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Dirty Page 7

by R. L. Kenderson

  Was it a coincidence, or did it mean something else?

  Elise was jarred out of her thoughts when the girls started jumping up and down, shouting and yelling at the game. Elise hated to admit it, but she didn’t know all that much about football. She didn’t know exactly what had gotten her friends excited, but she clapped along with them.

  Then, Luke threw a pass to some guy—Elise couldn’t remember his name—and the guy made it into the end zone and scored. She didn’t know much, but she did know how a goal was scored. Sean high-fived Luke and then smacked him on the butt, the two of them grinning and drawing the eyes of the female partygoers.

  “Now, there is one fine specimen of man meat,” Tera said.

  “Who?” Elise asked.

  Probably ten to fifteen guys were playing out there, and part of her—a jealous part—hoped that she wasn’t talking about Luke.

  “Luke,” Tera said with a sigh. “He is so hot.”

  “Oh my God, so hot,” Heidi added.

  Elise mentally winced, prepared to hear about how these females had slept with Luke. She didn’t want to be envious, picturing him with other women, but she was afraid that was exactly what was going to happen. She could already feel herself getting resentful, and it made her uncomfortable. She didn’t want to be jealous, nor did she have a right to be.

  “I agree, and I’m engaged,” Rachel just had to chime in.

  Now, if Elise didn’t say something, they’d think something was up.

  “He’s hot,” Elise agreed. “But he’s kind of a player. At least, he was in college.”

  “Man, I wish,” Tera said. “I’ve been trying to get with him since Rachel introduced me.”

  “Same here. He never takes me up on my offers. And I don’t think I’m being subtle.”

  “What? Are you sure we’re talking about the same person?” Elise asked, shocked.

  “Yes,” Tera and Heidi said at the same time.

  “To be fair, Elise is right. He was a total player back in college, and he still gets around some,” Rachel said. “Now, he doesn’t sleep with just anyone though. He totally would have taken you both up on your offers back then. Now, he stays away from anyone who is friends with Sean and me. Thank God, too. I lost a few friends back in college because Sean’s friends had slept with them and never called them back.”

  “Man, I’m about ten years too late,” Tera said. “Does that mean you slept with him?” she asked Elise.

  “Huh? What?” She hadn’t expected that question. “Oh, you mean, back in college? No, we never had sex back then.” No, instead, she’d had sex with him last month.

  “Damn, I was going to live vicariously through you.”

  “Sorry,” she said with a shrug.

  “So, do you think Luke is more of a McDreamy or a McSteamy?” Tera asked.

  “Ooh…that’s tough because he’s dark like McDreamy, but he’s built more like McSteamy,” Heidi said.

  Elise didn’t understand why they were comparing Luke to the Grey’s Anatomy doctors whom all the females on the show thought were hot. She guessed it was because he was good-looking, like the actors on the show had been.

  “I say McSteamy,” Rachel concluded.

  “Yeah, you’re probably right. Elise?” Tera agreed.

  Elise shrugged. “McSteamy.” She’d always found McSteamy more attractive than McDreamy.

  “Hey, I have to go inside and do a couple of things. I’ll talk to you guys later,” Rachel said. She stepped around them to head for the house.

  Nobody else said anything, and the ladies concentrated on the game while Elise’s thoughts turned inward again.

  She didn’t know what to think about Luke. She was slightly amazed that he hadn’t slept with either Heidi or Tera. And, earlier, when he had turned down Barbie, she’d been surprised. Barbie might have been young and brash, but she was a cute young thing. There is no way Luke would have said no to her back in the day. But he had told her he wouldn’t go there and that the whole situation creeped him out. Maybe Luke had matured more than she gave him credit for.

  Of course, that was when the guys decided to take a break from football. Luke picked up his bottle of water and took several long drags. She stared at his throat as he swallowed. It was tan and sweaty, and she wanted to kiss him there and taste the sweat on his skin.

  As if he knew that she was watching, he put the water down with one last big drink and looked at her. At the same moment, the stereo began to pump out “Inside of You” by Hoobastank, and Luke knowingly smiled at her. As the lyrics continued, he practically mouthed the words as her eyes caressed him. She knew she should look away before someone noticed, but she couldn’t. The words were making her hot. Her breathing became labored as Luke licked his bottom lip and stared at her like he had that night he fucked her. Of course, that part, she remembered perfectly.

  Somebody laughed and broke her trance. She quickly glanced around to see if Tera and Heidi were paying attention, but they were looking at something on someone’s phone next to them. Elise had to use all her willpower to not look at Luke again. She turned and went into the garage to compose herself because she was only so strong. She took a position by the food table in case someone else walked in. Thankfully, although people were in the front yard and right outside the back door, she was alone, so no one asked why she stood there, breathing hard and staring into space.

  Because the music was loud, she didn’t hear Luke approach, but she sensed him through her whole being. She didn’t turn to look at him, but she felt the length of his body almost touch hers, only millimeters separating them. He moved her hair off one shoulder and put his mouth right on her ear where he sang the chorus of the song as it came to a crescendo. She moaned softly because she wanted the same thing as the lead singer of Hoobastank did. As Luke did.

  The words were over, and all that was left was music. Luke pulled his mouth away and pushed her hair back around her shoulder. When the song was done, she turned around, and he was gone.

  Heidi and Tera came through the door.

  “Hey, there you are,” Heidi said. “Are you getting something to eat?”

  “Oh, uh…no, I thought about it, but nothing looks good.”

  “Come back out here then,” Tera said.

  “Oh, sure.” Elise put the plate down she hadn’t even realized she’d picked up. Her fingers ached from where she’d been clutching it.

  “I love the song they just played,” Heidi said when Elise joined them.

  “Oh, me, too. It always gets me in the mood,” Tera said.

  “Same here. Whenever I hear it, I fantasize about a guy singing it to me from the other side of a room as he looks at me like he wants to do me.”

  “Shit, yeah. To know a guy wants you that bad…H-O-T hot,” Tera said.

  “Don’t you agree, Elise?” Heidi asked.

  Elise squeaked out a sound and gave a small nod, unsure if she was actually able to form any words at the moment. Part of her wanted to brag that it had just happened to her from the guy they’d been fawning over earlier, but the other part of her wanted to keep it to herself. For some reason, it made the whole thing hotter that way.

  It was her dirty little secret.

  Suddenly, Elise looked at her new friends and smiled. “I definitely agree.”

  If these ladies only knew what had just happened…

  As if on cue, “Dirty Little Secret” by The All-American Rejects filled the backyard, and Elise laughed.

  After the guys were done playing football, they got out the fireworks and were setting them off in the driveway and on the street. There were certain laws in Minnesota about what kind of fireworks you could have and set off, especially in town. Not that the guys cared about the rules too much. Elise was pretty sure there were a few that would get them in trouble if someone turned them in or if the police drove by. But the neighbors who were outside around Rachel and Sean’s house were pretty much doing the same thing.

  Up until now,
Barbie had been leaving Luke alone. It had helped that he was playing football and then helping Sean grill the burgers and hot dogs they had for dinner.

  But, now, she was marching up to him and holding out her hand for him to look at. A second ago, Barbie had been near a firework that went off. She had squealed and jumped away, startled, but in no way had she looked hurt. Until her eyes had focused on Luke with determination.

  Elise wanted to pull Barbie aside and tell her to lay off the man. Not because Elise was jealous or anything like that, but because it was so obvious that Barbie wanted Luke, and it made her look desperate. Elise had heard a couple of people snicker behind Barbie’s back, and her heart went out to the girl. She remembered what it was like to be young and unsure of herself, and then to add liking a boy on top of that was the worst.

  Molly, Barbie’s older sister, was a few feet away, and her attention was drawn to the situation. Molly’s face fell when she heard one guy’s comment about how, if Luke didn’t want Barbie, then he would screw her, like her little sister was some kind of thing. Molly hurried over to where Luke was inspecting Barbie’s hand and shaking his head, like he didn’t see anything wrong. Molly pulled Barbie away and spoke into her ear. Barbie looked around before hurrying off to run along the side of the house. Molly sighed as her shoulders slumped, obviously frustrated, and ran after her sister.

  Luke walked over to Elise.

  “So, did your admirer have a boo-boo she needed you to look at?” Elise felt bad for Barbie, but she still had to tease Luke a little.

  “She was just fine.”

  “If you say so.”

  Luke ignored her joking. “Are you ready to set off a firecracker?”

  Elise laughed, shaking her head. “No way. I’d probably shoot myself in the face and have to go to the hospital.”

  “No, you won’t. Besides, I’ll help you. I won’t let you get hurt.”

  Elise squinted at him. “What about the fact that it’s illegal?”

  Luke stuck his fingers in his ears. “La-la-la-la-la. I can’t hear you.” He put his hands down. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what you’re talking about. Now, are you going to do this or not?”


  “Wrong answer,” he said, grabbing her hand and pulling her over to the corner of the driveway. He bent over and sifted through the assortment of fireworks there. He grabbed one, stood up with a huge grin on his face, and handed it to her.

  “What am I supposed to do with this?” she asked.

  It was cylinder-shaped, about two inches in diameter, and six inches tall. It did not look small, and she was already worried.

  “Go and set it in the middle of the road, and light it.”

  When she just stood there, he pulled her out to the street, took it out of her hand, and set it down.

  “Now, you have to light it.”

  “Are you sure I won’t get hurt?”

  Luke held up three fingers. “Scout’s honor.”

  She snorted. She doubted he’d ever been a Boy Scout.

  She bent, pulled the tape off of the fuse, and drew it away from the firecracker.

  Luke handed her something. “It’s called a punk.”

  She snatched it from him. “I know what a punk is.”

  He chuckled and raised his eyebrows. “Well, excuse me.”

  Elise lit the firecracker, and then she quickly stood and backed up.

  She made it almost to the sidewalk when Luke pulled her onto the lawn. “Watch out!”

  “Shit!” she screamed as she ducked.

  What kind of firecracker had he given her? That’d teach her to always read the label.

  She heard a pop and turned around. Luke pointed up in the sky to what looked like a parachute.

  Yep, that’s a parachute. Why all the excitement then?

  She turned to Luke, who was stifling a laugh.

  “You are such an ass,” she said as she pushed him, which only made him laugh harder. “You scared me. I thought it had exploded all over.”

  Luke kept on laughing, as did everyone else around him.

  “I hate you. It’s not funny,” she said as she walked away.

  “It’s kind of funny!” he shouted after her.

  She reached Rachel, Tera, and Heidi, who were all giggling but at least looked like they were trying not to.

  Rachel said, “That was hilarious. You should have seen your face. You looked so afraid.”

  “Hardy-har-har. I was terrified. He had me thinking I was going to blow up or something.” She added, “The big jerk,” loud enough for Luke to hear.

  He turned, smiled at her, and winked.

  Elise rolled her eyes.

  Heidi looked at her. “Gurl, did he just wink at you?”

  “Yes, but only because he thinks the stunt he pulled is hilarious.”

  “Uh-huh,” Tera said.

  But it didn’t look like she believed Elise, and Rachel just stared at her but didn’t say anything.

  Elise was done talking about the whole thing, so she changed the subject. “Hey, Rachel, how come Shelly and Joe didn’t come today?”

  “Oh, I forgot to tell you. Shelly is on bed rest these last few weeks of her pregnancy. She was pretty disappointed she couldn’t come. And Joe decided to stay home with her.”

  “Aw, that’s sweet. Tell her hi for me the next time you talk to her.”

  “Will do.”

  Apparently, her changing the subject hadn’t worked too well because all three of her friends were studying her. She didn’t understand what the big deal was. So, Luke had played a joke on her. It wasn’t like it’d meant anything.

  Tired of being scrutinized, she told them, “I’m going to get something to drink.”

  Before heading over to the beverages, Elise went into the house and used the bathroom. She dawdled in there for a bit, needing some time away from people. Everyone was outside, so she was alone—thankfully. Next, she cleaned up some plates and cups that were sitting around the kitchen and living room before heading back to the garage.

  She mixed herself a drink when she realized she could hear voices coming from the backyard. There was so much commotion up front that she hadn’t heard other voices drifting from the opposite direction until that moment.

  Curious, Elise stepped outside, into the back. At first, she didn’t see anyone, but then, off to the right, almost hiding behind the deck rails, were two people sitting down. She stepped closer, suddenly realizing it was Luke and Tera.

  Tera looked up at Elise, and a look flashed across her face that almost appeared to be guilt, but it was gone so soon that Elise thought she might have imagined it. Tera threw her arm in the air and waved Elise over. When she reached them, she stood behind Luke’s chair, so Tera was facing her. She saw that Tera had her leg on Luke’s lap, and he was running his hand down her calf, pausing to squeeze it as he moved his fingers lower.

  “Hey, Elise. Luke here was kind enough to look at my leg. Some dummy shot a bottle rocket, and it slammed into my calf.”

  “How nice of him,” Elise tried to say in a perfectly normal voice.

  But watching him touch Tera like that made her uncomfortable. And, worse, it made her jealous.

  So much for not feeling possessive.

  Luke seemed to be inspecting Tera almost clinically, and he didn’t even look up at Elise. That hurt. Like he didn’t even care that she was watching him touch her.

  She told herself to let it go. But hadn’t he just kissed her several hours ago? And hadn’t he asked her to be his pretend girlfriend? And to rescue him from Barbie? And, after she had, he’d put his arm around her and kissed her cheek, like she was special. And then he’d had the gall to come behind her and sing the naughty lyrics of a song in her ear, as if he really had wanted to get inside her again. And then the joke and the wink? They weren’t boyfriend and girlfriend, but she had thought they were friends. Or was he just using her for his own amusement?

  Normally, Elise prided herself on being pre
tty levelheaded and calm. She got angry and upset like everyone else, but in her line of work, she had really mastered having patience and not showing others when she was mad or distressed.

  But, today, almost as if someone else had taken over her body, Elise took a swig from her big red Solo cup and then proceeded to dump the remains down Luke’s back.

  Luke cursed and jumped up from his chair, knocking Tera’s leg off his lap, and Elise immediately regretted her childish act.

  “Oh my God, I am so sorry,” Elise told him.

  She couldn’t believe she’d done that. She had no claim on Luke. They weren’t in a relationship. She didn’t even think she wanted one.

  What the hell is wrong with me?

  Luke stood, hunched over, back still to her, with his arms out, just standing there and letting the liquid drip off him.

  She wanted him to turn around and look at her, so she could read his face.

  She didn’t get a chance because Sean and Rachel came out from the garage.

  “Tera, Rachel just told me—” He stopped when he saw Luke. “Oh, man, Luke, what in the hell happened to you?” Sean started laughing at his friend.

  “I think Elise got revenge on him for the fireworks thing,” Tera said, giggling.

  “What? No. I didn’t—I mean—it was an accident, okay?”

  Rachel held her hand over her mouth to try to stifle her laugh as Elise shot past her and into the house.

  Elise ran to the bathroom where she quickly grabbed a towel and took it outside to Luke.

  When she got back out there, he was stripping off his shirt, and he still had his head down, so she couldn’t see if he was mad. He took the cloth from her and began drying himself off.

  “Give me your shirt, Luke, so I can throw it in the wash,” Rachel said.

  “It’s okay. I can take it home.”

  “Don’t be silly. Give it to me.”

  Luke handed it over while he dried his head and back. “I’m going to head to my house to change real quick,” he said.

  Because he was broader and larger than Sean, there was no way Luke could wear a shirt that belonged to Sean.

  Luke handed Rachel the towel and took off through the neighbor’s yard, in the direction of his home.


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