The Beach House

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The Beach House Page 14

by JT Harding

  They moved on and, after checking over her shoulder to make sure they had gone, Kim whispered, “So that’s the dreadful Mark?”

  “Looks like,” Joe said.

  “What the hell?” Kim said.

  Joe looked at her. “I was thinking exactly the same thing myself.”

  Ami gave a grunt and tried to climb out of the baby seat toward a display of bright cereal. Joe looked down at her and plopped her back into the seat. “You think she’s ready for solids yet?”

  “She better not be,” Kim said. Feeding Ami was one of her secret pleasures, Joe knew.

  “You can still feed her, babe, but I think she might be ready for something more substantial.”

  Kim gave him a stern look. “You think these aren’t substantial enough, Joe?” She crossed her arms under her breasts and lifted them. As usual, she was leaking through her t-shirt but didn’t seem to care if anyone saw.

  Joe laughed, turned serious as they walked on. “I didn’t like him.”

  “Surprise, surprise,” Kim said, her voice low so as not to carry beyond the aisle. “You’ve only been aching to fuck his wife all week. Did you expect to like him?”

  “Yeah, well.” Joe flushed. “Even so, I still don’t like him. He doesn’t appreciate what he’s got.”

  “I know she’s beautiful, inside and out, and I love her as much as you, Joe, but we’ll be going home in a few weeks. What did you think was going to happen, did you really think we were going to ask her to come home with us?” Even though Kim had expressed exactly that same thought, now it seemed as though she was backing away from the idea.

  Joe studied the cartons of milk, making a show of deciding which one they should buy.

  Kim stopped and put her hands on her narrow hips. “You did, didn’t you.”

  He glanced at her. “Did what, babe?”

  Kim stared at him. “You want to ask her to come back with us, don’t you?”

  “Of course not. Besides, it was you put the idea in my head.”

  Kim continued to stare at him, her head to one side. Ami leaned forward and tugged at a bag of nappies, trying to lift them into her lap, totally absorbed in the task.

  “You really do want to,” Kim said.

  Joe turned away, went in search of coffee. Kim left Ami in the trolley and followed.

  “For fuck’s sake, Joe, I appreciate her as much as you do, but what the hell are you thinking?”

  He sighed and stopped pretending he was trying to decide between Columbian or Java ground. “It was only an idea, Kim. Your idea,” he stressed.

  She stared at him, said, “I wasn’t serious, Joe. You do realize that, don’t you? I wanted your cock in my ass and I was out of control. Wow. She’s bowled you over, hasn’t she?”

  Joe shook his head.

  “Should I be worried?” Kim asked, her voice taking on a steely edge.

  “Of course not,” Joe said. “You’re the only one I love, babe.”

  Kim stared hard at him. “Jesus. I need to think about this. It was a joke, Joe. Something to turn you on. Turn us both on.”

  She turned away and went to the trolley, took the pack of razor blades from Ami who had pulled them from the Aladdin’s cave of goodies in the trolley. She pushed the trolley past Joe, staring hard at him as she went and after she passed Joe turned and followed, his head down. He tried hard to think what to say, because Kim was right. When she had raised the idea, joke or not, though he hadn’t thought she was joking when she said it, the idea had burned into his brain. He had been thinking ever since about what life could be like, what it would mean if Jenni came back with them to New York. He might pretend to himself they were helping her find work, helping her find an apartment, but in his heart Joe knew he wanted her with them. He wanted the three of them to live together, a unit, a triad of love and lust. He didn’t want to lose Kim, but he didn’t want to give up Jenni either. He knew the decision was not his to make, not Kim’s, although he was convinced she wanted Jenni as much as he did. Kim would accept Jenni because he had seen the way she acted with her, as enamored by her as he was himself. It would be up to Jenni. Was she able to push past the sense of guilt and worthlessness her husband had instilled in her and make the break? He wanted to think she was capable of making the decision, but he didn’t know, not for sure.

  He followed behind Kim, watching her shoulders tense and a thought crystallized in his mind. Kim was pissed because he had caught her out. She wanted Jenni with them as well. Her apparent touchiness was a front to mask her true feelings. Joe knew Kim too well for her to hide something this huge from him, and as he pushed the trolley and Ami smiled up at him he grinned back and gave her a big wink.


  Friday night Joe lay naked in bed watching Kim undress and said, “I don’t know if I should ask this or not, but why are we not having sex anymore?”

  Kim stopped with her panties off one leg but still on the other. She looked at Joe. “I want to wait.”

  “What if I don’t?”

  “It’ll be worth it.” Kim dropped her panties and crossed to the bed in all her glorious nakedness. Joe got hard just looking, harder because he had not come since Sunday. Kim had to be feeling the same because if anything she wanted sex even more often than he did.

  Automatically Joe lifted his arm and Kim snuggled underneath, her hot body pressing against him causing his cock to fill even more. His erection was obvious, tenting the thin sheet.

  “I’m not being cruel, babe. You know what we’re waiting for, don’t you?”

  “Jenni,” Joe said. They had talked about her all week, Kim’s reluctance in the super-mart completely gone.

  Kim nodded against Joe and laid her hand on his chest, her fingertips idly playing with the sparse hairs growing along the center.

  “Do you think she’s going to come back?”

  “I don’t know,” Kim said. “I really don’t know.”

  “How long are we going to wait before you let me fuck you?”

  Kim laughed against him. “Sunday, Joe. If Jenni doesn’t come round tomorrow you can fuck me Sunday. You can even try my ass again if you want, it’s stopped hurting now.”

  Joe kissed her brow. “I’m not gonna hurt you that way again.”

  She kissed him back and wriggled, her body softening as it relaxed. “I wish I wasn’t so tight. I really want you to fuck my ass, Joe. Maybe now we know we can do it we can try again, keep trying till we get it right.”

  “I’m not sure, babe. I don’t mind if we don’t.”

  “I know you don’t mind, but I do. The idea of you fucking my ass turns me on so much. Turned me on, when we did, even if it did hurt like hell. I’ll never forget that, Joe, even if it’s our only time ever.”

  “There’s plenty else we can do.” Joe had loved the act as well, the thing they had both wanted for so long and had begun to believe was not possible. When Kim had opened to him, even if for a moment, he had been unbelievably turned on. No wonder he’d come so fast.

  “We won’t wait till Sunday,” Kim said. “If she doesn’t come round tomorrow you can come all over me.” Kim grinned, thinking about how much she would enjoy that as well. She pulled loose from his arm and rolled away. Joe followed, hugging her close, his body sensitive to every minute touch of her skin.

  “We’re kind of assuming Jenni’s going to want this too, aren’t we?”

  “She wants it,” Kim said. “She wants it as much as we do.”

  “So we’re okay on this now? No jealousy?”

  “Not from me,” Kim said. “How about you?”

  “Me? Why would I be jealous? I’d be getting every man’s fantasy.”

  “Suppose I discovered I liked women more than men? How would you feel?”

  Joe was silent for a while. Finally he said, “Is that likely?”

  “I don’t suppose,” Kim said. “But you do have to admit she is one hot package.”


  “It’s your turn tonight, isn’t
it?” Kim asked.

  Joe nodded against her shoulder. “Afraid so.”

  “Good. The bottle’s in the fridge. Ten seconds in the microwave and test it first.”

  “I know.”

  “Just in case.”

  “I know.” Joe kissed her shoulder, hoping his boner would go down before Ami woke him at three for a feed. She always slept well, but three was her regular ungodly hour to drag her parents from sleep; that deep, dark sleep of the small hours.

  Chapter 14

  Jenni drove down to the back of the Harper place, pulling in at her usual spot. Her breath came too fast, her entire body vibrating. When she lifted her hands from the wheel they shook. Not only nerves, though that was a large part; it was more than nerves, more than a single emotion running through her veins. In fact, nerves were at the bottom of the pile. At the top, sitting raw, red and rampant sat her lust.

  Jenni closed her eyes, listening to the inner voice for a moment. Yes, it spoke loudly. She arched her back and pushed against the vinyl seat. She had gone deliberately through her wardrobe that morning, and although a casual glance would not reveal it she had chosen both items she wore as carefully as if going to a prom. One ragged tank top and one pair of even older cut-off denims. The denims she hadn’t taken out in almost ten years. They were faded almost white, a tear in the back showing a crescent of bare ass. She wore nothing beneath, nor beneath the top which was also faded pale. She was surprised they fitted; barely fitted. Both bordered on too small, exactly the effect she wanted. As she pressed down against the seat the thick seam on the denims pushed against her pussy and she almost purred with the wave of pleasure it sent coursing out from her loins. Thank God the material was heavy enough to mask her arousal; anything finer would already be giving away her secret with a large damp stain. Her nipples stiffened against the thin cotton and Jenni knew they were obvious to anyone who looked. She was hoping someone was going to look.

  After Mark left for work and she had cleared the breakfast plates she showered in their tiny bathroom. Afterward, taking one of Mark’s disposable razors and sitting on the edge of the bath, she had carefully trimmed the hair from around her labia. She had drawn the blade higher, shaving away the edges of her pubic hair, each stroke edging closer to removing everything until she had to stop herself, not yet ready for the complete package like Kim, but even the little she removed had almost caused her to come. It was not merely the sensation of the sharp blade running over her pussy lips or the touch of her fingers as she massaged the shaving foam in, but the idea, the taboo nature, to her, of what she was doing. The shakes had started before she finished, almost preventing her completing the task her hand was trembling so much. She had rinsed herself with the shower head, biting down on her lip as water pulsed against her pussy and she forced herself to turn the spray off. She had wanted to come so much she had almost given in. She had to wait. Kim and Joe would make her come. She wanted that completely, wanted that more than anything.

  Letting her breath out all at once Jenni opened the squealing pickup door and walked barefoot around the house. It was late September with not a single change over today so Jenni was early. Kim and Joe were the only people still in residence in the dozen large beach houses spread along this piece of shoreline. The air was cooler as the heat of summer leaked away, but the sea would still be warm if they ever got as far as swimming today. Jenni carried a small plastic bag containing her mismatched bikini and the beautiful jersey dress Kim had loaned her. Jenni had tried to make herself wait, not wanting them to sense her desperation but by eleven she had cleaned the kitchen three times and gone back into the bathroom twice with the intention of removing the rest of her bush and had decided she had to get out, go down to the beach house and whatever fate awaited her there.

  Jenni had forced herself to stay away all week, hoping Mark’s anger and suspicion might fade, wondering if her own infatuation was shallow enough to be dismissed. Almost wishing the feelings raging inside would leave and she could return to her life – lousy as it was. She had waited for the fresh bruises to fade, waited for sanity to reassert itself, but although the dark shadows left her skin the lust remained and eventually she knew she had to return to this house on the beach, return to the couple she wanted, the couple she needed, whatever the outcome was going to be.

  The seam along the crotch of her jeans rubbed against clean pussy lips with every step she took and Jenni allowed her awareness to focus there at last. God, she hoped she hadn’t misread their intentions. She mentally shook herself. No, of course she hadn’t. How would they react to her slutty appearance, she wondered? Even after the words both had spoken to her, after the things Kim had done to her, Jenni lacked faith in her looks and her body, failed to see what was glaringly obvious to everyone other than Mark.


  Joe sat on the porch bouncing Ami on his lap. His daughter was unsettled today, a new tooth popping through, her gum sore. They had rubbed Dr Shepherds on her gum which had helped a little, but she was still out of sorts. She had woken Joe at two that morning and again at five and he was woozy from lack of sleep.

  Ami stopped making the little moaning noise she had been practicing for the last hour and when Joe glanced up to discover what had distracted her he saw Jenni walking across the gap between the houses. His breath stopped, guilt surging through him as he grew instantly hard, the response feeling wrong with his daughter standing on his legs but it was nothing he could stop, a pure reaction. Jenni looked unbelievable. She waved and Joe balanced Ami and lifted one hand and waved back, gripped Ami’s wrist and waved her hand as well. Jenni stopped below the porch, grinning. She stuck her hands in the back pockets of the cut-off jeans, a move designed to push her hips forward and breasts out. How in hell she managed to get her hands in the pockets Joe didn’t know, because if they were any tighter she’d be wearing them inside her skin. The legs had been cut roughly as though with a knife, strands of denim hanging down against her thighs. The waistband scooped low, displaying a stretch of tanned skin between the bottom of her tank top and the start of the copper buttons running down the front of the shorts. The denim tugged tightly between Jenni’s legs, outlining the full lips of her pussy. The thin tank top failed enchantingly to hide the peaks of her nipples and it was more than obvious she wore no bra beneath. One strap was torn half through, drifting down off her shoulder.

  “Ah!” Ami cried, holding her arms out and the look on Jenni’s beautiful face changed, the heat of lust fading to be replaced by joy and she reached up over the porch rail as Joe handed Ami over. Legs bicycled and Ami grabbed Jenni’s hair, pulling hard enough to hurt but Jenni only hugged her against her shoulder and kissed her head.

  “We’ve missed you this week,” Joe said. “Has everything been okay?”

  Jenni nodded. “Mark’s been a bit wired. He kept asking about you after we met in the super-mart.”

  “What did you tell him?”

  “The truth,” Jenni said, staring into his eyes.

  “The truth?”

  “Sure. You’re renting the beach house. I see you around. That’s the truth, isn’t it?”

  “Ah,” Joe said. “That truth.”

  “Yeah, that one”

  “How long can you stay?” Joe gazed back at her, wondering if the hunger showed in his eyes as it showed in Jenni’s.

  “Same as last week. Mark’ll be bowling so I can stay for dinner. If I’m invited that is.” Jenni’s cheeks flushed and for a moment she appeared embarrassed at her assumption.

  “Of course you’re invited.”

  “Don’t you need to ask Kim?” Jenni came up on the porch and sat in one of the bleached wooden chairs across from Joe. Kim wriggled against her front and put a pudgy hand directly against her breast. It was all just something to play with as far as she was concerned.

  “We talked,” Joe said. “Stay as long as you like. Whenever you like.” He watched as Ami grabbed the neck of Jenni’s tank top and tugged downward, revealing the s
oft upper swell of her breasts, the deep valley of her cleavage. He let his eyes drift openly over her body, down to her thighs. She had lifted one leg over the arm of the chair as though wanting to display herself to him, and the movement stretched the denim so tight he glimpsed the outer edges of her labia peeking out. He stared, a jolt of arousal rushing through him as he saw she was completely free of hair. He wondered if it was uncomfortable; the jeans way too small, way too tight to be anything other than uncomfortable. Not that he was complaining.


  Jenni and Joe started as the screen door slammed. Kim caught the look on Joe’s face as he stared at Jenni and smiled. Jenni’s neck and chest was flushed pink and she went back to playing with Ami to cover her obvious arousal.

  “What’s wrong with her today? She’s not herself.” Kim heard Jenni cough in an attempt to clear the lust from her voice.

  “She’s teething.” Kim sat next to Joe and brushed her hand against his arm. She wore bikini pants and the blue cover-up but no bikini top, and as the wind caught and lifted the feather-light material her breasts appeared uncloaked, then re-covered but still visible.

  “Poor little thing.” Jenni hugged Ami to her.

  Kim laughed. “You wouldn’t say that if you had those tooth stumps gnawing at your tits. God, she’s going to need feeding again soon.”

  “I’ll give her a bottle,” Joe said. “You don’t need to be a martyr.”

  Kim smiled gratefully. “I think I might just let you.”

  “Can I?” Jenni asked, shyly. “I’d like to feed her.”

  “Sure,” Kim said. “Are you and Joe going swimming? Did you bring your stuff?”


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