going to be one sweet treat that I can’t wait to taste.


  Kayla’s main purpose for meeting Rhys at the club was to not only check it out, but also to check out what her designs looked like on some of the staff that volunteered to wear them. This was the stepping stone to make or break her new business. What better way to start out than to target a fetish club. Meeting Jake at the door had been an unexpected, yet pleasant bonus, and then Rhys had to go and
ruin the moment by getting all macho big brother on her. So instead of enjoying the atmosphere, the show on stage, or the several stares she got along the way, she made a beeline straight for the bar for a good ol’ shot to settle her nerves.

  “What can I get for you?”

  A beautiful brunette leaned against the other side of the bar patiently waiting to take her drink order, and Kayla smiled, “Give me a blowjob.”

  “Well blowjobs aren’t my specialty, but since I know it’s the shot you want that I can do.”

  Kayla laughed, she needed it right that moment and genuinely liked this woman that tended the bar for cheering her up. “My name is Kayla Evans it’s a pleasure to meet you.” She held out her hand in greeting.

  “Ah, you must be Rhys’ lovely sister.” She smiled, as she made the shot and slid it in front of her before shaking Kayla’s hand. “He hasn’t stopped talking about you since you’ve returned. Welcome back, the name’s Sable, and the pleasure is all mine.” She winked just as a gorgeous blonde approached.

  “I’m going to need two Blue, three Corona, and five Red Headed Sluts.”

  Kayla almost choked on her shot, and coughed as it went down, before wiping the whipped cream mess from her face. “What’s a red headed slut? My imagination has run wild here.” She fanned her face, and Sable laughed.

  “Jager, Peach Schnapps, and cranberry juice, they’re actually quite tasty.” Sable’s smile stayed as she continued, “Lila my love, this is the beautiful Kayla Evans, the boss’ sister. Kayla this is my better half, Lila.”

  “It’s a pleasure...”

  “Oh my god! You’re the one that designed this.” Lila spun around displaying the leather stud spike push up bra and matching boy shorts that showed just enough ass cheek.


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