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Dirty Page 3

by R. L. Kenderson

  He raised an eyebrow.

  “I know, I know. We already had sex, so what’s the big deal? And I’m sorry for being rude, but I’m finding it hard to think with you walking around…” With your big, beautiful dick saluting me.

  Luke snickered as he tossed her clothes on the bed, as if he knew exactly what was going on in her head. But he didn’t object as he went into his walk-in closet.

  As soon as he was in there, she quickly yanked on her clothes, except for her underwear. She didn’t see them anywhere, and since Luke would walk out at any second, she opted for going commando. It wasn’t ideal since she was wearing a skirt, but at least she wasn’t nude anymore.

  Luke exited his closet, wearing a pair of nylon shorts and holding a T-shirt in his hand. The bite mark she’d left stood out against the light gray of his shorts. She considered just pretending like she didn’t know it existed, but she was maturer than that. Or, at least, she wanted to think she was.

  “I’m sorry—”

  “If you apologize for fucking me…” Luke’s lips were in a hard line, and his eyes had lost all humor. He almost looked hurt. “Look, we’re both adults, both single, we used protection, and no one got hurt.”

  She sat on the side of the bed. “Well, see, that’s not exactly true…” She waved her hand toward his lower body.

  He shook his head, obviously not understanding. “What’s not true? Are you trying to tell me you have a boyfriend?”


  He frowned. “Are you saying, we didn’t use protection? Because I might have been drunk, and you did almost jump the gun there the first time, but I distinctly remember using condoms.”

  Her cheeks got warm as she vaguely recalled pushing him down on the sofa, slipping her underwear off, lifting her skirt, and—

  “Open your eyes and watch me while I fuck you, Elise. I want you to know whose cock you’re riding.”

  She shook her head before she turned red, clearing the memory. “No, that’s not it either.”

  “Okay, Lise, you’re just going to have to spit it out then.”

  “Hurt. You’re hurt.” She pointed to his hip and sighed. “I hurt you.”

  Luke lowered his head and examined her bite mark. “Oh, yeah, I remember that.” He looked up at her and grinned. “I never would have taken you for a wildcat in bed, but damn, I liked it.” He shrugged and put his shirt on. “Besides, I sort of got you back.” He waved his hand over his neckline.

  She gasped and jumped up, bolting for the bathroom. “You didn’t!” she yelled at him before she flipped on the light switch. She lifted her chin up and to the side, and there it was—a big ole hickey right on her neck. Thankfully, the top she’d worn last night had a low collar, so she should be able to find a more modest shirt to cover it for work, but she sure as shit didn’t know how she was going to walk into her parents’ house and not let them see it.

  He came up behind her. “I’d tell you I was sorry, but then I’d be lying. If it makes you feel better, I don’t remember doing it, and I didn’t do it on purpose.”

  She angled her head to look at it again. “Fat lot of good that does me. It’s there whether you meant to do it or not.”

  He leaned in closer to her, meeting her eyes in the mirror. “Well, at least I didn’t bite you,” he teased.

  Embarrassed, she didn’t reply. Instead, she worked on straightening her appearance. She finger-combed through her long hair to get the snarls out and used hand soap and water to get rid of the mascara that rimmed her eyes.

  She almost forgot he was still there when he said, “I’m going to get coffee. I’ll meet you downstairs.”

  She hurried up, trying to make herself look presentable, and quickly used the facilities before heading downstairs.

  If she wasn’t hungover and freaking out about sleeping with Luke, she would have taken the time to admire his beautiful home. But, at the moment, she wanted to forget that she had ever been there and get the hell home.

  She quickly scanned the living room for her missing article of clothing, but with no luck, she met Luke in the kitchen where he handed her a glass of water and a couple of pills while the smell of coffee brewing filled the kitchen.

  “Ibuprofen,” he explained when she gave him a questioning look.

  “Thank you,” she said. Swallowing the medicine, she downed the whole glass in a few gulps. She hadn’t realized how thirsty she had been until now.

  She handed him the empty cup, and he put it in the sink. After he poured himself some coffee to go, he grabbed his keys off the counter.

  “I rode with Sean last night, so my car’s here. You need a ride, I’m assuming?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “Do you want any coffee?”

  She shook her head.

  He reached for something else on the counter and handed it to her. It was her purse.

  “Do you have everything?”

  Everything but her underwear, but she wasn’t going to tell him that. She slung her purse over her shoulder. “Yep, I’m ready.”

  Luke watched Elise slip out of the passenger side of his car.

  She turned around. “So, we agree to keep this between us? No telling Rachel or Sean or anyone else, right?”

  He nodded. “Agreed.” He was more than happy to go along with this deal since Sean and Rachel would kill him if they found out.

  He made sure Elise unlocked her car and got in before he took off to head back home.

  He had screwed up last night. No pun intended. Sean had specifically told him not to fuck Elise. And what had he done? The one thing his friend had asked him not to.

  But, if he was being fair, she had been the one to fuck him. After she’d unzipped his pants in the back of the cab they took to his house, she had taken him all the way to the back of her throat, not caring that the driver only had to look in the rearview mirror to get a show. She’d shocked the hell out of him because he wasn’t a small guy. He wasn’t trying to brag about his size; he was just stating a fact. He’d had plenty of girls who couldn’t take his entire length, but Elise…damn. He was getting hard, just remembering her deep-throating his dick until he’d exploded in her mouth and she swallowed all of him.

  Then, when they’d gotten to his house, she’d practically shoved him through the door once he unlocked it. She’d kissed him before he could even say anything, which was fine with him because he hated wasting time on small talk. Plus, he was all about kissing, and that girl could kiss. He could still taste himself on her, and it wasn’t long before he’d been ready to go again.

  He’d shoved his pelvis between her legs, making her moan, and she’d pushed him down onto the couch, pulled his pants down, slipped her underwear off, and sat on his cock. He’d barely had time to put a condom on before she slid all the way down his length.

  He adjusted his erection in his shorts because, now, he was fully aroused.

  When he’d asked Elise to play pool with him, it was just because he’d thought they’d have fun playing together. He’d always liked her and figured it was a way for them to get to know each other better. He hadn’t known it would lead to a bunch of shots.

  He hadn’t planned to ask her to come home with him right away. When he had, he’d thought he’d have to do some convincing to get her into bed, but it’d turned out, the female was like a fucking wet dream. She’d been virgin tight, yet at the same time, she’d fucked him like it was some sort of contest, and she was aiming for first prize. She’d been hot and wet, and just thinking about her made him want to fuck her all over again.

  He’d really wanted to have sex with her again this morning, especially when he’d caught her eyeing him a couple of times. He knew she’d liked what she saw. It didn’t hurt that she’d told him last night in explicit detail how much she loved his body. But, this morning, she’d been skittish, and he’d had no doubt she would turn him down. Even if she had taken him up on his offer, she would have regretted it later, and she’d already seemed to be sorr
y, concerning their night together.

  This was why he preferred sleeping with women he didn’t know well—or women who weren’t friends with his buddy’s fiancée. He shook his head. He should have kept the phone number that had been slipped to him last night and called that woman up instead. So what if he hadn’t been interested in her? At least, he wouldn’t be in the situation he was in now.

  This was what he got for thinking with his dick. He was thirty-two years old. He was supposed to be past this kind of thing. He’d worked hard to show people that he wasn’t just some lucky jock who’d breezed through school. He’d come a long way since then, only to make such a freshman move.

  The grown-up thing to do would be to tell Sean and take his punishment like a man, but, one, Elise had asked him not to say anything. Two, he didn’t kiss and tell anymore. Three, despite Sean and Rachel feeling like Elise’s sex life was their business, it really wasn’t. And, four, when he thought about it, he really didn’t feel that guilty. What he felt was guilt for not feeling guilty. But he just couldn’t summon up any true regret when it came to sleeping with Elise because she might be the best lay he’d literally ever had.

  Besides, history was not going to repeat itself, so he might as well enjoy what had already happened, guilt-free.

  Elise quietly unlocked the front door to her parents’ house, hoping she could slip up to her room without being seen. Her religious parents would never understand premarital sex, no matter how old she was. They’d never known she lived with her boyfriend at the time, Tyler, which wasn’t always easy to pull off. So, while she’d lied to her parents before, she was still feeling raw from last night, and she didn’t know if she could do it right now.

  Luckily, her parents were gone. They’d left a note, saying that they’d be back before lunch, so she had about an hour before they got home. She headed to her bedroom and stripped off her clothes, shoving them into her laundry basket.

  Elise looked at the beautiful purple-and-black bra she owned and took a second to mourn the loss of the matching panties she’d somehow misplaced at Luke’s. They were from a boutique store in Denver from several years ago, so they’d be almost impossible to replace. She loved the matching set, and it hadn’t been cheap. This had to be the universe’s way of punishing her.

  Throwing her bra in the hamper, she walked naked to the bathroom since she was alone. She really needed to work on moving out. Elise loved her parents, but she missed having the freedom to do what she wanted, like walk from the bedroom to the bathroom in the nude.

  She turned on the water and got under the hot spray. It felt refreshing to wash the night away. The cleansing was only metaphorical since nothing could erase what she’d done, but it did help her feel better about it.

  She hadn’t had sex for over seven months and had missed it. She was an adult, like Luke had said, and they’d used protection, so she shouldn’t feel ashamed.

  She’d always really liked sex, and the sex she’d had with her ex wasn’t that great. Her and Jason’s love life had been average. He was a nice guy, so he had worked hard to give her an orgasm, but the key words there were worked hard because he’d truly had to sometimes. They both had really. After all, she had been the one actually trying to have an orgasm. She had been the one under pressure.

  Men didn’t know how lucky they were. Pee standing up. Orgasms essential to create life. No bleeding from a part of their body for five days every single month. The feminist in her would like to believe that God was a woman, but let’s face it; the orgasm thing alone proved God was a man. Periods were just icing on the cake.

  Elise put body wash on her loofah and began soaping her body. Her nipples puckered as the abrasive material scraped over them. They were tender from Luke’s mouth after he’d sucked on them over and over. She moaned at the memory. In the privacy of the bathroom, with the hum of the water running, it was easier to let herself think about last night.

  She moved the loofah down her belly and in between her legs. There, she was sore and sensitive, and she used her free hand to examine herself. Her lips were puffy and swollen, and when she slipped a finger inside, she could tell how tender she was. A shiver went up her spine at the memory of how she’d gotten that way.

  She didn’t really know how many times she and Luke had had sex because some of last night still blurred together, but she was pretty sure that she’d climaxed every single time. The kicker of it was that Luke hadn’t even had to try. She knew there was no such thing as premature ejaculation in women, but she’d always kind of liked the idea that a guy had to earn her orgasm. She’d climaxed the first time she put Luke inside her. She’d had to try really hard to hold it at bay. Guys weren’t the only ones who had to think about things like sports and their grandmothers. It was almost humiliating to think that she’d almost come from just one thrust. Premature ejaculation indeed.

  Elise was getting aroused and considered staying in the shower for a little longer to pleasure herself. She couldn’t believe that she was even considering that with the amount of sex and number of orgasms she’d had last night, but apparently, just even thinking about Luke turned her on.

  And that thought—she didn’t like that he had so much power over her—along with the knowledge that her parents would be home soon got her moving, and she finished her shower.

  She got dressed, finding a shirt with a high enough neckline to cover her ridiculous hickey, and was just grabbing some coffee and a late breakfast at the kitchen counter when her parents got home. The door to the garage opened, and Elise’s dad walked in, carrying several bags of groceries. She hurried to set her bowl down and jumped off the stool to grab the sacks.

  “Here, Dad, let me help.”

  Her dad let her take the food with a big sigh. Elise’s mom came in right behind her dad as he exhaled.

  “What’s wrong, Ward?”

  “Your daughter is treating me like I’m an invalid.”

  Elise’s mom regarded her with a questioning look.

  “All I did was take the bags from him, Mom. I hardly think that counts as treating him like an invalid.”

  “Ward,” Elise’s mother said in her mom tone.

  “Suzanne, I’ve been on this planet for over fifty years. I know when I’m being babied. If this cancer doesn’t kill me, then boredom and feeling worthless will.”

  Elise set down the box of mac and cheese she had taken out of one of the bags and walked over to her father. “Dad, it’s just that I love you, and I worry.”

  Her dad smiled. “I know, peanut.”

  “Will it make you feel better if I insist you help Mom put the groceries away while I finish my cereal?”

  Her father nodded and smiled. “I think it will.”

  She kissed her dad on the cheek, and she knew moving back to Minnesota was the best decision she could have made for her family.

  Elise sat down and finished her breakfast while her parents put the food away.

  “Did you have fun last night?” her mom asked.

  “Yeah. I’m glad I went.”

  “We didn’t hear you come home. You must have stayed with Rachel.”

  Elise had just taken a big bite of cereal, thankfully, so all she was able to do was mumble, “Mmhmm.”

  “I’m glad you didn’t drink and drive. And, even though Rachel lives with her boyfriend, I’d rather have you going over there than getting hurt or hurting someone else.”

  “Mom, Rachel and Sean are engaged. They are getting married. Besides, it’s 2017. Living together before marriage is not that big of a deal.”

  Her parents turned to look at her.

  “To some people. It’s not that big of a deal to some people,” she quickly added.

  “Well, it’s still a big deal to us,” her father said. “And I’m finished with my half of the groceries. I’ll be in the den.”

  After her father left the room, her mom said, “Look, honey, your father and I like Rachel, and we always will. It’s just not something we want fo
r you. You shouldn’t live with a man until he’s your husband.”

  Elise nodded her head but said nothing. She’d heard this all before, but it still made her feel like her parents lived in the dark ages, which was why she never told her parents a lot of things she’d done in the past.

  Her mom grabbed the empty grocery sacks, stuffed them under the sink, and then walked over to Elise. She ran her hand down Elise’s hair. “I know you think we’re old-fashioned, but that’s how your father and I were raised, and that’s how we wanted to raise you and your sister.”

  And that was why, when her sister, Kristen, had gotten pregnant, she had gotten married so young and was now having marital problems. But Elise wasn’t going to point that out to her mom. Her parents still wouldn’t understand—or wouldn’t want to understand. They would spin the situation to suit how they viewed the world. Her parents weren’t bad people, just super conservative in their thinking.

  “Sex is meant to be between a husband and wife. It’s how God planned it. I hope you understand.” Her mother kissed her on the forehead. “You’re going to be home tomorrow to go to church with us, right? Maybe now that you’re home, you’ll find a nice man there to marry.”

  Elise only nodded because her last bite of cereal was stuck in her throat. Her mom turned and left the room, and Elise forced her food down.

  If her mother and father knew where she had really stayed last night and what she’d been doing, her mother would be disappointed, and her father wouldn’t even need to worry about cancer killing him because he’d die from shock.

  And forget marrying someone from church. Elise might not be a wild child, but she wasn’t uptight and stuffy either.

  Moving back might have been right for her family, but she needed to find her own place ASAP.

  Elise sat in her office on Monday morning, going over her schedule. As a speech therapist, she saw all different kinds of patients—from young children to adults, from those who had had traumatic brain injuries to those who had had strokes. But one of the nice things was that she saw her patients routinely. She really got to know them and could find out the best way to help because everyone was different, and what might work with one patient might not work with the next.


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