The Beach House

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The Beach House Page 5

by JT Harding

  Joe teased Kim, pressing lightly, watching as her ass widened around the head of his cock.

  “Yes,” she gasped and he pressed harder, but what they were attempting was impossible. Kim pushed back against him, pushed hard but the physics were wrong, camels and eyes of needles, so instead he humped against her, his cock lightly touching her ass and when her legs began to collapse he pulled away again and gave her a moment. Kim shivered and he saw she was on the point of coming. He stroked her back, the cheeks of her slim ass, slipped his hand inside her thighs and pulled them open.

  “Fuck me, Joe,” she said.

  “I thought you wanted slow?”

  “Fuck slow. Do me, babe, do me now.”

  Kim lifted her hips in the air. She twisted and turned her back to Joe. His cock was solid and aching, pulsing in time to his rapid heartbeat. He grasped her hips and walked on his knees between her legs, let the tip of his cock rest lightly against the engorged lips of her pussy.

  For the first time since starting he looked at the north window, his higher position allowing him a view across to the other house. He wondered if the blinds hid them from view or not, and realized he didn’t care. The idea of the beautiful stranger seeing them fuck ran like an electric current through his body. He pressed forward and slid inside. Kim gasped once before putting her head down on the edge of the bed and pushing back onto his cock.

  Joe reached around and cupped a breast, aroused at the slickness against his palm as Kim leaked milk. He let a small amount gather in his palm before spreading the warm liquid over her breast and Kim moaned into the covers. Joe kissed her shoulder, stroking steadily into her now, hearing her growing excitement, knowing she was almost ready.

  When he looked up again the woman had come out on the faded porch and was standing with her arms wrapped around the back of her neck. She had changed into a pair of denim shorts and t-shirt, a gap between shorts and top showing her navel, full breasts stretching the top. She was looking out across the beach toward the sea.

  “Don’t stop,” Kim gasped, and Joe realized he had slowed.

  “She’ll see us,” he said.

  Kim lifted her head and saw the woman. Joe paused, waiting for her to turn in their direction.

  “Don’t stop, Joe,” Kim repeated.

  He started to thrust once more, expecting Kim to drop her head again, but she kept it raised, continuing to gaze at the woman. Maybe a hundred feet separated their window from the porch of the other house. Not far.

  Kim tightened around his cock and Joe recognized the signs. She was within seconds of coming.

  The woman lowered her arms, bent at the waist and placed her palms flat on the wooden floor of the porch. She performed the movement easily, naturally, expending no effort. Kim moaned and reached beneath herself, finding Joe’s balls with her palm.

  The woman straightened and shook her shoulders, stepped down off the porch and turned right, toward their house. Her head stayed down until she reached the corner of the porch. As she turned to go behind the house she lifted her eyes and gazed across the gap. She was staring directly into the bedroom window, directly at them. Her expression didn’t change, and Joe was unable to tell if she could see them or not.

  “She’s watching us fuck,” Kim gasped, but didn’t stop, if anything riding back harder against Joe, starting to twitch and gasp as her climax gathered and peaked. “Fuck me, Joe,” she grunted.

  He gripped her hips hard and thrust deep inside.

  “No!” Kim gasped as she shook. “On my ass. Come on my ass, Joe.”

  He pulled out as the first splash of semen erupted from his cock, aimed and let most of his stream splash over Kim’s parted ass, and she jerked and cried out as Joe’s semen sprayed hot against her. Joe watched his seed slide along the crack of her ass as a second stream erupted, and he aimed the jet directly against Kim’s asshole. He looked up, and the woman was still standing beside the house. She had stopped on the corner of the porch, only a hundred feet separating her from their window, and she continued to look across. The idea she was observing them raised conflicting emotions in Joe. Excitement at being watched by her, embarrassment for the same reason. Excitement won and he shot again, arcing harder so the stream of cum spattered along Kim’s back. Her head was up and she too was looking across to the other house, mouth open. She bucked suddenly as a second climax hit her and milk splashed from her right breast and pooled on the sheet.

  Joe finally moved beyond the oblivion of his climax and leaned over Kim, spreading the slippery semen across the cheeks of her ass, pushing some inside her ass with his finger. Kim sank on to her belly, her head to one side, hair plastered around her face and neck.

  “She saw us, Joe,” Kim whispered.

  “I’m not sure.” Joe lay beside her, stroking her back.

  “She did. She could see us. She was watching you come on me.”

  Joe kissed her shoulder. “How do you feel about that, if she was watching?”

  Kim giggled. “Made it special, Joe. Made it really special.”

  Joe looked past Kim’s shoulder as the woman turned away, continued walking along the side of the house to where the rusted fender of a pickup showed. He reached around Kim and cupped her breast, wetness under his hand where she had splashed herself, and pulled her back against his body, wanting more of her.


  Joe tore salad leaves, reached for the small Sabatier from the wooden knife block on the beech worktop, and used it to peel an Avocado. He tossed the soiled knife in the wash-bowl before reaching for the big knife, his favorite because the sleek metal oozed quality and purpose. Joe had always liked quality. Quality was what first attracted him to Kim. The knife sliced the tomatoes without effort, Joe unaware of doing anything. He sliced cucumber as though made of air. He loved this knife, so instead of tossing it after the first he gently washed the ten inch steel blade then dried the metal carefully before slipping the knife back into the slot in the heavy wood block. Behind him he heard Kim snort. He turned to see Ami clasping her breast.

  “What?” he asked.

  “The way you make love to that knife I’m getting worried about you, Joe.”

  “It’s a work of art.”

  She made the snort again. “You know what they say about men and knives.”

  “No, what do they say?”

  Kim used her free hand to make an obscene gesture, reminding Joe of what they had been doing only a few hours before.

  “Yeah, well, you don’t seem to mind a little knife action now and then, I’ve noticed.” He jerked his hips at her.

  Kim laughed, disturbing Ami who grizzled at her interrupted feeding. Kim took the opportunity to change her to the other nipple.

  “You making out you got ten inches as well?” she asked sweetly.

  “Never had any complaints,” Joe said, grinning.

  Kim chuckled and winked at him. “I wonder what that would be like, Joe. A ten inch cock.”

  “Not sure about ten inches,” Joe said. “Four might be more suitable. You’d probably be able to get four inches up your ass.”

  “Oh, Joe!” Kim threw a cup at him, laughing. Joe reached out and snatched it from the air one handed, placed the cup on the worktop.

  “Only thinking of you, babe,” he said.

  Chapter 5

  After lunch was cleared away Joe stretched, cracking joints in his back, and said, “I’m going stir crazy, Kim. I need to get out and do something. You want to come along the beach?”

  Kim shook her head. “I might sunbathe if you don’t mind taking Ami with you so I can get a break?”

  “Sure,” Joe said. “I’d love to take my daughter for a walk. Well a carry, anyway.”

  While Joe found the baby sling and settled Ami, Kim finished putting plates away. Kim disappeared into the bedroom, returning as Joe stood on the porch trying to decide which direction to go. North would take him past the other beach houses and to where the beach was busier – though not so busy this time
of year. If he turned south dunes rose inland and he could walk a mile to where the river cut through to the sea. Ami gurgled against his bare chest, tiny hands waving beneath his chin, trying to reach up to his face. Kim had changed out of t-shirt and shorts into bikini bottoms and a loose, almost transparent throw slung around her waist. She had not bothered with the bikini top, tempting Joe to forget all about his walk and take her straight back inside.

  Truth was he did need to get out so he kissed Kim, slapped her on the butt and said, “Don’t burn,” before striding off across the soft sand.

  He walked down to the edge of the breakers where the sand was firmer under his toes and increased his pace, covering the ground quickly. There was a mile to the point, but it was good to have Ami bouncing gently against his chest, arms and legs waving. Her head turned as she gazed around at everything, and Joe wondered what she saw with those brand new eyes. He hadn’t been sure about this break – thinking he was going to be away from work for too long, but now he was here and the first week was ending, the tension he carried in his shoulders was fading too; the tension he only became aware of through its absence.

  Joe walked along the beach, staying close to the waterline. As he neared the point where the river cut through the dunes he noticed a figure sitting among the sea grass. He thought it was the same woman they had been watching swim, the woman who used, but did not appear to be staying at, the house next door. The woman who may have watched him fuck Kim. Despite this Joe waved, not wanting to appear unfriendly, but whether she didn’t see him, or simply didn’t want to acknowledge his presence, no return signal was offered.

  On his way back Joe slipped Ami from the sling and stood her on the sand, his hands around her small chest, fingers meeting together around her. He walked her to the surf line and watched as she lifted her feet as a wave came in, placed them back when the sand uncovered again. Joe went a little further out and Ami squealed in surprise and delight when foam flecked from a breaker and rolled across her pudgy legs. She lifted them again and laughed, and when the next wave came Joe let the water touch her toes before lifting her high above his head and she squealed even louder. He repeated the motion over and over again, Ami never tiring of the game. Joe hugged her back against his chest and buried his face against the fine hair covering the top of her head, russet blonde like her mother’s. He smelled the sweet baby scent of his daughter, smelled the milky aroma. He hugged her against him, filled with love for this tiny creature that he and Kim had created between them.

  He was still dipping Ami’s toes in the water and throwing her into the air when a voice said, “Hi, you’re staying in the Bradley place, aren’t you?”

  Joe turned to find the mystery woman standing back from the water line. He had been so wrapped up with his daughter he hadn’t heard her approach. Despite the warmth of the afternoon she wore faded jeans with a tear in one knee and an old NYU sweatshirt, and she hugged her arms around herself as though cold. Close up Joe was even more enchanted by how lovely she was. From a distance she looked good; close to she was remarkable. Her hair hung back over her shoulders, long, wavy and unruly, pale brown streaked with almost blonde where the sun had bleached it. Her eyes were a sharp gray, dark gray edging into blue.

  “I didn’t know it was the Bradley place. We call it the beach house.”

  She laughed. “They’re all beach houses.”

  “I guess,” Joe said.

  “How old is she?” the woman asked, indicating Ami who was gurgling contentedly as Joe held her against his chest, her legs kicking up and down.

  “Six months, and a bit.” Joe laughed. “It’s funny. After she was born we knew exactly how many days and hours old she was, then we went to weeks, now it’s months. I might be able to work out the days and hours but we don’t need to anymore. Have you got kids?”

  His question was casual, but he caught a shadow passing behind her eyes as she shook her head. “No, no kids.”

  Joe nodded, not wanting to probe further in what appeared to be a sensitive area. “Do you live around here? I guess you must, I think we’ve seen you every day since we arrived.”

  “I live in town on the other side of the island. I come down to clean the houses when folks leave, keep an eye on them if they’re empty. I use the Harper’s place – next door to you – when they’re not staying. They let me change and use their shower.”

  “You swim every day?” Joe said, more of a statement than a question.

  “Every day I can.”

  “How about in the winter?”

  She nodded. “Then too. I’ve got an old wetsuit I use when the water turns cold. I like swimming.”

  “Me too,” Joe said.

  She nodded, standing barefoot on the edge of the waves, in no hurry to move away.

  Joe found himself looking down at her left hand and said, “You’re married?”

  She caught his glance and lifted her hand, turning it to display the narrow gold band, a slight puzzled look on her face as though she was surprised to see it on her finger.

  “I’m Joe, by the way,” Joe said, and offered his hand, tucking Ami under his other arm where she responded with a loud burp.

  The woman laughed and took his hand, her fingers slim and warm inside his. He held the grip for a moment longer than politeness dictated but she made no move to pull away.

  “I’m Jenni,” she said. “Jenni Adams.”

  “Pleased to meet you Jenni. This disgusting bundle is Ami, and my wife is Kim.”

  “Hello Ami,” Jenni said, leaning down to stare into the child’s bright eyes. Joe was pleased when Jenni didn’t put on a childish voice to speak to Ami. He hated when people reverted to gibberish talking to young kids.

  Ami gurgled some more and reached her miniature, perfect hand out toward Jenni, who allowed the baby’s fingers to close around hers. Ami laughed and gripped Jenni’s index finger tight inside her fist.

  “She’s got you now,” Joe laughed. “Once she’s got that grip you’ll never get away.”

  “I don’t think I want to try,” Jenni said, again an undercurrent of sadness in her voice.

  “Are you going back?” Joe asked. “Because I think you might have to if she doesn’t let go.”

  “I’m going back,” Jenni said. “Do you mind me tagging along?”

  “Mind? What’s to mind?”

  “Well, you don’t know anything about me. Folks are funny with their kids around strangers. I understand that.”

  “Ami’s got good judgment,” Joe said, smiling down at his daughter, fist still wrapped around Jenni’s finger. “Besides, you’re not a stranger. We’ve watched you for a week now.”

  Color flushed Jenni’s cheek and Joe wondered if he had said the wrong thing. He didn’t want her to think they had been spying on her, even if that was exactly what they had been doing.

  “I’ve been watching you too,” she said. “You three are such a perfect unit...”

  “I’m going to walk back,” Joe said. “Come with us.”

  Jenni fell into step beside him, her arm stretched across to allow Ami to continue grasping her finger.

  After fifty yards Jenni laughed and said, “Are we going all the way back like this?”

  It suited Joe. Jenni was forced to walk close if she wanted to keep in contact with Ami, and now and again her leg brushed against his, the unscented smell of her body drifting over him.

  “Do you want to carry her?”

  Jenni stopped unexpectedly and Joe skidded to a halt, but not soon enough to prevent Jenni’s finger slipping from Ami’s grasp. Ami’s eyes went wide and her bottom lip jutted out.

  “Can I?” Jenni asked, her voice almost too quiet to be heard above the soft waves.

  Ami had started to sniffle, and Joe knew a crying fit was being worked up, never entirely sure if Ami meant it or whether she had already calculated the best method of getting her own way.

  “I think you better had if you don’t want to be deafened.” He held Ami out towar
d Jenni.

  Ami, sensing the movement, looked up into Jenni’s eyes and the sniffle died as a slow smile spread across her face. Joe watched as Jenni’s face softened in sympathy and then she was placing her fingers gently around Ami’s small body and Joe transferred her across. Ami laughed. Jenni lifted her and laid her against her breasts and Ami laughed again. Joe saw his daughter bury her mouth against the soft mounds beneath the sweatshirt and start trying to burrow in. Jenni watched her squirm, looked at Joe, embarrassed.

  “She thinks you’re going to feed her,” Joe laughed.

  “Oh God!” Jenni said. “What do I do?”

  “Lift her on your shoulder, unless you want to be dribbled all over. She’ll forget about it once she realizes you’re not going to feed her.”

  Jenni lifted Ami to her shoulder, stroking her back as the sniffle returned. Joe, standing slightly behind, put his hands over his face and then pulled them apart and said, “Boo!” Ami laughed, never tiring of the game, and as Jenni started walking again he fell in behind and repeated the move. Jenni looked over her shoulder at him and grinned, strode on, and Joe took the opportunity to admire the way her ass filled her jeans, at the way it moved in miraculous and wonderful ways. He realized he needed to be careful. He would never cheat on Kim, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t incredibly attracted to this woman. He had to take care and not let slip any hint of those emotions.

  Ami was ecstatic on Jenni’s shoulder, her eyes starting to close, her head resting against Jenni’s neck as her body went loose. Joe speeded up and fell into step beside this vision of a woman.

  “So what does your husband do?” Joe asked. “I can’t remember, did you tell me his name?”

  Jenni shook her head. “No, I didn’t. His name’s Mark. He’s got an auyto-shop in town… most of the time.” Her words lacked emotion, and once more Joe sensed something being held back. Jenni looked down at the loose little body snuggled against her shoulder and her face softened. “She’s perfect,” she whispered. “You are both so lucky.”


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